]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - openbox/screen.c
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[chaz/openbox] / openbox / screen.c
1 #include "openbox.h"
2 #include "prop.h"
3 #include "config.h"
4 #include "screen.h"
5 #include "client.h"
6 #include "frame.h"
7 #include "focus.h"
8 #include "dispatch.h"
9 #include "../render/render.h"
11 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
12 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
13 # include <sys/types.h>
14 # include <unistd.h>
15 #endif
17 /*! The event mask to grab on the root window */
18 #define ROOT_EVENTMASK (/*ColormapChangeMask |*/ PropertyChangeMask | \
19 EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | \
20 SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | \
21 ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask)
23 guint screen_num_desktops = 0;
24 guint screen_desktop = 0;
25 Size screen_physical_size;
26 gboolean screen_showing_desktop;
27 DesktopLayout screen_desktop_layout;
28 char **screen_desktop_names = NULL;
30 static Rect *area = NULL;
31 static Strut *strut = NULL;
32 static Window support_window = None;
34 static void screen_update_area();
36 static gboolean running;
37 static int another_running(Display *d, XErrorEvent *e)
38 {
39 (void)d;(void)e;
40 g_message("A window manager is already running on screen %d",
41 ob_screen);
42 running = TRUE;
43 return -1;
44 }
46 gboolean screen_annex()
47 {
48 XErrorHandler old;
49 pid_t pid;
50 int i, num_support;
51 guint32 *supported;
53 running = FALSE;
54 old = XSetErrorHandler(another_running);
55 XSelectInput(ob_display, ob_root, ROOT_EVENTMASK);
56 XSync(ob_display, FALSE);
57 XSetErrorHandler(old);
58 if (running)
59 return FALSE;
61 g_message("Managing screen %d", ob_screen);
63 /* set the mouse cursor for the root window (the default cursor) */
64 XDefineCursor(ob_display, ob_root, ob_cursors.left_ptr);
66 /* set the OPENBOX_PID hint */
67 pid = getpid();
68 PROP_SET32(ob_root, openbox_pid, cardinal, pid);
70 /* create the netwm support window */
71 support_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(ob_display, ob_root, 0,0,1,1,0,0,0);
73 /* set supporting window */
74 PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_supporting_wm_check, window, support_window);
76 /* set properties on the supporting window */
77 PROP_SETS(support_window, net_wm_name, "Openbox");
78 PROP_SET32(support_window, net_supporting_wm_check, window,support_window);
80 /* set the _NET_SUPPORTED_ATOMS hint */
81 num_support = 48;
82 i = 0;
83 supported = g_new(guint32, num_support);
84 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_current_desktop;
85 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_number_of_desktops;
86 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_geometry;
87 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_viewport;
88 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_active_window;
89 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_workarea;
90 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_client_list;
91 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_client_list_stacking;
92 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_names;
93 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_close_window;
94 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_desktop_layout;
95 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_showing_desktop;
96 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_name;
97 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_visible_name;
98 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_icon_name;
99 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_visible_icon_name;
100 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_desktop;
101 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_strut;
102 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type;
103 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_desktop;
104 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_dock;
105 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_toolbar;
106 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_menu;
107 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_utility;
108 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_splash;
109 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_dialog;
110 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_normal;
111 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_allowed_actions;
112 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_move;
113 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_resize;
114 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_minimize;
