/* HomeBank -- Free, easy, personal accounting for everyone. * Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Maxime DOYEN * * This file is part of HomeBank. * * HomeBank is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HomeBank is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "homebank.h" #include "hb-preferences.h" #include "hb-filter.h" #include "gtk-chart-colors.h" #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 #include #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Debug macros */ /****************************************************************************/ #define MYDEBUG 0 #if MYDEBUG #define DB(x) (x); #else #define DB(x); #endif /* our global datas */ extern struct HomeBank *GLOBALS; extern struct Preferences *PREFS; /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ static void homebank_pref_init_monetary(void) { DB( g_print("\n[system] get currency code\n") ); #ifdef G_OS_UNIX struct lconv *lc = localeconv(); g_stpcpy (PREFS->IntCurrSymbol, lc->int_curr_symbol); g_strstrip(PREFS->IntCurrSymbol); DB( g_print("- stored '%s' from linux system\n", PREFS->IntCurrSymbol) ); #else #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 #define BUFFER_SIZE 512 char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; //LPWSTR wcBuffer = buffer; LPSTR wcBuffer = buffer; int iResult; //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd464799%28v=vs.85%29.aspx //LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL='%s'\n", buffer) ); g_stpcpy (PREFS->IntCurrSymbol, buffer); g_strstrip(PREFS->IntCurrSymbol); DB( g_print("- stored '%s' from windows system\n", PREFS->IntCurrSymbol) ); } #else g_stpcpy (PREFS->IntCurrSymbol, "USD"); DB( g_print("- stored '%s' as default\n", PREFS->IntCurrSymbol) ); #endif #endif } /* static void homebank_pref_init_monetary(void) { DB( g_print("\n[preferences] monetary\n") ); #ifdef G_OS_UNIX struct lconv *lc = localeconv(); DB( g_print("\n[preferences] monetary unix\n") ); DB( g_print("int_curr_symbol '%s'\n", lc->int_curr_symbol) ); DB( g_print("mon_decimal_point is utf8: %d\n", g_utf8_validate(lc->mon_decimal_point, -1, NULL)) ); DB( g_print("mon_decimal_point '%s'\n", lc->mon_decimal_point) ); DB( g_print("mon_decimal_point %x %x %x %x\n", lc->mon_decimal_point[0], lc->mon_decimal_point[1], lc->mon_decimal_point[2], lc->mon_decimal_point[3]) ); DB( g_print("mon_thousands_sep is utf8: %d\n", g_utf8_validate(lc->mon_thousands_sep, -1, NULL)) ); DB( g_print("mon_thousands_sep '%s'\n", lc->mon_thousands_sep) ); DB( g_print("mon_thousands_sep %x %x %x %x\n", lc->mon_thousands_sep[0], lc->mon_thousands_sep[1], lc->mon_thousands_sep[2], lc->mon_thousands_sep[3]) ); DB( g_print("frac_digits '%d'\n", (gint)lc->frac_digits) ); DB( g_print("currency_symbol '%s'\n", lc->currency_symbol) ); DB( g_print("p_cs_precedes '%d'\n", lc->p_cs_precedes) ); DB( g_print("n_cs_precedes '%d'\n", lc->n_cs_precedes) ); //PREFS->base_cur.iso_code = g_strdup(g_strstrip(lc->int_curr_symbol)); if( lc->p_cs_precedes || lc->n_cs_precedes ) { PREFS->base_cur.symbol = g_strdup(lc->currency_symbol); PREFS->base_cur.sym_prefix = TRUE; DB( g_print("locale mon cs is a prefix\n") ); } else { PREFS->base_cur.symbol = g_strdup(lc->currency_symbol); PREFS->base_cur.sym_prefix = FALSE; } PREFS->base_cur.decimal_char = g_strdup(lc->mon_decimal_point); PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char = g_strdup(lc->mon_thousands_sep); //todo:fix //PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char = g_locale_to_utf8(lc->mon_thousands_sep, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); //PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char = g_convert (lc->mon_thousands_sep, -1, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", NULL, NULL, NULL); DB( g_print(" -> grouping_char: '%s'\n", PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char) ); PREFS->base_cur.frac_digits = lc->frac_digits; //fix 378992/421228 if( PREFS->base_cur.frac_digits > MAX_FRAC_DIGIT ) { PREFS->base_cur.frac_digits = 2; g_free(PREFS->base_cur.decimal_char); PREFS->base_cur.decimal_char = g_strdup("."); } #else #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 #define BUFFER_SIZE 512 char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; //LPWSTR wcBuffer = buffer; LPSTR wcBuffer = buffer; int iResult; gsize toto; //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd464799%28v=vs.85%29.aspx //LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL //see g_locale_to_utf8 here iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SCURRENCY, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_SCURRENCY='%s'\n", buffer) ); PREFS->base_cur.symbol = g_locale_to_utf8(buffer, -1, NULL, &toto, NULL); } // LOCALE_ICURRENCY //PREFS->base_cur.sym_prefix = iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_SDECIMAL='%s'\n", buffer) ); PREFS->base_cur.decimal_char = g_locale_to_utf8(buffer, -1, NULL, &toto, NULL); } iResult = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, wcBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if(iResult > 0) { DB( g_print("LOCALE_STHOUSAND='%s'\n", buffer) ); PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char = g_locale_to_utf8(buffer, -1, NULL, &toto, NULL); } // LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS PREFS->base_cur.frac_digits = 2; #else PREFS->base_cur.iso_code = g_strdup("USD"); PREFS->base_cur.symbol = NULL; //g_strdup(""); PREFS->base_cur.sym_prefix = FALSE; PREFS->base_cur.decimal_char = g_strdup("."); PREFS->base_cur.grouping_char = NULL; //g_strdup(""); PREFS->base_cur.frac_digits = 2; #endif #endif } */ static void homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(struct WinGeometry *wg, gint l, gint t, gint w, gint h) { wg->l = l; wg->t = t; wg->w = w; wg->h = h; wg->s = 0; } //vehicle_unit_100 //vehicle_unit_distbyvol //=> used for column title static void _homebank_pref_init_measurement_units(void) { // unit is kilometer if(!PREFS->vehicle_unit_ismile) { PREFS->vehicle_unit_dist = "%d km"; PREFS->vehicle_unit_100 = "100 km"; } // unit is miles else { PREFS->vehicle_unit_dist = "%d mi."; PREFS->vehicle_unit_100 = "100 mi."; } // unit is Liters if(!PREFS->vehicle_unit_isgal) { //TRANSLATORS: format a liter number with l/L as abbreviation PREFS->vehicle_unit_vol = _("%.2f l"); if(!PREFS->vehicle_unit_ismile) //TRANSLATORS: kilometer per liter PREFS->vehicle_unit_distbyvol = _("km/l"); else //TRANSLATORS: miles per liter PREFS->vehicle_unit_distbyvol = _("mi./l"); } // unit is gallon else { PREFS->vehicle_unit_vol = "%.2f gal."; if(!PREFS->vehicle_unit_ismile) PREFS->vehicle_unit_distbyvol = "km/gal."; else PREFS->vehicle_unit_distbyvol = "mi./gal."; } } void homebank_pref_free(void) { DB( g_print("\n[preferences] free\n") ); g_free(PREFS->date_format); g_free(PREFS->color_exp); g_free(PREFS->color_inc); g_free(PREFS->color_warn); g_free(PREFS->path_hbfile); g_free(PREFS->path_import); g_free(PREFS->path_export); //g_free(PREFS->path_navigator); g_free(PREFS->language); g_free(PREFS->minor_cur.symbol); g_free(PREFS->minor_cur.decimal_char); g_free(PREFS->minor_cur.grouping_char); g_strfreev(PREFS->ext_path); g_list_free_full(PREFS->ext_whitelist, g_free); memset(PREFS, 0, sizeof(struct Preferences)); } void homebank_pref_setdefault(void) { gint i; DB( g_print("\n[preferences] pref init\n") ); homebank_pref_free(); PREFS->language = NULL; PREFS->date_format = g_strdup(DEFAULT_FORMAT_DATE); PREFS->path_hbfile = g_strdup_printf("%s", g_get_home_dir ()); PREFS->path_import = g_strdup_printf("%s", g_get_home_dir ()); PREFS->path_export = g_strdup_printf("%s", g_get_home_dir ()); //PREFS->path_navigator = g_strdup(DEFAULT_PATH_NAVIGATOR); PREFS->showsplash = TRUE; PREFS->loadlast = TRUE; PREFS->appendscheduled = FALSE; PREFS->do_update_currency = FALSE; PREFS->heritdate = FALSE; PREFS->hidereconciled = FALSE; PREFS->showremind = TRUE; PREFS->toolbar_style = 4; //text beside icons PREFS->custom_colors = TRUE; PREFS->color_exp = g_strdup(DEFAULT_EXP_COLOR); PREFS->color_inc = g_strdup(DEFAULT_INC_COLOR); PREFS->color_warn = g_strdup(DEFAULT_WARN_COLOR); PREFS->grid_lines = GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_NONE; /* fiscal year */ PREFS->fisc_year_day = 1; PREFS->fisc_year_month = 1; /* windows position/size */ homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->wal_wg, 0, 0, 1024, 600); homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->acc_wg, 0, 0, 1024, 600); homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->sta_wg, 0, 0, 800, 494); homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->tme_wg, 0, 0, 800, 494); homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->ove_wg, 0, 0, 800, 494); homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->bud_wg, 0, 0, 800, 494); homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->cst_wg, 0, 0, 800, 494); homebank_pref_init_wingeometry(&PREFS->txn_wg, 0, 0, -1, -1); homebank_pref_init_monetary(); PREFS->wal_toolbar = TRUE; PREFS->wal_spending = TRUE; PREFS->wal_upcoming = TRUE; PREFS->wal_vpaned = 600/2; PREFS->wal_hpaned = 1024/2; PREFS->pnl_acc_col_acc_width = -1; PREFS->pnl_acc_show_by = 0; PREFS->pnl_upc_col_pay_width = -1; PREFS->pnl_upc_col_mem_width = -1; i = 0; /* prior v4.5 PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_STATUS; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_DATE; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_INFO; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_PAYEE; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_WORDING; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = -LST_DSPOPE_AMOUNT; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_EXPENSE; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_INCOME; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_CATEGORY; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_TAGS; */ PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_STATUS; //always displayed PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_DATE; //always displayed PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_INFO; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_PAYEE; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_CATEGORY; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_TAGS; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_CLR; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = -LST_DSPOPE_AMOUNT; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_EXPENSE; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_INCOME; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_BALANCE; PREFS->lst_ope_columns[i++] = LST_DSPOPE_WORDING; PREFS->lst_ope_sort_id = LST_DSPOPE_DATE; PREFS->lst_ope_sort_order = GTK_SORT_ASCENDING; for( i=0;ilst_ope_col_size[i] = -1; //PREFS->base_cur.nbdecimal = 2; //PREFS->base_cur.separator = TRUE; PREFS->date_range_wal = FLT_RANGE_LASTMONTH; PREFS->date_range_txn = FLT_RANGE_LAST12MONTHS; PREFS->date_future_nbdays = 0; PREFS->date_range_rep = FLT_RANGE_THISYEAR; //import/export PREFS->dtex_nointro = TRUE; //PREFS->dtex_datefmt PREFS->dtex_ofxname = 1; PREFS->dtex_ofxmemo = 2; PREFS->dtex_qifmemo = TRUE; PREFS->dtex_qifswap = FALSE; //todo: add intelligence here PREFS->euro_active = FALSE; PREFS->euro_country = 0; PREFS->euro_value = 1.0; da_cur_initformat(&PREFS->minor_cur); //PREFS->euro_nbdec = 2; //PREFS->euro_thsep = TRUE; //PREFS->euro_symbol = g_strdup("??"); PREFS->stat_byamount = FALSE; PREFS->stat_showdetail = FALSE; PREFS->stat_showrate = FALSE; PREFS->budg_showdetail = FALSE; PREFS->report_color_scheme = CHART_COLMAP_HOMEBANK; //PREFS->chart_legend = FALSE; PREFS->vehicle_unit_ismile = FALSE; PREFS->vehicle_unit_isgal = FALSE; gchar** plugin_path = g_new0(gchar*, 4); i = 0; const gchar* env = g_getenv("HOMEBANK_PLUGINS"); if (env) { if (g_path_is_absolute(env)) { plugin_path[i++] = g_strdup(env); } else { gchar* cur = g_get_current_dir(); plugin_path[i++] = g_build_filename(cur, env, NULL); g_free(cur); } } plugin_path[i++] = g_build_filename(homebank_app_get_config_dir(), "plugins", NULL); plugin_path[i++] = g_build_filename(homebank_app_get_pkglib_dir(), "plugins", NULL); PREFS->ext_path = plugin_path; PREFS->ext_whitelist = NULL; _homebank_pref_init_measurement_units(); } /* ** load preference from homedir/.homebank (HB_DATA_PATH) */ static void homebank_pref_get_wingeometry( GKeyFile *key_file, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, struct WinGeometry *storage) { if( g_key_file_has_key(key_file, group_name, key, NULL) ) { gint *wg; gsize length; wg = g_key_file_get_integer_list(key_file, group_name, key, &length, NULL); memcpy(storage, wg, 5*sizeof(gint)); g_free(wg); // #606613 ensure left/top to be > 0 if(storage->l < 0) storage->l = 0; if(storage->t < 0) storage->t = 0; } } static void homebank_pref_get_boolean( GKeyFile *key_file, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, gboolean *storage) { if( g_key_file_has_key(key_file, group_name, key, NULL) ) { *storage = g_key_file_get_boolean(key_file, group_name, key, NULL); } } static void homebank_pref_get_integer( GKeyFile *key_file, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, gint *storage) { DB( g_print(" search %s in %s\n", key, group_name) ); if( g_key_file_has_key(key_file, group_name, key, NULL) ) { *storage = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, group_name, key, NULL); DB( g_print(" store integer %d for %s at %x\n", *storage, key, *storage) ); } } static void homebank_pref_get_guint32( GKeyFile *key_file, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, guint32 *storage) { if( g_key_file_has_key(key_file, group_name, key, NULL) ) { *storage = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, group_name, key, NULL); } } static void homebank_pref_get_short( GKeyFile *key_file, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, gshort *storage) { if( g_key_file_has_key(key_file, group_name, key, NULL) ) { *storage = (gshort)g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, group_name, key, NULL); } } static void homebank_pref_get_string( GKeyFile *key_file, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, gchar **storage) { gchar *string; if( g_key_file_has_key(key_file, group_name, key, NULL) ) { /* free any previous string */ if( *storage != NULL ) { //DB( g_print(" storage was not null, freeing\n") ); g_free(*storage); } *storage = NULL; string = g_key_file_get_string(key_file, group_name, key, NULL); if( string != NULL ) { *storage = g_strdup(string); //DB( g_print(" store '%s' for %s at %x\n", string, key, *storage) ); } } /* if (error) { g_warning ("error: %s\n", error->message); g_error_free(error); error = NULL; } */ } static void homebank_pref_currfmt_convert(Currency *cur, gchar *prefix, gchar *suffix) { if( (prefix != NULL) && (strlen(prefix) > 0) ) { cur->symbol = g_strdup(prefix); cur->sym_prefix = TRUE; } else if( (suffix != NULL) ) { cur->symbol = g_strdup(suffix); cur->sym_prefix = FALSE; } } gboolean homebank_pref_load(void) { GKeyFile *keyfile; gboolean retval = FALSE; gchar *group, *filename; guint32 version; GError *error = NULL; DB( g_print("\n[preferences] pref load\n") ); keyfile = g_key_file_new(); if(keyfile) { filename = g_build_filename(homebank_app_get_config_dir(), "preferences", NULL ); DB( g_print(" - filename: %s\n", filename) ); if(g_key_file_load_from_file (keyfile, filename, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL)) { group = "General"; DB( g_print(" -> ** General\n") ); //since 4.51 version is integer homebank_pref_get_guint32 (keyfile, group, "Version", &version); if(version == 0) // old double number { gdouble v = g_key_file_get_double (keyfile, group, "Version", NULL); version = (guint32)(v * 10); } DB( g_print(" - version: %d\n", version) ); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "Language", &PREFS->language); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "BarStyle" , &PREFS->toolbar_style); if(version <= 6 && PREFS->toolbar_style == 0) // force system to text beside { PREFS->toolbar_style = 4; } if(version <= 2) // retrieve old settings { guint32 color; homebank_pref_get_guint32(keyfile, group, "ColorExp" , &color); g_free(PREFS->color_exp); PREFS->color_exp = g_strdup_printf("#%06x", color); homebank_pref_get_guint32(keyfile, group, "ColorInc" , &color); g_free(PREFS->color_inc); PREFS->color_inc = g_strdup_printf("#%06x", color); homebank_pref_get_guint32(keyfile, group, "ColorWarn", &color); g_free(PREFS->color_warn); PREFS->color_warn = g_strdup_printf("#%06x", color); } else { homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "CustomColors", &PREFS->custom_colors); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "ColorExp" , &PREFS->color_exp); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "ColorInc" , &PREFS->color_inc); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "ColorWarn", &PREFS->color_warn); if( version <= 500 ) { gboolean rules_hint; homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "RulesHint", &rules_hint); if( rules_hint == TRUE ) PREFS->grid_lines = GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_HORIZONTAL; } else homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "GridLines", &PREFS->grid_lines); } DB( g_print(" - color exp: %s\n", PREFS->color_exp) ); DB( g_print(" - color inc: %s\n", PREFS->color_inc) ); DB( g_print(" - color wrn: %s\n", PREFS->color_warn) ); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "WalletPath", &PREFS->path_hbfile); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "ImportPath", &PREFS->path_import); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "ExportPath", &PREFS->path_export); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "ShowSplash", &PREFS->showsplash); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "LoadLast", &PREFS->loadlast); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "AppendScheduled", &PREFS->appendscheduled); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "UpdateCurrency", &PREFS->do_update_currency); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "HeritDate", &PREFS->heritdate); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "HideReconciled", &PREFS->hidereconciled); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "ShowRemind", &PREFS->showremind); if( g_key_file_has_key(keyfile, group, "ColumnsOpe", NULL) ) { gboolean *bsrc; gint *src, i, j; gsize length; if(version <= 2) //retrieve old 0.1 or 0.2 visibility boolean { bsrc = g_key_file_get_boolean_list(keyfile, group, "ColumnsOpe", &length, &error); if( length == NUM_LST_DSPOPE-1 ) { //and convert for(i=0; ilst_ope_columns[i] = (bsrc[i] == TRUE) ? i+1 : -(i+1); } } g_free(bsrc); } else { src = g_key_file_get_integer_list(keyfile, group, "ColumnsOpe", &length, &error); DB( g_print(" - length %d (max=%d)\n", length, NUM_LST_DSPOPE) ); if( length == NUM_LST_DSPOPE-1 ) { DB( g_print(" - copying column order from pref file\n") ); memcpy(PREFS->lst_ope_columns, src, length*sizeof(gint)); } else { if(version <= 7) { if( length == NUM_LST_DSPOPE-2 ) //1 less column before v4.5.1 { DB( g_print(" - upgrade from v7\n") ); DB( g_print(" - copying column order from pref file\n") ); memcpy(PREFS->lst_ope_columns, src, length*sizeof(gint)); //append balance column PREFS->lst_ope_columns[10] = LST_DSPOPE_BALANCE; } } if(version < 500) { if( length == NUM_LST_DSPOPE-2 ) //1 less column before v4.5.1 { DB( g_print(" - upgrade prior v5.0\n") ); DB( g_print(" - copying column order from pref file\n") ); gboolean added = FALSE; for(i=0,j=0; ilst_ope_columns[j++] = LST_DSPOPE_CLR; added = TRUE; } PREFS->lst_ope_columns[j++] = src[i]; } } } } g_free(src); } } if( g_key_file_has_key(keyfile, group, "ColumnsOpeWidth", NULL) ) { gint *src; gsize length; src = g_key_file_get_integer_list(keyfile, group, "ColumnsOpeWidth", &length, &error); DB( g_print(" - length %d (max=%d)\n", length, NUM_LST_DSPOPE) ); if( length == NUM_LST_DSPOPE-1 ) { DB( g_print(" - copying column width from pref file\n") ); memcpy(PREFS->lst_ope_col_size, src, length*sizeof(gint)); } } homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "OpeSortId", &PREFS->lst_ope_sort_id); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "OpeSortOrder", &PREFS->lst_ope_sort_order); DB( g_print(" - set sort to %d %d\n", PREFS->lst_ope_sort_id, PREFS->lst_ope_sort_order) ); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "FiscYearDay", &PREFS->fisc_year_day); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "FiscYearMonth", &PREFS->fisc_year_month); group = "Windows"; DB( g_print(" -> ** Windows\n") ); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Wal", &PREFS->wal_wg); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Acc", &PREFS->acc_wg); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Sta", &PREFS->sta_wg); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Tme", &PREFS->tme_wg); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Ove", &PREFS->ove_wg); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Bud", &PREFS->bud_wg); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Car", &PREFS->cst_wg); homebank_pref_get_wingeometry(keyfile, group, "Txn", &PREFS->txn_wg); if(version <= 7) //set maximize to 0 { PREFS->wal_wg.s = 0; PREFS->acc_wg.s = 0; PREFS->txn_wg.s = 0; PREFS->sta_wg.s = 0; PREFS->tme_wg.s = 0; PREFS->ove_wg.s = 0; PREFS->bud_wg.s = 0; PREFS->cst_wg.s = 0; } homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "WalVPaned", &PREFS->wal_vpaned); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "WalHPaned", &PREFS->wal_hpaned); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "WalToolbar", &PREFS->wal_toolbar); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "WalSpending", &PREFS->wal_spending); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "WalUpcoming", &PREFS->wal_upcoming); //since 5.1.3 group = "Panels"; DB( g_print(" -> ** Panels\n") ); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "AccColAccW", &PREFS->pnl_acc_col_acc_width); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "AccShowBy" , &PREFS->pnl_acc_show_by); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "UpcColPayW", &PREFS->pnl_upc_col_pay_width); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "UpcColMemW", &PREFS->pnl_upc_col_mem_width); group = "Format"; DB( g_print(" -> ** Format\n") ); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "DateFmt", &PREFS->date_format); if(version < 460) { gboolean useimperial; homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "UKUnits", &useimperial); if(useimperial) { PREFS->vehicle_unit_ismile = TRUE; PREFS->vehicle_unit_isgal = TRUE; } } homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "UnitIsMile", &PREFS->vehicle_unit_ismile); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "UnitIsGal", &PREFS->vehicle_unit_isgal); group = "Filter"; DB( g_print(" -> ** Filter\n") ); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "DateRangeWal", &PREFS->date_range_wal); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "DateRangeTxn", &PREFS->date_range_txn); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "DateFutureNbDays", &PREFS->date_future_nbdays); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "DateRangeRep", &PREFS->date_range_rep); if(version <= 7) { // shift date range >= 5, since we inserted a new one at position 5 if(PREFS->date_range_wal >= FLT_RANGE_LASTYEAR) PREFS->date_range_wal++; if(PREFS->date_range_txn >= FLT_RANGE_LASTYEAR) PREFS->date_range_txn++; if(PREFS->date_range_rep >= FLT_RANGE_LASTYEAR) PREFS->date_range_rep++; } group = "Euro"; DB( g_print(" -> ** Euro\n") ); //homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "DefCurrency" , &PREFS->curr_default); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "Active", &PREFS->euro_active); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "Country", &PREFS->euro_country); gchar *ratestr = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group, "ChangeRate", NULL); if(ratestr != NULL) PREFS->euro_value = g_ascii_strtod(ratestr, NULL); if(version <= 1) { homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "Symbol", &PREFS->minor_cur.symbol); PREFS->minor_cur.frac_digits = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group, "NBDec", NULL); //PREFS->euro_nbdec = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group, "NBDec", NULL); //PREFS->euro_thsep = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, group, "Sep", NULL); //gchar *tmpstr = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group, "Symbol", &error); } else { if(version < 460) { gchar *prefix = NULL; gchar *suffix = NULL; homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "PreSymbol", &prefix); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "SufSymbol", &suffix); homebank_pref_currfmt_convert(&PREFS->minor_cur, prefix, suffix); g_free(prefix); g_free(suffix); } else { homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "Symbol", &PREFS->minor_cur.symbol); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "IsPrefix", &PREFS->minor_cur.sym_prefix); } homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "DecChar" , &PREFS->minor_cur.decimal_char); homebank_pref_get_string(keyfile, group, "GroupChar", &PREFS->minor_cur.grouping_char); homebank_pref_get_short(keyfile, group, "FracDigits", &PREFS->minor_cur.frac_digits); //fix 378992/421228 if( PREFS->minor_cur.frac_digits > MAX_FRAC_DIGIT ) PREFS->minor_cur.frac_digits = MAX_FRAC_DIGIT; da_cur_initformat(&PREFS->minor_cur); } //PREFS->euro_symbol = g_locale_to_utf8(tmpstr, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); group = "Report"; DB( g_print(" -> ** Report\n") ); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "StatByAmount", &PREFS->stat_byamount); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "StatDetail", &PREFS->stat_showdetail); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "StatRate", &PREFS->stat_showrate); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "BudgDetail", &PREFS->budg_showdetail); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "ColorScheme", &PREFS->report_color_scheme); group = "Exchange"; DB( g_print(" -> ** Exchange\n") ); //homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "DoIntro", &PREFS->dtex_nointro); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "DateFmt", &PREFS->dtex_datefmt); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "OfxName", &PREFS->dtex_ofxname); homebank_pref_get_integer(keyfile, group, "OfxMemo", &PREFS->dtex_ofxmemo); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "QifMemo", &PREFS->dtex_qifmemo); homebank_pref_get_boolean(keyfile, group, "QifSwap", &PREFS->dtex_qifswap); //group = "Chart"; //PREFS->chart_legend = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, group, "Legend", NULL); group = "Plugins"; { DB( g_print(" -> ** Plugins\n") ); gchar** strv = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, group, "Path", NULL, NULL); if (strv) { g_strfreev(PREFS->ext_path); PREFS->ext_path = strv; } strv = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, group, "Whitelist", NULL, NULL); if (strv) { gchar** it; for (it = strv; it && *it; ++it) { PREFS->ext_whitelist = g_list_append(PREFS->ext_whitelist, g_strdup(*it)); } g_strfreev(strv); } } /* #if MYDEBUG == 1 gsize length; gchar *contents = g_key_file_to_data (keyfile, &length, NULL); //g_print(" keyfile:\n%s\n