]> Dogcows Code - chaz/p5-CGI-Ex/blob - lib/CGI/Ex/Validate.pm
CGI::Ex 2.32
[chaz/p5-CGI-Ex] / lib / CGI / Ex / Validate.pm
1 package CGI::Ex::Validate;
3 ###---------------------###
4 # See the perldoc in CGI/Ex/Validate.pod
5 # Copyright 2008 - Paul Seamons
6 # Distributed under the Perl Artistic License without warranty
8 use strict;
9 use Carp qw(croak);
11 our $VERSION = '2.32';
12 our $QR_EXTRA = qr/^(\w+_error|as_(array|string|hash)_\w+|no_\w+)/;
13 our @UNSUPPORTED_BROWSERS = (qr/MSIE\s+5.0\d/i);
14 our $JS_URI_PATH;
17 sub new {
18 my $class = shift || croak "Usage: ".__PACKAGE__."->new";
19 my $self = ref($_[0]) ? shift : {@_};
20 return bless $self, $class;
21 }
23 sub cgix { shift->{'cgix'} ||= do { require CGI::Ex; CGI::Ex->new } }
25 sub validate {
26 my $self = (! ref($_[0])) ? shift->new # $class->validate
27 : UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__) ? shift # $self->validate
28 : __PACKAGE__->new; # CGI::Ex::Validate::validate
29 my ($form, $val_hash, $what_was_validated) = @_;
31 die "Invalid form hash or cgi object" if ! $form || ! ref $form;
32 $form = $self->cgix->get_form($form) if ref $form ne 'HASH';
34 my ($fields, $ARGS) = $self->get_ordered_fields($val_hash);
35 return if ! @$fields;
37 return if $ARGS->{'validate_if'} && ! $self->check_conditional($form, $ARGS->{'validate_if'});
39 # Finally we have our arrayref of hashrefs that each have their 'field' key
40 # now lets do the validation
41 $self->{'was_checked'} = {};
42 $self->{'was_valid'} = {};
43 $self->{'had_error'} = {};
44 my $found = 1;
45 my @errors;
46 my $hold_error; # hold the error for a moment - to allow for an "OR" operation
47 my %checked;
48 foreach (my $i = 0; $i < @$fields; $i++) {
49 my $ref = $fields->[$i];
50 if (! ref($ref) && $ref eq 'OR') {
51 $i++ if $found; # if found skip the OR altogether
52 $found = 1; # reset
53 next;
54 }
55 $found = 1;
56 my $field = $ref->{'field'} || die "Missing field key during normal validation";
57 if (! $checked{$field}++) {
58 $self->{'was_checked'}->{$field} = 1;
59 $self->{'was_valid'}->{$field} = 1;
60 $self->{'had_error'}->{$field} = 0;
61 }
62 local $ref->{'was_validated'} = 1;
63 my $err = $self->validate_buddy($form, $field, $ref);
64 if ($ref->{'was_validated'} && $what_was_validated) {
65 push @$what_was_validated, $ref;
66 } else {
67 $self->{'was_valid'}->{$field} = 0;
68 }
70 # test the error - if errors occur allow for OR - if OR fails use errors from first fail
71 if ($err) {
72 $self->{'was_valid'}->{$field} = 0;
73 $self->{'had_error'}->{$field} = 0;
74 if ($i < $#$fields && ! ref($fields->[$i + 1]) && $fields->[$i + 1] eq 'OR') {
75 $hold_error = $err;
76 } else {
77 push @errors, $hold_error ? @$hold_error : @$err;
78 $hold_error = undef;
79 }
80 } else {
81 $hold_error = undef;
82 }
83 }
84 push(@errors, @$hold_error) if $hold_error; # allow for final OR to work
86 # optionally check for unused keys in the form
87 if ($ARGS->{no_extra_fields} || $self->{no_extra_fields}) {
88 my %keys = map { ($_->{'field'} => 1) } @$fields;
89 foreach my $key (sort keys %$form) {
90 next if $keys{$key};
91 push @errors, [$key, 'no_extra_fields', {}, undef];
92 }
93 }
95 if (@errors) {
96 my @copy = grep {/$QR_EXTRA/o} keys %$self;
97 @{ $ARGS }{@copy} = @{ $self }{@copy};
98 unshift @errors, $ARGS->{'title'} if $ARGS->{'title'};
99 my $err_obj = $self->new_error(\@errors, $ARGS);
100 die $err_obj if $ARGS->{'raise_error'};
101 return $err_obj;
102 }
104 return; # success
105 }
107 sub get_ordered_fields {
108 my ($self, $val_hash) = @_;
110 die "Missing validation hash" if ! $val_hash;
111 if (ref $val_hash ne 'HASH') {
112 $val_hash = $self->get_validation($val_hash) if ref $val_hash ne 'SCALAR' || ! ref $val_hash;
113 die "Validation groups must be a hashref" if ref $val_hash ne 'HASH';
114 }
116 my %ARGS;
117 my @field_keys = grep { /^(?:group|general)\s+(\w+)/
118 ? do {$ARGS{$1} = $val_hash->{$_} ; 0}
119 : 1 } sort keys %$val_hash;
121 # Look first for items in 'group fields' or 'group order'
122 my $fields;
123 if (my $ref = $ARGS{'fields'} || $ARGS{'order'}) {
124 my $type = $ARGS{'fields'} ? 'group fields' : 'group order';
125 die "Validation '$type' must be an arrayref when passed" if ! UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'ARRAY');
126 foreach my $field (@$ref) {
127 die "Non-defined value in '$type'" if ! defined $field;
128 if (ref $field) {
129 die "Found nonhashref value in '$type'" if ref($field) ne 'HASH';
130 die "Element missing \"field\" key/value in '$type'" if ! defined $field->{'field'};
131 push @$fields, $field;
132 } elsif ($field eq 'OR') {
133 push @$fields, 'OR';
134 } else {
