+### Functions that provide callbacks for motion events to move and ###
+### windows. ###
+### Options that can be modified to change the functions' behaviors. ###
+### ###
+# move_popup - display a coordinates popup when moving windows. ###
+move_popup = 1 ###
+### ###
+# NOT IMPLEMENTED (yet?) ###
+# move_rubberband - display an outline while moving instead of moving the ###
+### actual window, until the move is completed. Good for ###
+### slower systems. ###
+move_rubberband = 0 ###
+### ###
+# resize_popup - display a size popup when resizing windows. ###
+resize_popup = 1 ###
+### ###
+# NOT IMPLEMENTED (yet?) ###
+# resize_rubberband - display an outline while resizing instead of ###
+### resizing the actual window, until the resize is ###
+### completed. Good for slower systems. ###
+resize_rubberband = 0 ###
+### ###
+# resize_nearest - 1 to resize from the corner nearest where the mouse ###
+### is, 0 to resize always from the bottom right corner. ###
+resize_nearest = 1 ###
+### ###
+import ob
+import otk
+_popwidget = 0
+_poplabel = 0
+# motion state
+_inmotion = 0
+# last motion data
+_cx = 0
+_cy = 0
+_cw = 0
+_ch = 0
+_px = 0
+_py = 0
+_dx = 0
+_dy = 0
+_client = 0
+_screen = 0
+def _do_move():
+ global _screen, _client, _cx, _cy, _dx, _dy
+ x = _cx + _dx
+ y = _cy + _dy
+ global move_rubberband
+ if move_rubberband:
+ # draw the outline ...
+ f=0
+ else:
+ _client.move(x, y)
+ global move_popup
+ if move_popup:
+ global _popwidget, _poplabel
+ style = ob.openbox.screen(_screen).style()
+ font = style.labelFont()
+ text = "X: " + str(x) + " Y: " + str(y)
+ length = font.measureString(text)
+ if not _popwidget:
+ _popwidget = otk.Widget(ob.openbox, style,
+ otk.Widget.Horizontal, 0,
+ style.bevelWidth(), 1)
+ _popwidget.setTexture(style.titlebarFocusBackground())
+ _poplabel = otk.Label(_popwidget)
+ _poplabel.setTexture(style.labelFocusBackground())
+ _popwidget.show(1)
+ _poplabel.resize(length, font.height())
+ _poplabel.setText(text)
+ area = otk.display.screenInfo(_screen).rect()
+ _popwidget.update()
+ _popwidget.move(area.x() + (area.width() -
+ _popwidget.width()) / 2,
+ area.y() + (area.height() -
+ _popwidget.height()) / 2)
+def move(data):
+ """Moves the window interactively. This should only be used with
+ MouseMotion events. If move_popup or move_rubberband is enabled, then
+ the end_move function needs to be bound as well."""
+ if not data.client: return
+ # not-normal windows dont get moved
+ if not data.client.normal(): return
+ global _screen, _client, _cx, _cy, _dx, _dy
+ _screen = data.screen
+ _client = data.client
+ _cx = data.press_clientx
+ _cy = data.press_clienty
+ _dx = data.xroot - data.pressx
+ _dy = data.yroot - data.pressy
+ _do_move()
+ _inmotion = 1
+def end_move(data):
+ """Complete the interactive move of a window."""
+ global move_rubberband, _inmotion
+ global _popwidget, _poplabel
+ if _inmotion:
+ r = move_rubberband
+ move_rubberband = 0
+ _do_move()
+ move_rubberband = r
+ _inmotion = 0
+ _poplabel = 0
+ _popwidget = 0
+def _do_resize():
+ global _screen, _client, _cx, _cy, _cw, _ch, _px, _py, _dx, _dy
+ # pick a corner to anchor
+ if not (resize_nearest or _context == ob.MouseContext.Grip):
+ corner = ob.Client.TopLeft
+ else:
+ x = _px - _cx
+ y = _py - _cy
+ if y < _ch / 2:
+ if x < _cw / 2:
+ corner = ob.Client.BottomRight
+ _dx *= -1
+ else:
+ corner = ob.Client.BottomLeft
+ _dy *= -1
+ else:
+ if x < _cw / 2:
+ corner = ob.Client.TopRight
+ _dx *= -1
+ else:
+ corner = ob.Client.TopLeft
+ w = _cw + _dx
+ h = _ch + _dy
+ global resize_popup
+ if resize_rubberband:
+ # draw the outline ...
+ f=0
+ else:
+ _client.resize(corner, w, h)
+ global resize_popup
+ if resize_popup:
+ global _popwidget, _poplabel
+ style = ob.openbox.screen(_screen).style()
+ ls = _client.logicalSize()
+ text = "W: " + str(ls.x()) + " H: " + str(ls.y())
+ if not _popwidget:
+ _popwidget = otk.Widget(ob.openbox, style,
+ otk.Widget.Horizontal, 0,
+ style.bevelWidth(), 1)
+ _popwidget.setTexture(style.titlebarFocusBackground())
+ _poplabel = otk.Label(_popwidget)
+ _poplabel.setTexture(style.labelFocusBackground())
+ _popwidget.show(1)
+ _poplabel.fitString(text)
+ _poplabel.setText(text)
+ area = otk.display.screenInfo(_screen).rect()
+ _popwidget.update()
+ _popwidget.move(area.x() + (area.width() -
+ _popwidget.width()) / 2,
+ area.y() + (area.height() -
+ _popwidget.height()) / 2)
+def resize(data):
+ """Resizes the window interactively. This should only be used with
+ MouseMotion events"""
+ if not data.client: return
+ # not-normal windows dont get resized
+ if not data.client.normal(): return
+ global _screen, _client, _cx, _cy, _cw, _ch, _px, _py, _dx, _dy
+ _screen = data.screen
+ _client = data.client
+ _cx = data.press_clientx
+ _cy = data.press_clienty
+ _cw = data.press_clientwidth
+ _ch = data.press_clientheight
+ _px = data.pressx
+ _py = data.pressy
+ _dx = data.xroot - _px
+ _dy = data.yroot - _py
+ _do_resize()
+ _inmotion = 1
+def end_resize(data):
+ """Complete the interactive resize of a window."""
+ global resize_rubberband, _inmotion
+ global _popwidget, _poplabel
+ if _inmotion:
+ r = resize_rubberband
+ resize_rubberband = 0
+ _do_resize()
+ resize_rubberband = r
+ _inmotion = 0
+ _poplabel = 0
+ _popwidget = 0