115 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_shade;
116 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_maximize_horz;
117 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_maximize_vert;
118 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_fullscreen;
119 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_change_desktop;
120 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_close;
121 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state;
122 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_modal;
123 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_vert;
124 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_horz;
125 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_shaded;
126 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_taskbar;
127 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_pager;
128 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_hidden;
129 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_fullscreen;
130 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_above;
131 supported[i++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_below;
132 g_assert(i == num_support);
133 /*
134 supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize;
135 supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topleft;
136 supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topright;
137 supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomleft;
138 supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomright;
139 supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move;
140 supported[] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_stick;
141 */
143 PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_supported, atom, supported, num_support);
144 g_free(supported);
146 return TRUE;
147 }
149 void screen_startup()
150 {
151 GSList *it;
152 guint i;
154 /* get the initial size */
155 screen_resize();
157 /* set the names */
158 screen_desktop_names = g_new(char*,
159 g_slist_length(config_desktops_names) + 1);
160 for (i = 0, it = config_desktops_names; it; ++i, it = it->next)
161 screen_desktop_names[i] = it->data; /* dont strdup */
162 screen_desktop_names[i] = NULL;
163 PROP_SETSS(ob_root, net_desktop_names, screen_desktop_names);
164 g_free(screen_desktop_names); /* dont free the individual strings */
165 screen_desktop_names = NULL;
167 screen_num_desktops = 0;
168 screen_set_num_desktops(config_desktops_num);
169 screen_desktop = 0;
170 screen_set_desktop(0);
172 /* don't start in showing-desktop mode */
173 screen_showing_desktop = FALSE;
174 PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_showing_desktop, cardinal, screen_showing_desktop);
176 screen_update_layout();
177 }
179 void screen_shutdown()
180 {
181 XSelectInput(ob_display, ob_root, NoEventMask);
183 PROP_ERASE(ob_root, openbox_pid); /* we're not running here no more! */
184 PROP_ERASE(ob_root, net_supported); /* not without us */
185 PROP_ERASE(ob_root, net_showing_desktop); /* don't keep this mode */
187 XDestroyWindow(ob_display, support_window);
189 g_strfreev(screen_desktop_names);
190 g_free(strut);
191 g_free(area);
192 }
194 void screen_resize()
195 {
196 /* XXX RandR support here? */
197 guint32 geometry[2];
199 /* Set the _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY hint */
200 geometry[0] = WidthOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(ob_display, ob_screen));
201 geometry[1] = HeightOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(ob_display, ob_screen));
202 PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_desktop_geometry, cardinal, geometry, 2);
203 screen_physical_size.width = geometry[0];
204 screen_physical_size.height = geometry[1];
206 if (ob_state == State_Starting)
207 return;
209 screen_update_struts();
211 /* XXX adjust more stuff ? */
212 }
214 void screen_set_num_desktops(guint num)
215 {
216 guint i, old;
217 guint32 *viewport;
218 GList *it;
220 g_assert(num > 0);
222 old = screen_num_desktops;
223 screen_num_desktops = num;
224 PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_number_of_desktops, cardinal, num);
226 /* set the viewport hint */
227 viewport = g_new0(guint32, num * 2);
228 PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_desktop_viewport, cardinal, viewport, num * 2);
229 g_free(viewport);
231 /* change our struts/area to match */
232 screen_update_struts();
234 /* the number of rows/columns will differ */
235 screen_update_layout();
237 /* may be some unnamed desktops that we need to fill in with names */
238 screen_update_desktop_names();
240 /* update the focus lists */
241 /* free our lists for the desktops which have disappeared */
242 for (i = num; i < old; ++i)
243 g_list_free(focus_order[i]);
