]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - src/client.hh
keep track of struts for each desktop
[chaz/openbox] / src / client.hh
1 // -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
2 #ifndef __client_hh
3 #define __client_hh
5 /*! @file client.hh
6 @brief The Client class maintains the state of a client window by handling
7 property changes on the window and some client messages
8 */
10 #include "screen.hh"
11 #include "otk/strut.hh"
12 #include "otk/rect.hh"
13 #include "otk/eventhandler.hh"
14 #include "otk/ustring.hh"
16 extern "C" {
17 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
19 #ifdef SHAPE
20 #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
21 #endif // SHAPE
22 }
24 #include <string>
25 #include <list>
27 namespace ob {
29 class Frame;
30 class Screen;
32 //! The MWM Hints as retrieved from the window property
33 /*!
34 This structure only contains 3 elements, even though the Motif 2.0
35 structure contains 5. We only use the first 3, so that is all gets defined.
36 */
37 struct MwmHints {
38 unsigned long flags; //!< A bitmask of Client::MwmFlags values
39 unsigned long functions; //!< A bitmask of Client::MwmFunctions values
40 unsigned long decorations;//!< A bitmask of Client::MwmDecorations values
41 //! The number of elements in the Client::MwmHints struct
42 static const unsigned int elements = 3;
43 };
45 //! Maintains the state of a client window.
46 /*!
47 Client maintains the state of a client window. The state consists of the
48 hints that the application sets on the window, such as the title, or window
49 gravity.
50 <p>
51 Client also manages client messages for the client window. When the
52 application (or any application) requests something to be changed for the
53 client, it will call the ActionHandler (for client messages) or update the
54 class' member variables and call whatever is nessary to complete the
55 change (such as causing a redraw of the titlebar after the title is changed).
56 */
57 class Client : public otk::EventHandler {
58 public:
60 //! The frame window which decorates around the client window
61 /*!
62 NOTE: This should NEVER be used inside the client class's constructor!
63 */
64 Frame *frame;
66 //! Holds a list of Clients
67 typedef std::list<Client*> List;
69 //! The possible stacking layers a client window can be a part of
70 enum StackLayer {
71 Layer_Icon, //!< 0 - iconified windows, in any order at all
72 Layer_Desktop, //!< 1 - desktop windows
73 Layer_Below, //!< 2 - normal windows w/ below
74 Layer_Normal, //!< 3 - normal windows
75 Layer_Above, //!< 4 - normal windows w/ above
76 Layer_Top, //!< 5 - always-on-top-windows (docks?)
77 Layer_Fullscreen, //!< 6 - fullscreeen windows
78 Layer_Internal, //!< 7 - openbox windows/menus
80 };
82 //! Corners of the client window, used for anchor positions
83 enum Corner { TopLeft,
84 TopRight,
85 BottomLeft,
86 BottomRight };
88 //! Possible window types
89 enum WindowType { Type_Desktop, //!< A desktop (bottom-most window)
90 Type_Dock, //!< A dock bar/panel window
91 Type_Toolbar, //!< A toolbar window, pulled off an app
92 Type_Menu, //!< An unpinned menu from an app
93 Type_Utility, //!< A small utility window such as a palette
94 Type_Splash, //!< A splash screen window
95 Type_Dialog, //!< A dialog window
96 Type_Normal //!< A normal application window
97 };
99 //! Possible flags for MWM Hints (defined by Motif 2.0)
100 enum MwmFlags { MwmFlag_Functions = 1 << 0, //!< The MMW Hints define funcs
101 MwmFlag_Decorations = 1 << 1 //!< The MWM Hints define decor
102 };
104 //! Possible functions for MWM Hints (defined by Motif 2.0)
105 enum MwmFunctions { MwmFunc_All = 1 << 0, //!< All functions
106 MwmFunc_Resize = 1 << 1, //!< Allow resizing
107 MwmFunc_Move = 1 << 2, //!< Allow moving
108 MwmFunc_Iconify = 1 << 3, //!< Allow to be iconfied
109 MwmFunc_Maximize = 1 << 4 //!< Allow to be maximized
110 //MwmFunc_Close = 1 << 5 //!< Allow to be closed
111 };
