]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - scripts/builtins.py
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[chaz/openbox] / scripts / builtins.py
1 ###########################################################################
2 ### Functions that can be used as callbacks for mouse/keyboard bindings ###
3 ###########################################################################
5 def state_above(data, add=2):
6 """Toggles, adds or removes the 'above' state on a window."""
7 if not data.client: return
8 send_client_msg(display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow(),
9 Property_atoms().net_wm_state, data.client.window(), add,
10 Property_atoms().net_wm_state_above)
12 def state_below(data, add=2):
13 """Toggles, adds or removes the 'below' state on a window."""
14 if not data.client: return
15 send_client_msg(display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow(),
16 Property_atoms().net_wm_state, data.client.window(), add,
17 Property_atoms().net_wm_state_below)
19 def state_shaded(data, add=2):
20 """Toggles, adds or removes the 'shaded' state on a window."""
21 if not data.client: return
22 send_client_msg(display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow(),
23 Property_atoms().net_wm_state, data.client.window(), add,
24 Property_atoms().net_wm_state_shaded)
26 def iconify(data):
27 """Iconifies the window on which the event occured"""
28 if not data.client: return
29 send_client_msg(display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow(),
30 Property_atoms().wm_change_state,
31 data.client.window(), 3) # IconicState
33 def restore(data):
34 """Un-iconifies the window on which the event occured, but does not focus
35 if. If you want to focus the window too, it is recommended that you
36 use the activate() function."""
37 if not data.client: return
38 send_client_msg(display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow(),
39 Property_atoms().wm_change_state,
40 data.client.window(), 1) # NormalState
42 def close(data):
43 """Closes the window on which the event occured"""
44 if not data.client: return
45 send_client_msg(display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow(),
46 Property_atoms().net_close_window, data.client.window(), 0)
48 def focus(data):
49 """Focuses the window on which the event occured"""
50 if not data.client: return
51 # !normal windows dont get focus from window enter events
52 if data.action == EventEnterWindow and not data.client.normal():
53 return
54 data.client.focus()
56 def move(data):
57 """Moves the window interactively. This should only be used with
58 MouseMotion events"""
59 if not data.client: return
61 # !normal windows dont get moved
62 if not data.client.normal(): return
64 dx = data.xroot - data.pressx
65 dy = data.yroot - data.pressy
66 data.client.move(data.press_clientx + dx, data.press_clienty + dy)
68 def resize(data):
69 """Resizes the window interactively. This should only be used with
70 MouseMotion events"""
71 if not data.client: return
73 # !normal windows dont get moved
74 if not data.client.normal(): return
76 px = data.pressx
77 py = data.pressy
78 dx = data.xroot - px
79 dy = data.yroot - py
81 # pick a corner to anchor
82 if not (resize_nearest or data.context == MC_Grip):
83 corner = Client.TopLeft
84 else:
85 x = px - data.press_clientx
86 y = py - data.press_clienty
87 if y < data.press_clientheight / 2:
88 if x < data.press_clientwidth / 2:
89 corner = Client.BottomRight
90 dx *= -1
91 else:
92 corner = Client.BottomLeft
93 dy *= -1
94 else:
95 if x < data.press_clientwidth / 2:
96 corner = Client.TopRight
97 dx *= -1
98 else:
99 corner = Client.TopLeft
101 data.client.resize(corner,
102 data.press_clientwidth + dx,
103 data.press_clientheight + dy);
105 def restart(data, other = ""):
106 """Restarts openbox, optionally starting another window manager."""
107 openbox.restart(other)
109 def raise_win(data):
110 """Raises the window on which the event occured"""
111 if not data.client: return
112 openbox.screen(data.screen).raiseWindow(data.client)
114 def lower_win(data):
115 """Lowers the window on which the event occured"""
116 if not data.client: return
117 openbox.screen(data.screen).lowerWindow(data.client)
119 def toggle_shade(data):
120 """Toggles the shade status of the window on which the event occured"""
121 state_shaded(data)
123 def shade(data):
124 """Shades the window on which the event occured"""
125 state_shaded(data, 1)
127 def unshade(data):
128 """Unshades the window on which the event occured"""
129 state_shaded(data, 0)
131 def change_desktop(data, num):
132 """Switches to a specified desktop"""
133 root = display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow()
134 send_client_msg(root, Property_atoms().net_current_desktop, root, num)
136 def next_desktop(data, no_wrap=0):
137 """Switches to the next desktop, optionally (by default) cycling around to
138 the first when going past the last."""
