]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - src/client.hh
support for the shape extension works!
[chaz/openbox] / src / client.hh
1 // -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
2 #ifndef __client_hh
3 #define __client_hh
5 /*! @file client.hh
6 @brief The OBClient class maintains the state of a client window by handling
7 property changes on the window and some client messages
8 */
10 extern "C" {
11 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
13 #ifdef SHAPE
14 #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
15 #endif // SHAPE
16 }
18 #include <string>
20 #include "otk/strut.hh"
21 #include "otk/rect.hh"
23 namespace ob {
25 class OBFrame;
27 //! Maintains the state of a client window.
28 /*!
29 OBClient maintains the state of a client window. The state consists of the
30 hints that the application sets on the window, such as the title, or window
31 gravity.
32 <p>
33 OBClient also manages client messages for the client window. When the
34 application (or any application) requests something to be changed for the
35 client, it will call the ActionHandler (for client messages) or update the
36 class' member variables and call whatever is nessary to complete the
37 change (such as causing a redraw of the titlebar after the title is changed).
38 */
39 class OBClient {
40 public:
42 //! The frame window which decorates around the client window
43 OBFrame *frame;
45 //! Possible window types
46 enum WindowType { Type_Desktop, //!< A desktop (bottom-most window)
47 Type_Dock, //!< A dock bar/panel window
48 Type_Toolbar, //!< A toolbar window, pulled off an app
49 Type_Menu, //!< A sticky menu from an app
50 Type_Utility, //!< A small utility window such as a palette
51 Type_Splash, //!< A splash screen window
52 Type_Dialog, //!< A dialog window
53 Type_Normal //!< A normal application window
54 };
56 //! Possible flags for MWM Hints (defined by Motif 2.0)
57 enum MwmFlags { MwmFlag_Functions = 1 << 0, //!< The MMW Hints define funcs
58 MwmFlag_Decorations = 1 << 1 //!< The MWM Hints define decor
59 };
61 //! Possible functions for MWM Hints (defined by Motif 2.0)
62 enum MwmFunctions { MwmFunc_All = 1 << 0, //!< All functions
63 MwmFunc_Resize = 1 << 1, //!< Allow resizing
64 MwmFunc_Move = 1 << 2, //!< Allow moving
65 MwmFunc_Iconify = 1 << 3, //!< Allow to be iconfied
66 MwmFunc_Maximize = 1 << 4 //!< Allow to be maximized
67 //MwmFunc_Close = 1 << 5 //!< Allow to be closed
68 };
70 //! Possible decorations for MWM Hints (defined by Motif 2.0)
71 enum MemDecorations { MwmDecor_All = 1 << 0, //!< All decorations
72 MwmDecor_Border = 1 << 1, //!< Show a border
73 MwmDecor_Handle = 1 << 2, //!< Show a handle (bottom)
74 MwmDecor_Title = 1 << 3, //!< Show a titlebar
75 //MwmDecor_Menu = 1 << 4, //!< Show a menu
76 MwmDecor_Iconify = 1 << 5, //!< Show an iconify button
77 MwmDecor_Maximize = 1 << 6 //!< Show a maximize button
78 };
80 //! The things the user can do to the client window
81 enum Function { Func_Resize = 1 << 0, //!< Allow resizing
82 Func_Move = 1 << 1, //!< Allow moving
83 Func_Iconify = 1 << 2, //!< Allow to be iconified
84 Func_Maximize = 1 << 3, //!< Allow to be maximized
85 Func_Close = 1 << 4 //!< Allow to be closed
86 };
87 //! Holds a bitmask of OBClient::Function values
88 typedef unsigned char FunctionFlags;
90 //! The decorations the client window wants to be displayed on it
91 enum Decoration { Decor_Titlebar = 1 << 0, //!< Display a titlebar
92 Decor_Handle = 1 << 1, //!< Display a handle (bottom)
93 Decor_Border = 1 << 2, //!< Display a border
94 Decor_Iconify = 1 << 3, //!< Display an iconify button
95 Decor_Maximize = 1 << 4, //!< Display a maximize button
96 Decor_Close = 1 << 5 //!< Display a close button
97 };
98 //! Holds a bitmask of OBClient::Decoration values
99 typedef unsigned char DecorationFlags;
101 //! The MWM Hints as retrieved from the window property
102 /*!
