// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- // Basemenu.cc for Blackbox - an X11 Window manager // Copyright (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry // Copyright (c) 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes (bhughes@tcac.net) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "../config.h" #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H extern "C" { #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H # include #endif // HAVE_STDIO_H #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include #endif // HAVE_STDLIB_H #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif // HAVE_STRING_H } #include #include using namespace std; #include "i18n.hh" #include "blackbox.hh" #include "Basemenu.hh" #include "GCCache.hh" #include "Image.hh" #include "Screen.hh" #include "Util.hh" static Basemenu *shown = (Basemenu *) 0; Basemenu::Basemenu(BScreen *scrn) { screen = scrn; blackbox = screen->getBlackbox(); image_ctrl = screen->getImageControl(); display = blackbox->getXDisplay(); parent = (Basemenu *) 0; alignment = AlignDontCare; title_vis = movable = hide_tree = True; shifted = internal_menu = moving = torn = visible = False; menu.x = menu.y = menu.x_shift = menu.y_shift = menu.x_move = menu.y_move = 0; which_sub = which_press = which_sbl = -1; menu.frame_pixmap = menu.title_pixmap = menu.hilite_pixmap = menu.sel_pixmap = None; menu.bevel_w = screen->getBevelWidth(); if (i18n.multibyte()) menu.width = menu.title_h = menu.item_w = menu.frame_h = screen->getMenuStyle()->t_fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.height + (menu.bevel_w * 2); else menu.width = menu.title_h = menu.item_w = menu.frame_h = screen->getMenuStyle()->t_font->ascent + screen->getMenuStyle()->t_font->descent + (menu.bevel_w * 2); menu.sublevels = menu.persub = menu.minsub = 0; MenuStyle *style = screen->getMenuStyle(); if (i18n.multibyte()) { menu.item_h = style->f_fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.height + (menu.bevel_w); } else { menu.item_h = style->f_font->ascent + style->f_font->descent + (menu.bevel_w); } menu.height = menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth() + menu.frame_h; unsigned long attrib_mask = CWBackPixmap | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWOverrideRedirect | CWEventMask; XSetWindowAttributes attrib; attrib.background_pixmap = None; attrib.background_pixel = attrib.border_pixel = screen->getBorderColor()->pixel(); attrib.colormap = screen->getColormap(); attrib.override_redirect = True; attrib.event_mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | ExposureMask; menu.window = XCreateWindow(display, screen->getRootWindow(), menu.x, menu.y, menu.width, menu.height, screen->getBorderWidth(), screen->getDepth(), InputOutput, screen->getVisual(), attrib_mask, &attrib); blackbox->saveMenuSearch(menu.window, this); attrib_mask = CWBackPixmap | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask; attrib.background_pixel = screen->getBorderColor()->pixel(); attrib.event_mask |= EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask; menu.title = XCreateWindow(display, menu.window, 0, 0, menu.width, menu.height, 0, screen->getDepth(), InputOutput, screen->getVisual(), attrib_mask, &attrib); blackbox->saveMenuSearch(menu.title, this); attrib.event_mask |= PointerMotionMask; menu.frame = XCreateWindow(display, menu.window, 0, menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth(), menu.width, menu.frame_h, 0, screen->getDepth(), InputOutput, screen->getVisual(), attrib_mask, &attrib); blackbox->saveMenuSearch(menu.frame, this); // even