]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - cwmcc/client_props.c
[chaz/openbox] / cwmcc / client_props.c
1 #include "cwmcc_internal.h"
2 #include "atom.h"
3 #include "prop.h"
4 #include "client_props.h"
5 #include "render/render.h"
7 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
8 #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H
9 # include <string.h>
10 #endif
12 void cwmcc_client_get_protocols(Window win, Atom **protocols)
13 {
14 gulong num;
16 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_protocols),
17 CWMCC_ATOM(type, atom), protocols, &num)) {
18 g_warning("Failed to read WM_PROTOCOLS from 0x%lx", win);
19 *protocols = NULL;
20 }
21 }
23 void cwmcc_client_set_protocols(Window win, Atom *protocols)
24 {
25 gulong n;
26 Atom *a;
28 for (a = protocols, n = 0; *a; ++a, ++n);
29 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_state),
30 CWMCC_ATOM(type, atom), 32, PropModeReplace,
31 (guchar*)protocols, n);
32 }
34 void cwmcc_client_get_wm_state(Window win, gulong *state)
35 {
36 if (!prop_get32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_state),
37 CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_state), state)) {
38 g_warning("Failed to read WM_STATE from 0x%lx", win);
39 *state = NormalState;
40 }
41 }
43 void cwmcc_client_set_wm_state(Window win, gulong state)
44 {
45 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_state),
46 CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_state), 32, PropModeReplace,
47 (guchar*)&state, 1);
48 }
50 void cwmcc_client_get_name(Window win, char **name)
51 {
52 if (!prop_get_string_utf8(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_name), name))
53 if (!prop_get_string_locale(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_name), name)) {
54 g_warning("Failed to read a name from 0x%lx", win);
55 *name = g_strdup("Unnamed Window");
56 }
57 }
59 void cwmcc_client_set_name(Window win, char *name)
60 {
61 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_name),
62 CWMCC_ATOM(type, utf8), 32, PropModeReplace,
63 (guchar*)name, strlen(name));
64 }
66 void cwmcc_client_get_icon_name(Window win, char **name)
67 {
68 if (!prop_get_string_utf8(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_icon_name), name))
69 if (!prop_get_string_locale(win,
70 CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_icon_name), name)) {
71 g_warning("Failed to read an icon name from 0x%lx", win);
72 *name = g_strdup("Unnamed Window");
73 }
74 }
76 void cwmcc_client_set_icon_name(Window win, char *name)
77 {
78 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_icon_name),
79 CWMCC_ATOM(type, utf8), 32, PropModeReplace,
80 (guchar*)name, strlen(name));
81 }
83 void cwmcc_client_get_class(Window win, char **class, char **name)
84 {
85 char **s;
87 if (!prop_get_strings_locale(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_class), &s)) {
88 g_warning("Failed to read WM_CLASS from 0x%lx", win);
89 *class = g_strdup("");
90 *name = g_strdup("");
91 } else {
92 if (!s[0]) {
93 g_warning("Failed to read class element of WM_CLASS from 0x%lx",
94 win);
95 *class = g_strdup("");
96 } else
97 *class = g_strdup(s[0]);
98 if (!s[0] || !s[1]) {
99 g_warning("Failed to read name element of WM_CLASS from 0x%lx",
100 win);
101 *name = g_strdup("");
102 } else
103 *name = g_strdup(s[1]);
104 }
105 g_strfreev(s);
106 }