103 This structure only contains 3 elements, even though the Motif 2.0
104 structure contains 5. We only use the first 3, so that is all gets defined.
105 */
106 typedef struct MwmHints {
107 //! The number of elements in the OBClient::MwmHints struct
108 static const unsigned int elements = 3;
109 unsigned long flags; //!< A bitmask of OBClient::MwmFlags values
110 unsigned long functions; //!< A bitmask of OBClient::MwmFunctions values
111 unsigned long decorations;//!< A bitmask of OBClient::MwmDecorations values
112 };
114 //! Possible actions that can be made with the _NET_WM_STATE client message
115 enum StateAction { State_Remove = 0, //!< _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE
116 State_Add, //!< _NET_WM_STATE_ADD
117 State_Toggle //!< _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE
118 };
120 //! The event mask to grab on client windows
121 static const long event_mask = PropertyChangeMask | FocusChangeMask |
122 StructureNotifyMask;
124 private:
125 //! The screen number on which the client resides
126 int _screen;
128 //! The actual window that this class is wrapping up
129 Window _window;
131 //! The id of the group the window belongs to
132 Window _group;
134 // XXX: transient_for, transients
136 //! The desktop on which the window resides (0xffffffff for all desktops)
137 unsigned long _desktop;
139 //! Normal window title
140 std::string _title; // XXX: Have to keep track if this string is Utf8 or not
141 //! Window title when iconifiged
142 std::string _icon_title;
144 //! The application that created the window
145 std::string _app_name;
146 //! The class of the window, can used for grouping
147 std::string _app_class;
149 //! The type of window (what its function is)
150 WindowType _type;
152 //! Position and size of the window (relative to the root window)
153 otk::Rect _area;
155 //! Width of the border on the window.
156 /*!
157 The window manager will set this to 0 while the window is being managed,
158 but needs to restore it afterwards, so it is saved here.
159 */
160 int _border_width;
162 //! The minimum width of the client window
163 /*!
164 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
165 */
166 int _min_x;
167 //! The minimum height of the client window
168 /*!
169 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
170 */
171 int _min_y;
172 //! The maximum width of the client window
173 /*!
174 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
175 */
176 int _max_x;
177 //! The maximum height of the client window
178 /*!
179 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
180 */
181 int _max_y;
182 //! The size of increments to resize the client window by (for the width)
183 int _inc_x;
184 //! The size of increments to resize the client window by (for the height)
185 int _inc_y;
186 //! The base width of the client window
187 /*!
188 This value should be subtracted from the window's actual width when
189 displaying its size to the user, or working with its min/max width
190 */
191 int _base_x;
192 //! The base height of the client window
193 /*!
194 This value should be subtracted from the window's actual height when
195 displaying its size to the user, or working with its min/max height
196 */
197 int _base_y;
199 //! Where to place the decorated window in relation to the undecorated window
200 int _gravity;
202 //! The state of the window, one of WithdrawnState, IconicState, or
203 //! NormalState
204 long _wmstate;
206 //! Was the window's position requested by the application? if not, we should
207 //! place the window ourselves when it first appears
208 bool _positioned;
210 //! Can the window receive input focus?
211 bool _can_focus;
212 //! Urgency flag
213 bool _urgent;
214 //! Notify the window when it receives focus?
215 bool _focus_notify;
217 //! The window uses shape extension to be non-rectangular?
