]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - doc/openbox.1.sgml
mention which config file it will use
[chaz/openbox] / doc / openbox.1.sgml
1 <!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
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19 <!ENTITY dhsection "<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>">
20 <!ENTITY dhucpackage "<refentrytitle>OPENBOX</refentrytitle>">
21 <!ENTITY dhpackage "openbox">
22 ]>
24 <refentry>
25 <refmeta>
26 &dhucpackage;
28 &dhsection;
29 </refmeta>
30 <refnamediv>
31 <refname>&dhpackage;</refname>
33 <refpurpose>Next generation, highly configurable window manager
34 </refpurpose>
35 </refnamediv>
36 <refsynopsisdiv>
37 <cmdsynopsis>
38 <command>&dhpackage;</command>
39 <arg><option>--help</option></arg>
40 <arg><option>--version</option></arg>
41 <arg><option>--replace</option></arg>
42 <arg><option>--reconfigure</option></arg>
43 <arg><option>--sm-disable</option></arg>
44 <arg><option>--sync</option></arg>
45 <arg><option>--debug</option></arg>
46 <arg><option>--debug-focus</option></arg>
47 </cmdsynopsis>
48 </refsynopsisdiv>
49 <refsect1>
50 <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
52 <para>Openbox is a next generation, highly
53 configurable window manager. Openbox is compliant with the
54 latest window manager standards.</para>
56 <para>You can start Openbox in three ways:</para>
58 <para>If you run a display manager such as GDM, you will find 3 entries
59 in the login session type menu for Openbox:
60 <command>GNOME/Openbox</command>, <command>KDE/Openbox</command>
61 and <command>Openbox</command>. If you want to use Openbox
62 within GNOME or KDE, you can choose the appropriate entry, and it will
63 launch GNOME or KDE with Openbox as the window manager.</para>
65 <para>If you don't want to run Openbox withing a desktop environment, then
66 it is recommended that you instead set up a ~/.xsession file and
67 use the <command>Default</command> session type. The ~/.xsession file
68 should any applications you want to run at startup, and then run
69 <command>&dhpackage;</command> at the end, such as:</para>
71 <blockquote><literallayout>
72 xsetroot -solid grey &
73 gnome-settings-daemon &
74 exec <command>&dhpackage;</command></literallayout></blockquote>
76 <para>Lastly, if you use <command>startx</command> to launch your X
77 session, you should set up a ~/.xinitrc file, exactly the same as the
78 above ~/.xsession file.</para>
80 <para>You can use the <command>obconf</command> tool to configure Openbox
81 easily with a graphical interface, however more in-depth configuration
82 is possible by editing the configuration files by hand. The default
83 configuration files are installed in @configdir@/openbox/, and the
84 user configuration is placed in ~/.config/openbox/. You can copy
85 the default configuration to ~/.config/openbox and edit it to your
86 liking.</para>
88 <para>There are 3 default configuration files, <literal>rc.xml</literaL,
89 <literal>rc-gnome.xml</literal>, and <literal>rc-kde.xml</literal>. The
90 rc-gnome.xml is used when you run <command>openbox-gnome-session
91 </command> and the rc-kde.xml is used when you run
92 <command>openbox-kde-session</command>.
94 </refsect1>
95 <refsect1>
96 <title>OPTIONS</title>
98 <para>These are the possible options that <command>&dhpackage;</command> accepts:</para>
99 <variablelist>
100 <varlistentry>
101 <term><option>--help</option></term>
102 <listitem>
103 <para>Show a summary of the options available.</para>
104 </listitem>
105 </varlistentry>
106 <varlistentry>
107 <term><option>--version</option></term>
108 <listitem>
109 <para>Show the version of the program.</para>
110 </listitem>
111 </varlistentry>
112 <varlistentry>
113 <term><option>--replace</option></term>
114 <listitem>
115 <para>Replace the currently running window manager.</para>
116 </listitem>
117 </varlistentry>
118 <varlistentry>
119 <term><option>--reconfigure</option></term>
120 <listitem>
121 <para>If Openbox is already running on the display, tell it to
122 reload it's configuration.</para>
123 </listitem>
124 </varlistentry>
125 <varlistentry>
126 <term><option>--sm-disable</option></term>
127 <listitem>
128 <para>Do not connect to the session manager.</para>
129 </listitem>
130 </varlistentry>
131 <varlistentry>
132 <term><option>--sync</option></term>
133 <listitem>
134 <para>Run in synchronous mode (for debugging).</para>
135 </listitem>
136 </varlistentry>
137 <varlistentry>
138 <term><option>--debug</option></term>
139 <listitem>
140 <para>Display debugging output.</para>
141 </listitem>
142 </varlistentry>
143 <varlistentry>
144 <term><option>--debug-focus</option></term>
145 <listitem>
146 <para>Display debugging output for focus handling.</para>
147 </listitem>
148 </varlistentry>
149 </variablelist>
150 </refsect1>
151 <refsect1>
152 <title>SEE ALSO</title>
154 <para>obconf (1), openbox-gnome-session (1), openbox-kde-session (1).
155 </para>
157 <para>The program's full documentation is available on the website:
158 <literal>http://openbox.org/</literal></para>
160 <para>Please report bugs to: <literal>http://bugzilla.icculus.org/
161 </literal></para>
162 </refsect1>
163 </refentry>
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