#include "openbox/actions.h" #include "openbox/client.h" #include "openbox/screen.h" #include "openbox/frame.h" #include /* for atoi */ typedef struct { gboolean xcenter; gboolean ycenter; gint x; gint y; gint monitor; } Options; static gpointer setup_func(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node); static void free_func(gpointer options); static gboolean run_func(ObActionsData *data, gpointer options); void action_moveto_startup() { actions_register("MoveTo", setup_func, free_func, run_func, NULL, NULL); } static gpointer setup_func(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr n; Options *o; o = g_new0(Options, 1); o->x = G_MININT; o->y = G_MININT; o->monitor = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("x", node))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, n); if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "center")) o->xcenter = TRUE; else o->x = atoi(s); g_free(s); } if ((n = parse_find_node("y", node))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, n); if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "center")) o->ycenter = TRUE; else o->y = atoi(s); g_free(s); } if ((n = parse_find_node("monitor", node))) o->monitor = parse_int(doc, n) - 1; return o; } static void free_func(gpointer options) { Options *o = options; g_free(o); } /* Always return FALSE because its not interactive */ static gboolean run_func(ObActionsData *data, gpointer options) { Options *o = options; if (data->client) { Rect *area, *carea; ObClient *c; gint mon, cmon; gint x, y, lw, lh, w, h; c = data->client; mon = o->monitor; cmon = client_monitor(c); if (mon < 0) mon = cmon; area = screen_area(c->desktop, mon, NULL); carea = screen_area(c->desktop, cmon, NULL); x = o->x; if (x == G_MININT) x = c->frame->area.x - carea->x; if (o->xcenter) x = (area->width - c->frame->area.width) / 2; x += area->x; y = o->y; if (y == G_MININT) y = c->frame->area.y - carea->y; if (o->ycenter) y = (area->height - c->frame->area.height) / 2; y += area->y; w = c->area.width; h = c->area.height; frame_frame_gravity(c->frame, &x, &y); /* get the client coords */ client_try_configure(c, &x, &y, &w, &h, &lw, &lh, TRUE); /* force it on screen if its moving to another monitor */ client_find_onscreen(c, &x, &y, w, h, mon != cmon); client_configure(c, x, y, w, h, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); g_free(area); g_free(carea); } return FALSE; }