though this is the end of the constructor the menu is still not // completely created. items must be inserted and it must be update()'d } Basemenu::~Basemenu(void) { XUnmapWindow(display, menu.window); if (shown && shown->getWindowID() == getWindowID()) shown = (Basemenu *) 0; MenuItems::const_iterator it = menuitems.begin(); while (it != menuitems.end()) { BasemenuItem *item = *it; if ((! internal_menu)) { Basemenu *tmp = (Basemenu *) item->submenu(); if (tmp) { if (! tmp->internal_menu) { delete tmp; } else { tmp->internal_hide(); } } } ++it; } std::for_each(menuitems.begin(), menuitems.end(), PointerAssassin()); if (menu.title_pixmap) image_ctrl->removeImage(menu.title_pixmap); if (menu.frame_pixmap) image_ctrl->removeImage(menu.frame_pixmap); if (menu.hilite_pixmap) image_ctrl->removeImage(menu.hilite_pixmap); if (menu.sel_pixmap) image_ctrl->removeImage(menu.sel_pixmap); blackbox->removeMenuSearch(menu.title); XDestroyWindow(display, menu.title); blackbox->removeMenuSearch(menu.frame); XDestroyWindow(display, menu.frame); blackbox->removeMenuSearch(menu.window); XDestroyWindow(display, menu.window); } BasemenuItem *Basemenu::find(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast(menuitems.size())) return (BasemenuItem*) 0; return menuitems[index]; } int Basemenu::insert(BasemenuItem *item, int pos) { if (pos < 0) { menuitems.push_back(item); } else { assert(pos < static_cast(menuitems.size())); menuitems.insert((menuitems.begin() + pos), item); } return menuitems.size(); } int Basemenu::insert(const string& label, int function, const string& exec, int pos) { BasemenuItem *item = new BasemenuItem(label, function, exec); return insert(item, pos); } int Basemenu::insert(const string& label, Basemenu *submenu, int pos) { BasemenuItem *item = new BasemenuItem(label, submenu); submenu->parent = this; return insert(item, pos); } int Basemenu::remove(int index) { BasemenuItem *item = find(index); if (! item) return -1; if ((! internal_menu)) { Basemenu *tmp = (Basemenu *) item->submenu(); if (tmp) { if (! tmp->internal_menu) { delete tmp; } else { tmp->internal_hide(); } } } delete item; if (which_sub == index) which_sub = -1; else if (which_sub > index) which_sub--; menuitems.erase(menuitems.begin() + index); return menuitems.size(); } void Basemenu::update(void) { MenuStyle *style = screen->getMenuStyle(); if (i18n.multibyte()) { menu.item_h = style->f_fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.height + menu.bevel_w; menu.title_h = style->t_fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.height + (menu.bevel_w * 2); } else { menu.item_h = style->f_font->ascent + style->f_font->descent + menu.bevel_w; menu.title_h = style->t_font->ascent + style->t_font->descent + (menu.bevel_w * 2); } if (title_vis) { const char *s = getLabel(); int l = strlen(s); if (i18n.multibyte()) { XRectangle ink, logical; XmbTextExtents(screen->getMenuStyle()->t_fontset, s, l, &ink, &logical); menu.item_w = logical.width; } else { menu.item_w = XTextWidth(screen->getMenuStyle()->t_font, s, l); } menu.item_w += (menu.bevel_w * 2); } else { menu.item_w = 1; } unsigned int ii = 0; MenuItems::iterator it = menuitems.begin(), end = menuitems.