#include "client.h" #include "screen.h" #include "prop.h" #include "extensions.h" #include "frame.h" #include "engine.h" #include "event.h" #include "grab.h" #include "focus.h" #include "stacking.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include #include /*! The event mask to grab on client windows */ #define CLIENT_EVENTMASK (PropertyChangeMask | FocusChangeMask | \ StructureNotifyMask) #define CLIENT_NOPROPAGATEMASK (ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | \ ButtonMotionMask) GSList *client_list = NULL; GHashTable *client_map = NULL; static void client_get_all(Client *self); static void client_toggle_border(Client *self, gboolean show); static void client_get_area(Client *self); static void client_get_desktop(Client *self); static void client_get_state(Client *self); static void client_get_shaped(Client *self); static void client_get_mwm_hints(Client *self); static void client_get_gravity(Client *self); static void client_showhide(Client *self); static void client_change_allowed_actions(Client *self); static void client_change_state(Client *self); static Client *search_focus_tree(Client *node, Client *skip); static void client_apply_startup_state(Client *self); static Client *search_modal_tree(Client *node, Client *skip); static guint map_hash(Window w) { return w; } static gboolean map_key_comp(Window w1, Window w2) { return w1 == w2; } void client_startup() { client_map = g_hash_table_new((GHashFunc)map_hash, (GEqualFunc)map_key_comp); client_set_list(); } void client_shutdown() { g_hash_table_destroy(client_map); } void client_set_list() { Window *windows, *win_it; GSList *it; guint size = g_slist_length(client_list); /* create an array of the window ids */ if (size > 0) { windows = g_new(Window, size); win_it = windows; for (it = client_list; it != NULL; it = it->next, ++win_it) *win_it = ((Client*)it->data)->window; } else windows = NULL; PROP_SET32A(ob_root, net_client_list, window, windows, size); if (windows) g_free(windows); stacking_set_list(); } void client_manage_all() { unsigned int i, j, nchild; Window w, *children; XWMHints *wmhints; XWindowAttributes attrib; XQueryTree(ob_display, ob_root, &w, &w, &children, &nchild); /* remove all icon windows from the list */ for (i = 0; i < nchild; i++) { if (children[i] == None) continue; wmhints = XGetWMHints(ob_display, children[i]); if (wmhints) { if ((wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint) && (wmhints->icon_window != children[i])) for (j = 0; j < nchild; j++) if (children[j] == wmhints->icon_window) { children[j] = None; break; } XFree(wmhints); } } for (i = 0; i < nchild; ++i) { if (children[i] == None) continue; if (XGetWindowAttributes(ob_display, children[i], &attrib)) { if (attrib.override_redirect) continue; if (attrib.map_state != IsUnmapped) client_manage(children[i]); } } XFree(children); } void client_manage(Window window) { Client *client; XEvent e; XWindowAttributes attrib; XSetWindowAttributes attrib_set; /* XWMHints *wmhint; */ guint i; grab_server(TRUE); /* check if it has already been unmapped by the time we started mapping the grab does a sync so we don't have to here */ if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(ob_display, window, DestroyNotify, &e) || XCheckTypedWindowEvent(ob_display, window, UnmapNotify, &e)) { XPutBackEvent(ob_display, &e); grab_server(FALSE); return; /* don't manage it */ } /* make sure it isn't an override-redirect window */ if (!XGetWindowAttributes(ob_display, window, &attrib) || attrib.override_redirect) { grab_server(FALSE); return; /* don't manage it */ } /* /\* is the window a docking app *\/ if ((wmhint = XGetWMHints(ob_display, window))) { if ((wmhint->flags & StateHint) && wmhint->initial_state == WithdrawnState) { /\* XXX: make dock apps work! *\/ grab_server(FALSE); XFree(wmhint); return; } XFree(wmhint); } */ /* choose the events we want to receive on the CLIENT window */ attrib_set.event_mask = CLIENT_EVENTMASK; attrib_set.do_not_propagate_mask = CLIENT_NOPROPAGATEMASK; XChangeWindowAttributes(ob_display, window, CWEventMask|CWDontPropagate, &attrib_set); /* create the Client struct, and populate it from the hints on the window */ client = g_new(Client, 1); client->window = window; client_get_all(client); /* remove the client's border (and adjust re gravity) */ client_toggle_border(client, FALSE); /* specify that if we exit, the window should not be destroyed and should be reparented back to root automatically */ XChangeSaveSet(ob_display, window, SetModeInsert); /* create the decoration frame for the client window */ client->frame = engine_frame_new(); engine_frame_grab_client(client->frame, client); client_apply_startup_state(client); grab_server(FALSE); client_list = g_slist_append(client_list, client); stacking_list = g_list_append(stacking_list, client); g_hash_table_insert(client_map, (gpointer)window, client); /* update the focus lists */ if (client->desktop == DESKTOP_ALL) { for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i) focus_order[i] = g_list_append(focus_order[i], client); } else { i = client->desktop; focus_order[i] = g_list_append(focus_order[i], client); } stacking_raise(client); screen_update_struts(); dispatch_client(Event_Client_New, client, 0, 0); client_showhide(client); dispatch_client(Event_Client_Mapped, client, 0, 0); /* update the list hints */ client_set_list(); g_message("Managed window 0x%lx", window); } void client_unmanage_all() { while (client_list != NULL) client_unmanage(client_list->data); } void client_unmanage(Client *client) { guint i; int j; GSList *it; g_message("Unmanaging window: %lx", client->window); dispatch_client(Event_Client_Destroy, client, 0, 0); /* remove the window from our save set */ XChangeSaveSet(ob_display, client->window, SetModeDelete); /* we dont want events no more */ XSelectInput(ob_display, client->window, NoEventMask); engine_frame_hide(client->frame); /* dispatch the unmapped event */ dispatch_client(Event_Client_Unmapped, client, 0, 0); /* give the client its border back */ client_toggle_border(client, TRUE); /* reparent the window out of the frame, and free the frame */ engine_frame_release_client(client->frame, client); client->frame = NULL; client_list = g_slist_remove(client_list, client); stacking_list = g_list_remove(stacking_list, client); g_hash_table_remove(client_map, (gpointer)client->window); /* update the focus lists */ if (client->desktop == DESKTOP_ALL) { for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i) focus_order[i] = g_list_remove(focus_order[i], client); } else { i = client->desktop; focus_order[i] = g_list_remove(focus_order[i], client); } /* once the client is out of the list, update the struts to remove it's influence */ screen_update_struts(); /* tell our parent that we're gone */ if (client->transient_for != NULL) client->transient_for->transients = g_slist_remove(client->transient_for->transients, client); /* tell our transients that we're gone */ for (it = client->transients; it != NULL; it = it->next) { ((Client*)it->data)->transient_for = NULL; client_calc_layer(it->data); } /* unfocus the client (dispatchs the focus event) (we're out of the transient lists already, so being modal doesn't matter) */ if (client_focused(client)) client_unfocus(client); if (ob_state != State_Exiting) { /* these values should not be persisted across a window unmapping/mapping */ prop_erase(client->window, prop_atoms.net_wm_desktop); prop_erase(client->window, prop_atoms.net_wm_state); } else { /* if we're left in an iconic state, the client wont be mapped. this is bad, since we will no longer be managing the window on restart */ if (client->iconic) XMapWindow(ob_display, client->window); } /* free all data allocated in the client struct */ g_slist_free(client->transients); for (j = 0; j < client->nicons; ++j) g_free(client->icons[j].data); if (client->nicons > 0) g_free(client->icons); g_free(client->title); g_free(client->icon_title); g_free(client->name); g_free(client->class); g_free(client->role); g_free(client); /* update the list hints */ client_set_list(); } static void client_toggle_border(Client *self, gboolean show) { /* adjust our idea of where the client is, based on its border. When the border is removed, the client should now be considered to be in a different position. when re-adding the border to the client, the same operation needs to be reversed. */ int oldx = self->area.x, oldy = self->area.y; int x = oldx, y = oldy; switch(self->gravity) { default: case NorthWestGravity: case WestGravity: case SouthWestGravity: break; case NorthEastGravity: case EastGravity: case SouthEastGravity: if (show) x -= self->border_width * 2; else x += self->border_width * 2; break; case NorthGravity: case SouthGravity: case CenterGravity: case ForgetGravity: case StaticGravity: if (show) x -= self->border_width; else x += self->border_width; break; } switch(self->gravity) { default: case NorthWestGravity: case NorthGravity: case NorthEastGravity: break; case SouthWestGravity: case SouthGravity: case SouthEastGravity: if (show) y -= self->border_width * 2; else y += self->border_width * 2; break; case WestGravity: case EastGravity: case CenterGravity: case ForgetGravity: case StaticGravity: if (show) y -= self->border_width; else y += self->border_width; break; } self->area.x = x; self->area.y = y; if (show) { XSetWindowBorderWidth(ob_display, self->window, self->border_width); /* move the client so it is back it the right spot _with_ its border! */ if (x != oldx || y != oldy) XMoveWindow(ob_display, self->window, x, y); } else XSetWindowBorderWidth(ob_display, self->window, 0); } static void client_get_all(Client *self) { /* update EVERYTHING!! */ self->ignore_unmaps = 0; /* defaults */ self->frame = NULL; self->title = self->icon_title = NULL; self->name = self->class = self->role = NULL; self->wmstate = NormalState; self->transient = FALSE; self->transients = NULL; self->transient_for = NULL; self->layer = -1; self->urgent = FALSE; self->positioned = FALSE; self->disabled_decorations = 0; self->group = None; self->nicons = 0; client_get_area(self); client_get_desktop(self); client_get_state(self); client_get_shaped(self); client_update_transient_for(self); client_get_mwm_hints(self); client_get_type(self);/* this can change the mwmhints for special cases */ client_update_protocols(self); client_get_gravity(self); /* get the attribute gravity */ client_update_normal_hints(self); /* this may override the attribute gravity */ /* got the type, the mwmhints, the protocols, and the normal hints (min/max sizes), so we're ready to set up the decorations/functions */ client_setup_decor_and_functions(self); client_update_wmhints(self); client_update_title(self); client_update_icon_title(self); client_update_class(self); client_update_strut(self); client_update_icons(self); client_update_kwm_icon(self); /* this makes sure that these windows appear on all desktops */ if (self->type == Type_Desktop) self->desktop = DESKTOP_ALL; /* set the desktop hint, to make sure that it always exists, and to reflect any changes we've made here */ PROP_SET32(self->window, net_wm_desktop, cardinal, self->desktop); client_change_state(self); } static void client_get_area(Client *self) { XWindowAttributes wattrib; Status ret; ret = XGetWindowAttributes(ob_display, self->window, &wattrib); g_assert(ret != BadWindow); RECT_SET(self->area, wattrib.x, wattrib.y, wattrib.width, wattrib.height); self->border_width = wattrib.border_width; } static void client_get_desktop(Client *self) { unsigned int d; if (PROP_GET32(self->window, net_wm_desktop, cardinal, d)) { if (d >= screen_num_desktops && d != DESKTOP_ALL) d = screen_num_desktops - 1; self->desktop = d; } else { /* defaults to the current desktop */ self->desktop = screen_desktop; } } static void client_get_state(Client *self) { gulong *state; gulong num; self->modal = self->shaded = self->max_horz = self->max_vert = self->fullscreen = self->above = self->below = self->iconic = self->skip_taskbar = self->skip_pager = FALSE; if (PROP_GET32U(self->window, net_wm_state, atom, state, num)) { gulong i; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_modal) self->modal = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_shaded) self->shaded = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_hidden) self->iconic = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_taskbar) self->skip_taskbar = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_pager) self->skip_pager = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_fullscreen) self->fullscreen = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_vert) self->max_vert = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_horz) self->max_horz = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_above) self->above = TRUE; else if (state[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_below) self->below = TRUE; } g_free(state); } } static void client_get_shaped(Client *self) { self->shaped = FALSE; #ifdef SHAPE if (extensions_shape) { int foo; guint ufoo; int s; XShapeSelectInput(ob_display, self->window, ShapeNotifyMask); XShapeQueryExtents(ob_display, self->window, &s, &foo, &foo, &ufoo, &ufoo, &foo, &foo, &foo, &ufoo, &ufoo); self->shaped = (s != 0); } #endif } void client_update_transient_for(Client *self) { Window t = None; Client *c = NULL; if (XGetTransientForHint(ob_display, self->window, &t) && t != self->window) { /* cant be transient to itself! */ self->transient = TRUE; c = g_hash_table_lookup(client_map, (gpointer)t); g_assert(c != self);/* if this happens then we need to check for it*/ if (!c /*XXX: && _group*/) { /* not transient to a client, see if it is transient for a group */ if (/*t == _group->leader() || */ t == None || t == ob_root) { /* window is a transient for its group! */ /* XXX: for now this is treated as non-transient. this needs to be fixed! */ } } } else self->transient = FALSE; /* if anything has changed... */ if (c != self->transient_for) { if (self->transient_for) /* remove from old parent */ g_slist_remove(self->transient_for->transients, self); self->transient_for = c; if (self->transient_for) /* add to new parent */ g_slist_append(self->transient_for->transients, self); } } static void client_get_mwm_hints(Client *self) { unsigned long num; unsigned long *hints; self->mwmhints.flags = 0; /* default to none */ if (PROP_GET32U(self->window, motif_wm_hints, motif_wm_hints, hints, num)) { if (num >= MWM_ELEMENTS) { self->mwmhints.flags = hints[0]; self->mwmhints.functions = hints[1]; self->mwmhints.decorations = hints[2]; } g_free(hints); } } void client_get_type(Client *self) { gulong *val, num, i; self->type = -1; if (PROP_GET32U(self->window, net_wm_window_type, atom, val, num)) { /* use the first value that we know about in the array */ for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_desktop) self->type = Type_Desktop; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_dock) self->type = Type_Dock; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_toolbar) self->type = Type_Toolbar; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_menu) self->type = Type_Menu; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_utility) self->type = Type_Utility; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_splash) self->type = Type_Splash; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_dialog) self->type = Type_Dialog; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.net_wm_window_type_normal) self->type = Type_Normal; else if (val[i] == prop_atoms.kde_net_wm_window_type_override) { /* prevent this window from getting any decor or functionality */ self->mwmhints.flags &= (MwmFlag_Functions | MwmFlag_Decorations); self->mwmhints.decorations = 0; self->mwmhints.functions = 0; } if (self->type != (WindowType) -1) break; /* grab the first legit type */ } g_free(val); } if (self->type == (WindowType) -1) { /*the window type hint was not set, which means we either classify ourself as a normal window or a dialog, depending on if we are a transient. */ if (self->transient) self->type = Type_Dialog; else self->type = Type_Normal; } } void client_update_protocols(Client *self) { Atom *proto; gulong num_return, i; self->focus_notify = FALSE; self->delete_window = FALSE; if (PROP_GET32U(self->window, wm_protocols, atom, proto, num_return)) { for (i = 0; i < num_return; ++i) { if (proto[i] == prop_atoms.wm_delete_window) { /* this means we can request the window to close */ self->delete_window = TRUE; } else if (proto[i] == prop_atoms.wm_take_focus) /* if this protocol is requested, then the window will be notified whenever we want it to receive focus */ self->focus_notify = TRUE; } g_free(proto); } } static void client_get_gravity(Client *self) { XWindowAttributes wattrib; Status ret; ret = XGetWindowAttributes(ob_display, self->window, &wattrib); g_assert(ret != BadWindow); self->gravity = wattrib.win_gravity; } void client_update_normal_hints(Client *self) { XSizeHints size; long ret; int oldgravity = self->gravity; /* defaults */ self->min_ratio = 0.0f; self->max_ratio = 0.0f; SIZE_SET(self->size_inc, 1, 1); SIZE_SET(self->base_size, 0, 0); SIZE_SET(self->min_size, 0, 0); SIZE_SET(self->max_size, G_MAXINT, G_MAXINT); /* get the hints from the window */ if (XGetWMNormalHints(ob_display, self->window, &size, &ret)) { self->positioned = (size.flags & (PPosition|USPosition)); if (size.flags & PWinGravity) { self->gravity = size.win_gravity; /* if the client has a frame, i.e. has already been mapped and is changing its gravity */ if (self->frame && self->gravity != oldgravity) { /* move our idea of the client's position based on its new gravity */ self->area.x = self->frame->area.x; self->area.y = self->frame->area.y; frame_frame_gravity(self->frame, &self->area.x, &self->area.y); } } if (size.flags & PAspect) { if (size.min_aspect.y) self->min_ratio = (float)size.min_aspect.x / size.min_aspect.y; if (size.max_aspect.y) self->max_ratio = (float)size.max_aspect.x / size.max_aspect.y; } if (size.flags & PMinSize) SIZE_SET(self->min_size, size.min_width, size.min_height); if (size.flags & PMaxSize) SIZE_SET(self->max_size, size.max_width, size.max_height); if (size.flags & PBaseSize) SIZE_SET(self->base_size, size.base_width, size.base_height); if (size.flags & PResizeInc) SIZE_SET(self->size_inc, size.width_inc, size.height_inc); } } void client_setup_decor_and_functions(Client *self) { /* start with everything (cept fullscreen) */ self->decorations = Decor_Titlebar | Decor_Handle | Decor_Border | Decor_Icon | Decor_AllDesktops | Decor_Iconify | Decor_Maximize; self->functions = Func_Resize | Func_Move | Func_Iconify | Func_Maximize | Func_Shade; if (self->delete_window) { self->decorations |= Decor_Close; self->functions |= Func_Close; } if (!