218 bool _shaped;
220 //! The window is modal, so it must be processed before any windows it is
221 //! related to can be focused
222 bool _modal;
223 //! Only the window's titlebar is displayed
224 bool _shaded;
225 //! The window is iconified
226 bool _iconic;
227 //! The window is maximized to fill the screen vertically
228 bool _max_vert;
229 //! The window is maximized to fill the screen horizontally
230 bool _max_horz;
231 //! The window is a 'fullscreen' window, and should be on top of all others
232 bool _fullscreen;
233 //! The window should be on top of other windows of the same type
234 bool _floating;
236 //! A bitmask of values in the OBClient::Decoration enum
237 /*!
238 The values in the variable are the decorations that the client wants to be
239 displayed around it.
240 */
241 DecorationFlags _decorations;
243 //! A bitmask of values in the OBClient::Function enum
244 /*!
245 The values in the variable specify the ways in which the user is allowed to
246 modify this window.
247 */
248 FunctionFlags _functions;
250 //! Retrieves the desktop hint's value and sets OBClient::_desktop
251 void getDesktop();
252 //! Retrieves the window's type and sets OBClient::_type
253 void getType();
254 //! Gets the MWM Hints and adjusts OBClient::_functions and
255 //! OBClient::_decorations
256 void getMwmHints();
257 //! Gets the position and size of the window and sets OBClient::_area
258 void getArea();
259 //! Gets the net_state hint and sets the boolean flags for any states set in
260 //! the hint
261 void getState();
262 //! Determines if the window uses the Shape extension and sets
263 //! OBClient::_shaped
264 void getShaped();
266 //! Sets the wm_state to the specified value
267 void setWMState(long state);
268 //! Sends the window to the specified desktop
269 void setDesktop(long desktop);
270 //! Adjusts the window's net_state
271 void setState(StateAction action, long data1, long data2);
273 //! Update the protocols that the window supports and adjusts things if they
274 //! change
275 void updateProtocols();
276 //! Updates the WMNormalHints and adjusts things if they change
277 void updateNormalHints();
278 //! Updates the WMHints and adjusts things if they change
279 void updateWMHints();
280 //! Updates the window's title
281 void updateTitle();
282 //! Updates the window's icon title
283 void updateIconTitle();
284 //! Updates the window's application name and class
285 void updateClass();
286 // XXX: updateTransientFor();
288 public:
289 //! Constructs a new OBClient object around a specified window id
290 /*!
291 @param window The window id that the OBClient class should handle
292 @param screen The screen on which the window resides
293 */
294 OBClient(int screen, Window window);
295 //! Destroys the OBClient object
296 virtual ~OBClient();
298 //! Returns the screen on which the clien resides
299 inline int screen() const { return _screen; }
301 //! Returns the window id that the OBClient object is handling
302 inline Window window() const { return _window; }
304 //! Returns the type of the window, one of the OBClient::WindowType values
305 inline WindowType type() const { return _type; }
306 //! Returns the desktop on which the window resides
307 /*!
308 This value is a 0-based index.<br>
309 A value of 0xffffffff indicates that the window exists on all desktops.
310 */
311 inline unsigned long desktop() const { return _desktop; }
312 //! Returns the window's title
313 inline const std::string &title() const { return _title; }
314 //! Returns the window's title when it is iconified
315 inline const std::string &iconTitle() const { return _title; }
316 //! Returns the application's name to whom the window belongs
317 inline const std::string &appName() const { return _app_name; }
318 //! Returns the class of the window
319 inline const std::string &appClass() const { return _app_class; }
320 //! Returns if the window can be focused
321 /*!
322 @return true if the window can receive focusl otherwise, false
323 */
324 inline bool canFocus() const { return _can_focus; }
325 //! Returns if the window has indicated that it needs urgent attention
326 inline bool urgent() const { return _urgent; }
327 //! Returns if the window wants to be notified when it receives focus
328 inline bool focusNotify() const { return _focus_notify; }
329 //! Returns if the window uses the Shape extension
330 inline bool shaped() const { return _shaped; }
331 //! Returns the window's gravity
332 /*!
333 This value determines where to place the decorated window in relation to
334 its position without decorations.<br>
335 One of: NorthWestGravity, SouthWestGravity, EastGravity, ...,
336 SouthGravity, StaticGravity, ForgetGravity
337 */
338 inline int gravity() const { return _gravity; }
339 //! Returns if the application requested the initial position for the window
340 /*!