135 die "No element found in '$type' for $field" if ! exists $val_hash->{$field};
136 die "Found nonhashref value in '$type'" if ref($val_hash->{$field}) ne 'HASH';
137 my $val = $val_hash->{$field};
138 $val = {%$val, field => $field} if ! $val->{'field'}; # copy the values to add the key
139 push @$fields, $val;
140 }
141 }
143 # limit the keys that need to be searched to those not in fields or order
144 my %found = map { ref($_) ? ($_->{'field'} => 1) : () } @$fields;
145 @field_keys = grep { ! $found{$_} } @field_keys;
146 }
148 # add any remaining field_vals from our original hash
149 # this is necessary for items that weren't in group fields or group order
150 foreach my $field (@field_keys) {
151 die "Found nonhashref value for field $field" if ref($val_hash->{$field}) ne 'HASH';
152 if (defined $val_hash->{$field}->{'field'}) {
153 push @$fields, $val_hash->{$field};
154 } else {
155 push @$fields, { %{$val_hash->{$field}}, field => $field };
156 }
157 }
159 return ($fields || [], \%ARGS);
160 }
162 sub new_error {
163 my $self = shift;
164 return CGI::Ex::Validate::Error->new(@_);
165 }
167 ### allow for optional validation on groups and on individual items
168 sub check_conditional {
169 my ($self, $form, $ifs, $ifs_match) = @_;
170 die "Need reference passed to check_conditional" if ! $ifs;
171 $ifs = [$ifs] if ! ref($ifs) || UNIVERSAL::isa($ifs,'HASH');
173 local $self->{'_check_conditional'} = 1;
175 # run the if options here
176 # multiple items can be passed - all are required unless OR is used to separate
177 my $found = 1;
178 foreach (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$ifs; $i ++) {
179 my $ref = $ifs->[$i];
180 if (! ref $ref) {
181 if ($ref eq 'OR') {
182 $i ++ if $found; # if found skip the OR altogether
183 $found = 1; # reset
184 next;
185 } else {
186 if ($ref =~ /^function\s*\(/) {
187 next;
188 } elsif ($ref =~ /^(.*?)\s+(was_valid|had_error|was_checked)$/) {
189 $ref = {field => $1, $2 => 1};
190 } elsif ($ref =~ s/^\s*!\s*//) {
191 $ref = {field => $ref, max_in_set => "0 of $ref"};
192 } else {
193 $ref = {field => $ref, required => 1};
194 }
195 }
196 }
197 last if ! $found;
199 # get the field - allow for custom variables based upon a match
200 my $field = $ref->{'field'} || die "Missing field key during validate_if (possibly used a reference to a main hash *foo -> &foo)";
201 $field =~ s/\$(\d+)/defined($ifs_match->[$1]) ? $ifs_match->[$1] : ''/eg if $ifs_match;
203 my $errs = $self->validate_buddy($form, $field, $ref);
204 $found = 0 if $errs;
205 }
206 return $found;
207 }
210 ### this is where the main checking goes on
211 sub validate_buddy {
212 my ($self, $form, $field, $field_val, $ifs_match) = @_;
213 local $self->{'_recurse'} = ($self->{'_recurse'} || 0) + 1;
214 die "Max dependency level reached 10" if $self->{'_recurse'} > 10;
215 my @errors;
217 if ($field_val->{'exclude_cgi'}) {
218 delete $field_val->{'was_validated'};
219 return 0;
220 }
222 # allow for field names that contain regular expressions
223 if ($field =~ m/^(!\s*|)m([^\s\w])(.*)\2([eigsmx]*)$/s) {
224 my ($not,$pat,$opt) = ($1,$3,$4);
225 $opt =~ tr/g//d;
226 die "The e option cannot be used on validation keys on field $field" if $opt =~ /e/;
227 foreach my $_field (sort keys %$form) {
228 next if ($not && $_field =~ m/(?$opt:$pat)/) || (! $not && $_field !~ m/(?$opt:$pat)/);
229 my @match = (undef, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5); # limit to the matches
230 my $errs = $self->validate_buddy($form, $_field, $field_val, \@match);
231 push @errors, @$errs if $errs;
232 }
233 return @errors ? \@errors : 0;
234 }
236 if ($field_val->{'was_valid'} && ! $self->{'was_valid'}->{$field}) { return [[$field, 'was_valid', $field_val, $ifs_match]]; }
237 if ($field_val->{'had_error'} && ! $self->{'had_error'}->{$field}) { return [[$field, 'had_error', $field_val, $ifs_match]]; }
238 if ($field_val->{'was_checked'} && ! $self->{'was_checked'}->{$field}) { return [[$field, 'was_checked', $field_val, $ifs_match]]; }
240 # allow for default value
241 if (defined($field_val->{'default'})
242 && (!defined($form->{$field})
243 || (UNIVERSAL::isa($form->{$field},'ARRAY') ? !@{ $form->{$field} } : !length($form->{$field})))) {
244 $form->{$field} = $field_val->{'default'};
245 }
247 my $values = UNIVERSAL::isa($form->{$field},'ARRAY') ? $form->{$field} : [$form->{$field}];
248 my $n_values = @$values;
250 # allow for a few form modifiers
251 my $modified = 0;
252 foreach my $value (@$values) {
253 next if ! defined $value;
254 if (! $field_val->{'do_not_trim'}) { # whitespace
255 $modified = 1 if $value =~ s/( ^\s+ | \s+$ )//xg;
256 }
257 if ($field_val->{'trim_control_chars'}) {
258 $modified = 1 if $value =~ y/\t/ /;