139 screen = openbox.screen(data.screen)
140 d = screen.desktop()
141 n = screen.numDesktops()
142 if (d < (n-1)):
143 d = d + 1
144 elif not no_wrap:
145 d = 0
146 change_desktop(data, d)
148 def prev_desktop(data, no_wrap=0):
149 """Switches to the previous desktop, optionally (by default) cycling around
150 to the last when going past the first."""
151 screen = openbox.screen(data.screen)
152 d = screen.desktop()
153 n = screen.numDesktops()
154 if (d > 0):
155 d = d - 1
156 elif not no_wrap:
157 d = n - 1
158 change_desktop(data, d)
160 def send_to_desktop(data, num):
161 """Sends a client to a specified desktop"""
162 if not data.client: return
163 send_client_msg(display.screenInfo(data.screen).rootWindow(),
164 Property_atoms().net_wm_desktop, data.client.window(), num)
166 def toggle_all_desktops(data):
167 """Toggles between sending a client to all desktops and to the current
168 desktop."""
169 if not data.client: return
170 if not data.client.desktop() == 0xffffffff:
171 send_to_desktop(data, 0xffffffff)
172 else:
173 send_to_desktop(data, openbox.screen(data.screen).desktop())
175 def send_to_all_desktops(data):
176 """Sends a client to all desktops"""
177 if not data.client: return
178 send_to_desktop(data, 0xffffffff)
180 def send_to_next_desktop(data, no_wrap=0, follow=1):
181 """Sends a window to the next desktop, optionally (by default) cycling
182 around to the first when going past the last. Also optionally moving to
183 the new desktop after sending the window."""
184 if not data.client: return
185 screen = openbox.screen(data.screen)
186 d = screen.desktop()
187 n = screen.numDesktops()
188 if (d < (n-1)):
189 d = d + 1
190 elif not no_wrap:
191 d = 0
192 send_to_desktop(data, d)
193 if follow:
194 change_desktop(data, d)
196 def send_to_prev_desktop(data, no_wrap=0, follow=1):
197 """Sends a window to the previous desktop, optionally (by default) cycling
198 around to the last when going past the first. Also optionally moving to
199 the new desktop after sending the window."""
200 if not data.client: return
201 screen = openbox.screen(data.screen)
202 d = screen.desktop()
203 n = screen.numDesktops()
204 if (d > 0):
205 d = d - 1
206 elif not no_wrap:
207 d = n - 1
208 send_to_desktop(data, d)
209 if follow:
210 change_desktop(data, d)
212 #########################################
213 ### Convenience functions for scripts ###
214 #########################################
216 def execute(bin, screen = 0):
217 """Executes a command on the specified screen. It is recommended that you
218 use this call instead of a python system call. If the specified screen
219 is beyond your range of screens, the default is used instead."""
220 openbox.execute(screen, bin)
222 def setup_click_focus(click_raise = 1):
223 """Sets up for focusing windows by clicking on or in the window.
224 Optionally, clicking on or in a window can raise the window to the
225 front of its stacking layer."""
226 mbind("Left", MC_Titlebar, MousePress, focus)
227 mbind("Left", MC_Handle, MousePress, focus)
228 mbind("Left", MC_Grip, MousePress, focus)
229 mbind("Left", MC_Window, MousePress, focus)
230 #mbind("A-Left", MC_Frame, MousePress, focus)
231 if click_raise:
232 mbind("Left", MC_Titlebar, MousePress, raise_win)
233 mbind("Left", MC_Handle, MousePress, raise_win)
234 mbind("Left", MC_Grip, MousePress, raise_win)
235 mbind("Left", MC_Window, MousePress, raise_win)
237 def setup_sloppy_focus(click_focus = 1, click_raise = 0):
238 """Sets up for focusing windows when the mouse pointer enters them.
239 Optionally, clicking on or in a window can focus it if your pointer
240 ends up inside a window without focus. Also, optionally, clicking on or
241 in a window can raise the window to the front of its stacking layer."""