(self->min_size.width < self->max_size.width || self->min_size.height < self->max_size.height)) { self->decorations &= ~(Decor_Maximize | Decor_Handle); self->functions &= ~(Func_Resize | Func_Maximize); } switch (self->type) { case Type_Normal: /* normal windows retain all of the possible decorations and functionality, and are the only windows that you can fullscreen */ self->functions |= Func_Fullscreen; break; case Type_Dialog: /* dialogs cannot be maximized */ self->decorations &= ~Decor_Maximize; self->functions &= ~Func_Maximize; break; case Type_Menu: case Type_Toolbar: case Type_Utility: /* these windows get less functionality */ self->decorations &= ~(Decor_Iconify | Decor_Handle); self->functions &= ~(Func_Iconify | Func_Resize); break; case Type_Desktop: case Type_Dock: case Type_Splash: /* none of these windows are manipulated by the window manager */ self->decorations = 0; self->functions = 0; break; } /* Mwm Hints are applied subtractively to what has already been chosen for decor and functionality */ if (self->mwmhints.flags & MwmFlag_Decorations) { if (! (self->mwmhints.decorations & MwmDecor_All)) { if (! (self->mwmhints.decorations & MwmDecor_Border)) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Border; if (! (self->mwmhints.decorations & MwmDecor_Handle)) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Handle; if (! (self->mwmhints.decorations & MwmDecor_Title)) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Titlebar; if (! (self->mwmhints.decorations & MwmDecor_Iconify)) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Iconify; if (! (self->mwmhints.decorations & MwmDecor_Maximize)) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Maximize; } } if (self->mwmhints.flags & MwmFlag_Functions) { if (! (self->mwmhints.functions & MwmFunc_All)) { if (! (self->mwmhints.functions & MwmFunc_Resize)) self->functions &= ~Func_Resize; if (! (self->mwmhints.functions & MwmFunc_Move)) self->functions &= ~Func_Move; if (! (self->mwmhints.functions & MwmFunc_Iconify)) self->functions &= ~Func_Iconify; if (! (self->mwmhints.functions & MwmFunc_Maximize)) self->functions &= ~Func_Maximize; /* dont let mwm hints kill the close button if (! (self->mwmhints.functions & MwmFunc_Close)) self->functions &= ~Func_Close; */ } } /* can't maximize without moving/resizing */ if (!((self->functions & Func_Move) && (self->functions & Func_Resize))) self->functions &= ~Func_Maximize; /* finally, user specified disabled decorations are applied to subtract decorations */ if (self->disabled_decorations & Decor_Titlebar) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Titlebar; if (self->disabled_decorations & Decor_Handle) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Handle; if (self->disabled_decorations & Decor_Border) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Border; if (self->disabled_decorations & Decor_Iconify) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Iconify; if (self->disabled_decorations & Decor_Maximize) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Maximize; if (self->disabled_decorations & Decor_AllDesktops) self->decorations &= ~Decor_AllDesktops; if (self->disabled_decorations & Decor_Close) self->decorations &= ~Decor_Close; /* if we don't have a titlebar, then we cannot shade! */ if (!(self->decorations & Decor_Titlebar)) self->functions &= ~Func_Shade; client_change_allowed_actions(self); if (self->frame) { /* change the decors on the frame, and with more/less decorations, we may also need to be repositioned */ engine_frame_adjust_area(self->frame); /* with new decor, the window's maximized size may change */ client_remaximize(self); } } static void client_change_allowed_actions(Client *self) { Atom actions[9]; int num = 0; actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_change_desktop; if (self->functions & Func_Shade) actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_shade; if (self->functions & Func_Close) actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_close; if (self->functions & Func_Move) actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_move; if (self->functions & Func_Iconify) actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_minimize; if (self->functions & Func_Resize) actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_resize; if (self->functions & Func_Fullscreen) actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_fullscreen; if (self->functions & Func_Maximize) { actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_maximize_horz; actions[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_action_maximize_vert; } PROP_SET32A(self->window, net_wm_allowed_actions, atom, actions, num); /* make sure the window isn't breaking any rules now */ if (!(self->functions & Func_Shade) && self->shaded) { if (self->frame) client_shade(self, FALSE); else self->shaded = FALSE; } if (!(self->functions & Func_Iconify) && self->iconic) { if (self->frame) client_iconify(self, FALSE, TRUE); else self->iconic = FALSE; } if (!(self->functions & Func_Fullscreen) && self->fullscreen) { if (self->frame) client_fullscreen(self, FALSE, TRUE); else self->fullscreen = FALSE; } if (!(self->functions & Func_Maximize) && (self->max_horz || self->max_vert)) { if (self->frame) client_maximize(self, FALSE, 0, TRUE); else self->max_vert = self->max_horz = FALSE; } } void client_remaximize(Client *self) { int dir; if (self->max_horz && self->max_vert) dir = 0; else if (self->max_horz) dir = 1; else if (self->max_vert) dir = 2; else return; /* not maximized */ self->max_horz = self->max_vert = FALSE; client_maximize(self, TRUE, dir, FALSE); } void client_update_wmhints(Client *self) { XWMHints *hints; gboolean ur = FALSE; /* assume a window takes input if it doesnt specify */ self->can_focus = TRUE; if ((hints = XGetWMHints(ob_display, self->window)) != NULL) { if (hints->flags & InputHint) self->can_focus = hints->input; /* only do this when starting! */ if (ob_state == State_Starting && (hints->flags & StateHint)) self->iconic = hints->initial_state == IconicState; if (hints->flags & XUrgencyHint) ur = TRUE; if (hints->flags & WindowGroupHint) { if (hints->window_group != self->group) { /* XXX: remove from the old group if there was one */ self->group = hints->window_group; /* XXX: do stuff with the group */ } } else /* no group! */ self->group = None; if (hints->flags & IconPixmapHint) { client_update_kwm_icon(self); /* try get the kwm icon first, this is a fallback only */ if (self->pixmap_icon == None) { self->pixmap_icon = hints->icon_pixmap; if (hints->flags & IconMaskHint) self->pixmap_icon_mask = hints->icon_mask; else self->pixmap_icon_mask = None; if (self->frame) engine_frame_adjust_icon(self->frame); } } XFree(hints); } if (ur != self->urgent) { self->urgent = ur; g_message("Urgent Hint for 0x%lx: %s\n", self->window, ur ? "ON" : "OFF"); /* fire the