113 //! Possible decorations for MWM Hints (defined by Motif 2.0)
114 enum MemDecorations { MwmDecor_All = 1 << 0, //!< All decorations
115 MwmDecor_Border = 1 << 1, //!< Show a border
116 MwmDecor_Handle = 1 << 2, //!< Show a handle (bottom)
117 MwmDecor_Title = 1 << 3, //!< Show a titlebar
118 //MwmDecor_Menu = 1 << 4, //!< Show a menu
119 MwmDecor_Iconify = 1 << 5, //!< Show an iconify button
120 MwmDecor_Maximize = 1 << 6 //!< Show a maximize button
121 };
123 //! The things the user can do to the client window
124 enum Function { Func_Resize = 1 << 0, //!< Allow resizing
125 Func_Move = 1 << 1, //!< Allow moving
126 Func_Iconify = 1 << 2, //!< Allow to be iconified
127 Func_Maximize = 1 << 3, //!< Allow to be maximized
128 Func_Shade = 1 << 4, //!< Allow to be shaded
129 Func_Fullscreen = 1 << 5, //!< Allow to be made fullscreen
130 Func_Close = 1 << 6 //!< Allow to be closed
131 };
132 //! Holds a bitmask of Client::Function values
133 typedef unsigned char FunctionFlags;
135 //! The decorations the client window wants to be displayed on it
136 enum Decoration { Decor_Titlebar = 1 << 0, //!< Display a titlebar
137 Decor_Handle = 1 << 1, //!< Display a handle (bottom)
138 Decor_Border = 1 << 2, //!< Display a border
139 Decor_Iconify = 1 << 3, //!< Display an iconify button
140 Decor_Maximize = 1 << 4, //!< Display a maximize button
141 //! Display a button to toggle the window's placement on
142 //! all desktops
143 Decor_AllDesktops = 1 << 5,
144 Decor_Close = 1 << 6 //!< Display a close button
145 };
146 //! Holds a bitmask of Client::Decoration values
147 typedef unsigned char DecorationFlags;
149 //! Possible actions that can be made with the _NET_WM_STATE client message
150 enum StateAction { State_Remove = 0, //!< _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE
151 State_Add, //!< _NET_WM_STATE_ADD
152 State_Toggle //!< _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE
153 };
155 //! The event mask to grab on client windows
156 static const long event_mask = PropertyChangeMask | FocusChangeMask |
157 StructureNotifyMask;
159 //! The mask of events to not let propogate past the client
160 /*!
161 This makes things like xprop work on the client window, but means we have
162 to explicitly grab clicks that we want.
163 */
164 static const long no_propagate_mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
165 ButtonMotionMask;
167 //! The desktop value which indicated the window is iconified and not on any
168 //! desktop
169 static const long ICONIC_DESKTOP = 0xfffffffe;
171 //! The number of unmap events to ignore on the window
172 int ignore_unmaps;
174 private:
175 //! The screen number on which the client resides
176 int _screen;
178 //! The actual window that this class is wrapping up
179 Window _window;
181 //! The id of the group the window belongs to
182 Window _group;
184 //! The client which this client is a transient (child) for
185 Client *_transient_for;
187 //! The clients which are transients (children) of this client
188 Client::List _transients;
190 //! The desktop on which the window resides (0xffffffff for all desktops)
191 long _desktop;
193 //! The last desktop to which the window belonged, mostly useful when the
194 //! window is iconified, to see where it used to be.
195 long _old_desktop;
197 //! Normal window title
198 otk::ustring _title;
199 //! Window title when iconifiged
200 otk::ustring _icon_title;
202 //! The application that created the window
203 std::string _app_name;
204 //! The class of the window, can used for grouping
205 std::string _app_class;
206 //! The specified role of the window, used for identification
207 std::string _role;
209 //! The type of window (what its function is)
210 WindowType _type;
212 //! Position and size of the window
213 /*!
214 This will not always be the actual position of the window on screen, it is
215 rather, the position requested by the client, to which the window's gravity
216 is applied.
217 */
218 otk::Rect _area;
220 //! The window's strut
221 /*!
