#include "timer.h"
#include "xsettings-client.h"
+// Drag and Drop state variables
+Window dnd_source_window;
+Window dnd_target_window;
+int dnd_version;
+Atom dnd_selection;
+Atom dnd_atom;
+int dnd_sent_request;
+char *dnd_launcher_exec;
void signal_handler(int sig)
+char *GetAtomName(Display* disp, Atom a)
+ if (a == None)
+ return "None";
+ else
+ return XGetAtomName(disp, a);
+typedef struct Property
+ unsigned char *data;
+ int format, nitems;
+ Atom type;
+} Property;
+//This fetches all the data from a property
+struct Property read_property(Display* disp, Window w, Atom property)
+ Atom actual_type;
+ int actual_format;
+ unsigned long nitems;
+ unsigned long bytes_after;
+ unsigned char *ret=0;
+ int read_bytes = 1024;
+ //Keep trying to read the property until there are no
+ //bytes unread.
+ do {
+ if (ret != 0)
+ XFree(ret);
+ XGetWindowProperty(disp, w, property, 0, read_bytes, False, AnyPropertyType,
+ &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes_after,
+ &ret);
+ read_bytes *= 2;
+ } while (bytes_after != 0);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Property:\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Actual type: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(disp, actual_type));
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Actual format: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, actual_format);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Number of items: %lu\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, nitems);
+ Property p;
+ p.data = ret;
+ p.format = actual_format;
+ p.nitems = nitems;
+ p.type = actual_type;
+ return p;
+// This function takes a list of targets which can be converted to (atom_list, nitems)
+// and a list of acceptable targets with prioritees (datatypes). It returns the highest
+// entry in datatypes which is also in atom_list: ie it finds the best match.
+Atom pick_target_from_list(Display* disp, Atom* atom_list, int nitems)
+ Atom to_be_requested = None;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
+ char *atom_name = GetAtomName(disp, atom_list[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Type %d = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i, atom_name);
+ //See if this data type is allowed and of higher priority (closer to zero)
+ //than the present one.
+ if (strcmp(atom_name, "STRING") == 0) {
+ to_be_requested = atom_list[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return to_be_requested;
+// Finds the best target given up to three atoms provided (any can be None).
+// Useful for part of the Xdnd protocol.
+Atom pick_target_from_atoms(Display* disp, Atom t1, Atom t2, Atom t3)
+ Atom atoms[3];
+ int n = 0;
+ if (t1 != None)
+ atoms[n++] = t1;
+ if (t2 != None)
+ atoms[n++] = t2;
+ if (t3 != None)
+ atoms[n++] = t3;
+ return pick_target_from_list(disp, atoms, n);
+// Finds the best target given a local copy of a property.
+Atom pick_target_from_targets(Display* disp, Property p)
+ //The list of targets is a list of atoms, so it should have type XA_ATOM
+ //but it may have the type TARGETS instead.
+ if ((p.type != XA_ATOM && p.type != server.atom.TARGETS) || p.format != 32) {
+ //This would be really broken. Targets have to be an atom list
+ //and applications should support this. Nevertheless, some
+ //seem broken (MATLAB 7, for instance), so ask for STRING
+ //next instead as the lowest common denominator
+ return XA_STRING;
+ } else {
+ Atom *atom_list = (Atom*)p.data;
+ return pick_target_from_list(disp, atom_list, p.nitems);
+ }
-void dnd_message(XClientMessageEvent *e)
+void dnd_enter(XClientMessageEvent *e)
+ dnd_atom = None;
+ int more_than_3 = e->data.l[1] & 1;
+ dnd_source_window = e->data.l[0];
+ dnd_version = (e->data.l[1] >> 24);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: DnDEnter\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: DnDEnter. Supports > 3 types = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, more_than_3 ? "yes" : "no");
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Protocol version = %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, dnd_version);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Type 1 = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(server.dsp, e->data.l[2]));
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Type 2 = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(server.dsp, e->data.l[3]));
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Type 3 = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(server.dsp, e->data.l[4]));
+ //Query which conversions are available and pick the best
+ if (more_than_3) {
+ //Fetch the list of possible conversions
+ //Notice the similarity to TARGETS with paste.