242 ebind(EventEnterWindow, focus)
243 if click_focus:
244 setup_click_focus(click_raise)
246 def setup_window_clicks():
247 """Sets up the default bindings for various mouse buttons for various
248 contexts.
249 This includes:
250 * Alt-left drag anywhere on a window will move it
251 * Alt-right drag anywhere on a window will resize it
252 * Left drag on a window's titlebar/handle will move it
253 * Left drag on a window's handle grips will resize it
254 * Alt-left press anywhere on a window's will raise it to the front of
255 its stacking layer.
256 * Left press on a window's titlebar/handle will raise it to the front
257 of its stacking layer.
258 * Alt-middle click anywhere on a window's will lower it to the bottom
259 of its stacking layer.
260 * Middle click on a window's titlebar/handle will lower it to the
261 bottom of its stacking layer.
262 * Double-left click on a window's titlebar will toggle shading it
263 """
264 mbind("A-Left", MC_Frame, MouseMotion, move)
265 mbind("Left", MC_Titlebar, MouseMotion, move)
266 mbind("Left", MC_Handle, MouseMotion, move)
268 mbind("A-Right", MC_Frame, MouseMotion, resize)
269 mbind("Left", MC_Grip, MouseMotion, resize)
271 mbind("Left", MC_Titlebar, MousePress, raise_win)
272 mbind("Left", MC_Handle, MousePress, raise_win)
273 mbind("A-Left", MC_Frame, MousePress, raise_win)
274 mbind("A-Middle", MC_Frame, MouseClick, lower_win)
275 mbind("Middle", MC_Titlebar, MouseClick, lower_win)
276 mbind("Middle", MC_Handle, MouseClick, lower_win)
278 mbind("Left", MC_Titlebar, MouseDoubleClick, toggle_shade)
280 def setup_window_buttons():
281 """Sets up the default behaviors for the buttons in the window titlebar."""
282 mbind("Left", MC_AllDesktopsButton, MouseClick, toggle_all_desktops)
283 mbind("Left", MC_CloseButton, MouseClick, close)
284 mbind("Left", MC_IconifyButton, MouseClick, iconify)
286 def setup_scroll():
287 """Sets up the default behaviors for the mouse scroll wheel.
288 This includes:
289 * scrolling on a window titlebar will shade/unshade it
290 * alt-scrolling anywhere will switch to the next/previous desktop
291 * control-alt-scrolling on a window will send it to the next/previous
292 desktop, and switch to the desktop with the window
293 """
294 mbind("Up", MC_Titlebar, MouseClick, shade)
295 mbind("Down", MC_Titlebar, MouseClick, unshade)
297 mbind("A-Up", MC_Frame, MouseClick, next_desktop)
298 mbind("A-Up", MC_Root, MouseClick, next_desktop)
299 mbind("A-Down", MC_Frame, MouseClick, prev_desktop)
300 mbind("A-Down", MC_Root, MouseClick, prev_desktop)
302 mbind("C-A-Up", MC_Frame, MouseClick, send_to_next_desktop)
303 mbind("C-A-Down", MC_Frame, MouseClick, send_to_prev_desktop)
305 def setup_fallback_focus():
306 """Sets up a focus fallback routine so that when no windows are focused,
307 the last window to have focus on the desktop will be focused."""
308 global ob_focus_fallback # see focus.py
309 ob_focus_fallback = 1
311 ############################################################################
312 ### Window placement algorithms, choose one of these and ebind it to the ###
313 ### EventPlaceWindow action. ###
314 ############################################################################
316 ob_rand = None
317 import random
318 def placewindows_random(data):
319 if not data.client: return
320 client_area = data.client.area()
321 frame_size = data.client.frame.size()
322 screen_area = openbox.screen(data.screen).area()
323 width = screen_area.width() - (client_area.width() +
324 frame_size.left + frame_size.right)
325 height = screen_area.height() - (client_area.height() +
326 frame_size.top + frame_size.bottom)
327 global ob_rand
328 if not ob_rand: ob_rand = random.Random()
329 x = ob_rand.randrange(screen_area.x(), width-1)
330 y = ob_rand.randrange(screen_area.y(), height-1)
331 data.client.move(x, y)
334 print "Loaded builtins.py"
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