/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- config.c for the Openbox window manager Copyright (c) 2003 Ben Jansens This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "config.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "prop.h" #include "translate.h" #include "parser/parse.h" #include "openbox.h" gboolean config_focus_new; gboolean config_focus_follow; guint config_focus_delay; gboolean config_focus_raise; gboolean config_focus_last; ObPlacePolicy config_place_policy; gchar *config_theme; gchar *config_title_layout; gint config_desktops_num; GSList *config_desktops_names; gint config_screen_firstdesk; gboolean config_redraw_resize; ObStackingLayer config_dock_layer; gboolean config_dock_floating; ObDirection config_dock_pos; gint config_dock_x; gint config_dock_y; ObOrientation config_dock_orient; gboolean config_dock_hide; guint config_dock_hide_delay; guint config_dock_app_move_button; guint config_dock_app_move_modifiers; guint config_keyboard_reset_keycode; guint config_keyboard_reset_state; gint config_mouse_threshold; gint config_mouse_dclicktime; GSList *config_menu_files; gint config_resist_win; gint config_resist_edge; /* 3 */ static void parse_key(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, GList *keylist) { gchar *key; ObAction *action; xmlNodePtr n, nact; GList *it; if ((n = parse_find_node("chainQuitKey", node))) { key = parse_string(doc, n); translate_key(key, &config_keyboard_reset_state, &config_keyboard_reset_keycode); g_free(key); } n = parse_find_node("keybind", node); while (n) { if (parse_attr_string("key", n, &key)) { keylist = g_list_append(keylist, key); parse_key(i, doc, n->children, keylist); it = g_list_last(keylist); g_free(it->data); keylist = g_list_delete_link(keylist, it); } n = parse_find_node("keybind", n->next); } if (keylist) { nact = parse_find_node("action", node); while (nact) { if ((action = action_parse(i, doc, nact, OB_USER_ACTION_KEYBOARD_KEY))) keyboard_bind(keylist, action); nact = parse_find_node("action", nact->next); } } } static void parse_keyboard(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { keyboard_unbind_all(); parse_key(i, doc, node->children, NULL); } /* */ static void parse_mouse(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n, nbut, nact; gchar *buttonstr; gchar *contextstr; ObUserAction uact; ObMouseAction mact; ObAction *action; mouse_unbind_all(); node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("dragThreshold", node))) config_mouse_threshold = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("doubleClickTime", node))) config_mouse_dclicktime = parse_int(doc, n); n = parse_find_node("context", node); while (n) { if (!parse_attr_string("name", n, &contextstr)) goto next_n; nbut = parse_find_node("mousebind", n->children); while (nbut) { if (!parse_attr_string("button", nbut, &buttonstr)) goto next_nbut; if (parse_attr_contains("press", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_PRESS; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS; } else if (parse_attr_contains("release", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_RELEASE; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_RELEASE; } else if (parse_attr_contains("click", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_CLICK; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK; } else if (parse_attr_contains("doubleclick", nbut,"action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_DOUBLE_CLICK; } else if (parse_attr_contains("drag", nbut, "action")) { uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_MOTION; mact = OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION; } else goto next_nbut; nact = parse_find_node("action", nbut->children); while (nact) { if ((action = action_parse(i, doc, nact, uact))) mouse_bind(buttonstr, contextstr, mact, action); nact = parse_find_node("action", nact->next); } g_free(buttonstr); next_nbut: nbut = parse_find_node("mousebind", nbut->next); } g_free(contextstr); next_n: n = parse_find_node("context", n->next); } } static void parse_focus(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("focusNew", node))) config_focus_new = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("followMouse", node))) config_focus_follow = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("focusDelay", node))) config_focus_delay = parse_int(doc, n) * 1000; if ((n = parse_find_node("raiseOnFocus", node))) config_focus_raise = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("focusLast", node))) config_focus_last = parse_bool(doc, n); } static void parse_placement(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("policy", node))) if (parse_contains("UnderMouse", doc, n)) config_place_policy = OB_PLACE_POLICY_MOUSE; } static void parse_theme(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("name", node))) { gchar *c; g_free(config_theme); c = parse_string(doc, n); config_theme = parse_expand_tilde(c); g_free(c); } if ((n = parse_find_node("titleLayout", node))) { g_free(config_title_layout); config_title_layout = parse_string(doc, n); } } static void parse_desktops(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("number", node))) { gint d = parse_int(doc, n); if (d > 0) config_desktops_num = d; } if ((n = parse_find_node("firstdesk", node))) { gint d = parse_int(doc, n); if (d > 0) config_screen_firstdesk = d; } if ((n = parse_find_node("names", node))) { GSList *it; xmlNodePtr nname; for (it = config_desktops_names; it; it = it->next) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(config_desktops_names); config_desktops_names = NULL; nname = parse_find_node("name", n->children); while (nname) { config_desktops_names = g_slist_append(config_desktops_names, parse_string(doc, nname)); nname = parse_find_node("name", nname->next); } } } static void parse_resize(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("drawContents", node))) config_redraw_resize = parse_bool(doc, n); } static void parse_dock(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("position", node))) { if (parse_contains("TopLeft", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTHWEST; else if (parse_contains("Top", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTH; else if (parse_contains("TopRight", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTHEAST; else if (parse_contains("Right", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_EAST; else if (parse_contains("BottomRight", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; else if (parse_contains("Bottom", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_SOUTH; else if (parse_contains("BottomLeft", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_SOUTHWEST; else if (parse_contains("Left", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = FALSE, config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_WEST; else if (parse_contains("Floating", doc, n)) config_dock_floating = TRUE; } if (config_dock_floating) { if ((n = parse_find_node("floatingX", node))) config_dock_x = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("floatingY", node))) config_dock_y = parse_int(doc, n); } if ((n = parse_find_node("stacking", node))) { if (parse_contains("top", doc, n)) config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_DOCK_ABOVE; else if (parse_contains("normal", doc, n)) config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_DOCK_NORMAL; else if (parse_contains("bottom", doc, n)) config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_DOCK_BELOW; } if ((n = parse_find_node("direction", node))) { if (parse_contains("horizontal", doc, n)) config_dock_orient = OB_ORIENTATION_HORZ; else if (parse_contains("vertical", doc, n)) config_dock_orient = OB_ORIENTATION_VERT; } if ((n = parse_find_node("autoHide", node))) config_dock_hide = parse_bool(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("hideDelay", node))) config_dock_hide_delay = parse_int(doc, n) * 1000; if ((n = parse_find_node("moveButton", node))) { gchar *str = parse_string(doc, n); guint b, s; if (translate_button(str, &s, &b)) { config_dock_app_move_button = b; config_dock_app_move_modifiers = s; } else { g_warning("invalid button '%s'", str); } g_free(str); } } static void parse_menu(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { for (node = node->children; node; node = node->next) { if (!xmlStrcasecmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) "file")) { gchar *c; c = parse_string(doc, node); config_menu_files = g_slist_append(config_menu_files, parse_expand_tilde(c)); g_free(c); } } } static void parse_resistance(ObParseInst *i, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { xmlNodePtr n; node = node->children; if ((n = parse_find_node("strength", node))) config_resist_win = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("screen_edge_strength", node))) config_resist_edge = parse_int(doc, n); } typedef struct { const gchar *key; const gchar *actname; } ObDefKeyBind; static void bind_default_keyboard() { ObDefKeyBind *it; ObDefKeyBind binds[] = { { "A-Tab", "NextWindow" }, { "S-A-Tab", "PreviousWindow" }, { "A-F4", "Close" }, { NULL, NULL } }; for (it = binds; it->key; ++it) { GList *l = g_list_append(NULL, g_strdup(it->key)); keyboard_bind(l, action_from_string(it->actname, OB_USER_ACTION_KEYBOARD_KEY)); } } typedef struct { const gchar *button; const gchar *context; const ObMouseAction mact; const gchar *actname; } ObDefMouseBind; static void bind_default_mouse() { ObDefMouseBind *it; ObDefMouseBind