/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- config.c for the Openbox window manager Copyright (c) 2006 Mikael Magnusson Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "config.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "prop.h" #include "translate.h" #include "client.h" #include "screen.h" #include "parser/parse.h" #include "openbox.h" #include "gettext.h" gboolean config_focus_new; gboolean config_focus_follow; guint config_focus_delay; gboolean config_focus_raise; gboolean config_focus_last; ObPlacePolicy config_place_policy; gchar *config_theme; gboolean config_theme_keepborder; gboolean config_theme_hidedisabled; gchar *config_title_layout; RrFont *config_font_activewindow; RrFont *config_font_inactivewindow; RrFont *config_font_menuitem; RrFont *config_font_menutitle; gint config_desktops_num; GSList *config_desktops_names; guint config_screen_firstdesk; gboolean config_resize_redraw; gboolean config_resize_four_corners; gint config_resize_popup_show; gint config_resize_popup_pos; ObStackingLayer config_dock_layer; gboolean config_dock_floating; gboolean config_dock_nostrut; ObDirection config_dock_pos; gint config_dock_x; gint config_dock_y; ObOrientation config_dock_orient; gboolean config_dock_hide; guint config_dock_hide_delay; guint config_dock_show_delay; guint config_dock_app_move_button; guint config_dock_app_move_modifiers; guint config_keyboard_reset_keycode; guint config_keyboard_reset_state; gint config_mouse_threshold; gint config_mouse_dclicktime; gboolean config_menu_warppointer; guint config_menu_hide_delay; gboolean config_menu_middle; guint config_submenu_show_delay; gboolean config_menu_client_list_icons; GSList *config_menu_files; gint config_resist_win; gint config_resist_edge; gboolean config_resist_layers_below; GSList *config_per_app_settings; /* false above 700 0 1 */ /* Manages settings for individual applications. Some notes: head is the screen number in a multi monitor (Xinerama) setup (starting from 0) or mouse, meaning the head the pointer is on. Default: mouse. Layer can be three values, above (Always on top), below (Always on bottom) and everything else (normal behaviour). Positions can be an integer value or center, which will center the window in the specified axis. Position is relative from head, so center1 will center the window on the second head. */ static void parse_per_app_settings(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr app = parse_find_node("application", node->children); gchar *name, *class; gboolean name_set, class_set; gboolean x_pos_given; while (app) { name_set = class_set = x_pos_given = FALSE; class_set = parse_attr_string("class", app, &class); name_set = parse_attr_string("name", app, &name); if (class_set || name_set) { xmlNodePtr n, c; ObAppSettings *settings = g_new0(ObAppSettings, 1); if (name_set) settings->name = name; else settings->name = NULL; if (class_set) settings->class = class; else settings->class = NULL; if (!parse_attr_string("role", app, &settings->role)) settings->role = NULL; settings->decor = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("decor", app->children))) settings->decor = parse_bool(doc, n); settings->shade = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("shade", app->children))) settings->shade = parse_bool(doc, n); settings->position.x = settings->position.y = 0; settings->pos_given = FALSE; if ((n = parse_find_node("position", app->children))) { if ((c = parse_find_node("x", n->children))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, c); if (!strcmp(s, "center")) { settings->center_x = TRUE; x_pos_given = TRUE; } else { settings->position.x = parse_int(doc, c); x_pos_given = TRUE; } g_free(s); } if (x_pos_given && (c = parse_find_node("y", n->children))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, c); if (!strcmp(s, "center")) { settings->center_y = TRUE; settings->pos_given = TRUE; } else { settings->position.y = parse_int(doc, c); settings->pos_given = TRUE; } g_free(s); } } settings->focus = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("focus", app->children))) settings->focus = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("desktop", app->children))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, n); if (!strcmp(s, "all")) settings->desktop = DESKTOP_ALL; else settings->desktop = parse_int(doc, n); g_free(s); } else settings->desktop = DESKTOP_ALL - 1; /* lets hope the user * doesn't have 2^32 * desktops */ if ((n = parse_find_node("head", app->children))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, n); if (!strcmp(s, "mouse")) settings->head = -1; else settings->head = parse_int(doc, n); g_free(s); } settings->layer = -2; if ((n = parse_find_node("layer", app->children))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, n); if (!strcmp(s, "above")) settings->layer = 1; else if (!strcmp(s, "below")) settings->layer = -1; else settings->layer = 0; g_free(s); } settings->iconic = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("iconic", app->children))) settings->iconic = parse_bool(doc, n); settings->skip_pager = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("skip_pager", app->children))) settings->skip_pager = parse_bool(doc, n); settings->skip_taskbar = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("skip_taskbar", app->children))) settings->skip_taskbar = parse_bool(doc, n); settings->fullscreen = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("fullscreen", app->children))) settings->fullscreen = parse_bool(doc, n); settings->max_horz = -1; settings->max_vert = -1; if ((n = parse_find_node("maximized", app->children))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, n); if (!strcmp(s, "horizontal")) { settings->max_horz = TRUE; settings->max_vert = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp(s, "vertical")) { settings->max_horz = FALSE; settings->max_vert = TRUE; } else settings->max_horz = settings->max_vert = parse_bool(doc, n); g_free(s); } config_per_app_settings = g_slist_append(config_per_app_settings, (gpointer) settings); } app = parse_find_node("application", app->next); } } /* 3 */ static void parse_key(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, GList *keylist) { gchar *key; xmlNodePtr n; gboolean is_chroot = FALSE; if (!parse_attr_string("key", node, &key)) return; parse_attr_bool("chroot", node, &is_chroot); keylist = g_list_append(keylist, key); /* a node either contains actions or key bindings */ if ((n = parse_find_node("keybind", node->children))) { while (n) { parse_key(i, doc, n, keylist); n = parse_find_node("keybind", n->next); } } else if ((n = parse_find_node("action", node->children))) { while (n) { ObAction *action; action = action_parse(i, doc, n, OB_USER_ACTION_KEYBOARD_KEY); if (action) keyboard_bind(keylist, action); n = parse_find_node("action", n->next); } } if (is_chroot) keyboard_chroot(keylist); g_free(key); keylist = g_list_delete_link(keylist, g_list_last(keylist)); } static void parse_keyboard(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; gchar *key; keyboard_unbind_all(); if ((n = parse_find_node("chainQuitKey", node->children))) { key = parse_string(doc, n); translate_key(key, &config_keyboard_reset_state, &config_keyboard_reset_keycode); g_free(key); } if ((n = parse_find_node("keybind", node->children))) while (n) { parse_key(i, doc, n, NULL); n = parse_find_node("keybind", n->next); } } /* */ static void parse_mouse(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n, nbut, nact; gchar *buttonstr; gchar *contextstr; ObUserAction uact; ObMouseAction mact; ObAction *action; mouse_unbind_all(); node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("dragThreshold", node))) config_mouse_threshold = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("doubleClickTime", node))) config_mouse_dclicktime = parse_int(doc, n); n = parse_find_node("context", node); while (n) { if (!parse_attr_string("name", n, &contextstr)) goto next_n; nbut = parse_find_node("mousebind", n->children); while (nbut) { if (!parse_attr_string("button", nbut, &buttonstr)) goto next_nbut; if (parse_attr_contains("press", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_PRESS; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS; } else if (parse_attr_contains("release", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_RELEASE; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_RELEASE; } else if (parse_attr_contains("click", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_CLICK; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK; } else if (parse_attr_contains("doubleclick", nbut,"action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_DOUBLE_CLICK; } else if (parse_attr_contains("drag", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_MOTION; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION; } else goto next_nbut; nact = parse_find_node("action", nbut->children); while (nact) { if ((action = action_parse(i, doc, nact, uact))) mouse_bind(buttonstr, contextstr, mact, action); nact = parse_find_node("action", nact->next); } g_free(buttonstr); next_nbut: nbut = parse_find_node("mousebind", nbut->next); } g_free(contextstr); next_n: n = parse_find_node("context", n->next); } } static void parse_focus(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("focusNew", node))) config_focus_new = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("followMouse", node))) config_focus_follow = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("focusDelay", node))) config_focus_delay = parse_int(doc, n) * 1000; if ((n = parse_find_node("raiseOnFocus", node))) config_focus_raise = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("focusLast", node))) config_focus_last = parse_bool(doc, n); } static void parse_placement(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("policy", node))) if (parse_contains("UnderMouse", doc, n)) config_place_policy = OB_PLACE_POLICY_MOUSE; } static void parse_theme(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("name", node))) { gchar *c; g_free(config_theme); c = parse_string(doc, n); config_theme = parse_expand_tilde(c); g_free(c); } if ((n = parse_find_node("titleLayout", node))) { g_free(config_title_layout); config_title_layout = parse_string(doc, n); } if ((n = parse_find_node("keepBorder", node))) config_theme_keepborder = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("hideDisabled", node))) config_theme_hidedisabled = parse_bool(doc, n); n = parse_find_node("font", node); while (n) { xmlNodePtr fnode; RrFont **font; gchar *name = g_strdup(RrDefaultFontFamily); gint size = RrDefaultFontSize; RrFontWeight weight = RrDefaultFontWeight; RrFontSlant slant = RrDefaultFontSlant; if (parse_attr_contains("ActiveWindow", n, "place")) font = &config_font_activewindow; else if (parse_attr_contains("InactiveWindow", n, "place")) font = &config_font_inactivewindow; else if (parse_attr_contains("MenuTitle", n, "place")) font = &config_font_menutitle; else if (parse_attr_contains("MenuItem", n, "place")) font = &config_font_menuitem; else goto next_font; if ((fnode = parse_find_node("name", n->children))) { g_free(name); name = parse_string(doc, fnode); } if ((fnode = parse_find_node("size", n->children))) { int s = parse_int(doc, fnode); if (s > 0) size = s; } if ((fnode = parse_find_node("weight", n->children))) { gchar *w = parse_string(doc, fnode); if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(w, "Bold")) weight = RR_FONTWEIGHT_BOLD; g_free(w); } if ((fnode = parse_find_node("slant", n->children))) { gchar *s = parse_string(doc, fnode); if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "Italic")) slant = RR_FONTSLANT_ITALIC; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "Oblique")) slant = RR_FONTSLANT_OBLIQUE; g_free(s); } *font = RrFontOpen(ob_rr_inst, name, size, weight, slant); g_free(name); next_font: n = parse_find_node("font", n->next); } } static void parse_desktops(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("number", node))) { gint d = parse_int(doc, n); if (d > 0) config_desktops_num = d; } if ((n = parse_find_node("firstdesk", node))) { gint d = parse_int(doc, n); if (d > 0) config_screen_firstdesk = (unsigned) d; } if ((n = parse_find_node("names", node))) { GSList *it; xmlNodePtr nname; for (it = config_desktops_names; it; it = it->next) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(config_desktops_names); config_desktops_names = NULL; nname = parse_find_node("name", n->children); while (nname) { config_desktops_names = g_slist_append(config_desktops_names, parse_string(doc, nname)); nname = parse_find_node("name", nname->next); } } } static void parse_resize(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("drawContents", node))) config_resize_redraw = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("popupShow", node))) { config_resize_popup_show = parse_int(doc, n); if (parse_contains("Always", doc, n)) config_resize_popup_show = 2; else if (parse_contains("Never", doc, n)) config_resize_popup_show = 0; else if (parse_contains("Nonpixel", doc, n)) config_resize_popup_show = 1; } if ((n = parse_find_node("popupPosition", node))) { config_resize_popup_pos = parse_int(doc, n); if (parse_contains("Top", doc, n)) config_resize_popup_pos = 1; else if (parse_contains("Center", doc, n)) config_resize_popup_pos = 0; } } static void parse_dock(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("position", node))) { if (parse_contains("TopLeft", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTHWEST; else if (parse_contains("Top", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTH; else if (parse_contains("TopRight", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTHEAST; else if (parse_contains("Right", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_EAST; else if (parse_contains("BottomRight", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; else if (parse_contains("Bottom", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_SOUTH; else if (parse_contains("BottomLeft", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_SOUTHWEST; else if (parse_contains("Left", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_WEST; else if (parse_contains("Floating", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = TRUE; } if (config_dock_floating) { if ((n = parse_find_node("floatingX", node))) config_dock_x = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("floatingY", node))) config_dock_y = parse_int(doc, n); } else { if ((n = parse_find_node("noStrut", node))) config_dock_nostrut = parse_bool(doc, n); } if ((n = parse_find_node("stacking", node))) { if (parse_contains("above", doc, n)) config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_ABOVE; else if (parse_contains("normal", doc, n)) config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_NORMAL; else if (parse_contains("below", doc, n)) config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_BELOW; } if ((n = parse_find_node("direction", node))) { if (parse_contains("horizontal", doc, n)) config_dock_orient = OB_ORIENTATION_HORZ; else if (parse_contains("vertical", doc, n)) config_dock_orient = OB_ORIENTATION_VERT; } if ((n = parse_find_node("autoHide", node))) config_dock_hide = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("hideDelay", node))) config_dock_hide_delay = parse_int(doc, n) * 1000; if ((n = parse_find_node("showDelay", node))) config_dock_show_delay = parse_int(doc, n) * 1000; if ((n = parse_find_node("moveButton", node))) { gchar *str = parse_string(doc, n); guint b, s; if (translate_button(str, &s, &b)) { config_dock_app_move_button = b; config_dock_app_move_modifiers = s; } else { g_message(_("Invalid button '%s' specified in config file"), str); } g_free(str); } } static void parse_menu(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; for (node = node->children; node; node = node->next) { if (!xmlStrcasecmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) "file")) { gchar *c; c = parse_string(doc, node); config_menu_files = g_slist_append(config_menu_files, parse_expand_tilde(c)); g_free(c); } if ((n = parse_find_node("warpPointer", node))) config_menu_warppointer = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("hideDelay", node))) config_menu_hide_delay = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("middle", node))) config_menu_middle = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("submenuShowDelay", node))) config_submenu_show_delay = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("desktopMenuIcons", node))) config_menu_client_list_icons = parse_bool(doc, n); } } static void parse_resistance(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("strength", node))) config_resist_win = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("screen_edge_strength", node))) config_resist_edge = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("edges_hit_layers_below", node))) config_resist_layers_below = parse_bool(doc, n); } typedef struct { const gchar *key; const gchar *actname; } ObDefKeyBind; static void bind_default_keyboard() { ObDefKeyBind *it; ObDefKeyBind binds[] = { { "A-Tab", "NextWindow" }, { "S-A-Tab", "PreviousWindow" }, { "A-F4", "Close" }, { NULL, NULL } }; for (it = binds; it->key; ++it) { GList *l = g_list_append(NULL, g_strdup(it->key)); keyboard_bind(l, action_from_string(it->actname, OB_USER_ACTION_KEYBOARD_KEY)); } } typedef struct { const gchar *button; const gchar *context; const ObMouseAction mact; const gchar *actname; } ObDefMouseBind; static void bind_default_mouse() { ObDefMouseBind *it; ObDefMouseBind binds[] = { { "Left", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Middle", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Right", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Desktop", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Middle", "Desktop", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Right", "Desktop", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Handle", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "BLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "BRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "TLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "TRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Close", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Maximize", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Iconify", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Icon", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "AllDesktops", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Shade", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Middle", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Lower" }, { "Left", "Handle", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "BLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "BRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "TLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "TRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