#include "parse.h" #include "config.h" static GHashTable *reg = NULL; static ParseFunc func = NULL; /* parse tokens from the [openbox] section of the rc file */ static void parse_rc_token(ParseToken *token); void destkey(gpointer key) { g_free(key); } void parse_startup() { reg = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, destkey, NULL); func = NULL; parse_reg_section("openbox", parse_rc_token); } void parse_shutdown() { g_hash_table_destroy(reg); } void parse_reg_section(char *section, ParseFunc func) { if (g_hash_table_lookup(reg, section) != NULL) g_warning("duplicate request for section '%s' in the rc file", section); else g_hash_table_insert(reg, g_ascii_strdown(section, -1), (void*)func); } void parse_free_token(ParseToken *token) { GSList *it; switch (token->type) { case TOKEN_STRING: g_free(token-data.string); break; case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: g_free(token->data.identifier); break; case TOKEN_LIST: for (it = token->data.list; it; it = it->next) { parse_free_token(it->data); g_free(it->data); } g_slist_free(token->data.list); break; case TOKEN_REAL: case TOKEN_INTEGER: case TOKEN_BOOL: case TOKEN_LBRACE: case TOKEN_RBRACE: case TOKEN_EQUALS: case TOKEN_COMMA: case TOKEN_NEWLINE: break; } } void parse_set_section(char *section) { func = (ParseFunc)g_hash_table_lookup(reg, section); } void parse_token(ParseToken *token) { if (func != NULL) func(token); } static void parse_rc_token(ParseToken *token) { static int got_eq = FALSE; static ParseTokenType got_val = 0; static char *id = NULL, *s = NULL; static int i; static gboolean b; if (id == NULL) { if (token->type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { id = token.identifier; return; } else { yyerror("syntax error"); } } else if (!got_eq) { if (token->type == TOKEN_EQUALS) { got_eq = TRUE; return; } else { yyerror("syntax error"); } } else if (!got_val) { if (token->type == TOKEN_STRING) { s = token.string; got_val = type; return; } else if (token->type == TOKEN_BOOL) { b = token.bool; got_val = type; return; } else if (token->type == TOKEN_INTEGER) { i = token.integer; got_val = type; return; } else yyerror("syntax error"); } else if (token->type != TOKEN_NEWLINE) { yyerror("syntax error"); } else { ConfigValue v; switch (got_val) { case TOKEN_STRING: v.string = s; if (!config_set(id, Config_String, v)) yyerror("invalid value type"); break; case TOKEN_BOOL: v.bool = b; if (!config_set(id, Config_Bool, v)) yyerror("invalid value type"); break; case TOKEN_INTEGER: v.integer = i; if (!config_set(id, Config_Integer, v)) yyerror("invalid value type"); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); /* unhandled type got parsed */ } } g_free(id); g_free(s); id = s = NULL; got_eq = FALSE; got_val = 0; parse_free_token(token->type, token); }