gboolean fs;
Client *c;
- /* are we fullscreen, or do we have a fullscreen transient parent? */
- c = self;
- fs = FALSE;
- while (c && c != TRAN_GROUP) { /* XXX do smthng with the TRAN_GROUP case?*/
- if (c->fullscreen) {
- fs = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- c = c->transient_for;
- }
- if (!fs && self->fullscreen) {
- /* is one of our transients focused? */
- c = search_focus_tree(self, self);
- if (c != NULL) fs = TRUE;
- }
if (self->iconic) l = Layer_Icon;
- else if (fs) l = Layer_Fullscreen;
+ /* fullscreen windows are only in the fullscreen layer while focused */
+ else if (self->fullscreen && focus_client == self) l = Layer_Fullscreen;
else if (self->type == Type_Desktop) l = Layer_Desktop;
else if (self->type == Type_Dock) {
if (!self->below) l = Layer_Top;