222 The strut defines areas of the screen that are marked off-bounds for window
223 placement. In theory, where this window exists.
224 */
225 otk::Strut _strut;
227 //! The logical size of the window
228 /*!
229 The "logical" size of the window is refers to the user's perception of the
230 size of the window, and is the value that should be displayed to the user.
231 For example, with xterms, this value it the number of characters being
232 displayed in the terminal, instead of the number of pixels.
233 */
234 otk::Size _logical_size;
236 //! Width of the border on the window.
237 /*!
238 The window manager will set this to 0 while the window is being managed,
239 but needs to restore it afterwards, so it is saved here.
240 */
241 int _border_width;
243 //! The minimum aspect ratio the client window can be sized to.
244 /*!
245 A value of 0 means this is ignored.
246 */
247 float _min_ratio;
248 //! The maximum aspect ratio the client window can be sized to.
249 /*!
250 A value of 0 means this is ignored.
251 */
252 float _max_ratio;
254 //! The minimum size of the client window
255 /*!
256 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
257 */
258 otk::Size _min_size;
259 //! The maximum size of the client window
260 /*!
261 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
262 */
263 otk::Size _max_size;
264 //! The size of increments to resize the client window by
265 otk::Size _size_inc;
266 //! The base size of the client window
267 /*!
268 This value should be subtracted from the window's actual size when
269 displaying its size to the user, or working with its min/max size
270 */
271 otk::Size _base_size;
273 //! Window decoration and functionality hints
274 MwmHints _mwmhints;
276 //! Where to place the decorated window in relation to the undecorated window
277 int _gravity;
279 //! The state of the window, one of WithdrawnState, IconicState, or
280 //! NormalState
281 long _wmstate;
283 //! True if the client supports the delete_window protocol
284 bool _delete_window;
286 //! Was the window's position requested by the application? if not, we should
287 //! place the window ourselves when it first appears
288 bool _positioned;
290 //! Can the window receive input focus?
291 bool _can_focus;
292 //! Urgency flag
293 bool _urgent;
294 //! Notify the window when it receives focus?
295 bool _focus_notify;
296 //! Does the client window have the input focus?
297 bool _focused;
299 //! The window uses shape extension to be non-rectangular?
300 bool _shaped;
302 //! The window is modal, so it must be processed before any windows it is
303 //! related to can be focused
304 bool _modal;
305 //! Only the window's titlebar is displayed
306 bool _shaded;
307 //! The window is iconified
308 bool _iconic;
309 //! The window is maximized to fill the screen vertically
310 bool _max_vert;
311 //! The window is maximized to fill the screen horizontally
312 bool _max_horz;
313 //! The window should not be displayed by pagers
314 bool _skip_pager;
315 //! The window should not be displayed by taskbars
316 bool _skip_taskbar;
317 //! The window is a 'fullscreen' window, and should be on top of all others
318 bool _fullscreen;
319 //! The window should be on top of other windows of the same type
320 bool _above;
321 //! The window should be underneath other windows of the same type
322 bool _below;
324 StackLayer _layer;
326 //! A bitmask of values in the Client::Decoration enum
327 /*!
328 The values in the variable are the decorations that the client wants to be
329 displayed around it.
330 */
331 DecorationFlags _decorations;
333 //! A bitmask of values in the Client::Decoration enum.
334 /*!
335 Specifies the decorations that should NOT be displayed on the client.
336 */
337 DecorationFlags _disabled_decorations;
339 //! A bitmask of values in the Client::Function enum
340 /*!
341 The values in the variable specify the ways in which the user is allowed to
342 modify this window.
343 */
344 FunctionFlags _functions;
346 //! Retrieves the window's initial gravity
347 void getGravity();
348 //! Retrieves the desktop hint's value and sets Client::_desktop
349 void getDesktop();
350 //! Retrieves the window's type and sets Client::_type
351 void getType();
352 //! Gets the MWM Hints and adjusts Client::_functions and
353 //! Client::_decorations
354 void getMwmHints();
355 //! Gets the position and size of the window and sets Client::_area
356 void getArea();
357 //! Gets the net_state hint and sets the boolean flags for any states set in
358 //! the hint
359 void getState();
360 //! Determines if the window uses the Shape extension and sets
361 //! Client::_shaped
362 void getShaped();
364 //! Set up what decor should be shown on the window and what functions should
365 //! be allowed (Client::_decorations and Client::_functions).