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { BasemenuItem *tmp = *it; const char *s = tmp->l.c_str(); int l = strlen(s); if (i18n.multibyte()) { XRectangle ink, logical; XmbTextExtents(screen->getMenuStyle()->f_fontset, s, l, &ink, &logical); ii = logical.width; } else ii = XTextWidth(screen->getMenuStyle()->f_font, s, l); ii += (menu.bevel_w * 2) + (menu.item_h * 2); menu.item_w = ((menu.item_w < ii) ? ii : menu.item_w); } if (! menuitems.empty()) { menu.sublevels = 1; unsigned int menu_size = menuitems.size(); while (((menu.item_h * (menu_size + 1) / menu.sublevels) + menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth()) > screen->getHeight()) menu.sublevels++; if (menu.sublevels < menu.minsub) menu.sublevels = menu.minsub; menu.persub = menu_size / menu.sublevels; if (menu_size % menu.sublevels) menu.persub++; } else { menu.sublevels = 0; menu.persub = 0; } menu.width = (menu.sublevels * (menu.item_w)); if (! menu.width) menu.width = menu.item_w; menu.frame_h = (menu.item_h * menu.persub); menu.height = ((title_vis) ? menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth() : 0) + menu.frame_h; if (! menu.frame_h) menu.frame_h = 1; if (menu.height < 1) menu.height = 1; Pixmap tmp; BTexture *texture; if (title_vis) { tmp = menu.title_pixmap; texture = &(screen->getMenuStyle()->title); if (texture->texture() == (BTexture::Flat | BTexture::Solid)) { menu.title_pixmap = None; XSetWindowBackground(display, menu.title, texture->color().pixel()); } else { menu.title_pixmap = image_ctrl->renderImage(menu.width, menu.title_h, *texture); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, menu.title, menu.title_pixmap); } if (tmp) image_ctrl->removeImage(tmp); XClearWindow(display, menu.title); } tmp = menu.frame_pixmap; texture = &(screen->getMenuStyle()->frame); if (texture->texture() == (BTexture::Flat | BTexture::Solid)) { menu.frame_pixmap = None; XSetWindowBackground(display, menu.frame, texture->color().pixel()); } else { menu.frame_pixmap = image_ctrl->renderImage(menu.width, menu.frame_h, *texture); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, menu.frame, menu.frame_pixmap); } if (tmp) image_ctrl->removeImage(tmp); tmp = menu.hilite_pixmap; texture = &(screen->getMenuStyle()->hilite); if (texture->texture() == (BTexture::Flat | BTexture::Solid)) { menu.hilite_pixmap = None; } else { menu.hilite_pixmap = image_ctrl->renderImage(menu.item_w, menu.item_h, *texture); } if (tmp) image_ctrl->removeImage(tmp); tmp = menu.sel_pixmap; if (texture->texture() == (BTexture::Flat | BTexture::Solid)) { menu.sel_pixmap = None; } else { int hw = menu.item_h / 2; menu.sel_pixmap = image_ctrl->renderImage(hw, hw, *texture); } if (tmp) image_ctrl->removeImage(tmp); XResizeWindow(display, menu.window, menu.width, menu.height); if (title_vis) XResizeWindow(display, menu.title, menu.width, menu.title_h); XMoveResizeWindow(display, menu.frame, 0, ((title_vis) ? menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth() : 0), menu.width, menu.frame_h); XClearWindow(display, menu.window); XClearWindow(display, menu.title); XClearWindow(display, menu.frame); if (title_vis && visible) redrawTitle(); const int menu_size = menuitems.size(); for (int i = 0; visible && i < menu_size; i++) { if (i == which_sub) { drawItem(i, True, 0); drawSubmenu(i); } else { drawItem(i, False, 0); } } if (parent && visible) parent->drawSubmenu(parent->which_sub); XMapSubwindows(display, menu.window); } void Basemenu::show(void) { XMapSubwindows(display, menu.window); XMapWindow(display, menu.window); visible = True; if (! parent) { if (shown && (! shown->torn)) shown->hide(); shown = this; } } void Basemenu::hide(void) { if ((! torn) && hide_tree && parent && parent->isVisible()) { Basemenu *p = parent; while (p->isVisible() && (! p->torn) && p->parent) p = p->parent; p->internal_hide(); } else { internal_hide(); } } void Basemenu::internal_hide(void) { BasemenuItem *tmp = find(which_sub); if (tmp) tmp->submenu()->internal_hide(); if (parent && (! torn)) { parent->drawItem(parent->which_sub, False, True); parent->which_sub = -1; } else if (shown && shown->menu.window == menu.window) { shown = (Basemenu *) 0; } torn = visible = False; which_sub = which_press = which_sub = -1; XUnmapWindow(display, menu.window); } void Basemenu::move(int x, int y) { menu.x = x; menu.y = y; XMoveWindow(display, menu.window, x, y); if (which_sub != -1) drawSubmenu(which_sub); } void Basemenu::redrawTitle(void) { const char *text = (! menu.label.empty()) ? getLabel() : i18n(BasemenuSet, BasemenuBlackboxMenu, "Blackbox Menu"); int dx = menu.bevel_w, len = strlen(text); unsigned int l; if (i18n.multibyte()) { XRectangle ink, logical; XmbTextExtents(screen->getMenuStyle()->t_fontset, text, len, &ink, &logical); l = logical.width; } else { l = XTextWidth(screen->getMenuStyle()->t_font, text, len); } l += (menu.bevel_w * 2); switch (screen->getMenuStyle()->t_justify) { case RightJustify: dx += menu.width - l; break; case CenterJustify: dx += (menu.width - l) / 2; break; case LeftJustify: default: break; } MenuStyle *style = screen->getMenuStyle(); BPen pen(style->t_text, style->t_font); if (i18n.multibyte()) XmbDrawString(display, menu.title, style->t_fontset, pen.gc(), dx, (menu.bevel_w - style->t_fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.y), text, len); else XDrawString(display, menu.title, pen.gc(), dx, (style->t_font->ascent + menu.bevel_w), text, len); } void Basemenu::drawSubmenu(int index) { BasemenuItem *item = find(which_sub); if (item && item->submenu() && ! item->submenu()->isTorn() && which_sub != index) item->submenu()->internal_hide(); item = find(index); if (! item) return; Basemenu *submenu = item->submenu(); if (submenu && visible && ! submenu->isTorn() && item->isEnabled()) { if (submenu->parent != this) submenu->parent = this; int sbl = index / menu.persub, i = index - (sbl * menu.persub), x = menu.x + ((menu.item_w * (sbl + 1)) + screen->getBorderWidth()), y; if (alignment == AlignTop) { y = (((shifted) ? menu.y_shift : menu.y) + ((title_vis) ? menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth() : 0) - ((submenu->title_vis) ? submenu->menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth() : 0)); } else { y = (((shifted) ? menu.y_shift : menu.y) + (menu.item_h * i) + ((title_vis) ? menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth() : 0) - ((submenu->title_vis) ? submenu->menu.title_h + screen->getBorderWidth() : 0)); } if (alignment == AlignBottom && (y + submenu->menu.height) > ((shifted) ? menu.y_shift : menu.y) + menu.height) y = (((shifted) ? menu.y_shift : menu.y) + menu.height - submenu->menu.height); if ((x + submenu->getWidth()) > screen->getWidth()) x = ((shifted) ? menu.x_shift : menu.x) - submenu->getWidth() - screen->getBorderWidth(); if (x < 0) x = 0; if ((y + submenu->getHeight()) > screen->getHeight()) y = screen->getHeight() - submenu->getHeight() - (screen->getBorderWidth() * 2); if (y < 0) y = 0; submenu->move(x, y); if (! moving) drawItem(index, True); if (! submenu->isVisible()) submenu->show(); submenu->moving = moving; which_sub = index; } else { which_sub = -1; } } bool Basemenu::hasSubmenu(int index) { BasemenuItem *item = find(index); if (item && item->submenu()) return True; return False; } void Basemenu::drawItem(int index, bool highlight, bool clear, int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { BasemenuItem *item = find(index); if (! item) return; bool dotext = True, dohilite = True, dosel = True; const char *text = item->label(); int sbl = index / menu.persub, i = index - (sbl * menu.persub); int item_x = (sbl * menu.item_w), item_y = (i * menu.item_h); int hilite_x = item_x, hilite_y = item_y, hoff_x = 0, hoff_y = 0; int text_x = 0, text_y = 0, len = strlen(text), sel_x = 0, sel_y = 0; unsigned int hilite_w = menu.item_w, hilite_h = menu.item_h, text_w = 0, text_h = 0; unsigned int half_w = menu.item_h / 2, quarter_w = menu.item_h / 4; if (text) { if (i18n.multibyte()) { XRectangle ink, logical; XmbTextExtents(screen->getMenuStyle()->f_fontset, text, len, &ink, &logical); text_w = logical.width; text_y = item_y + (menu.bevel_w / 2) - screen->getMenuStyle()->f_fontset_extents->max_ink_extent.y; } else { text_w = XTextWidth(screen->getMenuStyle()->f_font, text, len); text_y = item_y + screen->getMenuStyle()->f_font->ascent + (menu.bevel_w / 2); } switch(screen->getMenuStyle()->f_justify) { case LeftJustify: text_x = item_x + menu.bevel_w + menu.item_h + 1; break; case RightJustify: text_x = item_x + menu.item_w - (menu.item_h + menu.bevel_w + text_w); break; case CenterJustify: text_x = item_x + ((menu.item_w + 1 - text_w) / 2); break; } text_h = menu.item_h - menu.bevel_w; } MenuStyle *style = screen->getMenuStyle(); BPen pen((highlight || item->isSelected()) ? style->h_text : style->f_text), textpen((highlight) ? style->h_text : item->isEnabled() ? style->f_text : style->d_text, style->f_font), hipen(style->hilite.color()); sel_x = item_x; if (screen->getMenuStyle()->bullet_pos == Right) sel_x += (menu.item_w - menu.item_h - menu.bevel_w); sel_x += quarter_w; sel_y = item_y + quarter_w; if (clear) { XClearArea(display, menu.frame, item_x, item_y, menu.item_w, menu.item_h, False); } else if (! (x == y && y == -1 && w == h && h == 0)) { // calculate the which part of the hilite to redraw if (! (max(item_x, x) <= min(item_x + menu.item_w, x + w) && max(item_y, y) <= min(item_y + menu.item_h, y + h))) { dohilite = False; } else { hilite_x = max(item_x, x); hilite_y = max(item_y, y); hilite_w = min(item_x + menu.item_w, x + w) - hilite_x; hilite_h = min(item_y + menu.item_h, y + h) - hilite_y; hoff_x = hilite_x % menu.item_w; hoff_y = hilite_y % menu.item_h; } // check if we need to redraw the text int text_ry = item_y + (menu.bevel_w / 2); if (! (max(text_x, x) <= min(text_x + text_w, x + w) && max(text_ry, y) <= min(text_ry + text_h, y + h))) dotext = False; // check if we need to redraw the select pixmap/menu bullet if (! (max(sel_x, x) <= min(sel_x + half_w, x + w) && max(sel_y, y) <= min(sel_y + half_w, y + h))) dosel = False; } if (dohilite && highlight && (menu.hilite_pixmap != ParentRelative)) { if (menu.hilite_pixmap) XCopyArea(display, menu.hilite_pixmap, menu.frame, hipen.gc(), hoff_x, hoff_y, hilite_w, hilite_h, hilite_x, hilite_y); else XFillRectangle(display, menu.frame, hipen.gc(), hilite_x, hilite_y, hilite_w, hilite_h); } else if (dosel && item->isSelected() && (menu.sel_pixmap != ParentRelative)) { if (menu.sel_pixmap) XCopyArea(display, menu.sel_pixmap, menu.frame, hipen.gc(), 0, 0, half_w, half_w, sel_x, sel_y); else XFillRectangle(display, menu.frame, hipen.gc(), sel_x, sel_y, half_w, half_w); } if (dotext && text) { if (i18n.multibyte()) XmbDrawString(display, menu.frame, screen->getMenuStyle()->f_fontset, textpen.gc(), text_x, text_y, text, len); else XDrawString(display, menu.frame, textpen.gc(), text_x, text_y, text, len); } if (dosel && item->submenu()) { switch (screen->getMenuStyle()->bullet) { case Square: XDrawRectangle(display, menu.frame, pen.gc(), sel_x, sel_y, half_w, half_w); break; case