-# Copyright (c) 2000 LordZork Industries (lordzork@lordzork.com)
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Timothy M. King (tmk@lordzork.com)
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- case $INFO in yes|y|1) info_msg; esac
- case $1 in
- 1)
- echo; echo "$NAME: configuration error: $OPTION=\"$VALUE\""
- echo "$NAME: please edit $CONFIG and provide the correct variable."
- ;;
- 2)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: couldn't execute '$APP'! tried to run fallback option $ARGUMENT"
- echo "$NAME: but quit because of the following error in $CONFIG:"
- echo "$NAME: $OPTION= $VALUE"
- echo "$NAME: please edit $CONFIG and provide the correct variable!"
- ;;
- 3)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: couldn't find any suitable image applications in the system path!"
- echo
- error_msg url
- ;;
- 4)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: invalid option, or non-existent image ($ARGUMENT)."
- ;;
- 5)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: the image you specified ($IMAGE) could not be found."
- ;;
- 6)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: please specify a valid image."
- ;;
- 7)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: bsetroot couldn't be found! check your blackbox installation."
- ;;
- 8)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: wrong number of arguments!"
- echo "$NAME: make sure you enclosed the options for '$APP' in double quotes."
- ;;
- nobgapp)
- echo; echo "$NAME: error: tried to run '$VALUE' for $ARGUMENT argument,"
- echo "$NAME: but couldnt find '$APP' in the path! please fix the following"
- echo "$NAME: line in $CONFIG to point to an existing application:"
- echo "$NAME: $OPTION=\"$VALUE\""
- ;;
- nogrep)
- echo "$NAME: error: couldn't find grep!"
- echo "this script needs grep to be in your path in order to function."
- echo "you can get GNU grep from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/bin/gnu/grep/" && exit 1
- ;;
- url)
- echo "it is suggested that you use qiv, xli (xsetbg), or xv."
- echo "you can obtain them at the following locations:"
- echo
- echo " qiv: http://www.klografx.de/software/qiv.shtml"
- echo " xli: http://pantransit.reptiles.org/prog/#xli"
- echo " xv: http://www.trilon.com/xv/downloads.html"
- echo
- echo "the above URLs are current as of 05/23/2000."
- esac
- exit 1
- echo "$NAME $VERSION: $MORE"
- echo "options:"
- echo
- echo " (none) image is set using default values"
- echo
- echo " -full, -f image is set fullscreen"
- echo " -tile, -t image is set tiled"
- echo " -center, -c image is set centered"
- echo
- echo " -app, -a <application> image is set using <application> with"
- echo " <"'"application options"'"> quote-enclosed \"options\" and"
- echo " -center, -c|-tile, -t|-full, -f default fallback option"
- echo
- echo " -display <string> display to connect to (bsetroot only)"
- echo " -mod <x> <y> sets bsetroot modula pattern"
- echo " -foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color"
- echo " -background, -bg <color> modula background color"
- echo
- echo " -gradient <texture> sets bsetroot gradient texture"
- echo " -from <color> gradient start color"
- echo " -to <color> gradient end color"
- echo
- echo " -solid <color> sets bsetroot solid color"
- echo
- echo " -version, -v outputs $NAME's version number"
- echo " -info, -i outputs configuration info"
- echo " -help, -h this message"
- echo
- echo "usage: <options...> <image>"
- exit 0
- case $ERROR in
- [1-3])
- SUMMARY="error: some variables are blank"
- ;;
- 4)
- SUMMARY="no values have been specified"
- ;;
- 0)
- SUMMARY="looks good"
- esac
- case $APP_ERROR in [1-4])
- SUMMARY="error: some applications couldn't be found!"
- esac
- case `which bsetroot 2>&1` in
- */*bsetroot)
- BSETROOT=`which bsetroot`
- ;;
- *)
- BSETROOT="(error: not found)"
- case $ERROR in
- 1-4)
- SUMMARY="$SUMMARY, and bsetroot does not seem to be present."
- ;;
- *)
- SUMMARY="$SUMMARY, but bsetroot does not seem to be present."