108 void cwmcc_client_get_role(Window win, char **role)
109 {
110 if (!prop_get_string_locale(win,
111 CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_window_role), role)) {
112 g_warning("Failed to read WM_WINDOW_ROLE from 0x%lx", win);
113 *role = g_strdup("");
114 }
115 }
117 void cwmcc_client_get_mwmhints(Window win, struct Cwmcc_MwmHints *hints)
118 {
119 gulong *l = NULL, num;
121 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, motif_wm_hints),
122 CWMCC_ATOM(client, motif_wm_hints), &l, &num)) {
123 g_warning("Failed to read Motif WM Hints from 0x%lx", win);
124 hints->flags = 0;
125 } else if (num < 3) {
126 g_warning("Read incomplete Motif WM Hints from 0x%lx", win);
127 hints->flags = 0;
128 } else {
129 hints->flags = l[0];
130 hints->functions = l[1];
131 hints->decorations = l[2];
132 }
133 g_free(l);
134 }
136 void cwmcc_client_get_desktop(Window win, gulong *desk)
137 {
138 if (!prop_get32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_desktop),
139 CWMCC_ATOM(type, cardinal), desk)) {
140 g_warning("Failed to read NET_WM_DESKTOP from 0x%lx", win);
141 *desk = 0;
142 }
143 }
145 void cwmcc_client_set_desktop(Window win, gulong desk)
146 {
147 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_desktop),
148 CWMCC_ATOM(type, cardinal), 32, PropModeReplace,
149 (guchar*)&desk, 1);
150 }
152 void cwmcc_client_get_type(Window win, gulong **types)
153 {
154 gulong num;
156 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_window_type),
157 CWMCC_ATOM(type, atom), types, &num)) {
158 g_warning("Failed to read NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE from 0x%lx", win);
159 *types = g_new(Atom, 2);
160 (*types)[0] = CWMCC_ATOM(data, net_wm_window_type_normal);
161 (*types)[1] = 0;
162 }
163 }
165 void cwmcc_client_set_type(Window win, gulong *types)
166 {
167 gulong n;
168 gulong *t;
170 for (t = types, n = 0; *t; ++t, ++n);
171 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_state),
172 CWMCC_ATOM(type, atom), 32, PropModeReplace,
173 (guchar*)types, n);
174 }
176 void cwmcc_client_get_state(Window win, gulong **states)
177 {
178 gulong num;
180 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_state),
181 CWMCC_ATOM(type, atom), states, &num)) {
182 g_warning("Failed to read NET_WM_STATE from 0x%lx", win);
183 *states = g_new(Atom, 1);
184 (*states)[0] = 0;
185 }
186 }
188 void cwmcc_client_set_state(Window win, gulong *states)
189 {
190 gulong n;
191 gulong *s;
193 for (s = states, n = 0; *s; ++s, ++n);
194 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, wm_state),
195 CWMCC_ATOM(type, atom), 32, PropModeReplace,
196 (guchar*)states, n);
197 }
199 void cwmcc_client_get_strut(Window win, int *l, int *t, int *r, int *b)
200 {
201 gulong *data = NULL, num;
203 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_strut),
204 CWMCC_ATOM(type, cardinal), &data, &num)) {
205 g_warning("Failed to read NET_WM_STRUT from 0x%lx", win);
206 *l = *t = *r = *b = 0;
207 } else if (num != 4) {
208 g_warning("Read invalid NET_WM_STRUT from 0x%lx", win);
209 *l = *t = *r = *b = 0;
210 } else {
211 *l = data[0];
212 *r = data[1];
213 *t = data[2];
214 *b = data[3];
215 }
216 g_free(data);
217 }
219 static void convert_pixmap_to_icon(Pixmap pix, Pixmap mask,
220 struct Cwmcc_Icon *icon)
221 {
222 /*
223 guint pw, ph, mw, mh, depth;
224 Window wjunk;
225 int ijunk;