259 $modified = 1 if $value =~ y/\x00-\x1F//d;
260 }
261 if ($field_val->{'to_upper_case'}) { # uppercase
262 $value = uc $value;
263 $modified = 1;
264 } elsif ($field_val->{'to_lower_case'}) { # lowercase
265 $value = lc $value;
266 $modified = 1;
267 }
268 }
270 my %types;
271 foreach (sort keys %$field_val) {
272 push @{$types{$1}}, $_ if /^ (compare|custom|equals|match|max_in_set|min_in_set|replace|required_if|sql|type|validate_if) _?\d* $/x;
273 }
275 # allow for inline specified modifications (ie s/foo/bar/)
276 if ($types{'replace'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'replace'} }) {
277 my $ref = UNIVERSAL::isa($field_val->{$type},'ARRAY') ? $field_val->{$type}
278 : [split(/\s*\|\|\s*/,$field_val->{$type})];
279 foreach my $rx (@$ref) {
280 if ($rx !~ m/^\s*s([^\s\w])(.+)\1(.*)\1([eigsmx]*)$/s) {
281 die "Not sure how to parse that replace ($rx)";
282 }
283 my ($pat, $swap, $opt) = ($2, $3, $4);
284 die "The e option cannot be used in swap on field $field" if $opt =~ /e/;
285 my $global = $opt =~ s/g//g;
286 $swap =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
287 my $expand = sub { # code similar to Template::Alloy::VMethod::vmethod_replace
288 my ($text, $start, $end) = @_;
289 my $copy = $swap;
290 $copy =~ s{ \\(\\|\$) | \$ (\d+) }{
291 $1 ? $1
292 : ($2 > $#$start || $2 == 0) ? ''
293 : substr($text, $start->[$2], $end->[$2] - $start->[$2]);
294 }exg;
295 $modified = 1;
296 $copy;
297 };
298 foreach my $value (@$values) {
299 if ($global) { $value =~ s{(?$opt:$pat)}{ $expand->($value, [@-], [@+]) }eg }
300 else { $value =~ s{(?$opt:$pat)}{ $expand->($value, [@-], [@+]) }e }
301 }
302 }
303 } }
304 $form->{$field} = $values->[0] if $modified && $n_values == 1; # put them back into the form if we have modified it
306 # only continue if a validate_if is not present or passes test
307 my $needs_val = 0;
308 my $n_vif = 0;
309 if ($types{'validate_if'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'validate_if'} }) {
310 $n_vif++;
311 my $ifs = $field_val->{$type};
312 my $ret = $self->check_conditional($form, $ifs, $ifs_match);
313 $needs_val++ if $ret;
314 } }
315 if (! $needs_val && $n_vif) {
316 delete $field_val->{'was_validated'};
317 return 0;
318 }
320 # check for simple existence
321 # optionally check only if another condition is met
322 my $is_required = $field_val->{'required'} ? 'required' : '';
323 if (! $is_required) {
324 if ($types{'required_if'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'required_if'} }) {
325 my $ifs = $field_val->{$type};
326 next if ! $self->check_conditional($form, $ifs, $ifs_match);
327 $is_required = $type;
328 last;
329 } }
330 }
331 if ($is_required
332 && ($n_values == 0 || ($n_values == 1 && (! defined($values->[0]) || ! length $values->[0])))) {
333 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
334 return [[$field, $is_required, $field_val, $ifs_match]];
335 }
337 my $n = exists($field_val->{'min_values'}) ? $field_val->{'min_values'} || 0 : 0;
338 if ($n_values < $n) {
339 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
340 return [[$field, 'min_values', $field_val, $ifs_match]];
341 }
343 $field_val->{'max_values'} = 1 if ! exists $field_val->{'max_values'};
344 $n = $field_val->{'max_values'} || 0;
345 if ($n_values > $n) {
346 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
347 return [[$field, 'max_values', $field_val, $ifs_match]];
348 }
350 foreach ([min => $types{'min_in_set'}],
351 [max => $types{'max_in_set'}]) {
352 my $keys = $_->[1] || next;
353 my $minmax = $_->[0];
354 foreach my $type (@$keys) {
355 $field_val->{$type} =~ m/^\s*(\d+)(?i:\s*of)?\s+(.+)\s*$/
356 || die "Invalid ${minmax}_in_set check $field_val->{$type}";
357 my $n = $1;
358 foreach my $_field (split /[\s,]+/, $2) {
359 my $ref = UNIVERSAL::isa($form->{$_field},'ARRAY') ? $form->{$_field} : [$form->{$_field}];
360 foreach my $_value (@$ref) {
361 $n -- if defined($_value) && length($_value);
362 }
363 }
364 if ( ($minmax eq 'min' && $n > 0)
365 || ($minmax eq 'max' && $n < 0)) {
366 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
367 return [[$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match]];
368 }
369 }
370 }
372 # at this point @errors should still be empty
373 my $content_checked; # allow later for possible untainting (only happens if content was checked)
375 foreach my $value (@$values) {
377 if (exists $field_val->{'enum'}) {
378 my $ref = ref($field_val->{'enum'}) ? $field_val->{'enum'} : [split(/\s*\|\|\s*/,$field_val->{'enum'})];
379 my $found = 0;
380 foreach (@$ref) {
381 $found = 1 if defined($value) && $_ eq $value;
382 }
383 if (! $found) {
384 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