urgent callback if we're mapped, otherwise, wait until after we're mapped */ if (self->frame) dispatch_client(Event_Client_Urgent, self, self->urgent, 0); } } void client_update_title(Client *self) { gchar *data = NULL; g_free(self->title); /* try netwm */ if (!PROP_GETS(self->window, net_wm_name, utf8, data)) { /* try old x stuff */ if (PROP_GETS(self->window, wm_name, string, data)) { /* convert it to UTF-8 */ gsize r, w; gchar *u; u = g_locale_to_utf8(data, -1, &r, &w, NULL); if (u == NULL) { g_warning("Unable to convert string to UTF-8"); } else { g_free(data); data = u; } } if (data == NULL) data = g_strdup("Unnamed Window"); PROP_SETS(self->window, net_wm_visible_name, utf8, data); } self->title = data; if (self->frame) engine_frame_adjust_title(self->frame); } void client_update_icon_title(Client *self) { gchar *data = NULL; g_free(self->icon_title); /* try netwm */ if (!PROP_GETS(self->window, net_wm_icon_name, utf8, data)) { /* try old x stuff */ if (PROP_GETS(self->window, wm_icon_name, string, data)) { /* convert it to UTF-8 */ gsize r, w; gchar *u; u = g_locale_to_utf8(data, -1, &r, &w, NULL); if (u == NULL) { g_warning("Unable to convert string to UTF-8"); } else { g_free(data); data = u; } } if (data == NULL) data = g_strdup("Unnamed Window"); PROP_SETS(self->window, net_wm_visible_icon_name, utf8, data); } self->icon_title = data; } void client_update_class(Client *self) { GPtrArray *data; gchar *s; guint i; if (self->name) g_free(self->name); if (self->class) g_free(self->class); if (self->role) g_free(self->role); self->name = self->class = self->role = NULL; data = g_ptr_array_new(); if (PROP_GETSA(self->window, wm_class, string, data)) { if (data->len > 0) self->name = g_strdup(g_ptr_array_index(data, 0)); if (data->len > 1) self->class = g_strdup(g_ptr_array_index(data, 1)); } for (i = 0; i < data->len; ++i) g_free(g_ptr_array_index(data, i)); g_ptr_array_free(data, TRUE); if (PROP_GETS(self->window, wm_window_role, string, s)) self->role = g_strdup(s); if (self->name == NULL) self->name = g_strdup(""); if (self->class == NULL) self->class = g_strdup(""); if (self->role == NULL) self->role = g_strdup(""); } void client_update_strut(Client *self) { gulong *data; if (PROP_GET32A(self->window, net_wm_strut, cardinal, data, 4)) { STRUT_SET(self->strut, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]); g_free(data); } else STRUT_SET(self->strut, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* updating here is pointless while we're being mapped cuz we're not in the client list yet */ if (self->frame) screen_update_struts(); } void client_update_icons(Client *self) { unsigned long num; unsigned long *data; unsigned long w, h, i; int j; for (j = 0; j < self->nicons; ++j) g_free(self->icons[j].data); if (self->nicons > 0) g_free(self->icons); self->nicons = 0; if (PROP_GET32U(self->window, net_wm_icon, cardinal, data, num)) { /* figure out how many valid icons are in here */ i = 0; while (num - i > 2) { w = data[i++]; h = data[i++]; i += w * h; if (i > num) break; ++self->nicons; } self->icons = g_new(Icon, self->nicons); /* store the icons */ i = 0; for (j = 0; j < self->nicons; ++j) { w = self->icons[j].w = data[i++]; h = self->icons[j].h = data[i++]; self->icons[j].data = g_memdup(&data[i], w * h * sizeof(gulong)); i += w * h; g_assert(i <= num); } g_free(data); } if (self->nicons <= 0) { self->nicons = 1; self->icons = g_new0(Icon, 1); } if (self->frame) engine_frame_adjust_icon(self->frame); } void client_update_kwm_icon(Client *self) { Pixmap *data; if (PROP_GET32A(self->window, kwm_win_icon, kwm_win_icon, data, 2)) { self->pixmap_icon = data[0]; self->pixmap_icon_mask = data[1]; g_free(data); } else { self->pixmap_icon = self->pixmap_icon_mask = None; } if (self->frame) engine_frame_adjust_icon(self->frame); } static void client_change_state(Client *self) { unsigned long state[2]; Atom netstate[10]; int num; state[0] = self->wmstate; state[1] = None; PROP_SET32A(self->window, wm_state, wm_state, state, 2); num = 0; if (self->modal) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_modal; if (self->shaded) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_shaded; if (self->iconic) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_hidden; if (self->skip_taskbar) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_taskbar; if (self->skip_pager) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_pager; if (self->fullscreen) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_fullscreen; if (self->max_vert) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_vert; if (self->max_horz) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_horz; if (self->above) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_above; if (self->below) netstate[num++] = prop_atoms.net_wm_state_below; PROP_SET32A(self->window, net_wm_state, atom, netstate, num); client_calc_layer(self); if (self->frame) engine_frame_adjust_state(self->frame); } static Client *search_focus_tree(Client *node, Client *skip) { GSList *it; Client *ret; for (it = node->transients; it != NULL; it = g_slist_next(it)) { Client *c = it->data; if (c == skip) continue; /* circular? */ if ((ret = search_focus_tree(c, skip))) return ret; if (client_focused(c)) return c; } return NULL; } void client_calc_layer(Client *self) { StackLayer l; gboolean fs; Client *c; /* are we fullscreen, or do we have a fullscreen transient parent? */ c = self; fs = FALSE; while (c) { if (c->fullscreen) { fs = TRUE; break; } c = c->transient_for; } if (!fs && self->fullscreen) { /* is one of our transients focused? */ c = search_focus_tree(self, self); if (c != NULL) fs = TRUE; } if (self->iconic) l = Layer_Icon; else if (fs) l = Layer_Fullscreen; else if (self->type == Type_Desktop) l = Layer_Desktop; else if (self->type == Type_Dock) { if (!self->below) l = Layer_Top; else l = Layer_Normal; } else if (self->above) l = Layer_Above; else if (self->below) l = Layer_Below; else l = Layer_Normal; if (l != self->layer) { self->layer = l; if (self->frame) stacking_raise(self); } } gboolean client_should_show(Client *self) { if (self->iconic) return FALSE; else if (!