226 guint uijunk;
227 guint x, y;
229 if (!XGetGeometry(cwmcc_display, pix, &wjunk, &ijunk, &ijunk, &pw, &ph,
230 &uijunk, &depth)) {
231 g_message("Unable to read pixmap icon's geometry");
232 icon->width = icon->height = 0;
233 icon->data = NULL;
234 return;
235 }
236 if (!XGetGeometry(cwmcc_display, mask, &wjunk, &ijunk, &ijunk, &mw, &mh,
237 &uijunk, &ujunk)) {
238 g_message("Unable to read pixmap icon's mask's geometry");
239 icon->width = icon->height = 0;
240 icon->data = NULL;
241 return;
242 }
243 if (pw != mw || ph !_ mh) {
244 g_warning("Pixmap icon's mask does not match icon's dimensions");
245 icon->width = icon->height = 0;
246 icon->data = NULL;
247 return;
248 }
250 for (y = 0; y < ph; ++y)
251 for (x = 0; x < pw; ++x) {
252 }
253 */
254 icon->width = icon->height = 0;
255 icon->data = NULL;
256 }
258 void cwmcc_client_get_icon(Window win, struct Cwmcc_Icon **icons)
259 {
260 gulong *data = NULL, num;
261 gulong w, h, i;
262 int j;
263 int nicons;
265 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, net_wm_icon),
266 CWMCC_ATOM(type, cardinal), &data, &num)) {
267 g_warning("Failed to read NET_WM_ICON from 0x%lx", win);
268 *icons = NULL;
269 nicons = 0;
270 } else {
271 /* figure out how many valid icons are in here */
272 i = 0;
273 nicons = 0;
274 while (num - i > 2) {
275 w = data[i++];
276 h = data[i++];
277 i += w * h;
278 if (i > num) break;
279 ++nicons;
280 }
282 *icons = g_new(struct Cwmcc_Icon, nicons + 1);
283 (*icons)[nicons].data = NULL;
285 /* store the icons */
286 i = 0;
287 for (j = 0; j < nicons; ++j) {
288 w = (*icons)[j].width = data[i++];
289 h = (*icons)[j].height = data[i++];
290 (*icons)[j].data =
291 g_memdup(&data[i], w * h * sizeof(gulong));
292 i += w * h;
293 g_assert(i <= num);
294 }
295 }
296 g_free(data);
298 data = NULL;
299 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, kwm_win_icon),
300 CWMCC_ATOM(client, kwm_win_icon), &data, &num)) {
301 g_warning("Failed to read KWM_WIN_ICON from 0x%lx", win);
302 } else if (num != 2) {
303 g_warning("Read invalid KWM_WIN_ICON from 0x%lx", win);
304 } else {
305 Pixmap p, m;
306 struct Cwmcc_Icon icon;
308 p = data[0];
309 m = data[1];
311 convert_pixmap_to_icon(p, m, &icon);
313 if (icon.data) {
314 *icons = g_renew(struct Cwmcc_Icon, *icons, nicons + 2);
315 (*icons[nicons + 1]).data = NULL;
316 g_memmove(&(*icons)[nicons], &icon, sizeof(struct Cwmcc_Icon));
317 }
318 }
319 g_free(data);
321 }
323 void cwmcc_client_get_premax(Window win, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
324 {
325 gulong *l = NULL, num;
327 if (!prop_get_array32(win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, openbox_premax),
328 CWMCC_ATOM(type, cardinal), &l, &num)) {
329 g_warning("Failed to read OPENBOX_PREMAX from 0x%lx", win);
330 *x = *y = *w = *h = 0;
331 } else if (num != 4) {
332 g_warning("Read invalid OPENBOX_PREMAX from 0x%lx", win);
333 *x = *y = *w = *h = 0;
334 } else {
335 *x = l[0];
336 *y = l[1];
337 *w = l[2];
338 *h = l[3];
339 }
340 g_free(l);
341 }
343 void cwmcc_client_set_premax(Window win, int x, int y, int w, int h)
344 {
345 gulong l[4];
347 l[0] = x;
348 l[1] = y;
349 l[2] = w;
350 l[3] = h;
351 XChangeProperty(cwmcc_display, win, CWMCC_ATOM(client, openbox_premax),
352 CWMCC_ATOM(type, cardinal), 32, PropModeReplace,
353 (guchar*)l, 4);
354 }
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