- esac
- esac
- echo "$NAME $VERSION configuration:"
- echo
- echo " bsetroot: $BSETROOT"
- echo
- echo " reading configuration from: $CONFIG"
- echo
- echo " configuration values:"
- echo
- case $FULL_BGAPP_MSG in
- *"not found")
- echo " fullscreen (ERROR): $FULL_BGAPP_MSG"
- ;;
- *)
- echo " fullscreen (FULL): $FULL_MSG"
- esac
- echo
- case $TILE_BGAPP_MSG in
- *"not found")
- echo " tiled (ERROR): $TILE_BGAPP_MSG"
- ;;
- *)
- echo " tiled (TILE): $TILE_MSG"
- esac
- echo
- *"not found")
- echo " centered (ERROR): $CENTER_BGAPP_MSG"
- ;;
- *)
- echo " centered (CENTER): $CENTER_MSG"
- esac
- echo
- *"not found")
- echo " default (ERROR): $DEFAULT_BGAPP_MSG"
- ;;
- *)
- echo " default (DEFAULT): $DEFAULT_MSG"
- esac
- echo
- echo " summary: $SUMMARY"
- exit 0
+display_full_cmd="display -geometry 800x600 -window root"
+display_tile_cmd="display -window root"
+display_center_cmd="display -backdrop -window root"
+Esetroot_full_cmd="Esetroot -scale"
+Esetroot_center_cmd="Esetroot -c"
+wmsetbg_full_cmd="wmsetbg -s -S"
+wmsetbg_tile_cmd="wmsetbg -t"
+wmsetbg_center_cmd="wmsetbg -e"
+qiv_full_cmd="qiv --root_s"
+qiv_tile_cmd="qiv --root_t"
+qiv_center_cmd="qiv --root"
+xv_full_cmd="xv -max -smooth -root -quit"
+xv_tile_cmd="xv -root -quit"
+xv_center_cmd="xv -rmode 5 -root -quit"
+xli_full_cmd="xli -fullscreen -onroot -quiet"
+xli_tile_cmd="xli -onroot -quiet"
+xli_center_cmd="xli -center -onroot quiet"
+xsetbg_full_cmd="xsetbg -fillscreen"
+xsetbg_center_cmd="xsetbg -center"
+img_apps="qiv xli xv wmsetbg Esetroot display xsetbg"
+copyright="(c) 2000-$(date +%Y) by Timothy M. King (http://lordzork.com/)"
+quit() {
+ [ "$1" ] && rc=$1 && shift 1
+ [ "$*" ] && echo -e $*
+ exit ${rc:-0}
- case `which $1 2>&1` in
- */*$1)
- echo "$NAME: checking for $1... `which $1`"
- echo "### $app" >> $TMPFILE
- echo "# FULL=\"$full\"" >> $TMPFILE
- echo "# TILE=\"$tile\"" >> $TMPFILE
- echo "# CENTER=\"$center\"" >> $TMPFILE
- echo "# DEFAULT=\"$default\"" >> $TMPFILE
- echo >> $TMPFILE
- FULL=$full
- TILE=$tile
- CENTER=$center
- DEFAULT=$default
- APP=$app
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$NAME: checking for $1... not found."
+bool() {
+ case $1 in
+ [yY][eE][sS]|1|[yY]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|[oO][nN]) : ;;
+ *) return 1 ;;
- ### display
- full="display -geometry 800x600 -window root"
- tile="display -window root"
- center="display -backdrop -window root"
- default=$center
- find_app display
+check_exe_in_path() {
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ return 1
+ elif [ -x "$(which $1 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ return 0
+ elif [ -x "$(type $1 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
- ### Esetroot
- full="Esetroot -scale"
- tile="Esetroot"
- center="Esetroot -c"
- default=$center
- find_app Esetroot
+help_msg() {
+ cat <<EOF
+$me $version $copyright
+ -center <file> center an image on the desktop
+ -tile <file> tile an image on the desktop
+ -full <file> stretch an image to fill the desktop
+ -exec <args> <file> specify an external command to execute
+ -post <string> arguments to be passed to the post-command
+ -debug prints commands without executing them
+# this is extremely lame, but probably more portable than grep -E
+ bsetroot_help=$(bsetroot -help 2>&1| grep -v "^bsetroot" | grep -v "^ -help")
+ case $bsetroot_help in
+ BaseDisplay*) echo ;;
+ *-gradient*) echo "$bsetroot_help"
+ esac
+ cat <<EOF
+ -generate <string> generate a config file
+ -help this message
+ -version output version information
+ quit ${1:-0}
- ### wmsetbg
- full="wmsetbg -s -S"
- tile="wmsetbg -t"
- center="wmsetbg -e"
- default=$center
- find_app wmsetbg
+get_apps() {
+ for a in $img_apps; do
+ if check_exe_in_path $a; then
+ eval center_cmd=\$$a\_center_cmd
+ eval full_cmd=\$$a\_full_cmd
+ eval tile_cmd=\$$a\_tile_cmd
+ eval default_cmd=\$$a\_default_cmd
+ return 0
+ else
+ if [ "$not_found" ]; then
+ not_found="$not_found $a"
+ else
+ not_found=$a
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
- ### xli
- case `which xsetbg 2>&1` in
- */*xsetbg)
- full="xsetbg -fillscreen"
- tile="xsetbg"
- center="xsetbg -center"
- default=$center
- app="xsetbg (xli)"
- find_app xsetbg
- ;;
- *)
- case `which xli 2>&1` in */*xli)
- full="xli -fillscreen -onroot -quiet"
- tile="xli -onroot -quiet"
- center="xli -center -onroot quiet"
- default=$center
- app=xli
- find_app xli