366 /*!
367 This also updates the NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS hint.
368 */
369 void setupDecorAndFunctions();
371 //! Sets the wm_state to the specified value
372 void setWMState(long state);
373 //! Adjusts the window's net_state
374 /*!
375 This should not be called as part of the window mapping process! It is for
376 use when updating the state post-mapping.<br>
377 Client::applyStartupState is used to do the same things during the mapping
378 process.
379 */
380 void setState(StateAction action, long data1, long data2);
382 //! Sends the window to the specified desktop
383 /*!
384 A window is iconified by sending it to the ICONIC_DESKTOP, and restored
385 by sending it to any other valid desktop.
386 */
387 void setDesktop(long desktop);
389 //! Calculates the stacking layer for the client window
390 void calcLayer();
392 //! Update the protocols that the window supports and adjusts things if they
393 //! change
394 void updateProtocols();
395 //! Updates the WMNormalHints and adjusts things if they change
396 void updateNormalHints();
397 //! Updates the WMHints and adjusts things if they change
398 /*!
399 @param initstate Whether to read the initial_state property from the
400 WMHints. This should only be used during the mapping
401 process.
402 */
403 void updateWMHints(bool initstate = false);
404 //! Updates the window's title
405 void updateTitle();
406 //! Updates the window's icon title
407 void updateIconTitle();
408 //! Updates the window's application name and class
409 void updateClass();
410 //! Updates the strut for the client
411 void updateStrut();
412 //! Updates the window's transient status, and any parents of it
413 void updateTransientFor();
415 //! Change the client's state hints to match the class' data
416 void changeState();
417 //! Change the allowed actions set on the client
418 void changeAllowedActions();
420 //! Request the client to close its window.
421 void close();
423 //! Shades or unshades the client window
424 /*!
425 @param shade true if the window should be shaded; false if it should be
426 unshaded.
427 */
428 void shade(bool shade);
430 //! Recursively searches the client 'tree' for a modal client, always skips
431 //! the topmost node (the window you're starting with).
432 Client *Client::searchModalTree(Client *node, Client *skip);
434 //! Fires the urgent callbacks which lets the user do what they want with
435 //! urgent windows
436 void fireUrgent();
438 //! Fullscreen's or unfullscreen's the client window
439 /*!
440 @param fs true if the window should be made fullscreen; false if it should
441 be returned to normal state.
442 @param savearea true to have the client's current size and position saved;
443 otherwise, they are not. You should not save when mapping a
444 new window that is set to fullscreen. This has no effect
445 when restoring a window from fullscreen.
446 */
447 void fullscreen(bool fs, bool savearea = true);
449 //! Maximize or unmaximize the client window
450 /*!
451 @param max true if the window should be maximized; false if it should be
452 returned to normal size.
453 @param dir 0 to set both horz and vert, 1 to set horz, 2 to set vert.
454 @param savearea true to have the client's current size and position saved;
455 otherwise, they are not. You should not save when mapping a
456 new window that is set to fullscreen. This has no effect
457 when unmaximizing a window.
458 */
459 void maximize(bool max, int dir, bool savearea = true);
461 //! Internal version of the Client::move function
462 /*!
463 @param x The X coordinate to move to.
464 @param y The Y coordinate to move to.
465 */
466 void internal_move(int x, int y);
467 //! Internal version of the Client::resize function
468 /*!
469 This also maintains things like the client's minsize, and size increments.
470 @param anchor The corner to keep in the same position when resizing.
471 @param w The width component of the new size for the client.
472 @param h The height component of the new size for the client.
473 @param user Specifies whether this is a user-requested change or a
474 program requested change.
475 @param x An optional X coordinate to which the window will be moved
476 after resizing.
477 @param y An optional Y coordinate to which the window will be moved
478 after resizing.
479 The x and y coordinates must both be sepcified together, or they will have
480 no effect. When they are specified, the anchor is ignored.