385 push @errors, [$field, 'enum', $field_val, $ifs_match];
386 }
387 $content_checked = 1;
388 }
390 # field equals another field
391 if ($types{'equals'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'equals'} }) {
392 my $field2 = $field_val->{$type};
393 my $not = ($field2 =~ s/^!\s*//) ? 1 : 0;
394 my $success = 0;
395 if ($field2 =~ m/^([\"\'])(.*)\1$/) {
396 my $test = $2;
397 $success = (defined($value) && $value eq $test);
398 } elsif (exists($form->{$field2}) && defined($form->{$field2})) {
399 $success = (defined($value) && $value eq $form->{$field2});
400 } elsif (! defined($value)) {
401 $success = 1; # occurs if they are both undefined
402 }
403 if ($not ? $success : ! $success) {
404 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
405 push @errors, [$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match];
406 }
407 $content_checked = 1;
408 } }
410 if (exists $field_val->{'min_len'}) {
411 my $n = $field_val->{'min_len'};
412 if (! defined($value) || length($value) < $n) {
413 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
414 push @errors, [$field, 'min_len', $field_val, $ifs_match];
415 }
416 }
418 if (exists $field_val->{'max_len'}) {
419 my $n = $field_val->{'max_len'};
420 if (defined($value) && length($value) > $n) {
421 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
422 push @errors, [$field, 'max_len', $field_val, $ifs_match];
423 }
424 }
426 # now do match types
427 if ($types{'match'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'match'} }) {
428 my $ref = UNIVERSAL::isa($field_val->{$type},'ARRAY') ? $field_val->{$type}
429 : UNIVERSAL::isa($field_val->{$type}, 'Regexp') ? [$field_val->{$type}]
430 : [split(/\s*\|\|\s*/,$field_val->{$type})];
431 foreach my $rx (@$ref) {
432 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($rx,'Regexp')) {
433 if (! defined($value) || $value !~ $rx) {
434 push @errors, [$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match];
435 }
436 } else {
437 if ($rx !~ m/^(!\s*|)m([^\s\w])(.*)\2([eigsmx]*)$/s) {
438 die "Not sure how to parse that match ($rx)";
439 }
440 my ($not, $pat, $opt) = ($1, $3, $4);
441 $opt =~ tr/g//d;
442 die "The e option cannot be used on validation keys on field $field" if $opt =~ /e/;
443 if ( ( $not && ( defined($value) && $value =~ m/(?$opt:$pat)/))
444 || (! $not && (! defined($value) || $value !~ m/(?$opt:$pat)/)) ) {
445 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
446 push @errors, [$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match];
447 }
448 }
449 }
450 $content_checked = 1;
451 } }
453 # allow for comparison checks
454 if ($types{'compare'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'compare'} }) {
455 my $ref = UNIVERSAL::isa($field_val->{$type},'ARRAY') ? $field_val->{$type}
456 : [split(/\s*\|\|\s*/,$field_val->{$type})];
457 foreach my $comp (@$ref) {
458 next if ! $comp;
459 my $test = 0;
460 if ($comp =~ /^\s*(>|<|[><!=]=)\s*([\d\.\-]+)\s*$/) {
461 my $val = $value || 0;
462 $val *= 1;
463 if ($1 eq '>' ) { $test = ($val > $2) }
464 elsif ($1 eq '<' ) { $test = ($val < $2) }
465 elsif ($1 eq '>=') { $test = ($val >= $2) }
466 elsif ($1 eq '<=') { $test = ($val <= $2) }
467 elsif ($1 eq '!=') { $test = ($val != $2) }
468 elsif ($1 eq '==') { $test = ($val == $2) }
470 } elsif ($comp =~ /^\s*(eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le)\s+(.+?)\s*$/) {
471 my $val = defined($value) ? $value : '';
472 my ($op, $value2) = ($1, $2);
473 $value2 =~ s/^([\"\'])(.*)\1$/$2/;
474 if ($op eq 'gt') { $test = ($val gt $value2) }
475 elsif ($op eq 'lt') { $test = ($val lt $value2) }
476 elsif ($op eq 'ge') { $test = ($val ge $value2) }
477 elsif ($op eq 'le') { $test = ($val le $value2) }
478 elsif ($op eq 'ne') { $test = ($val ne $value2) }
479 elsif ($op eq 'eq') { $test = ($val eq $value2) }
481 } else {
482 die "Not sure how to compare \"$comp\"";
483 }
484 if (! $test) {
485 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
486 push @errors, [$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match];
487 }
488 }
489 $content_checked = 1;
490 } }
492 # server side sql type
493 if ($types{'sql'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'sql'} }) {
494 my $db_type = $field_val->{"${type}_db_type"};
495 my $dbh = ($db_type) ? $self->{dbhs}->{$db_type} : $self->{dbh};
496 if (! $dbh) {
497 die "Missing dbh for $type type on field $field" . ($db_type ? " and db_type $db_type" : "");
498 } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($dbh,'CODE')) {
499 $dbh = &$dbh($field, $self) || die "SQL Coderef did not return a dbh";
500 }
501 my $sql = $field_val->{$type};
502 my @args = ($value) x $sql =~ tr/?//;