+ Property p = read_property(server.dsp, dnd_source_window, server.atom.XdndTypeList);
+ dnd_atom = pick_target_from_targets(server.dsp, p);
+ XFree(p.data);
+ } else {
+ //Use the available list
+ dnd_atom = pick_target_from_atoms(server.dsp, e->data.l[2], e->data.l[3], e->data.l[4]);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Requested type = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(server.dsp, dnd_atom));
+void dnd_position(XClientMessageEvent *e)
+ dnd_target_window = e->window;
+ int accept = 0;
Panel *panel = get_panel(e->window);
int x, y, mapX, mapY;
Window child;
if (task->desktop != server.desktop )
set_desktop (task->desktop);
window_action(task, TOGGLE);
+ } else {
+ LauncherIcon *icon = click_launcher_icon(panel, mapX, mapY);
+ if (icon) {
+ accept = 1;
+ dnd_launcher_exec = icon->cmd;
+ } else {
+ dnd_launcher_exec = 0;
+ }
// send XdndStatus event to get more XdndPosition events
se.message_type = server.atom.XdndStatus;
se.format = 32;
se.data.l[0] = e->window; // XID of the target window
- se.data.l[1] = 0; // bit 0: accept drop bit 1: send XdndPosition events if inside rectangle
+ se.data.l[1] = accept ? 1 : 0; // bit 0: accept drop bit 1: send XdndPosition events if inside rectangle
se.data.l[2] = 0; // Rectangle x,y for which no more XdndPosition events
se.data.l[3] = (1 << 16) | 1; // Rectangle w,h for which no more XdndPosition events
- se.data.l[4] = None; // None = drop will not be accepted
+ if (accept) {
+ se.data.l[4] = dnd_version >= 2 ? e->data.l[4] : server.atom.XdndActionCopy;
+ } else {
+ se.data.l[4] = None; // None = drop will not be accepted
+ }
XSendEvent(server.dsp, e->data.l[0], False, NoEventMask, (XEvent*)&se);
+void dnd_drop(XClientMessageEvent *e)
+ if (dnd_target_window && dnd_launcher_exec) {
+ if (dnd_version >= 1) {
+ XConvertSelection(server.dsp, server.atom.XdndSelection, XA_STRING, dnd_selection, dnd_target_window, e->data.l[2]);
+ } else {
+ XConvertSelection(server.dsp, server.atom.XdndSelection, XA_STRING, dnd_selection, dnd_target_window, CurrentTime);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //The source is sending anyway, despite instructions to the contrary.
+ //So reply that we're not interested.
+ XClientMessageEvent m;
+ memset(&m, sizeof(m), 0);
+ m.type = ClientMessage;
+ m.display = e->display;
+ m.window = e->data.l[0];
+ m.message_type = server.atom.XdndFinished;
+ m.format = 32;
+ m.data.l[0] = dnd_target_window;
+ m.data.l[1] = 0;
+ m.data.l[2] = None; //Failed.