binds[] = { { "Left", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Middle", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Right", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Desktop", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Middle", "Desktop", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Right", "Desktop", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Handle", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "BLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "BRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "TLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "TRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Close", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Maximize", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Iconify", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Icon", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "AllDesktops", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Shade", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS, "Focus" }, { "Left", "Client", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Middle", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Lower" }, { "Left", "Handle", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "BLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "BRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "TLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "TRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Close", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Maximize", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Iconify", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Icon", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "AllDesktops", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Shade", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Raise" }, { "Left", "Close", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Close" }, { "Left", "Maximize", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "ToggleMaximizeFull" }, { "Left", "Iconify", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "Iconify" }, { "Left", "AllDesktops", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "ToggleOmnipresent" }, { "Left", "Shade", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK, "ToggleShade" }, { "Left", "TLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "TRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "BLCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "BRCorner", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { "Left", "Titlebar", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Move" }, { "A-Left", "Frame", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Move" }, { "A-Middle", "Frame", OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION, "Resize" }, { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; for (it = binds; it->button; ++it) { ObUserAction uact; switch (it->mact) { case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_PRESS: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_PRESS; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_RELEASE: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_RELEASE; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_CLICK: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_CLICK; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_DOUBLE_CLICK: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK; break; case OB_MOUSE_ACTION_MOTION: uact = OB_USER_ACTION_MOUSE_MOTION; break; case OB_NUM_MOUSE_ACTIONS: g_assert_not_reached(); } mouse_bind(it->button, it->context, it->mact, action_from_string(it->actname, uact)); } } void config_startup(ObParseInst *i) { config_focus_new = TRUE; config_focus_follow = FALSE; config_focus_delay = 0; config_focus_raise = FALSE; config_focus_last = FALSE; parse_register(i, "focus", parse_focus, NULL); config_place_policy = OB_PLACE_POLICY_SMART; parse_register(i, "placement", parse_placement, NULL); config_theme = NULL; config_title_layout = g_strdup("NLIMC"); parse_register(i, "theme", parse_theme, NULL); config_desktops_num = 4; config_screen_firstdesk = 1; config_desktops_names = NULL; parse_register(i, "desktops", parse_desktops, NULL); config_redraw_resize = TRUE; parse_register(i, "resize", parse_resize, NULL); config_dock_layer = OB_STACKING_LAYER_DOCK_ABOVE; config_dock_pos = OB_DIRECTION_NORTHEAST; config_dock_floating = FALSE; config_dock_x = 0; config_dock_y = 0; config_dock_orient = OB_ORIENTATION_VERT; config_dock_hide = FALSE; config_dock_hide_delay = 300; config_dock_app_move_button = 2; /* middle */ config_dock_app_move_modifiers = 0; parse_register(i, "dock", parse_dock, NULL); translate_key("C-g", &config_keyboard_reset_state, &config_keyboard_reset_keycode); bind_default_keyboard(); parse_register(i, "keyboard", parse_keyboard, NULL); config_mouse_threshold = 3; config_mouse_dclicktime = 200; bind_default_mouse(); parse_register(i, "mouse", parse_mouse, NULL); config_resist_win = 10; config_resist_edge = 20; parse_register(i, "resistance", parse_resistance, NULL); config_menu_files = NULL; parse_register(i, "menu", parse_menu, NULL); } void config_shutdown() { GSList *it; g_free(config_theme); g_free(config_title_layout); for (it = config_desktops_names; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(config_desktops_names); for (it = config_menu_files; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(config_menu_files); }