503 my $return = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, {}, @args); # is this right - copied from O::FORMS
504 $field_val->{"${type}_error_if"} = 1 if ! defined $field_val->{"${type}_error_if"};
505 if ( (! $return && $field_val->{"${type}_error_if"})
506 || ($return && ! $field_val->{"${type}_error_if"}) ) {
507 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
508 push @errors, [$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match];
509 }
510 $content_checked = 1;
511 } }
513 # server side custom type
514 if ($types{'custom'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'custom'} }) {
515 my $check = $field_val->{$type};
516 next if UNIVERSAL::isa($check, 'CODE') ? &$check($field, $value, $field_val, $type) : $check;
517 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
518 push @errors, [$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match];
519 $content_checked = 1;
520 } }
522 # do specific type checks
523 if ($types{'type'}) { foreach my $type (@{ $types{'type'} }) {
524 if (! $self->check_type($value,$field_val->{'type'},$field,$form)){
525 return [] if $self->{'_check_conditional'};
526 push @errors, [$field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match];
527 }
528 $content_checked = 1;
529 } }
530 }
532 # allow for the data to be "untainted"
533 # this is only allowable if the user ran some other check for the datatype
534 if ($field_val->{'untaint'} && $#errors == -1) {
535 if (! $content_checked) {
536 push @errors, [$field, 'untaint', $field_val, $ifs_match];
537 } else {
538 # generic untainter - assuming the other required content_checks did good validation
539 $_ = /(.*)/ ? $1 : die "Couldn't match?" foreach @$values;
540 if ($n_values == 1) {
541 $form->{$field} = $values->[0];
542 }
543 }
544 }
546 # all done - time to return
547 return @errors ? \@errors : 0;
548 }
550 ###---------------------###
552 ### used to validate specific types
553 sub check_type {
554 my ($self, $value, $type) = @_;
556 if ($type eq 'email') {
557 return 0 if ! $value;
558 my ($local_p,$dom) = ($value =~ /^(.+)\@(.+?)$/) ? ($1,$2) : return 0;
559 return 0 if length($local_p) > 60;
560 return 0 if length($dom) > 100;
561 return 0 if ! $self->check_type($dom,'domain') && ! $self->check_type($dom,'ip');
562 return 0 if ! $self->check_type($local_p,'local_part');
564 # the "username" portion of an email address - sort of arbitrary
565 } elsif ($type eq 'local_part') {
566 return 0 if ! defined($value) || ! length($value);
567 # ignoring all valid quoted string local parts
568 return 0 if $value =~ m/[^\w.~!\#\$%\^&*\-=+?]/;
570 # standard IP address
571 } elsif ($type eq 'ip') {
572 return 0 if ! $value;
573 return (4 == grep {!/\D/ && $_ < 256} split /\./, $value, 4);
575 # domain name - including tld and subdomains (which are all domains)
576 } elsif ($type eq 'domain') {
577 return 0 if ! $value || length($value) > 255;
578 return 0 if $value !~ /^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,62} \.)+ [a-z]{1,63}$/ix
579 || $value =~ m/(\.\-|\-\.|\.\.)/;
581 # validate a url
582 } elsif ($type eq 'url') {
583 return 0 if ! $value;
584 $value =~ s|^https?://([^/]+)||i || return 0;
585 my $dom = $1;
586 return 0 if ! $self->check_type($dom,'domain') && ! $self->check_type($dom,'ip');
587 return 0 if $value && ! $self->check_type($value,'uri');
589 # validate a uri - the path portion of a request
590 } elsif ($type eq 'URI') {
591 return 0 if ! $value;
592 return 0 if $value =~ m/\s+/;
594 } elsif ($type eq 'CC') {
595 return 0 if ! $value;
596 return 0 if $value =~ /[^\d\-\ ]/;
597 $value =~ s/\D//g;
598 return 0 if length($value) > 16 || length($value) < 13;
600 # simple mod10 check
601 my $sum = 0;
602 my $switch = 0;
603 foreach my $digit (reverse split //, $value) {
604 $switch = 1 if ++$switch > 2;
605 my $y = $digit * $switch;
606 $y -= 9 if $y > 9;
607 $sum += $y;
608 }
609 return 0 if $sum % 10;
611 }
613 return 1;
614 }
616 ###---------------------###
618 sub get_validation {
619 my ($self, $val) = @_;
620 require CGI::Ex::Conf;
621 return CGI::Ex::Conf::conf_read($val, {html_key => 'validation', default_ext => 'val'});
622 }
624 ### returns all keys from all groups - even if group has validate_if
625 sub get_validation_keys {
626 my ($self, $val_hash, $form) = @_; # with optional form - will only return keys in validated groups
628 if ($form) {
629 die "Invalid form hash or cgi object" if ! ref $form;
630 $form = $self->cgix->get_form($form) if ref $form ne 'HASH';
631 }
633 my ($fields, $ARGS) = $self->get_ordered_fields($val_hash);
634 return {} if ! @$fields;
635 return {} if $form && $ARGS->{'validate_if'} && ! $self->check_conditional($form, $ARGS->{'validate_if'});
