elsif ($line =~ /^\h*#(.*)/) {
my $comment = $1;
+ my $project;
if ($comment =~ /^\h*Project:\h*(.+?)\h*$/i) {
- $current_project = $1 || undef;
+ $project = $current_project = $1 || undef;
$lines[$lineno] = {
comment => $comment,
+ $project ? (project => $project) : (),
elsif ($line =~ /^\h*$/) {
+ my $count = 0;
for my $line (@{$self->_lines}) {
next if !$line->{pattern};
next if $pattern ne $line->{pattern};
$line->{owners} = [@$owners];
+ ++$count;
+ return $count;
+=method update_owners_by_project
+ $codeowners->update_owners_by_project($project => \@new_owners);
+Set a new set of owners for all patterns under the given project.
+Nothing happens if the file does not have a project with the given name.
+sub update_owners_by_project {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $project = shift;
+ my $owners = shift;
+ $project && $owners or _usage(q{$codeowners->update_owners_by_project($project => \@owners)});
+ $owners = [$owners] if ref($owners) ne 'ARRAY';
+ $self->_clear;
+ my $count = 0;
+ for my $line (@{$self->_lines}) {
+ next if !$line->{project} || !$line->{owners};
+ next if $project ne $line->{project};
+ $line->{owners} = [@$owners];
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ return $count;
+=method rename_project
+ $codeowners->rename_project($old_name => $new_name);
+Rename a project.
+Nothing happens if the file does not have a project with the old name.
+sub rename_project {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old_project = shift;
+ my $new_project = shift;
+ $old_project && $new_project or _usage(q{$codeowners->rename_project($project => $new_project)});
+ $self->_clear;
+ my $count = 0;
+ for my $line (@{$self->_lines}) {
+ next if !exists $line->{project} || $old_project ne $line->{project};
+ $line->{project} = $new_project;
+ $line->{comment} = " Project: $new_project" if exists $line->{comment};
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ return $count;
=method append
like($@, qr/^Parse error on line 1/, 'parse error');
+subtest 'handling projects', sub {
+ my $file = File::Codeowners->parse("$Bin/samples/kitchensink.CODEOWNERS");
+ my $r;
+ is_deeply($r = $file->projects, [
+ 'Transportation',
+ ], 'projects listed') or diag explain $r;
+ $file->rename_project('Transportation', 'Getting Around');
+ is_deeply($r = $file->projects, [
+ 'Getting Around',
+ ], 'project renamed') or diag explain $r;
+ is_deeply($r = [@{$file->_lines}[-3 .. -1]], [
+ {comment => ' Project: Getting Around', project => 'Getting Around'},
+ {},
+ {pattern => '/vehicles/**/batmobile.cad', 'owners' => ['@"Lucius Fox"'], project => 'Getting Around'},
+ ], 'renaming project properly modifies lines') or diag explain $r;
+ $file->update_owners_by_project('Getting Around', '@twoface');
+ ok( scalar grep { $_ eq '@twoface' } @{$file->owners}, 'updating owner adds new owner');
+ ok(!scalar grep { $_ eq '@"Lucius Fox"' } @{$file->owners}, 'updating owner removes old owner');
subtest 'editing and writing files', sub {
my $file = File::Codeowners->parse("$Bin/samples/basic.CODEOWNERS");
my $r;