name = File-KDBX author = Charles McGarvey copyright_holder = Charles McGarvey copyright_year = 2022 license = Perl_5 [@Author::CCM] Test::CleanNamespaces.skip[0] = ::Util|::KDF::AES$ RepoReadme.type = gfm [Prereqs / RuntimeRequires] ; File-KDBX depends on Time::Local indirectly (through Time::Piece), and ; version 1.19 is required to handle 2999-12-31 23:59:59. Time::Local = 1.19 Crypt::Cipher::AES = 0 Crypt::Stream::ChaCha = 0.048 Crypt::Stream::Salsa20 = 0.055 [Prereqs / RuntimeRecommends] File::Spec = 0 [Prereqs / RuntimeSuggests] ; These are some non-standard ciphers which KeePass can support with plugins: Crypt::Stream::Twofish = 0 Crypt::Stream::Serpent = 0.055 [Prereqs / TestSuggests] ; For t/memory-protection.t: POSIX::1003 = 0 [OptionalFeature / xs] -description = speed improvements (requires C compiler) -prompt = 0 -always_recommend = 1 File::KDBX::XS = 0 [OptionalFeature / compression] -description = ability to read and write compressed KDBX files -prompt = 0 -always_recommend = 1 Compress::Raw::Zlib = 0 IO::Compress::Gzip = 0 IO::Uncompress::Gunzip = 0 [OptionalFeature / otp] -description = ability to generate one-time passwords from configured database entries -prompt = 0 -always_recommend = 1 Pass::OTP = 0 ; ; I'd like to suggest File::KeePass::KDBX, but that would create a circular ; dependency. If/when there exists a post-install recommendations key, we can ; use that. ; [OptionalFeature / kdb] ; -description = ability to read and write old KDB files ; -prompt = 0 ; -always_suggests = 1 ; File::KeePass = 0 ; File::KeePass::KDBX = 0 [Prereqs::Soften / BreakCycle] to_relationship = none module = File::KeePass module = File::KeePass::KDBX [Prereqs::Soften / ProgressiveEnhancement] to_relationship = none ; File::KDBX::XS, which is recommended, provides the same functionality as B::COW module = B::COW [Prereqs::Soften / NotARealModule] to_relationship = none ; Iterator::Simple is the actual loadable module module = Iterator::Simple::Iterator [Prereqs::Soften] modules_from_features = 1 [Encoding] encoding = bytes matches = \.(key|kdbx?)$