#include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H # include #endif static void config_free_entry(ConfigEntry *entry); static void config_set_entry(char *name, ConfigValueType type, ConfigValue value); static void config_def_free(ConfigDefEntry *entry); static void print_config(GQuark q, gpointer data, gpointer fonk){ ConfigDefEntry *e = (ConfigDefEntry *)data; g_message("config: %s %d", e->name, e->hasList); } static GData *config = NULL; static GData *config_def = NULL; /* provided by cparse.l */ void cparse_go(char *filename, FILE *); void config_startup() { /* set up built in variables! and their default values! */ config_def_set(config_def_new("engine", Config_String)); config_def_set(config_def_new("theme", Config_String)); config_def_set(config_def_new("font", Config_String)); config_def_set(config_def_new("font.shadow.offset", Config_Integer)); config_def_set(config_def_new("font.shadow.tint", Config_Integer)); config_def_set(config_def_new("titlebar.layout", Config_String)); /*g_datalist_foreach(&config_def, print_config, NULL);*/ } void config_shutdown() { g_datalist_clear(&config); g_datalist_clear(&config_def); } void config_parse() { FILE *file; char *path; /* load the system wide rc file first */ path = g_build_filename(RCDIR, "rc3", NULL); if ((file = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL) { cparse_go(path, file); fclose(file); } g_free(path); /* then load the user one which can override it */ path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".openbox", "rc3", NULL); if ((file = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL) { cparse_go(path, file); fclose(file); } g_free(path); } gboolean config_set(char *name, ConfigValueType type, ConfigValue value) { ConfigDefEntry *def; gboolean ret = FALSE; name = g_ascii_strdown(name, -1); g_message("Setting %s", name); /*g_datalist_foreach(&config_def, print_config, NULL);*/ def = g_datalist_get_data(&config_def, name); if (def == NULL) { g_message("Invalid config option '%s'", name); } else { if (def->hasList) { gboolean found = FALSE; GSList *it; it = def->values; g_assert(it != NULL); do { if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(it->data, value.string) == 0) { found = TRUE; break; } } while ((it = it->next)); if (!found) g_message("Invalid value '%s' for config option '%s'", value.string, name); else ret = TRUE; } else ret = TRUE; } if (ret) config_set_entry(name, type, value); else g_free(name); return ret; } gboolean config_get(char *name, ConfigValueType type, ConfigValue *value) { ConfigEntry *entry; gboolean ret = FALSE; name = g_ascii_strdown(name, -1); entry = g_datalist_get_data(&config, name); if (entry != NULL && entry->type == type) { *value = entry->value; ret = TRUE; } g_free(name); return ret; } static void config_set_entry(char *name, ConfigValueType type, ConfigValue value) { ConfigEntry *entry = NULL; entry = g_new(ConfigEntry, 1); entry->name = name; entry->type = type; if (type == Config_String) entry->value.string = g_strdup(value.string); else entry->value = value; g_datalist_set_data_full(&config, name, entry, (GDestroyNotify)config_free_entry); } static void config_free_entry(ConfigEntry *entry) { g_free(entry->name); entry->name = NULL; if(entry->type == Config_String) { g_free(entry->value.string); entry->value.string = NULL; } g_free(entry); } ConfigDefEntry *config_def_new(char *name, ConfigValueType type) { ConfigDefEntry *entry; entry = g_new(ConfigDefEntry, 1); entry->name = g_ascii_strdown(name, -1); entry->hasList = FALSE; entry->type = type; entry->values = NULL; return entry; } static void config_def_free(ConfigDefEntry *entry) { GSList *it; g_free(entry->name); if (entry->hasList) { for (it = entry->values; it != NULL; it = it->next) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(entry->values); } g_free(entry); } gboolean config_def_add_value(ConfigDefEntry *entry, char *value) { if (entry->type != Config_String) { g_warning("Tried adding value to non-string config definition"); return FALSE; } entry->hasList = TRUE; entry->values = g_slist_append(entry->values, g_ascii_strdown(value, -1)); return TRUE; } gboolean config_def_set(ConfigDefEntry *entry) { gboolean ret = FALSE; ConfigDefEntry *def; if ((def = g_datalist_get_data(&config_def, entry->name))) { g_assert(def != entry); /* adding it twice!? */ g_warning("Definition already set for config option '%s'. ", entry->name); config_def_free(entry); } else { g_datalist_set_data_full(&config_def, entry->name, entry, (GDestroyNotify)config_def_free); ret = TRUE; } return ret; }