244 /* realloc the array */
245 focus_order = g_renew(GList*, focus_order, num);
246 /* set the new lists to be empty */
247 for (i = old; i < num; ++i)
248 focus_order[i] = NULL;
250 /* move windows on desktops that will no longer exist! */
251 for (it = client_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
252 Client *c = it->data;
253 if (c->desktop >= num)
254 client_set_desktop(c, num - 1, FALSE);
255 }
257 dispatch_ob(Event_Ob_NumDesktops, num, old);
259 /* change our desktop if we're on one that no longer exists! */
260 if (screen_desktop >= screen_num_desktops)
261 screen_set_desktop(num - 1);
262 }
264 void screen_set_desktop(guint num)
265 {
266 GList *it;
267 guint old;
268 XEvent e;
270 g_assert(num < screen_num_desktops);
272 old = screen_desktop;
273 screen_desktop = num;
274 PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_current_desktop, cardinal, num);
276 if (old == num) return;
278 g_message("Moving to desktop %d", num+1);
280 /* show windows before hiding the rest to lessen the enter/leave events */
282 /* show windows from top to bottom */
283 for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
284 Client *c = it->data;
285 if (!c->frame->visible && client_should_show(c))
286 frame_show(c->frame);
287 }
289 /* hide windows from bottom to top */
290 for (it = g_list_last(stacking_list); it != NULL; it = it->prev) {
291 Client *c = it->data;
292 if (c->frame->visible && !client_should_show(c))
293 frame_hide(c->frame);
294 }
296 /* focus the last focused window on the desktop, and ignore enter events
297 from the switch so it doesnt mess with the focus */
298 XSync(ob_display, FALSE);
299 while (XCheckTypedEvent(ob_display, EnterNotify, &e));
300 focus_fallback(Fallback_Desktop);
302 dispatch_ob(Event_Ob_Desktop, num, old);
303 }
305 void screen_update_layout()
306 {
307 guint32 *data = NULL;
308 guint num;
310 /* defaults */
311 screen_desktop_layout.orientation = prop_atoms.net_wm_orientation_horz;
312 screen_desktop_layout.start_corner = prop_atoms.net_wm_topleft;
313 screen_desktop_layout.rows = 1;
314 screen_desktop_layout.columns = screen_num_desktops;
316 if (PROP_GETA32(ob_root, net_desktop_layout, cardinal, &data, &num)) {
317 if (num == 3 || num == 4) {
318 if (data[0] == prop_atoms.net_wm_orientation_vert)
319 screen_desktop_layout.orientation = data[0];
320 if (num == 3)
321 screen_desktop_layout.start_corner =
322 prop_atoms.net_wm_topright;
323 else {
324 if (data[3] == prop_atoms.net_wm_topright)
325 screen_desktop_layout.start_corner = data[3];
326 else if (data[3] == prop_atoms.net_wm_bottomright)
327 screen_desktop_layout.start_corner = data[3];
328 else if (data[3] == prop_atoms.net_wm_bottomleft)
329 screen_desktop_layout.start_corner = data[3];
330 }
332 /* fill in a zero rows/columns */
333 if (!(data[1] == 0 && data[2] == 0)) { /* both 0's is bad data.. */
334 if (data[1] == 0) {
335 data[1] = (screen_num_desktops +
336 screen_num_desktops % data[2]) / data[2];
337 } else if (data[2] == 0) {
338 data[2] = (screen_num_desktops +
339 screen_num_desktops % data[1]) / data[1];
340 }
341 screen_desktop_layout.columns = data[1];
342 screen_desktop_layout.rows = data[2];
343 }
345 /* bounds checking */
346 if (screen_desktop_layout.orientation ==
347 prop_atoms.net_wm_orientation_horz) {
348 if (screen_desktop_layout.rows > screen_num_desktops)
349 screen_desktop_layout.rows = screen_num_desktops;
350 if (screen_desktop_layout.columns >
351 ((screen_num_desktops + screen_num_desktops %
352 screen_desktop_layout.rows) /
353 screen_desktop_layout.rows))
354 screen_desktop_layout.columns =
355 (screen_num_desktops + screen_num_desktops %
356 screen_desktop_layout.rows) /
357 screen_desktop_layout.rows;
358 } else {
359 if (screen_desktop_layout.columns > screen_num_desktops)
360 screen_desktop_layout.columns = screen_num_desktops;
361 if (screen_desktop_layout.rows >
362 ((screen_num_desktops + screen_num_desktops %
363 screen_desktop_layout.columns) /
364 screen_desktop_layout.columns))
365 screen_desktop_layout.rows =
366 (screen_num_desktops + screen_num_desktops %
367 screen_desktop_layout.columns) /
368 screen_desktop_layout.columns;
369 }
370 }
371 g_free(data);
372 }
373 }
375 void screen_update_desktop_names()
376 {
377 guint i;
379 /* empty the array */
380 g_strfreev(screen_desktop_names);
381 screen_desktop_names = NULL;
383 if (PROP_GETSS(ob_root, net_desktop_names, utf8, &screen_desktop_names))
384 for (i = 0; screen_desktop_names[i] && i <= screen_num_desktops; ++i);
385 else
386 i = 0;
387 if (i <= screen_num_desktops) {
388 screen_desktop_names = g_renew(char*, screen_desktop_names,
389 screen_num_desktops + 1);
390 screen_desktop_names[screen_num_desktops] = NULL;
