"Event source 1" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen"
"Event source 2" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen"
- "Event source n" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen"
+ "Event source N" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen"
"Wait for\nan event\nto happen" -> "Handle an\nevent" [label="Something happened...\n", tailport="n", headport="n"]
"Handle an\nevent" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen" [tailport="s", headport="s"]
--- /dev/null
+digraph G {
+ rankdir = LR
+ node
+ [
+ fontname = "Inconsolata"
+ fontsize = 20
+ shape = record
+ style = rounded
+ margin = "0.2,0.2"
+ ]
+ edge
+ [
+ fontname = "Inconsolata"
+ fontsize = 18
+ arrowhead = vee
+ arrowtail = vee
+ arrowsize = 2
+ ]
+ "Event source 1" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen"
+ "Event source 2" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen"
+ "Event source N" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen"
+ "Wait for\nan event\nto happen" -> "Demultiplex and\ndispatch events" [tailport="n", headport="n"]
+ "Demultiplex and\ndispatch events" -> "Wait for\nan event\nto happen" [tailport="s", headport="s"]
+ "Demultiplex and\ndispatch events" -> "Event handler 1"
+ "Demultiplex and\ndispatch events" -> "Event handler 2"
+ "Demultiplex and\ndispatch events" -> "Event handler M"
+ "Demultiplex and\ndispatch events" [style="rounded,filled",fillcolor="#FFFF88"]
+But some programs are long-lived.
## Event-driven programs
But there are some complications and things to knows, which is why this talk exists.
+name: graph-eventloop
class: center, middle
+## Event loop
![Event loop](img/eventloop.svg)
### syscalls
- [`pause`](http://man.he.net/man2/pause) - Sleeps until signal
- [`select`](http://man.he.net/man2/select), [`poll`](http://man.he.net/man2/poll), [`epoll`](http://man.he.net/man7/epoll), [`kqueue`](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?format=ascii&sektion=2&query=kqueue) - Monitor multiple file descriptors
- [`clock_gettime`](http://man.he.net/man2/clock_gettime) - What time is it now?
+## Reactor pattern
+- Queues events asynchronously.
+- Demultiplexes and dispatches synchronously.
+name: graph-reactor
+class: center, middle
+## Reactor pattern
class: ex-basicreactor
+class: ex-basicreactor
+## The basic reactor
+our $timers = [...];
+our $io_handles = [...];
+while (1) {
+ my $next_timer = find_next_timer($timers);
+* poll($io_handles, $next_timer->time_from_now);
+ handle_ready_io_handles($io_handles);
+ handle_expired_timers($timers);
## Reactor examples on CPAN
- [`Mojo::Reactor::Poll`](https://metacpan.org/source/Mojo::Reactor::Poll)
+class: center, middle
+## Use [`Future::AsyncAwait`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Future::AsyncAwait).
+If you have used JavaScript recently, you may have used its "async/await" feature to clean up your non-blocking code.
+class: center, middle
+### Yes, Perl can do it, too!
+class: ex-asyncawait
+## Without async and await
+use Future;
+sub do_two_things {
+ return do_first_thing()->then(sub {
+ my $first = shift;
+ return do_second_thing($first)->then(sub {
+ my $second = shift;
+ return Future->done([$first, $second]);
+ });
+ });
+class: ex-asyncawait
+## With async and await
+use Future::AsyncAwait;
+async sub do_two_things
+ my $first = await do_first_thing();
+ my $second = await do_second_thing($first);
+ return [$first, $second];
+There are caveats: Localized variable assignments don't work, nor anything that has implied local-like behavior.
+## Events in the world
class: center, middle
name: conclusion