1 %% This diagram file doesn't compile but can be used to manually test
4 participant this wasdf sadf as as Alice in chains
6 Alice->> + John: Hello John, how are you? %% asdfaf
7 Alice ->> +John: John, can you hear me?
8 Alice ->> John : John, can you hear me?
10 Jo;n-->> - This is a test : Hi Alice, I can hear you!
11 John-->> + Z : Hi Alice, I can hear you!
14 loop This is just a test
15 John-->>-Alice: I feel great!
18 John-->>-Alice: I feel great!
28 Note left of Alice: whatever
29 Note right of asdf : asdfwe
30 Note over foo,Bar : asdfwe
31 Alice -X +Bob : Hello world!!!!!!!!!1
32 %% TODO This is a comment FIXME