391 for (; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i)
392 screen_desktop_names[i] = g_strdup("Unnamed Desktop");
393 }
394 }
396 void screen_show_desktop(gboolean show)
397 {
398 GList *it;
400 if (show == screen_showing_desktop) return; /* no change */
402 screen_showing_desktop = show;
404 if (show) {
405 /* bottom to top */
406 for (it = g_list_last(stacking_list); it != NULL; it = it->prev) {
407 Client *client = it->data;
408 if (client->frame->visible && !client_should_show(client))
409 frame_hide(client->frame);
410 }
411 } else {
412 /* top to bottom */
413 for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
414 Client *client = it->data;
415 if (!client->frame->visible && client_should_show(client))
416 frame_show(client->frame);
417 }
418 }
420 show = !!show; /* make it boolean */
421 PROP_SET32(ob_root, net_showing_desktop, cardinal, show);
423 dispatch_ob(Event_Ob_ShowDesktop, show, 0);
424 }
426 void screen_install_colormap(Client *client, gboolean install)
427 {
428 XWindowAttributes wa;
430 if (client == NULL) {
431 if (install)
432 XInstallColormap(ob_display, render_colormap);
433 else
434 XUninstallColormap(ob_display, render_colormap);
435 } else {
436 if (XGetWindowAttributes(ob_display, client->window, &wa) &&
437 wa.colormap != None) {
438 if (install)
439 XInstallColormap(ob_display, wa.colormap);
440 else
441 XUninstallColormap(ob_display, wa.colormap);
442 }
443 }
444 }
446 void screen_update_struts()
447 {
448 GList *it;
449 guint i;
451 g_free(strut);
452 strut = g_new0(Strut, screen_num_desktops + 1);
454 for (it = client_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
455 Client *c = it->data;
456 if (c->iconic) continue; /* these dont count in the strut */
458 if (c->desktop == 0xffffffff) {
459 for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i)
460 STRUT_ADD(strut[i], c->strut);
461 } else {
462 g_assert(c->desktop < screen_num_desktops);
463 STRUT_ADD(strut[c->desktop], c->strut);
464 }
465 /* apply to the 'all desktops' strut */
466 STRUT_ADD(strut[screen_num_desktops], c->strut);
467 }
468 screen_update_area();
469 }
471 static void screen_update_area()
472 {
473 guint i;
474 guint32 *dims;
476 g_free(area);
477 area = g_new0(Rect, screen_num_desktops + 1);
479 dims = g_new(guint32, 4 * screen_num_desktops);
480 for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops + 1; ++i) {
481 Rect old_area = area[i];
482 /*
483 #ifdef XINERAMA
484 // reset to the full areas
485 if (isXineramaActive())
486 xineramaUsableArea = getXineramaAreas();
487 #endif // XINERAMA
488 */
490 RECT_SET(area[i], strut[i].left, strut[i].top,
491 screen_physical_size.width - (strut[i].left +
492 strut[i].right),
493 screen_physical_size.height - (strut[i].top +
494 strut[i].bottom));
496 /*
497 #ifdef XINERAMA
498 if (isXineramaActive()) {
499 // keep each of the ximerama-defined areas inside the strut
500 RectList::iterator xit, xend = xineramaUsableArea.end();
501 for (xit = xineramaUsableArea.begin(); xit != xend; ++xit) {
502 if (xit->x() < usableArea.x()) {
503 xit->setX(usableArea.x());
504 xit->setWidth(xit->width() - usableArea.x());
505 }
506 if (xit->y() < usableArea.y()) {
507 xit->setY(usableArea.y());
508 xit->setHeight(xit->height() - usableArea.y());
509 }
510 if (xit->x() + xit->width() > usableArea.width())
511 xit->setWidth(usableArea.width() - xit->x());
512 if (xit->y() + xit->height() > usableArea.height())
513 xit->setHeight(usableArea.height() - xit->y());
514 }
515 }
516 #endif // XINERAMA
517 */
518 if (!RECT_EQUAL(old_area, area[i])) {
519 /* the area has changed, adjust all the maximized windows */
520 GList *it;
521 for (it = client_list; it; it = it->next) {
522 Client *c = it->data;
523 if (i < screen_num_desktops) {
524 if (c->desktop == i)
525 client_remaximize(c);
526 } else {
527 /* the 'all desktops' size */
528 if (c->desktop == DESKTOP_ALL)
529 client_remaximize(c);
530 }
531 }
532 }
534 /* don't set these for the 'all desktops' area */
535 if (i < screen_num_desktops) {
536 dims[(i * 4) + 0] = area[i].x;
537 dims[(i * 4) + 1] = area[i].y;
538 dims[(i * 4) + 2] = area[i].width;
539 dims[(i * 4) + 3] = area[i].height;
540 }
541 }
542 PROP_SETA32(ob_root, net_workarea, cardinal,
543 dims, 4 * screen_num_desktops);
544 g_free(dims);
545 }
547 Rect *screen_area(guint desktop)
548 {
549 if (desktop >= screen_num_desktops) {
550 if (desktop == DESKTOP_ALL)
551 return &area[screen_num_desktops];
552 return NULL;
553 }
554 return &area[desktop];
555 }
557 Strut *screen_strut(guint desktop)
558 {
559 if (desktop >= screen_num_desktops) {
560 if (desktop == DESKTOP_ALL)
561 return &strut[screen_num_desktops];
562 return NULL;
563 }
564 return &strut[desktop];
565 }
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