481 */
482 void internal_resize(Corner anchor, int w, int h,
483 bool user = true, int x = INT_MIN, int y = INT_MIN);
485 //! Removes or reapplies the client's border to its window
486 /*!
487 Used when managing and unmanaging a window.
488 @param addborder true if adding the border to the client; false if removing
489 from the client
490 */
491 void toggleClientBorder(bool addborder);
493 //! Applies the states requested when the window mapped
494 /*!
495 This should be called only once, during the window mapping process. It
496 applies things like maximized, and fullscreen.
497 */
498 void applyStartupState();
500 public:
501 #ifndef SWIG
502 //! Constructs a new Client object around a specified window id
503 /*!
504 BB @param window The window id that the Client class should handle
505 @param screen The screen on which the window resides
506 */
507 Client(int screen, Window window);
508 //! Destroys the Client object
509 virtual ~Client();
510 #endif
512 //! Returns the screen on which the clien resides
513 inline int screen() const { return _screen; }
515 //! Returns the window id that the Client object is handling
516 inline Window window() const { return _window; }
518 //! Returns the type of the window, one of the Client::WindowType values
519 inline WindowType type() const { return _type; }
520 //! Returns if the window should be treated as a normal window.
521 /*!
522 Some windows (desktops, docks, splash screens) have special rules applied
523 to them in a number of places regarding focus or user interaction.
524 */
525 inline bool normal() const {
526 return ! (_type == Type_Desktop || _type == Type_Dock ||
527 _type == Type_Splash);
528 }
530 //! Returns the desktop on which the window resides
531 /*!
532 This value is a 0-based index.<br>
533 A value of 0xffffffff indicates that the window exists on all desktops.
534 */
535 inline long desktop() const { return _desktop; }
536 //! Returns the window's title
537 inline const otk::ustring &title() const { return _title; }
538 //! Returns the window's title when it is iconified
539 inline const otk::ustring &iconTitle() const { return _title; }
540 //! Returns the application's name to whom the window belongs
541 inline const std::string &appName() const { return _app_name; }
542 //! Returns the class of the window
543 inline const std::string &appClass() const { return _app_class; }
544 //! Returns the program-specified role of the window
545 inline const std::string &role() const { return _role; }
546 //! Returns if the window can be focused
547 /*!
548 @return true if the window can receive focus; otherwise, false
549 */
550 inline bool canFocus() const { return _can_focus; }
551 //! Returns if the window has indicated that it needs urgent attention
552 inline bool urgent() const { return _urgent; }
553 //! Returns if the window wants to be notified when it receives focus
554 inline bool focusNotify() const { return _focus_notify; }
555 //! Returns if the window is the focused window
556 inline bool focused() const { return _focused; }
557 //! Returns if the window uses the Shape extension
558 inline bool shaped() const { return _shaped; }
559 //! Returns the window's gravity
560 /*!
561 This value determines where to place the decorated window in relation to
562 its position without decorations.<br>
563 One of: NorthWestGravity, SouthWestGravity, EastGravity, ...,
564 SouthGravity, StaticGravity, ForgetGravity
565 */
566 inline int gravity() const { return _gravity; }
567 //! Returns if the application requested the initial position for the window
568 /*!
569 If the application did not request a position (this function returns false)
570 then the window should be placed intelligently by the window manager
571 initially
572 */
573 inline bool positionRequested() const { return _positioned; }
574 //! Returns the decorations that the client window wishes to be displayed on
575 //! it
576 inline DecorationFlags decorations() const { return _decorations; }
577 //! Returns the decorations that the user has requested to be disabled on the
578 //! client
579 inline DecorationFlags disabledDecorations() const
580 { return _disabled_decorations; }
581 //! Returns the functions that the user can perform on the window
582 inline FunctionFlags funtions() const { return _functions; }
584 //! Return the client this window is transient for
585 inline Client *transientFor() const { return _transient_for; }
587 //! Returns if the window is modal
588 /*!
589 If the window is modal, then no other windows that it is related to can get
590 focus while it exists/remains modal.