636 return {map { $_->{'field'} = $_->{'name'} || 1 } @$fields};
637 }
639 ###---------------------###
641 sub generate_js {
642 return "<!-- JS validation not supported in this browser $_ -->"
645 my $self = shift;
646 my $val_hash = shift || croak "Missing validation hash";
647 if (ref $val_hash ne 'HASH') {
648 $val_hash = $self->get_validation($val_hash) if ref $val_hash ne 'SCALAR' || ! ref $val_hash;
649 croak "Validation groups must be a hashref" if ref $val_hash ne 'HASH';
650 }
652 my ($args, $form_name, $js_uri_path);
653 croak "Missing args or form_name" if ! $_[0];
654 if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
655 $args = shift;
656 } else {
657 ($args, $form_name, $js_uri_path) = ({}, @_);
658 }
660 $form_name ||= $args->{'form_name'} || croak 'Missing form_name';
661 $js_uri_path ||= $args->{'js_uri_path'};
663 my $js_uri_path_validate = $JS_URI_PATH_VALIDATE || do {
664 croak 'Missing js_uri_path' if ! $js_uri_path;
665 "$js_uri_path/CGI/Ex/validate.js";
666 };
668 require CGI::Ex::JSONDump;
669 my $json = CGI::Ex::JSONDump->new({pretty => 1})->dump($val_hash);
670 return qq{<script src="$js_uri_path_validate"></script>
671 <script>
672 document.validation = $json;
673 if (document.check_form) document.check_form("$form_name");
674 </script>
675 };
676 }
678 sub generate_form {
679 my ($self, $val_hash, $form_name, $args) = @_;
680 ($args, $form_name) = ($form_name, undef) if ref($form_name) eq 'HASH';
682 my ($fields, $ARGS) = $self->get_ordered_fields($val_hash);
683 $args = {%{ $ARGS->{'form_args'} || {}}, %{ $args || {} }};
685 my $cols = ($args->{'no_inline_error'} || ! $args->{'columns'} || $args->{'columns'} != 3) ? 2 : 3;
686 $args->{'div'} ||= "<div class=\"form_div\">\n";
687 $args->{'open'} ||= "<form name=\"\$form_name\" id=\"\$form_name\" method=\"\$method\" action=\"\$action\"\$extra_form_attrs>\n";
688 $args->{'form_name'} ||= $form_name || 'the_form_'.int(rand * 1000);
689 $args->{'action'} ||= '';
690 $args->{'method'} ||= 'POST';
691 $args->{'submit'} ||= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".($args->{'submit_name'} || 'Submit')."\">";
692 $args->{'header'} ||= "<table class=\"form_table\">\n";
693 $args->{'header'} .= " <tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"$cols\">\$title</th></tr>\n" if $args->{'title'};
694 $args->{'footer'} ||= " <tr class=\"submit_row\"><th colspan=\"2\">\$submit</th></tr>\n</table>\n";
695 $args->{'row_template'} ||= " <tr class=\"\$oddeven\" id=\"\$field_row\">\n"
696 ." <td class=\"field\">\$name</td>\n"
697 ." <td class=\"input\">\$input"
698 . ($cols == 2
699 ? ($args->{'no_inline_error'} ? '' : "<br /><span class=\"error\" id=\"\$field_error\">[% \$field_error %]</span></td>\n")
700 : "</td>\n <td class=\"error\" id=\"\$field_error\">[% \$field_error %]</td>\n")
701 ." </tr>\n";
703 my $js = ! defined($args->{'use_js_validation'}) || $args->{'use_js_validation'};
705 $args->{'css'} = ".odd { background: #eee }\n"
706 . ".form_div { width: 40em; }\n"
707 . ".form_div td { padding:.5ex;}\n"
708 . ".form_div label { width: 10em }\n"
709 . ".form_div .error { color: darkred }\n"
710 . "table { border-spacing: 0px }\n"
711 . ".submit_row { text-align: right }\n"
712 if ! defined $args->{'css'};
714 my $txt = ($args->{'css'} ? "<style>\n$args->{'css'}\n</style>\n" : '') . $args->{'div'} . $args->{'open'} . $args->{'header'};
715 s/\$(form_name|title|method|action|submit|extra_form_attrs)/$args->{$1}/g foreach $txt, $args->{'footer'};
716 my $n = 0;
717 foreach my $field (@$fields) {
718 my $input;
719 my $type = $field->{'htype'} ? $field->{'htype'} : $field->{'field'} =~ /^pass(?:|wd|word|\d+|_\w+)$/i ? 'password' : 'text';
720 if ($type eq 'hidden') {
721 $txt .= "$input\n";
722 next;
723 } elsif ($type eq 'textarea' || $field->{'rows'} || $field->{'cols'}) {
724 my $r = $field->{'rows'} ? " rows=\"$field->{'rows'}\"" : '';
725 my $c = $field->{'cols'} ? " cols=\"$field->{'cols'}\"" : '';
726 my $w = $field->{'wrap'} ? " wrap=\"$field->{'wrap'}\"" : '';
727 $input = "<textarea name=\"$field->{'field'}\" id=\"$field->{'field'}\"$r$c$w></textarea>";
728 } elsif ($type eq 'radio' || $type eq 'checkbox') {
729 my $e = $field->{'enum'} || [];
730 my $l = $field->{'label'} || $e;
731 my $I = @$e > @$l ? $#$e : $#$l;
732 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $I; $i++) {
733 my $_e = $e->[$i];
734 $_e =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
735 $input .= "<div class=\"option\"><input type=\"$type\" name=\"$field->{'field'}\" id=\"$field->{'field'}_$i\" value=\"$_e\">"
736 .(defined($l->[$i]) ? $l->[$i] : '')."</div>\n";
737 }
738 } elsif ($type eq 'select' || $field->{'enum'} || $field->{'label'}) {