(self->desktop == screen_desktop || self->desktop == DESKTOP_ALL)) return FALSE; else if (client_normal(self) && screen_showing_desktop) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void client_showhide(Client *self) { if (client_should_show(self)) engine_frame_show(self->frame); else engine_frame_hide(self->frame); } gboolean client_normal(Client *self) { return ! (self->type == Type_Desktop || self->type == Type_Dock || self->type == Type_Splash); } static void client_apply_startup_state(Client *self) { /* these are in a carefully crafted order.. */ if (self->iconic) { self->iconic = FALSE; client_iconify(self, TRUE, FALSE); } if (self->fullscreen) { self->fullscreen = FALSE; client_fullscreen(self, TRUE, FALSE); } if (self->shaded) { self->shaded = FALSE; client_shade(self, TRUE); } if (self->urgent) dispatch_client(Event_Client_Urgent, self, self->urgent, 0); if (self->max_vert && self->max_horz) { self->max_vert = self->max_horz = FALSE; client_maximize(self, TRUE, 0, FALSE); } else if (self->max_vert) { self->max_vert = FALSE; client_maximize(self, TRUE, 2, FALSE); } else if (self->max_horz) { self->max_horz = FALSE; client_maximize(self, TRUE, 1, FALSE); } /* nothing to do for the other states: skip_taskbar skip_pager modal above below */ } void client_configure(Client *self, Corner anchor, int x, int y, int w, int h, gboolean user, gboolean final) { gboolean moved = FALSE, resized = FALSE; /* set the size and position if fullscreen */ if (self->fullscreen) { x = 0; y = 0; w = screen_physical_size.width; h = screen_physical_size.height; } else { /* set the size and position if maximized */ if (self->max_horz) { x = screen_area(self->desktop)->x - self->frame->size.left; w = screen_area(self->desktop)->x + screen_area(self->desktop)->width; } if (self->max_vert) { y = screen_area(self->desktop)->y; h = screen_area(self->desktop)->y + screen_area(self->desktop)->height - self->frame->size.top - self->frame->size.bottom; } } if (x == self->area.x && y == self->area.y && w == self->area.width && h == self->area.height) return; /* no change */ w -= self->base_size.width; h -= self->base_size.height; if (user) { /* for interactive resizing. have to move half an increment in each direction. */ /* how far we are towards the next size inc */ int mw = w % self->size_inc.width; int mh = h % self->size_inc.height; /* amount to add */ int aw = self->size_inc.width / 2; int ah = self->size_inc.height / 2; /* don't let us move into a new size increment */ if (mw + aw >= self->size_inc.width) aw = self->size_inc.width - mw - 1; if (mh + ah >= self->size_inc.height) ah = self->size_inc.height - mh - 1; w += aw; h += ah; /* if this is a user-requested resize, then check against min/max sizes and aspect ratios */ /* smaller than min size or bigger than max size? */ if (w > self->max_size.width) w = self->max_size.width; if (w < self->min_size.width) w = self->min_size.width; if (h > self->max_size.height) h = self->max_size.height; if (h < self->min_size.height) h = self->min_size.height; /* adjust the height ot match the width for the aspect ratios */ if (self->min_ratio) if (h * self->min_ratio > w) h = (int)(w / self->min_ratio); if (self->max_ratio) if (h * self->max_ratio < w) h = (int)(w / self->max_ratio); } /* keep to the increments */ w /= self->size_inc.width; h /= self->size_inc.height; /* you cannot resize to nothing */ if (w < 1) w = 1; if (h < 1) h = 1; /* store the logical size */ SIZE_SET(self->logical_size, w, h); w *= self->size_inc.width; h *= self->size_inc.height; w += self->base_size.width; h += self->base_size.height; switch (anchor) { case Corner_TopLeft: break; case Corner_TopRight: x -= w - self->area.width; break; case Corner_BottomLeft: y -= h - self->area.height; break; case Corner_BottomRight: x -= w - self->area.width; y -= h - self->area.height; break; } moved = x != self->area.x || y != self->area.y; resized = w != self->area.width || h != self->area.height; RECT_SET(self->area, x, y, w, h); if (resized) XResizeWindow(ob_display, self->window, w, h); /* move/resize the frame to match the request */ if (self->frame) { engine_frame_adjust_area(self->frame); if (moved) { if (!user || final) { XEvent event; event.type = ConfigureNotify; event.xconfigure.display = ob_display; event.xconfigure.event = self->window; event.xconfigure.window = self->window; /* root window coords with border in mind */ event.xconfigure.x = x - self->border_width + self->frame->size.left; event.xconfigure.y = y - self->border_width + self->frame->size.top; event.xconfigure.width = self->area.width; event.xconfigure.height = self->area.height; event.xconfigure.border_width = self->border_width; event.xconfigure.above = self->frame->plate; event.xconfigure.override_redirect = FALSE; XSendEvent(event.xconfigure.display, event.xconfigure.window, FALSE, StructureNotifyMask, &event); } } } } void client_fullscreen(Client *self, gboolean fs, gboolean savearea) { int x, y, w, h; if (!(self->functions & Func_Fullscreen) || /* can't */ self->fullscreen == fs) return; /* already done */ self->fullscreen = fs; client_change_state(self); /* change the state hints on the client */ if (fs) { /* save the functions and remove them */ self->pre_fs_func = self->functions; self->functions &= (Func_Close | Func_Fullscreen | Func_Iconify); /* save the decorations and remove them */ self->pre_fs_decor = self->decorations; self->decorations = 0; if (savearea) { long dimensions[4]; dimensions[0] = self->area.x; dimensions[1] = self->area.y; dimensions[2] = self->area.width; dimensions[3] = self->area.height; PROP_SET32A(self->window, openbox_premax, cardinal, dimensions, 4); } /* these are not actually used cuz client_configure will set them as appropriate when the window is fullscreened */ x = y = w = h = 0; } else { long *dimensions; self->functions = self->pre_fs_func; self->decorations = self->pre_fs_decor; if (PROP_GET32A(self->window, openbox_premax, cardinal, dimensions, 4)) { x = dimensions[0]; y = dimensions[1]; w = dimensions[2]; h = dimensions[3]; g_free(dimensions); } else { /* pick some fallbacks... */ x = screen_area(self->desktop)->x + screen_area(self->desktop)->width / 4; y = screen_area(self->desktop)->y + screen_area(self->desktop)->height / 4; w = screen_area(self->desktop)->width / 2; h = screen_area(self->desktop)->height / 2; } } client_change_allowed_actions(self); /* based on the new _functions */ /* when fullscreening, don't obey things like increments, fill the screen */ client_configure(self, Corner_TopLeft, x, y, w, h, !fs, TRUE); /* raise (back) into our stacking layer */ stacking_raise(self); /* try focus us when we go into fullscreen mode */ client_focus(self); } void client_iconify(Client *self, gboolean iconic, gboolean curdesk) { if (self->iconic == iconic) return; /* nothing to do */ g_message("%sconifying window: 0x%lx", (iconic ? "I" : "Uni"), self->window); self->iconic = iconic; if (iconic) { self->wmstate = IconicState; self->ignore_unmaps++; /* we unmap the client itself so that we can get MapRequest events, and because the ICCCM tells us to! */ XUnmapWindow(ob_display, self->window); } else { if (curdesk) client_set_desktop(self, screen_desktop); self->wmstate = self->shaded ? IconicState : NormalState; XMapWindow(ob_display, self->window); } client_change_state(self); client_showhide(self); screen_update_struts(); } void client_maximize(Client *self, gboolean max, int dir, gboolean savearea) { int x, y, w, h; g_assert(dir == 0 || dir == 1 || dir == 2); if (!