591 */
592 inline bool modal() const { return _modal; }
593 //! The window should not be displayed by pagers
594 inline bool skipPager() const { return _skip_pager; }
595 //! The window should not be displayed by taskbars
596 inline bool skipTaskbar() const { return _skip_taskbar; }
597 //! Returns if the window is shaded
598 /*!
599 When the window is shaded, only its titlebar is visible.
600 */
601 inline bool shaded() const { return _shaded; }
602 //! Returns if the window is in fullscreen mode
603 inline bool fullscreen() const { return _fullscreen; }
604 //! Returns if the window is iconified
605 /*!
606 When the window is iconified, it is not visible at all (except in iconbars/
607 panels/etc that want to show lists of iconified windows
608 */
609 inline bool iconic() const { return _iconic; }
610 //! Returns if the window is maximized vertically
611 inline bool maxVert() const { return _max_vert; }
612 //! Returns if the window is maximized horizontally
613 inline bool maxHorz() const { return _max_horz; }
614 //! Returns the window's stacking layer
615 inline StackLayer layer() const { return _layer; }
617 //! Returns the logical size of the window
618 /*!
619 The "logical" size of the window is refers to the user's perception of the
620 size of the window, and is the value that should be displayed to the user.
621 For example, with xterms, this value it the number of characters being
622 displayed in the terminal, instead of the number of pixels.
623 */
624 const otk::Size &logicalSize() const { return _logical_size; }
626 //! Returns the position and size of the client relative to the root window
627 inline const otk::Rect &area() const { return _area; }
629 //! Returns the client's strut definition
630 inline const otk::Strut &strut() const { return _strut; }
632 //! Move the window (actually, its frame) to a position.
633 /*!
634 This moves the window so that the top-left corner of its frame will be at
635 the position specified.
636 @param x The X coordinate to move to.
637 @param y The Y coordinate to move to.
638 */
639 void move(int x, int y);
641 //! Resizes the client window, anchoring it in a given corner
642 /*!
643 This also maintains things like the client's minsize, and size increments.
644 @param anchor The corner to keep in the same position when resizing.
645 @param w The width component of the new size for the client.
646 @param h The height component of the new size for the client.
647 */
648 void resize(Corner anchor, int w, int h);
650 //! Reapplies the maximized state to the window
651 /*!
652 Use this to make the window readjust its maximized size to new
653 surroundings (struts, etc).
654 */
655 void remaximize();
657 //! Choose a mask of decorations to not display on the client
658 /*!
659 Pass a value of 0 to the function to turn all decorations back on. Note
660 that you cannot add decorations to a window with this, you can only remove
661 decorations that would otherwise have been displayed.
662 @param flags The mask of values from Client::Decoration to specify which
663 decorations should not be displayed.
664 */
665 void disableDecorations(DecorationFlags flags);
667 //! Return a modal child of the client window
668 /*!
669 @return A modal child of the client window, or 0 if none was found.
670 */
671 Client *findModalChild();
673 //! Attempt to focus the client window
674 bool focus();
676 //! Remove focus from the client window
677 void unfocus() const;
679 //! Validate client, by making sure no Destroy or Unmap events exist in
680 //! the event queue for the window.
681 /*!
682 @return true if the client is valid; false if the client has already
683 been unmapped/destroyed, and so is invalid.
684 */
685 bool validate() const;
687 void installColormap(bool install) const;
689 virtual void focusHandler(const XFocusChangeEvent &e);
690 virtual void unfocusHandler(const XFocusChangeEvent &e);
691 virtual void propertyHandler(const XPropertyEvent &e);
692 virtual void clientMessageHandler(const XClientMessageEvent &e);
693 virtual void configureRequestHandler(const XConfigureRequestEvent &e);
694 virtual void unmapHandler(const XUnmapEvent &e);
695 virtual void destroyHandler(const XDestroyWindowEvent &e);
696 virtual void reparentHandler(const XReparentEvent &e);
697 virtual void mapRequestHandler(const XMapRequestEvent &e);
698 #if defined(SHAPE)
699 virtual void shapeHandler(const XShapeEvent &e);
700 #endif // SHAPE
702 friend void Screen::manageWindow(Window);
703 friend void Screen::unmanageWindow(Client *);
704 };
706 }
708 #endif // __client_hh
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