len=%d\n", contents, length); g_free(contents); #endif */ } g_free(filename); g_key_file_free (keyfile); _homebank_pref_init_measurement_units(); } return retval; } static void homebank_pref_set_string( GKeyFile *key_file, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, gchar *string) { DB( g_print(" - homebank_pref_set_string :: group='%s' key='%s' value='%s'\n", group_name, key, string) ); if( string != NULL && *string != '\0') g_key_file_set_string (key_file, group_name, key, string); else g_key_file_set_string (key_file, group_name, key, ""); } /* ** save preference to homedir/.homebank (HB_DATA_PATH) */ gboolean homebank_pref_save(void) { GKeyFile *keyfile; gboolean retval = FALSE; gchar *group, *filename; gsize length; DB( g_print("\n[preferences] pref save\n") ); keyfile = g_key_file_new(); if(keyfile ) { DB( g_print(" -> ** general\n") ); group = "General"; g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "Version", PREF_VERSION); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "Language", PREFS->language); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "BarStyle", PREFS->toolbar_style); //g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "BarImageSize", PREFS->image_size); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "CustomColors", PREFS->custom_colors); g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group, "ColorExp" , PREFS->color_exp); g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group, "ColorInc" , PREFS->color_inc); g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group, "ColorWarn", PREFS->color_warn); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "GridLines", PREFS->grid_lines); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "WalletPath" , PREFS->path_hbfile); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "ImportPath" , PREFS->path_import); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "ExportPath" , PREFS->path_export); //g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group, "NavigatorPath", PREFS->path_navigator); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "ShowSplash", PREFS->showsplash); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "LoadLast", PREFS->loadlast); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "AppendScheduled", PREFS->appendscheduled); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "UpdateCurrency", PREFS->do_update_currency); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "HeritDate", PREFS->heritdate); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "HideReconciled", PREFS->hidereconciled); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "ShowRemind", PREFS->showremind); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "ColumnsOpe", PREFS->lst_ope_columns, NUM_LST_DSPOPE-1); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "ColumnsOpeWidth", PREFS->lst_ope_col_size, NUM_LST_DSPOPE-1); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "OpeSortId" , PREFS->lst_ope_sort_id); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "OpeSortOrder" , PREFS->lst_ope_sort_order); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "FiscYearDay" , PREFS->fisc_year_day); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "FiscYearMonth" , PREFS->fisc_year_month); // added v3.4 DB( g_print(" -> ** windows\n") ); group = "Windows"; g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Wal", (gint *)&PREFS->wal_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Acc", (gint *)&PREFS->acc_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Sta", (gint *)&PREFS->sta_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Tme", (gint *)&PREFS->tme_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Ove", (gint *)&PREFS->ove_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Bud", (gint *)&PREFS->bud_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Car", (gint *)&PREFS->cst_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer_list(keyfile, group, "Txn", (gint *)&PREFS->txn_wg, 5); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "WalVPaned" , PREFS->wal_vpaned); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "WalHPaned" , PREFS->wal_hpaned); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "WalToolbar", PREFS->wal_toolbar); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "WalSpending", PREFS->wal_spending); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "WalUpcoming", PREFS->wal_upcoming); //since 5.1.3 DB( g_print(" -> ** Panels\n") ); group = "Panels"; g_key_file_set_integer(keyfile, group, "AccColAccW", PREFS->pnl_acc_col_acc_width); g_key_file_set_integer(keyfile, group, "AccShowBy" , PREFS->pnl_acc_show_by); g_key_file_set_integer(keyfile, group, "UpcColPayW", PREFS->pnl_upc_col_pay_width); g_key_file_set_integer(keyfile, group, "UpcColMemW", PREFS->pnl_upc_col_mem_width); DB( g_print(" -> ** format\n") ); group = "Format"; homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "DateFmt" , PREFS->date_format); //g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "UKUnits" , PREFS->imperial_unit); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "UnitIsMile" , PREFS->vehicle_unit_ismile); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "UnitIsGal" , PREFS->vehicle_unit_isgal); DB( g_print(" -> ** filter\n") ); group = "Filter"; g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "DateRangeWal", PREFS->date_range_wal); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "DateRangeTxn", PREFS->date_range_txn); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "DateFutureNbdays", PREFS->date_future_nbdays); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "DateRangeRep", PREFS->date_range_rep); DB( g_print(" -> ** euro\n") ); //euro options group = "Euro"; //homebank_pref_set_string(keyfile, group, "DefCurrency" , PREFS->curr_default); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "Active" , PREFS->euro_active); if( PREFS->euro_active ) { g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "Country", PREFS->euro_country); gchar ratestr[64]; g_ascii_dtostr(ratestr, 63, PREFS->euro_value); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "ChangeRate", ratestr); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "Symbol" , PREFS->minor_cur.symbol); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "IsPrefix" , PREFS->minor_cur.sym_prefix); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "DecChar" , PREFS->minor_cur.decimal_char); homebank_pref_set_string (keyfile, group, "GroupChar" , PREFS->minor_cur.grouping_char); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "FracDigits", PREFS->minor_cur.frac_digits); } //report options DB( g_print(" -> ** report\n") ); group = "Report"; g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "StatByAmount", PREFS->stat_byamount); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "StatDetail" , PREFS->stat_showdetail); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "StatRate" , PREFS->stat_showrate); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "BudgDetail" , PREFS->budg_showdetail); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "ColorScheme" , PREFS->report_color_scheme); group = "Exchange"; //g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "DoIntro", PREFS->dtex_nointro); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "DateFmt", PREFS->dtex_datefmt); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "OfxName", PREFS->dtex_ofxname); g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "OfxMemo", PREFS->dtex_ofxmemo); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "QifMemo", PREFS->dtex_qifmemo); g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "QifSwap", PREFS->dtex_qifswap); //group = "Chart"; //g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "Legend", PREFS->chart_legend); group = "Plugins"; { g_key_file_set_string_list(keyfile, group, "Path", (const gchar* const*)PREFS->ext_path, g_strv_length(PREFS->ext_path)); gsize len = g_list_length(PREFS->ext_whitelist); gchar** strv = g_new0(gchar*, len + 1); guint i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { strv[i] = g_list_nth_data(PREFS->ext_whitelist, i); } g_key_file_set_string_list(keyfile, group, "Whitelist", (const gchar* const*)strv, len); g_free(strv); } //g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group, "", PREFS->); //g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group, "", PREFS->); //g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group, "", PREFS->); DB( g_print(" -> ** g_key_file_to_data\n") ); gchar *contents = g_key_file_to_data (keyfile, &length, NULL); //DB( g_print(" keyfile:\n%s\nlen=%d\n", contents, length) ); filename = g_build_filename(homebank_app_get_config_dir(), "preferences", NULL ); DB( g_print(" -> filename: %s\n", filename) ); g_file_set_contents(filename, contents, length, NULL); DB( g_print(" -> contents: %s\n", contents) ); DB( g_print(" -> freeing filename\n") ); g_free(filename); DB( g_print(" -> freeing buffer\n") ); g_free(contents); DB( g_print(" -> freeing keyfile\n") ); g_key_file_free (keyfile); } _homebank_pref_init_measurement_units(); return retval; }