(self->functions & Func_Maximize)) return; /* can't */ /* check if already done */ if (max) { if (dir == 0 && self->max_horz && self->max_vert) return; if (dir == 1 && self->max_horz) return; if (dir == 2 && self->max_vert) return; } else { if (dir == 0 && !self->max_horz && !self->max_vert) return; if (dir == 1 && !self->max_horz) return; if (dir == 2 && !self->max_vert) return; } /* work with the frame's coords */ x = self->frame->area.x; y = self->frame->area.y; w = self->area.width; h = self->area.height; if (max) { if (savearea) { long dimensions[4]; long *readdim; dimensions[0] = x; dimensions[1] = y; dimensions[2] = w; dimensions[3] = h; /* get the property off the window and use it for the dimensions we are already maxed on */ if (PROP_GET32A(self->window, openbox_premax, cardinal, readdim, 4)) { if (self->max_horz) { dimensions[0] = readdim[0]; dimensions[2] = readdim[2]; } if (self->max_vert) { dimensions[1] = readdim[1]; dimensions[3] = readdim[3]; } g_free(readdim); } PROP_SET32A(self->window, openbox_premax, cardinal, dimensions, 4); } /* pass the client's current position info. the client_configure will move/size stuff as appropriate for a maximized window */ x = self->area.x; y = self->area.y; w = self->area.width; h = self->area.height; } else { long *dimensions; if (PROP_GET32A(self->window, openbox_premax, cardinal, dimensions, 4)) { if (dir == 0 || dir == 1) { /* horz */ x = dimensions[0]; w = dimensions[2]; } if (dir == 0 || dir == 2) { /* vert */ y = dimensions[1]; h = dimensions[3]; } g_free(dimensions); } else { /* pick some fallbacks... */ if (dir == 0 || dir == 1) { /* horz */ x = screen_area(self->desktop)->x + screen_area(self->desktop)->width / 4; w = screen_area(self->desktop)->width / 2; } if (dir == 0 || dir == 2) { /* vert */ y = screen_area(self->desktop)->y + screen_area(self->desktop)->height / 4; h = screen_area(self->desktop)->height / 2; } } } if (dir == 0 || dir == 1) /* horz */ self->max_horz = max; if (dir == 0 || dir == 2) /* vert */ self->max_vert = max; if (!self->max_horz && !self->max_vert) PROP_ERASE(self->window, openbox_premax); client_change_state(self); /* change the state hints on the client */ /* figure out where the client should be going */ frame_frame_gravity(self->frame, &x, &y); client_configure(self, Corner_TopLeft, x, y, w, h, TRUE, TRUE); } void client_shade(Client *self, gboolean shade) { if (!(self->functions & Func_Shade) || /* can't */ self->shaded == shade) return; /* already done */ /* when we're iconic, don't change the wmstate */ if (!self->iconic) self->wmstate = shade ? IconicState : NormalState; self->shaded = shade; client_change_state(self); /* resize the frame to just the titlebar */ engine_frame_adjust_area(self->frame); } void client_close(Client *self) { XEvent ce; if (!(self->functions & Func_Close)) return; /* XXX: itd be cool to do timeouts and shit here for killing the client's process off like... if the window is around after 5 seconds, then the close button turns a nice red, and if this function is called again, the client is explicitly killed. */ ce.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ce.xclient.message_type = prop_atoms.wm_protocols; ce.xclient.display = ob_display; ce.xclient.window = self->window; ce.xclient.format = 32; ce.xclient.data.l[0] = prop_atoms.wm_delete_window; ce.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; ce.xclient.data.l[2] = 0l; ce.xclient.data.l[3] = 0l; ce.xclient.data.l[4] = 0l; XSendEvent(ob_display, self->window, FALSE, NoEventMask, &ce); } void client_kill(Client *self) { XKillClient(ob_display, self->window); } void client_set_desktop(Client *self, guint target) { guint old, i; if (target == self->desktop) return; g_message("Setting desktop %u\n", target); g_assert(target < screen_num_desktops || target == DESKTOP_ALL); old = self->desktop; self->desktop = target; PROP_SET32(self->window, net_wm_desktop, cardinal, target); /* the frame can display the current desktop state */ engine_frame_adjust_state(self->frame); /* 'move' the window to the new desktop */ client_showhide(self); screen_update_struts(); /* update the focus lists */ if (old == DESKTOP_ALL) { for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i) focus_order[i] = g_list_remove(focus_order[i], self); } else { focus_order[old] = g_list_remove(focus_order[old], self); } if (target == DESKTOP_ALL) { for (i = 0; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i) focus_order[i] = g_list_prepend(focus_order[i], self); } else { focus_order[target] = g_list_prepend(focus_order[target], self); } dispatch_client(Event_Client_Desktop, self, target, old); } static Client *search_modal_tree(Client *node, Client *skip) { GSList *it; Client *ret; for (it = node->transients; it != NULL; it = it->next) { Client *c = it->data; if (c == skip) continue; /* circular? */ if ((ret = search_modal_tree(c, skip))) return ret; if (c->modal) return c; } return NULL; } Client *client_find_modal_child(Client *self) { return search_modal_tree(self, self); } gboolean client_validate(Client *self) { XEvent e; XSync(ob_display, FALSE); /* get all events on the server */ if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(ob_display, self->window, DestroyNotify, &e) || XCheckTypedWindowEvent(ob_display, self->window, UnmapNotify, &e)) { XPutBackEvent(ob_display, &e); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void client_set_wm_state(Client *self, long state) { if (state == self->wmstate) return; /* no change */ switch (state) { case IconicState: client_iconify(self, TRUE, TRUE); break; case NormalState: client_iconify(self, FALSE, TRUE); break; } } void client_set_state(Client *self, Atom action, long data1, long data2) { gboolean shaded = self->shaded; gboolean fullscreen = self->fullscreen; gboolean max_horz = self->max_horz; gboolean max_vert = self->max_vert; int i; if (!