guint ref;
XIC xic;
+ Window client;
+ Window focus;
/* These masks are constants and the modifier keys are bound to them as
static void set_modkey_mask(guchar mask, KeySym sym);
static void xim_init(void);
void obt_keyboard_shutdown();
+void obt_keyboard_context_renew(ObtIC *ic);
static XModifierKeymap *modmap;
static KeySym *keymap;
static XIM xim = NULL;
static XIMStyle xim_style = 0;
+static GSList *xic_all = NULL;
void obt_keyboard_reload(void)
void xim_init(void)
+ GSList *it;
gchar *aname, *aclass;
aname = g_strdup(g_get_prgname());
+ /* any existing contexts need to be recreated for the new input method */
+ for (it = xic_all; it; it = g_slist_next(it))
+ obt_keyboard_context_renew(it->data);
return ret;
-gchar *obt_keyboard_keycode_to_string(guint keycode)
+gunichar obt_keyboard_keypress_to_unichar(ObtIC *ic, XKeyPressedEvent *ev)
+ gunichar unikey = 0;
KeySym sym;
+ Status status;
+ gchar *buf, fixbuf[4]; /* 4 is enough for a utf8 char */
+ gint len, bufsz;
+ gboolean got_string = FALSE;
+ if (!ic)
+ g_warning("Using obt_keyboard_keypress_to_unichar() without an "
+ "Input Context. No i18n support!");
+ if (ic && ic->xic) {
+ buf = fixbuf;
+ bufsz = sizeof(fixbuf);
+ len = Xutf8LookupString(ic->xic, ev, buf, bufsz, &sym, &status);
+ len = XmbLookupString(ic->xic, ev, buf, bufsz, &sym, &status);
+ if (status == XBufferOverflow) {
+ buf = g_new(char, len);
+ bufsz = len;
+ len = Xutf8LookupString(ic->xic, ev, buf, bufsz, &sym, &status);
+ len = XmbLookupString(ic->xic, ev, buf, bufsz, &sym, &status);
+ }
- if ((sym = XKeycodeToKeysym(obt_display, keycode, 0)) != NoSymbol)
- return g_locale_to_utf8(XKeysymToString(sym), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- return NULL;
+ if ((status == XLookupChars || status == XLookupBoth)) {
+ if ((guchar)buf[0] >= 32) { /* not an ascii control character */
+ /* convert to utf8 */
+ gchar *buf2 = buf;
+ buf = g_locale_to_utf8(buf2, r, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ g_free(buf2);
-gunichar obt_keyboard_keycode_to_unichar(guint keycode)
- gunichar unikey = 0;
- char *key;
- if ((key = obt_keyboard_keycode_to_string(keycode)) != NULL &&
- /* don't accept keys that aren't a single letter, like "space" */
- key[1] == '\0')
- {
- unikey = g_utf8_get_char_validated(key, -1);
- if (unikey == (gunichar)-1 || unikey == (gunichar)-2 || unikey == 0)
- unikey = 0;
+ got_string = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ g_message("Bad keycode lookup. Keysym 0x%x Status: %s\n",
+ (guint) sym,
+ (status == XBufferOverflow ? "BufferOverflow" :
+ status == XLookupNone ? "XLookupNone" :
+ status == XLookupKeySym ? "XLookupKeySym" :
+ "Unknown status"));
+ }
+ else {
+ buf = fixbuf;
+ bufsz = sizeof(fixbuf);
+ len = XLookupString(ev, buf, bufsz, &sym, NULL);
+ if ((guchar)buf[0] >= 32) /* not an ascii control character */
+ got_string = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (got_string) {
+ gunichar u = g_utf8_get_char_validated(buf, len);
+ if (u && u != (gunichar)-1 && u != (gunichar)-2)
+ unikey = u;
- g_free(key);
+ if (buf != fixbuf) g_free(buf);
return unikey;
-ObtIC* obt_keyboard_context_new(Window w)
+void obt_keyboard_context_renew(ObtIC *ic)
- ObtIC *ic = NULL;
- if (w != None) {
- ic = g_new(ObtIC, 1);
- ic->ref = 1;
+ if (ic->xic) {
+ XDestroyIC(ic->xic);
ic->xic = NULL;
+ }
- if (xim)
- ic->xic = XCreateIC(xim,
- XNInputStyle, xim_style,
- XNClientWindow, w,
- XNFocusWindow, w,
- NULL);
+ if (xim) {
+ ic->xic = XCreateIC(xim,
+ XNInputStyle, xim_style,
+ XNClientWindow, ic->client,
+ XNFocusWindow, ic->focus,
+ NULL);
+ if (!ic->xic)
+ g_message("Error creating Input Context for window 0x%x 0x%x\n",
+ (guint)ic->client, (guint)ic->focus);
+ObtIC* obt_keyboard_context_new(Window client, Window focus)
+ ObtIC *ic;
+ g_return_val_if_fail(client != None && focus != None, NULL);
+ ic = g_new(ObtIC, 1);
+ ic->ref = 1;
+ ic->client = client;
+ ic->focus = focus;
+ ic->xic = NULL;
+ obt_keyboard_context_renew(ic);
+ xic_all = g_slist_prepend(xic_all, ic);
return ic;
void obt_keyboard_context_unref(ObtIC *ic)
if (--ic->ref < 1) {
+ xic_all = g_slist_remove(xic_all, ic);
/*! Convert a KeySym to all the KeyCodes which generate it. */
KeyCode* obt_keyboard_keysym_to_keycode(KeySym sym);
-/*! Give the string form of a KeyCode */
-gchar *obt_keyboard_keycode_to_string(guint keycode);
+/*! Translate a KeyPress event to the unicode character it represents */
+gunichar obt_keyboard_keypress_to_unichar(ObtIC *ic, XKeyPressedEvent *ev);
-/*! Translate a KeyCode to the unicode character it represents */
-gunichar obt_keyboard_keycode_to_unichar(guint keycode);
-/*! Create an input context for a window */
-ObtIC* obt_keyboard_context_new(Window w);
+/*! Create an input context for a window.
+ @client The top-level client window for the input context.
+ @focus The subwindow within the client for the input context.
+ObtIC* obt_keyboard_context_new(Window client, Window focus);
void obt_keyboard_context_ref(ObtIC *ic);
void obt_keyboard_context_unref(ObtIC *ic);