Triangle: XPoint tri[3]; if (screen->getMenuStyle()->bullet_pos == Right) { tri[0].x = sel_x + quarter_w - 2; tri[0].y = sel_y + quarter_w - 2; tri[1].x = 4; tri[1].y = 2; tri[2].x = -4; tri[2].y = 2; } else { tri[0].x = sel_x + quarter_w - 2; tri[0].y = item_y + half_w; tri[1].x = 4; tri[1].y = 2; tri[2].x = 0; tri[2].y = -4; } XFillPolygon(display, menu.frame, pen.gc(), tri, 3, Convex, CoordModePrevious); break; case Diamond: XPoint dia[4]; dia[0].x = sel_x + quarter_w - 3; dia[0].y = item_y + half_w; dia[1].x = 3; dia[1].y = -3; dia[2].x = 3; dia[2].y = 3; dia[3].x = -3; dia[3].y = 3; XFillPolygon(display, menu.frame, pen.gc(), dia, 4, Convex, CoordModePrevious); break; } } } void Basemenu::setLabel(const string& label) { menu.label = label; } void Basemenu::setItemSelected(int index, bool sel) { assert(index >= 0); BasemenuItem *item = find(index); if (! item) return; item->setSelected(sel); if (visible) drawItem(index, (index == which_sub), True); } bool Basemenu::isItemSelected(int index) { assert(index >= 0); BasemenuItem *item = find(index); if (! item) return False; return item->isSelected(); } void Basemenu::setItemEnabled(int index, bool enable) { assert(index >= 0); BasemenuItem *item = find(index); if (! item) return; item->setEnabled(enable); if (visible) drawItem(index, (index == which_sub), True); } bool Basemenu::isItemEnabled(int index) { assert(index >= 0); BasemenuItem *item = find(index); if (! item) return False; return item->isEnabled(); } void Basemenu::buttonPressEvent(XButtonEvent *be) { if (be->window == menu.frame) { int sbl = (be->x / menu.item_w), i = (be->y / menu.item_h); int w = (sbl * menu.persub) + i; BasemenuItem *item = find(w); if (item) { which_press = i; which_sbl = sbl; if (item->submenu()) drawSubmenu(w); else drawItem(w, (item->isEnabled()), True); } } else { menu.x_move = be->x_root - menu.x; menu.y_move = be->y_root - menu.y; } } void Basemenu::buttonReleaseEvent(XButtonEvent *re) { if (re->window == menu.title) { if (moving) { moving = False; if (which_sub != -1) drawSubmenu(which_sub); } if (re->x >= 0 && re->x <= static_cast(menu.width) && re->y >= 0 && re->y <= static_cast(menu.title_h)) if (re->button == 3) hide(); } else if (re->window == menu.frame && re->x >= 0 && re->x < static_cast(menu.width) && re->y >= 0 && re->y < static_cast(menu.frame_h)) { if (re->button == 3) { hide(); } else { int sbl = (re->x / menu.item_w), i = (re->y / menu.item_h), ix = sbl * menu.item_w, iy = i * menu.item_h, w = (sbl * menu.persub) + i, p = (which_sbl * menu.persub) + which_press; if (w >= 0 && w < static_cast(menuitems.size())) { drawItem(p, (p == which_sub), True); if (p == w && isItemEnabled(w)) { if (re->x > ix && re->x < static_cast(ix + menu.item_w) && re->y > iy && re->y < static_cast(iy + menu.item_h)) { itemSelected(re->button, w); } } } else { drawItem(p, False, True); } } } } void Basemenu::motionNotifyEvent(XMotionEvent *me) { if (me->window == menu.title && (me->state & Button1Mask)) { if (movable) { if (! moving) { if (parent && (! torn)) { parent->drawItem(parent->which_sub, False, True); parent->which_sub = -1; } moving = torn = True; if (which_sub != -1) drawSubmenu(which_sub); } else { menu.x = me->x_root - menu.x_move, menu.y = me->y_root - menu.y_move; XMoveWindow(display, menu.window, menu.x, menu.y); if (which_sub != -1) drawSubmenu(which_sub); } } } else if ((! (me->state & Button1Mask)) && me->window == menu.frame && me->x >= 0 && me->x < static_cast(menu.width) && me->y >= 0 && me->y < static_cast(menu.frame_h)) { int sbl = (me->x / menu.item_w), i = (me->y / menu.item_h), w = (sbl * menu.persub) + i; if ((i != which_press || sbl != which_sbl) && (w >= 0 && w < static_cast(menuitems.size()))) { if (which_press != -1 && which_sbl != -1) { int p = (which_sbl * menu.persub) + which_press; BasemenuItem *item = find(p); drawItem(p, False, True); if (item->submenu()) if (item->submenu()->isVisible() && (! item->submenu()->isTorn())) { item->submenu()->internal_hide(); which_sub = -1; } } which_press = i; which_sbl = sbl; BasemenuItem *itmp = find(w); if (itmp->submenu()) drawSubmenu(w); else drawItem(w, (itmp->isEnabled()), True); } } } void Basemenu::exposeEvent(XExposeEvent *ee) { if (ee->window == menu.title) { redrawTitle(); } else if (ee->window == menu.frame) { // this is a compilicated algorithm... lets do it step by step... // first... we see in which sub level the expose starts... and how many // items down in that sublevel int sbl = (ee->x / menu.item_w), id = (ee->y / menu.item_h), // next... figure out how many sublevels over the redraw spans sbl_d = ((ee->x + ee->width) / menu.item_w), // then we see how many items down to redraw id_d = ((ee->y + ee->height) / menu.item_h); if (id_d > menu.persub) id_d = menu.persub; // draw the sublevels and the number of items the exposure spans MenuItems::iterator it, end = menuitems.end(); int i, ii; for (i = sbl; i <= sbl_d; i++) { // set the iterator to the first item in the sublevel needing redrawing it = menuitems.begin() + (id + (i * menu.persub)); for (ii = id; ii <= id_d && it != end; ++it, ii++) { int index = ii + (i * menu.persub); // redraw the item drawItem(index, (which_sub == index), False, ee->x, ee->y, ee->width, ee->height); } } } } void Basemenu::enterNotifyEvent(XCrossingEvent *ce) { if (ce->window == menu.frame) { menu.x_shift = menu.x, menu.y_shift = menu.y; if (menu.x + menu.width > screen->getWidth()) { menu.x_shift = screen->getWidth() - menu.width - screen->getBorderWidth(); shifted = True; } else if (menu.x < 0) { menu.x_shift = -screen->getBorderWidth(); shifted = True; } if (menu.y + menu.height > screen->getHeight()) { menu.y_shift = screen->getHeight() - menu.height - screen->getBorderWidth(); shifted = True; } else if (menu.y + static_cast(menu.title_h) < 0) { menu.y_shift = -screen->getBorderWidth(); shifted = True; } if (shifted) XMoveWindow(display, menu.window, menu.x_shift, menu.y_shift); if (which_sub != -1) { BasemenuItem *tmp = find(which_sub); if (tmp->submenu()->isVisible()) { int sbl = (ce->x / menu.item_w), i = (ce->y / menu.item_h), w = (sbl * menu.persub) + i; if (w != which_sub && (! tmp->submenu()->isTorn())) { tmp->submenu()->internal_hide(); drawItem(which_sub, False, True); which_sub = -1; } } } } } void Basemenu::leaveNotifyEvent(XCrossingEvent *ce) { if (ce->window == menu.frame) { if (which_press != -1 && which_sbl != -1 && menuitems.size() > 0) { int p = (which_sbl * menu.persub) + which_press; drawItem(p, (p == which_sub), True); which_sbl = which_press = -1; } if (shifted) { XMoveWindow(display, menu.window, menu.x, menu.y); shifted = False; if (which_sub != -1) drawSubmenu(which_sub); } } } void Basemenu::reconfigure(void) { XSetWindowBackground(display, menu.window, screen->getBorderColor()->pixel()); XSetWindowBorder(display, menu.window, screen->getBorderColor()->pixel()); XSetWindowBorderWidth(display, menu.window, screen->getBorderWidth()); menu.bevel_w = screen->getBevelWidth(); update(); } void Basemenu::changeItemLabel(unsigned int index, const string& label) { BasemenuItem *item = find(index); assert(item); item->newLabel(label); }