739 $input = "<select name=\"$field->{'field'}\" id=\"$field->{'field'}\">\n";
740 my $e = $field->{'enum'} || [];
741 my $l = $field->{'label'} || $e;
742 my $I = @$e > @$l ? $#$e : $#$l;
743 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $I; $i++) {
744 $input .= " <option".(defined($e->[$i]) ? " value=\"".do { my $_e = $e->[$i]; $_e =~ s/\"/&quot;/g; $_e }.'"' : '').">"
745 .(defined($l->[$i]) ? $l->[$i] : '')."</option>\n";
746 }
747 $input .= "</select>\n";
748 } else {
749 my $s = $field->{'size'} ? " size=\"$field->{'size'}\"" : '';
750 my $m = $field->{'maxlength'} || $field->{'max_len'}; $m = $m ? " maxlength=\"$m\"" : '';
751 $input = "<input type=\"$type\" name=\"$field->{'field'}\" id=\"$field->{'field'}\"$s$m value=\"\" />";
752 }
754 $n++;
755 my $copy = $args->{'row_template'};
756 my $name = $field->{'field'};
757 $name = $field->{'name'} || do { $name =~ tr/_/ /; $name =~ s/\b(\w)/\u$1/g; $name };
758 $name = "<label for=\"$field->{'field'}\">$name</label>";
759 $copy =~ s/\$field/$field->{'field'}/g;
760 $copy =~ s/\$name/$name/g;
761 $copy =~ s/\$input/$input/g;
762 $copy =~ s/\$oddeven/$n % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'/eg;
763 $txt .= $copy;
764 }
765 $txt .= $args->{'footer'} . ($args->{'close'} || "</form>\n") . ($args->{'div_close'} || "</div>\n");
766 if ($js) {
767 local @{ $val_hash }{('general form_args', 'group form_args')};
768 delete @{ $val_hash }{('general form_args', 'group form_args')};
769 $txt .= $self->generate_js($val_hash, $args);
770 }
771 return $txt;
772 }
774 ###---------------------###
775 ### How to handle errors
777 package CGI::Ex::Validate::Error;
779 use strict;
780 use overload '""' => \&as_string;
782 sub new {
783 my ($class, $errors, $extra) = @_;
784 die "Missing or invalid errors arrayref" if ref $errors ne 'ARRAY';
785 die "Missing or invalid extra hashref" if ref $extra ne 'HASH';
786 return bless {errors => $errors, extra => $extra}, $class;
787 }
789 sub as_string {
790 my $self = shift;
791 my $extra = $self->{extra} || {};
792 my $extra2 = shift || {};
794 # allow for formatting
795 my $join = defined($extra2->{as_string_join}) ? $extra2->{as_string_join}
796 : defined($extra->{as_string_join}) ? $extra->{as_string_join}
797 : "\n";
798 my $header = defined($extra2->{as_string_header}) ? $extra2->{as_string_header}
799 : defined($extra->{as_string_header}) ? $extra->{as_string_header} : "";
800 my $footer = defined($extra2->{as_string_footer}) ? $extra2->{as_string_footer}
801 : defined($extra->{as_string_footer}) ? $extra->{as_string_footer} : "";
803 return $header . join($join, @{ $self->as_array($extra2) }) . $footer;
804 }
806 sub as_array {
807 my $self = shift;
808 my $errors = $self->{errors} || die "Missing errors";
809 my $extra = $self->{extra} || {};
810 my $extra2 = shift || {};
812 my $title = defined($extra2->{as_array_title}) ? $extra2->{as_array_title}
813 : defined($extra->{as_array_title}) ? $extra->{as_array_title}
814 : "Please correct the following items:";
816 # if there are heading items then we may end up needing a prefix
817 my $has_headings;
818 if ($title) {
819 $has_headings = 1;
820 } else {
821 foreach (@$errors) {
822 next if ref;
823 $has_headings = 1;
824 last;
825 }
826 }
828 my $prefix = defined($extra2->{as_array_prefix}) ? $extra2->{as_array_prefix}
829 : defined($extra->{as_array_prefix}) ? $extra->{as_array_prefix}
830 : $has_headings ? ' ' : '';
832 # get the array ready
833 my @array = ();
834 push @array, $title if length $title;
836 # add the errors
837 my %found = ();
838 foreach my $err (@$errors) {
839 if (! ref $err) {
840 push @array, $err;
841 %found = ();
842 } else {
843 my $text = $self->get_error_text($err);
844 next if $found{$text};
845 $found{$text} = 1;
846 push @array, "$prefix$text";
847 }
848 }
850 return \@array;
851 }
853 sub as_hash {
854 my $self = shift;
855 my $errors = $self->{errors} || die "Missing errors";
856 my $extra = $self->{extra} || {};
857 my $extra2 = shift || {};
859 my $suffix = defined($extra2->{as_hash_suffix}) ? $extra2->{as_hash_suffix}
860 : defined($extra->{as_hash_suffix}) ? $extra->{as_hash_suffix} : '_error';
861 my $join = defined($extra2->{as_hash_join}) ? $extra2->{as_hash_join}
862 : defined($extra->{as_hash_join}) ? $extra->{as_hash_join} : '<br />';
864 my %found;
865 my %return;
866 foreach my $err (@$errors) {
867 next if ! ref $err;
869 my ($field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match) = @$err;
870 die "Missing field name" if ! $field;
871 if ($field_val->{delegate_error}) {
872 $field = $field_val->{delegate_error};
873 $field =~ s/\$(\d+)/defined($ifs_match->[$1]) ? $ifs_match->[$1] : ''/eg if $ifs_match;
