Task *add_task (Window win)
- if (!win) return 0;
- if (window_is_hidden(win)) return 0;
+ if (!win) return 0;
+ if (window_is_hidden(win)) return 0;
- int monitor;
+ int monitor;
Task new_tsk;
- new_tsk.win = win;
- new_tsk.area.panel = &panel1[0];
- new_tsk.desktop = window_get_desktop (win);
- if (nb_panel > 1) monitor = window_get_monitor (win);
- else monitor = 0;
+ new_tsk.win = win;
+ new_tsk.area.panel = &panel1[0];
+ new_tsk.desktop = window_get_desktop (win);
+ if (nb_panel > 1) monitor = window_get_monitor (win);
+ else monitor = 0;
// allocate only one title and one icon
// even with task_on_all_desktop and with task_on_all_panel
- new_tsk.title = 0;
- new_tsk.icon_data = 0;
- get_title(&new_tsk);
- get_icon(&new_tsk);
+ new_tsk.title = 0;
+ new_tsk.icon_data = 0;
+ get_title(&new_tsk);
+ get_icon(&new_tsk);
- //printf("task %s : desktop %d, monitor %d\n", new_tsk->title, desktop, monitor);
- XSelectInput (server.dsp, new_tsk.win, PropertyChangeMask|StructureNotifyMask);
+ //printf("task %s : desktop %d, monitor %d\n", new_tsk->title, desktop, monitor);
+ XSelectInput (server.dsp, new_tsk.win, PropertyChangeMask|StructureNotifyMask);
Taskbar *tskbar;
- Task *new_tsk2=0;
+ Task *new_tsk2=0;
int i, j;
for (i=0 ; i < nb_panel ; i++) {
for (j=0 ; j < panel1[i].nb_desktop ; j++) {
if (new_tsk.desktop != ALLDESKTOP && new_tsk.desktop != j) continue;
if (nb_panel > 1 && panel1[i].monitor != monitor) continue;
- tskbar = &panel1[i].taskbar[j];
- new_tsk2 = malloc(sizeof(Task));
- memcpy(&new_tsk2->area, &panel1[i].g_task.area, sizeof(Area));
- new_tsk2->area.parent = tskbar;
+ tskbar = &panel1[i].taskbar[j];
+ new_tsk2 = malloc(sizeof(Task));
+ memcpy(&new_tsk2->area, &panel1[i].g_task.area, sizeof(Area));
+ new_tsk2->area.parent = tskbar;
new_tsk2->win = new_tsk.win;
new_tsk2->desktop = new_tsk.desktop;
new_tsk2->title = new_tsk.title;
new_tsk2->icon_data = new_tsk.icon_data;
new_tsk2->icon_width = new_tsk.icon_width;
new_tsk2->icon_height = new_tsk.icon_height;
- tskbar->area.list = g_slist_append(tskbar->area.list, new_tsk2);
- tskbar->area.resize = 1;
+ tskbar->area.list = g_slist_append(tskbar->area.list, new_tsk2);
+ tskbar->area.resize = 1;
//printf("add_task panel %d, desktop %d, task %s\n", i, j, new_tsk2->title);
void remove_task (Task *tsk)
- if (!tsk) return;
+ if (!tsk) return;
- Window win = tsk->win;
- int desktop = tsk->desktop;
+ Window win = tsk->win;
+ int desktop = tsk->desktop;
// free title and icon just for the first task
// even with task_on_all_desktop and with task_on_all_panel
free (tsk->icon_data);
int i, j;
- Task *tsk2;
- Taskbar *tskbar;
+ Task *tsk2;
+ Taskbar *tskbar;
for (i=0 ; i < nb_panel ; i++) {
for (j=0 ; j < panel1[i].nb_desktop ; j++) {
if (desktop != ALLDESKTOP && desktop != j) continue;
l0 = l0->next;
if (win == tsk2->win) {
tskbar->area.list = g_slist_remove(tskbar->area.list, tsk2);
- tskbar->area.resize = 1;
+ tskbar->area.resize = 1;
if (tsk2 == task_active)
task_active = 0;
void get_title(Task *tsk)
- Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
- char *title, *name;
- if (!panel->g_task.text) return;
- name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
- if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
- name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
- if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
- name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom.WM_NAME, XA_STRING, 0);
- if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
- name = malloc(10);
- strcpy(name, "Untitled");
- }
- }
- }
+ Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
+ char *title, *name;