341 If the application did not request a position (this function returns false)
342 then the window should be placed intelligently by the window manager
343 initially
344 */
345 inline bool positionRequested() const { return _positioned; }
346 //! Returns the decorations that the client window wishes to be displayed on
347 //! it
348 inline DecorationFlags decorations() const { return _decorations; }
349 //! Returns the functions that the user can perform on the window
350 inline FunctionFlags funtions() const { return _functions; }
352 //! Returns if the window is modal
353 /*!
354 If the window is modal, then no other windows that it is related to can get
355 focus while it exists/remains modal.
356 */
357 inline bool modal() const { return _modal; }
358 //! Returns if the window is shaded
359 /*!
360 When the window is shaded, only its titlebar is visible, the client itself
361 is not mapped
362 */
363 inline bool shaded() const { return _shaded; }
364 //! Returns if the window is iconified
365 /*!
366 When the window is iconified, it is not visible at all (except in iconbars/
367 panels/etc that want to show lists of iconified windows
368 */
369 inline bool iconic() const { return _iconic; }
370 //! Returns if the window is maximized vertically
371 inline bool maxVert() const { return _max_vert; }
372 //! Returns if the window is maximized horizontally
373 inline bool maxHorz() const { return _max_horz; }
374 //! Returns if the window is fullscreen
375 /*!
376 When the window is fullscreen, it is kept above all others
377 */
378 inline bool fullscreen() const { return _fullscreen; }
379 //! Returns if the window is floating
380 /*!
381 When the window is floating, it is kept above all others in the same
382 stacking layer as it
383 */
384 inline bool floating() const { return _floating; }
386 //! Returns the window's border width
387 /*!
388 The border width is set to 0 when the client becomes managed, but the
389 border width is stored here so that it can be restored to the client window
390 when it is unmanaged later.
391 */
392 inline int borderWidth() const { return _border_width; }
393 //! Returns the minimum width of the client window
394 /*!
395 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
396 */
397 inline int minX() const { return _min_x; }
398 //! Returns the minimum height of the client window
399 /*!
400 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
401 */
402 inline int minY() const { return _min_y; }
403 //! Returns the maximum width of the client window
404 /*!
405 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
406 */
407 inline int maxX() const { return _max_x; }
408 //! Returns the maximum height of the client window
409 /*!
410 If the min is > the max, then the window is not resizable
411 */
412 inline int maxY() const { return _max_y; }
413 //! Returns the increment size for resizing the window (for the width)
414 inline int incrementX() const { return _inc_x; }
415 //! Returns the increment size for resizing the window (for the height)
416 inline int incrementY() const { return _inc_y; }
417 //! Returns the base width of the window
418 /*!
419 This value should be subtracted from the window's actual width when
420 displaying its size to the user, or working with its min/max width
421 */
422 inline int baseX() const { return _base_x; }
423 //! Returns the base height of the window
424 /*!
425 This value should be subtracted from the window's actual height when
426 displaying its size to the user, or working with its min/max height
427 */
428 inline int baseY() const { return _base_y; }
430 //! Returns the position and size of the client relative to the root window
431 inline const otk::Rect &area() const { return _area; }
433 //! Updates the OBClient class from a property change XEvent
434 void update(const XPropertyEvent &e);
435 //! Processes a client message XEvent for the window and causes an action
436 //! or whatever was specified to occur
437 void update(const XClientMessageEvent &e);
438 #if defined(SHAPE) || defined(DOXYGEN_IGNORE)
439 //! Updates the client's shape status
440 void update(const XShapeEvent &e);
441 #endif
443 //! Changes the stored positions and size of the OBClient window
444 /*!
445 This does not actually change the physical geometry, that needs to be done
446 before/after setting this value to keep it in sync
447 */
448 void setArea(const otk::Rect &area);
449 };
451 }
453 #endif // __client_hh
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