// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "../config.h" #endif #include "bindings.hh" #include "otk/display.hh" extern "C" { #include } namespace ob { #include static void print_branch(BindingTree *first, std::string str) { BindingTree *p = first; while (p) { if (p->first_child) print_branch(p->first_child, str + " " + p->text); if (!p->chain) printf("%d%s\n", p->id, (str + " " + p->text).c_str()); BindingTree *s = p->next_sibling; delete p; p = s; } } void OBBindings::display() { if (_tree.first_child) print_branch(_tree.first_child, ""); } bool OBBindings::translate(const std::string &str, Binding &b) { std::string::size_type keybegin = str.find_last_of('-'); std::string key(str, keybegin != std::string::npos ? keybegin + 1 : 0); // XXX: get some modifiers up in the hizzie KeySym sym = XStringToKeysym(const_cast(key.c_str())); if (sym == NoSymbol) return false; b.modifiers = Mod1Mask; // XXX: no way b.key = XKeysymToKeycode(otk::OBDisplay::display, sym); return b.key != 0; } BindingTree *OBBindings::buildtree(const StringVect &keylist, int id) { if (keylist.empty()) return 0; // nothing in the list.. return 0 BindingTree *ret = new BindingTree(id), *p = 0; StringVect::const_iterator it, end = keylist.end(); for (it = keylist.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if (p) p = p->first_child = new BindingTree(id); else p = ret; // the first node if (!translate(*it, p->binding)) break; p->text = *it; } if (it != end) { // build failed.. clean up and return 0 p = ret; while (p->first_child) { BindingTree *c = p->first_child; delete p; p = c; } delete p; return 0; } else { // set the proper chain status on the last node p->chain = false; } printf("BUILDING:\n"); print_branch(ret, ""); // successfully built a tree return ret; } static void destroytree(BindingTree *tree) { while (tree) { BindingTree *c = tree->first_child; delete tree; tree = c; } } OBBindings::OBBindings() { } OBBindings::~OBBindings() { remove_all(); } static void assimilate(BindingTree *parent, BindingTree *node) { BindingTree *p, *lastsib, *nextparent, *nextnode = node->first_child; if (!parent->first_child) { // there are no nodes at this level yet parent->first_child = node; nextparent = node; } else { p = lastsib = parent->first_child; while (p->next_sibling) { p = p->next_sibling; lastsib = p; // finds the last sibling if (p->binding == node->binding) { // found an identical binding.. assert(node->chain && p->chain); delete node; // kill the one we aren't using printf("using existing node\n"); break; } } if (!p) { // couldn't find an existing binding, use this new one, and insert it // into the list p = lastsib->next_sibling = node; printf("inserting %s\n", p->text.c_str()); } nextparent = p; } if (nextnode) assimilate(nextparent, nextnode); } int OBBindings::find(BindingTree *search) { BindingTree *a, *b; a = _tree; b = search; while (a && b) { if (a->binding != b->binding) { a = a->next_sibling; } else { if (a->chain == b->chain) { if (!a->chain) return a->id; // found it! (return the actual id, not the search's) } else return -2; // the chain status' don't match (conflict!) b = b->first_child; a = a->first_child; } } return -1; // it just isn't in here } /* static int find(BindingTree *parent, BindingTree *node) { BindingTree *p, *lastsib, *nextparent, *nextnode = node->first_child; if (!parent->first_child) return -1; p = parent->first_child; while (p) { if (node->binding == p->binding) { if (node->chain == p->chain) { if (!node->chain) { return p->id; // found it! (return the actual id, not the search's) } else { break; // go on to the next child in the chain } } else { return -2; // the chain status' don't match (conflict!) } } p = p->next_sibling; } if (!p) return -1; // doesn't exist if (node->chain) { assert(node->first_child); return find(p, node->first_child); } else return -1; // it just isnt in here } */ bool OBBindings::add(const StringVect &keylist, int id) { BindingTree *tree; if (!(tree = buildtree(keylist, id))) return false; // invalid binding requested if (find_bind(_tree.first_child, tree) < -1) { // conflicts with another binding destroytree(tree); return false; } // assimilate this built tree into the main tree assimilate(&_tree, tree); // assimilation destroys/uses the tree return true; } int OBBindings::find(const StringVect &keylist) { BindingTree *tree; bool ret; if (!(tree = buildtree(keylist, 0))) return false; // invalid binding requested ret = find_bind(_tree.first_child, tree) >= 0; destroytree(tree); return ret; } int OBBindings::remove(const StringVect &keylist) { (void)keylist; assert(false); // XXX: function not implemented yet } static void remove_branch(BindingTree *first) { BindingTree *p = first; while (p) { if (p->first_child) remove_branch(p->first_child); BindingTree *s = p->next_sibling; delete p; p = s; } } void OBBindings::remove_all() { if (_tree.first_child) remove_branch(_tree.first_child); } }