+ if (!panel->g_task.text) return;
+ name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
+ if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
+ name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
+ if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
+ name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom.WM_NAME, XA_STRING, 0);
+ if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
+ name = malloc(10);
+ strcpy(name, "Untitled");
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // add space before title
- title = malloc(strlen(name)+2);
- if (panel->g_task.icon) strcpy(title, " ");
- else title[0] = 0;
- strcat(title, name);
- if (name) XFree (name);
+ // add space before title
+ title = malloc(strlen(name)+2);
+ if (panel->g_task.icon) strcpy(title, " ");
+ else title[0] = 0;
+ strcat(title, name);
+ if (name) XFree (name);
tsk->area.redraw = 1;
- if (tsk->title)
- free(tsk->title);
- tsk->title = title;
+ if (tsk->title)
+ free(tsk->title);
+ tsk->title = title;
void get_icon (Task *tsk)
- Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
- if (!panel->g_task.icon) return;
+ Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
+ if (!panel->g_task.icon) return;
if (tsk->icon_data) {
free (tsk->icon_data);
tsk->icon_data = 0;
- tsk->area.redraw = 1;
- long *data;
- int num;
- data = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON, XA_CARDINAL, &num);
- if (data) {
- // get ARGB icon
- int w, h;
- long *tmp_data;
- tmp_data = get_best_icon (data, get_icon_count (data, num), num, &w, &h, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
- tsk->icon_width = w;
- tsk->icon_height = h;
- tsk->icon_data = malloc (w * h * sizeof (long));
- memcpy (tsk->icon_data, tmp_data, w * h * sizeof (long));
- XFree (data);
+ tsk->area.redraw = 1;
+ long *data;
+ int num;
+ data = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON, XA_CARDINAL, &num);
+ if (data) {
+ // get ARGB icon
+ int w, h;
+ long *tmp_data;
+ tmp_data = get_best_icon (data, get_icon_count (data, num), num, &w, &h, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
+ tsk->icon_width = w;
+ tsk->icon_height = h;
+ // DATA32 is provided by imlib2
+ tsk->icon_data = malloc (w * h * sizeof (DATA32));
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+ int length = tsk->icon_width * tsk->icon_height;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ tsk->icon_data[i] = tmp_data[i];
+ memcpy (tsk->icon_data, tmp_data, w * h * sizeof (DATA32));
+ XFree (data);
else {
// get Pixmap icon
tsk->icon_width = imlib_image_get_width();
tsk->icon_height = imlib_image_get_height();
- tsk->icon_data = malloc (tsk->icon_width * tsk->icon_height * sizeof (long));
- memcpy (tsk->icon_data, data, tsk->icon_width * tsk->icon_height * sizeof (long));
+ tsk->icon_data = malloc (tsk->icon_width * tsk->icon_height * sizeof (DATA32));
+ memcpy (tsk->icon_data, data, tsk->icon_width * tsk->icon_height * sizeof (DATA32));
void draw_task_icon (Task *tsk, int text_width, int active)
- if (tsk->icon_data == 0) return;
- Pixmap *pmap = (active == 0) ? (&tsk->area.pix.pmap) : (&tsk->area.pix_active.pmap);
- /* Find pos */
- int pos_x;
- Panel *panel = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
- if (panel->g_task.centered) {
- if (panel->g_task.text)
- pos_x = (tsk->area.width - text_width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
- else
- pos_x = (tsk->area.width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
- }
- else pos_x = panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr + panel->g_task.area.pix.border.width;
- /* Render */
- Imlib_Image icon;