Close", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Maximize", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Iconify", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Icon", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "AllDesktops", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Shade", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Close", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Close" }, { "Left", "Maximize", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "ToggleMaximizeFull" }, { "Left", "Iconify", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Iconify" }, { "Left", "AllDesktops", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "ToggleOmnipresent" }, { "Left", "Shade", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "ToggleShade" }, { "Left", "TLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "TRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "BLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "BRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Move" }, { "A-Left", "Frame", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Move" }, { "A-Middle", "Frame", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; for (it = binds; it->button; ++it) { ObUserAction uact; switch (it->mact) { case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_PRESS; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_RELEASE: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_RELEASE; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_CLICK; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_DOUBLE_CLICK: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_MOTION; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } mouse_bind(it->button, it->context, it->mact, action_from_string(it->actname, uact)); } } void config_startup(ObParseInst *i) { config_focus_new = TRUE; config_focus_follow = FALSE; config_focus_delay = 0; config_focus_raise = FALSE; config_focus_last = FALSE; parse_register(i, "focus", parse_focus, NULL); config_place_policy = OB_PLACE_POLICY_SMART; parse_register(i, "placement", parse_placement, NULL); config_theme = NULL; config_title_layout = g_strdup("NLIMC"); config_theme_keepborder = TRUE; config_theme_hidedisabled = FALSE; config_font_activewindow = NULL; config_font_inactivewindow = NULL; config_font_menuitem = NULL; config_font_menutitle = NULL; parse_register(i, "theme", parse_theme, NULL); config_desktops_num = 4; config_screen_firstdesk = 1; config_desktops_names = NULL; parse_register(i, "desktops", parse_desktops, NULL); config_resize_redraw = TRUE; config_resize_four_corners = FALSE; config_resize_popup_show = 1; /* nonpixel increments */ config_resize_popup_pos = 0; /* center of client */ parse_register(i, "resize", parse_resize, NULL); config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_ABOVE; config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTHEAST; config_dock_floating = FALSE; config_dock_nostrut = FALSE; config_dock_x = 0; config_dock_y = 0; config_dock_orient = OB_ORIENTATION_VERT; config_dock_hide = FALSE; config_dock_hide_delay = 300; config_dock_show_delay = 300; config_dock_app_move_button = 2; /* middle */ config_dock_app_move_modifiers = 0; parse_register(i, "dock", parse_dock, NULL); translate_key("C-g", &config_keyboard_reset_state, &config_keyboard_reset_keycode); bind_default_keyboard(); parse_register(i, "keyboard", parse_keyboard, NULL); config_mouse_threshold = 3; config_mouse_dclicktime = 200; bind_default_mouse(); parse_register(i, "mouse", parse_mouse, NULL); config_resist_win = 10; config_resist_edge = 20; config_resist_layers_below = FALSE; parse_register(i, "resistance", parse_resistance, NULL); config_menu_warppointer = TRUE; config_menu_hide_delay = 250; config_menu_middle = FALSE; config_submenu_show_delay = 0; config_menu_client_list_icons = TRUE; config_menu_files = NULL; parse_register(i, "menu", parse_menu, NULL); config_per_app_settings = NULL; parse_register(i, "applications", parse_per_app_settings, NULL); } void config_shutdown() { GSList *it; g_free(config_theme); g_free(config_title_layout); RrFontClose(config_font_activewindow); RrFontClose(config_font_inactivewindow); RrFontClose(config_font_menuitem); RrFontClose(config_font_menutitle); for (it = config_desktops_names; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(config_desktops_names); for (it = config_menu_files; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(config_menu_files); for (it = config_per_app_settings; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) { ObAppSettings *itd = (ObAppSettings *)it->data; g_free(itd->name); g_free(itd->role); g_free(itd->class); g_free(it->data); } g_slist_free(config_per_app_settings); }