874 }
876 my $text = $self->get_error_text($err);
877 next if $found{$field}->{$text};
878 $found{$field}->{$text} = 1;
880 $field .= $suffix;
881 push @{ $return{$field} }, $text;
882 }
884 if ($join) {
885 my $header = defined($extra2->{as_hash_header}) ? $extra2->{as_hash_header}
886 : defined($extra->{as_hash_header}) ? $extra->{as_hash_header} : "";
887 my $footer = defined($extra2->{as_hash_footer}) ? $extra2->{as_hash_footer}
888 : defined($extra->{as_hash_footer}) ? $extra->{as_hash_footer} : "";
889 foreach my $key (keys %return) {
890 $return{$key} = $header . join($join,@{ $return{$key} }) . $footer;
891 }
892 }
894 return \%return;
895 }
897 ### return a user friendly error message
898 sub get_error_text {
899 my $self = shift;
900 my $err = shift;
901 my $extra = $self->{extra} || {};
902 my ($field, $type, $field_val, $ifs_match) = @$err;
903 my $dig = ($type =~ s/(_?\d+)$//) ? $1 : '';
904 my $type_lc = lc($type);
906 # allow for delegated field names - only used for defaults
907 if ($field_val->{delegate_error}) {
908 $field = $field_val->{delegate_error};
909 $field =~ s/\$(\d+)/defined($ifs_match->[$1]) ? $ifs_match->[$1] : ''/eg if $ifs_match;
910 }
912 # the the name of this thing
913 my $name = $field_val->{'name'};
914 $name = "The field $field" if ! $name && ($field =~ /\W/ || ($field =~ /\d/ && $field =~ /\D/));
915 if (! $name) {
916 $name = $field;
917 $name =~ tr/_/ /;
918 $name =~ s/\b(\w)/\u$1/g;
919 }
920 $name =~ s/\$(\d+)/defined($ifs_match->[$1]) ? $ifs_match->[$1] : ''/eg if $ifs_match;
922 # type can look like "required" or "required2" or "required100023"
923 # allow for fallback from required100023_error through required_error
925 # look in the passed hash or self first
926 my $return;
927 foreach my $key ((length($dig) ? "${type}${dig}_error" : ()), "${type}_error", 'error') {
928 $return = $field_val->{$key} || $extra->{$key} || next;
929 $return =~ s/\$(\d+)/defined($ifs_match->[$1]) ? $ifs_match->[$1] : ''/eg if $ifs_match;
930 $return =~ s/\$field/$field/g;
931 $return =~ s/\$name/$name/g;
932 if (my $value = $field_val->{"$type$dig"}) {
933 $return =~ s/\$value/$value/g if ! ref $value;
934 }
935 last;
936 }
938 # set default messages
939 if (! $return) {
940 if ($type eq 'required' || $type eq 'required_if') {
941 $return = "$name is required.";
943 } elsif ($type eq 'min_values') {
944 my $n = $field_val->{"min_values${dig}"};
945 my $values = ($n == 1) ? 'value' : 'values';
946 $return = "$name had less than $n $values.";
948 } elsif ($type eq 'max_values') {
949 my $n = $field_val->{"max_values${dig}"};
950 my $values = ($n == 1) ? 'value' : 'values';
951 $return = "$name had more than $n $values.";
953 } elsif ($type eq 'enum') {
954 $return = "$name is not in the given list.";
956 } elsif ($type eq 'equals') {
957 my $field2 = $field_val->{"equals${dig}"};
958 my $name2 = $field_val->{"equals${dig}_name"} || "the field $field2";
959 $name2 =~ s/\$(\d+)/defined($ifs_match->[$1]) ? $ifs_match->[$1] : ''/eg if $ifs_match;
960 $return = "$name did not equal $name2.";
962 } elsif ($type eq 'min_len') {
963 my $n = $field_val->{"min_len${dig}"};
964 my $char = ($n == 1) ? 'character' : 'characters';
965 $return = "$name was less than $n $char.";
967 } elsif ($type eq 'max_len') {
968 my $n = $field_val->{"max_len${dig}"};
969 my $char = ($n == 1) ? 'character' : 'characters';
970 $return = "$name was more than $n $char.";
972 } elsif ($type eq 'max_in_set') {
973 my $set = $field_val->{"max_in_set${dig}"};
974 $return = "Too many fields were chosen from the set ($set)";
976 } elsif ($type eq 'min_in_set') {
977 my $set = $field_val->{"min_in_set${dig}"};
978 $return = "Not enough fields were chosen from the set ($set)";
980 } elsif ($type eq 'match') {
981 $return = "$name contains invalid characters.";
983 } elsif ($type eq 'compare') {
984 $return = "$name did not fit comparison.";
986 } elsif ($type eq 'sql') {
987 $return = "$name did not match sql test.";
989 } elsif ($type eq 'custom') {
990 $return = "$name did not match custom test.";
992 } elsif ($type eq 'type') {
993 my $_type = $field_val->{"type${dig}"};
994 $return = "$name did not match type $_type.";
996 } elsif ($type eq 'untaint') {
997 $return = "$name cannot be untainted without one of the following checks: enum, equals, match, compare, sql, type, custom";
999 } elsif ($type eq 'no_extra_fields') {
1000 $return = "$name should not be passed to validate.";
1001 }
1002 }
1004 die "Missing error on field $field for type $type$dig" if ! $return;
1005 return $return;
1007 }
1009 1;
1011 ### See the perldoc in CGI/Ex/Validate.pod
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