+ XSendEvent(server.dsp, e->data.l[0], False, NoEventMask, (XEvent*)&m);
+ }
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
x11_fd = ConnectionNumber(server.dsp);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
+ // XDND initialization
+ dnd_source_window = 0;
+ dnd_target_window = 0;
+ dnd_version = 0;
+ dnd_selection = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "PRIMARY", 0);
+ dnd_atom = None;
+ dnd_sent_request = 0;
+ dnd_launcher_exec = 0;
// sigset_t empty_mask;
// sigemptyset(&empty_mask);
if (systray_enabled && e.xclient.message_type == server.atom._NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE && e.xclient.format == 32 && e.xclient.window == net_sel_win) {
+ else if (e.xclient.message_type == server.atom.XdndEnter) {
+ dnd_enter(&e.xclient);
+ }
else if (e.xclient.message_type == server.atom.XdndPosition) {
- dnd_message(&e.xclient);
+ dnd_position(&e.xclient);
+ }
+ else if (e.xclient.message_type == server.atom.XdndDrop) {
+ dnd_drop(&e.xclient);
+ case SelectionNotify:
+ {
+ Atom target = e.xselection.target;
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: A selection notify has arrived!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Requestor = %lu\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, e.xselectionrequest.requestor);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Selection atom = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(server.dsp, e.xselection.selection));
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Target atom = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(server.dsp, target));
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Property atom = %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetAtomName(server.dsp, e.xselection.property));
+ if (e.xselection.property != None && dnd_launcher_exec) {
+ Property prop = read_property(server.dsp, dnd_target_window, dnd_selection);
+ //If we're being given a list of targets (possible conversions)
+ if (target == server.atom.TARGETS && !dnd_sent_request) {
+ dnd_sent_request = 1;
+ dnd_atom = pick_target_from_targets(server.dsp, prop);
+ if (dnd_atom == None) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "No matching datatypes.\n");
+ } else {
+ //Request the data type we are able to select
+ fprintf(stderr, "Now requsting type %s", GetAtomName(server.dsp, dnd_atom));
+ XConvertSelection(server.dsp, dnd_selection, dnd_atom, dnd_selection, dnd_target_window, CurrentTime);
+ }
+ } else if (target == dnd_atom) {
+ //Dump the binary data
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Data begins:\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ fprintf(stderr, "--------\n");
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < prop.nitems * prop.format/8; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%c", ((char*)prop.data)[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "--------\n");
+ int cmd_length = 0;
+ cmd_length += 1; // (
+ cmd_length += strlen(dnd_launcher_exec) + 1; // exec + space
+ cmd_length += 1; // open double quotes
+ for (i = 0; i < prop.nitems * prop.format/8; i++) {
+ char c = ((char*)prop.data)[i];
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ if (i < prop.nitems * prop.format/8 - 1) {
+ cmd_length += 3; // close double quotes, space, open double quotes
+ }
+ } else if (c == '\r') {
+ } else {
+ cmd_length += 1; // 1 character
+ if (c == '`' || c == '$' || c == '\\') {
+ cmd_length += 1; // escape with one backslash
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cmd_length += 1; // close double quotes
+ cmd_length += 2; // &)
+ cmd_length += 1; // terminator
+ char *cmd = malloc(cmd_length);
+ cmd[0] = '\0';
+ strcat(cmd, "(");
+ strcat(cmd, dnd_launcher_exec);
+ strcat(cmd, " \"");
+ for (i = 0; i < prop.nitems * prop.format/8; i++) {
+ char c = ((char*)prop.data)[i];
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ if (i < prop.nitems * prop.format/8 - 1) {
+ strcat(cmd, "\" \"");
+ }
+ } else if (c == '\r') {
+ } else {
+ if (c == '`' || c == '$' || c == '\\') {
+ strcat(cmd, "\\");
+ }
+ char sc[2];
+ sc[0] = c;
+ sc[1] = '\0';
+ strcat(cmd, sc);
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(cmd, "\"");
+ strcat(cmd, "&)");
+ fprintf(stderr, "DnD %s:%d: Running command: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, cmd);
+ tint_exec(cmd);
+ free(cmd);
+ // Reply OK.
+ XClientMessageEvent m;
+ memset(&m, sizeof(m), 0);
+ m.type = ClientMessage;
+ m.display = server.dsp;
+ m.window = dnd_source_window;
+ m.message_type = server.atom.XdndFinished;
+ m.format = 32;
+ m.data.l[0] = dnd_target_window;
+ m.data.l[1] = 1;
+ m.data.l[2] = server.atom.XdndActionCopy; //We only ever copy.
+ XSendEvent(server.dsp, dnd_source_window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent*)&m);
+ XSync(server.dsp, False);
+ }
+ XFree(prop.data);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
if (e.type == XDamageNotify+damage_event) {
// union needed to avoid strict-aliasing warnings by gcc