(action == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add || action == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove || action == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_toggle)) /* an invalid action was passed to the client message, ignore it */ return; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Atom state = i == 0 ? data1 : data2; if (!state) continue; /* if toggling, then pick whether we're adding or removing */ if (action == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_toggle) { if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_modal) action = self->modal ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_vert) action = self->max_vert ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_horz) action = self->max_horz ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_shaded) action = self->shaded ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_taskbar) action = self->skip_taskbar ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_pager) action = self->skip_pager ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_fullscreen) action = self->fullscreen ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_above) action = self->above ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_below) action = self->below ? prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove : prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add; } if (action == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_add) { if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_modal) { /* XXX raise here or something? */ self->modal = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_vert) { max_vert = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_horz) { max_horz = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_shaded) { shaded = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_taskbar) { self->skip_taskbar = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_pager) { self->skip_pager = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_fullscreen) { fullscreen = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_above) { self->above = TRUE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_below) { self->below = TRUE; } } else { /* action == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_remove */ if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_modal) { self->modal = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_vert) { max_vert = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_maximized_horz) { max_horz = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_shaded) { shaded = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_taskbar) { self->skip_taskbar = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_skip_pager) { self->skip_pager = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_fullscreen) { fullscreen = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_above) { self->above = FALSE; } else if (state == prop_atoms.net_wm_state_below) { self->below = FALSE; } } } if (max_horz != self->max_horz || max_vert != self->max_vert) { if (max_horz != self->max_horz && max_vert != self->max_vert) { /* toggling both */ if (max_horz == max_vert) { /* both going the same way */ client_maximize(self, max_horz, 0, TRUE); } else { client_maximize(self, max_horz, 1, TRUE); client_maximize(self, max_vert, 2, TRUE); } } else { /* toggling one */ if (max_horz != self->max_horz) client_maximize(self, max_horz, 1, TRUE); else client_maximize(self, max_vert, 2, TRUE); } } /* change fullscreen state before shading, as it will affect if the window can shade or not */ if (fullscreen != self->fullscreen) client_fullscreen(self, fullscreen, TRUE); if (shaded != self->shaded) client_shade(self, shaded); client_calc_layer(self); client_change_state(self); /* change the hint to relect these changes */ } gboolean client_focus(Client *self) { XEvent ev; Client *child; /* if we have a modal child, then focus it, not us */ child = client_find_modal_child(self); if (child) return client_focus(child); /* won't try focus if the client doesn't want it, or if the window isn't visible on the screen */ if (!(self->frame->visible && (self->can_focus || self->focus_notify))) return FALSE; /* do a check to see if the window has already been unmapped or destroyed do this intelligently while watching out for unmaps we've generated (ignore_unmaps > 0) */ if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(ob_display, self->window, DestroyNotify, &ev)) { XPutBackEvent(ob_display, &ev); return FALSE; } while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(ob_display, self->window, UnmapNotify, &ev)) { if (self->ignore_unmaps) { self->ignore_unmaps--; } else { XPutBackEvent(ob_display, &ev); return FALSE; } } if (client_focused(self)) return TRUE; if (self->can_focus) XSetInputFocus(ob_display, self->window, RevertToNone, CurrentTime); if (self->focus_notify) { XEvent ce; ce.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ce.xclient.message_type = prop_atoms.wm_protocols; ce.xclient.display = ob_display; ce.xclient.window = self->window; ce.xclient.format = 32; ce.xclient.data.l[0] = prop_atoms.wm_take_focus; ce.xclient.data.l[1] = event_lasttime; ce.xclient.data.l[2] = 0l; ce.xclient.data.l[3] = 0l; ce.xclient.data.l[4] = 0l; XSendEvent(ob_display, self->window, FALSE, NoEventMask, &ce); } client_set_focused(self, TRUE); /* XSync(ob_display, FALSE); XXX Why sync? */ return TRUE; } void client_unfocus(Client *self) { g_assert(focus_client == self); client_set_focused(self, FALSE); } void client_set_focused(Client *self, gboolean focused) { if (focused) { if (focus_client != self) { focus_set_client(self); /* focus state can affect the stacking layer */ client_calc_layer(self); engine_frame_adjust_focus(self->frame); } } else { if (focus_client == self) focus_set_client(NULL); /* focus state can affect the stacking layer */ client_calc_layer(self); if (self->frame != NULL) /* unfocus can happen while being unmanaged */ engine_frame_adjust_focus(self->frame); } } gboolean client_focused(Client *self) { return self == focus_client; }