- Imlib_Color_Modifier cmod;
- DATA8 red[256], green[256], blue[256], alpha[256];
- // TODO: cpu improvement : compute only when icon changed
- DATA32 *data;
- /* do we have 64bit? => long = 8bit */
- if (sizeof(long) != 4) {
- int length = tsk->icon_width * tsk->icon_height;
- data = malloc(sizeof(DATA32) * length);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- data[i] = tsk->icon_data[i];
- }
- else data = (DATA32 *) tsk->icon_data;
+ if (tsk->icon_data == 0) return;
+ Pixmap *pmap = (active == 0) ? (&tsk->area.pix.pmap) : (&tsk->area.pix_active.pmap);
+ /* Find pos */
+ int pos_x;
+ Panel *panel = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
+ if (panel->g_task.centered) {
+ if (panel->g_task.text)
+ pos_x = (tsk->area.width - text_width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
+ else
+ pos_x = (tsk->area.width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
+ }
+ else pos_x = panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr + panel->g_task.area.pix.border.width;
+ /* Render */
+ Imlib_Image icon;
+ Imlib_Color_Modifier cmod;
+ DATA8 red[256], green[256], blue[256], alpha[256];
- icon = imlib_create_image_using_data (tsk->icon_width, tsk->icon_height, data);
- imlib_context_set_image (icon);
- imlib_context_set_drawable (*pmap);
+ icon = imlib_create_image_using_data (tsk->icon_width, tsk->icon_height, tsk->icon_data);
+ imlib_context_set_image (icon);
+ imlib_context_set_drawable (*pmap);
- cmod = imlib_create_color_modifier ();
- imlib_context_set_color_modifier (cmod);
- imlib_image_set_has_alpha (1);
- imlib_get_color_modifier_tables (red, green, blue, alpha);
+ cmod = imlib_create_color_modifier ();
+ imlib_context_set_color_modifier (cmod);
+ imlib_image_set_has_alpha (1);
+ imlib_get_color_modifier_tables (red, green, blue, alpha);
- int i, opacity;
- opacity = (active == 0) ? (255*panel->g_task.font.alpha) : (255*panel->g_task.font_active.alpha);
- for (i = 127; i < 256; i++) alpha[i] = opacity;
+ int i, opacity;
+ opacity = (active == 0) ? (255*panel->g_task.font.alpha) : (255*panel->g_task.font_active.alpha);
+ for (i = 127; i < 256; i++) alpha[i] = opacity;
- imlib_set_color_modifier_tables (red, green, blue, alpha);
+ imlib_set_color_modifier_tables (red, green, blue, alpha);
- //imlib_render_image_on_drawable (pos_x, pos_y);
- imlib_render_image_on_drawable_at_size (pos_x, panel->g_task.icon_posy, panel->g_task.icon_size1, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
+ //imlib_render_image_on_drawable (pos_x, pos_y);
+ imlib_render_image_on_drawable_at_size (pos_x, panel->g_task.icon_posy, panel->g_task.icon_size1, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
- imlib_free_color_modifier ();
- imlib_free_image ();
- if (sizeof(long) != 4) free(data);
+ imlib_free_color_modifier ();
+ imlib_free_image ();
void draw_task (void *obj, cairo_t *c, int active)
- Task *tsk = obj;
- PangoLayout *layout;
- config_color *config_text;
- int width=0, height;
- Panel *panel = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
+ Task *tsk = obj;
+ PangoLayout *layout;
+ config_color *config_text;
+ int width=0, height;
+ Panel *panel = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
- if (panel->g_task.text) {
+ if (panel->g_task.text) {
/* Layout */
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, panel->g_task.font_desc);
pango_cairo_show_layout (c, layout);
g_object_unref (layout);
- }
+ }
- if (panel->g_task.icon) {
- // icon use same opacity as text
- draw_task_icon (tsk, width, active);
- }
+ if (panel->g_task.icon) {
+ // icon use same opacity as text
+ draw_task_icon (tsk, width, active);
+ }