- esac
- esac
+do_generate() {
+ echo -e "# created by $me $version on $(date)\n#"
+ echo -e "# seting NO_EXEC to a boolean value (eg true/false) will cause $me"
+ echo -e "# to never modify the root window\n#"
+ echo -e "#NO_EXEC=\n#"
+ echo -e "# POST_COMMAND can be set to a command that will be run run every time"
+ echo -e "# $me sets the root image\n#"
+ echo -e "#POST_COMMAND=\n#"
+ echo -e "# if LOG_LAST_CMD is set (boolean), bsetbg will keep a log of the last"
+ echo -e "# two successful commands.\n#"
+ echo -e "#LOG_LAST_CMD=\n#"
+ echo -e "# the LOGFILE specifies the file that bsetbg uses when LOG_LAST_CMD"
+ echo -e "# is defined. this defaults to ~/.bsetbg_last_cmd .\n#"
+ echo -e "#LOGFILE=\n#"
+ echo -e "# the following are default configuration values for the most popular image"
+ echo -e "# programs. See the man page of the respective application for more info.\n"
+ [ "$*" ] && img_apps="$*"
+ for a in $img_apps; do
+ if check_exe_in_path $a; then
+ if ! bool $have_match; then
+ q='\"'
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_center_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo CENTER=$q\$$a\_center_cmd$q &&
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_full_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo FULL=$q\$$a\_full_cmd$q &&
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_tile_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo TILE=$q\$$a\_tile_cmd$q &&
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_default_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo -e DEFAULT=$q\$$a\_default_cmd$q \\\\n &&
+ have_match=1
+ else
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_center_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo \\#CENTER=$q\$$a\_center_cmd$q
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_full_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo \\#FULL=$q\$$a\_full_cmd$q
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_tile_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo \\#TILE=$q\$$a\_tile_cmd$q
+ [ "$(eval echo \$$a\_default_cmd)" ] &&
+ eval echo -e \\#DEFAULT=$q\$$a\_default_cmd$q \\\\n
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ quit 0
- ### qiv
- full="qiv --root_s"
- tile="qiv --root_t"
- center="qiv --root"
- default=$center
- find_app qiv
+do_bsetroot() {
+ if check_exe_in_path bsetroot; then
+ read_config
- ### xv
- full="xv -max -smooth -root -quit"
- tile="xv -root -quit"
- center="xv -rmode 5 -root -quit"
- default=$center
- find_app xv
+ $debug bsetroot $* 2>/dev/null; rc=$?
+ if [ "$rc" -gt 0 ]; then
+ help_msg $rc
+ else
+ log_cmd bsetroot $*; $refresh_cmd 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ else
+ quit 1 "couldn't find bsetroot in $PATH"
+ fi
+do_std() {
+ [ -z "$1" ] && help_msg 1
- [ -f $TMPFILE ] && rm -f $TMPFILE
+ bool $noconfig || read_config
+ get_img_command $1
+ check_img_command $do_this
- trap rm_tmpfiles INT QUIT STOP TERM
- case $UID in 0)
- if [ "$ARGUMENT" != "-r" ]; then
- echo "$NAME: running X as root is a security hazard, and is NOT a good idea!"
- echo "$NAME: if you insist upon having a ~/.bsetbgrc for root, run bsetbg with"
- echo "$NAME: the '-r' flag to force its creation. you have been warned!"
- exit 1
- fi
+ case $# in
+ 1) file="$1" ;;
+ *) file="$2"
- case $ARGUMENT in
- -r)
- echo "$NAME: creating configuration for root (BAD IDEA)..."
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$NAME: $CONFIG not found, creating..."
+ if [ -f "$file" ]; then
+ exec_img_command $do_this $file
+ else
+ quit 1 "$file does not exist"
+ fi
+do_exec() {
+ [ "$#" -lt 3 ] && help_msg 3
+ bool $noconfig || read_config
+ # check to see if -*c, -*f, or -*t were spcified, if so
+ # assume the last argument is a filename
+ b_arg=$(eval echo \$$(( $# - 1 )) )
+ app=$1
+ case $b_arg in
+ -c|*-center|c|-t|*-tile*|t|-f|*-full|f)
+ eval file=\$$#
+ f_args="$b_arg $file"
- for app in $IMAGE_APPS; do
- search_$app
+ # put the rest of the arguments into the varialbe $e_args
+ while [ "$*" ]; do
+ for a in "$*"; do
+ case $1 in
+ $b_arg|$file) : ;;
+ *) e_args="$e_args "$1""
+ esac
+ shift 1
+ done
- if [ -z "$FULL" ] || [ -z "TILE" ] || [ -z "$CENTER" ]; then
- rm -f $TMPFILE
- INFO= && error_msg 3
- fi
- echo "# $CONFIG" >> $CONFIG
- echo "#" >> $CONFIG
- echo "# automagically generated with loving care by $NAME $VERSION on `date`" >> $CONFIG
- echo "#" >> $CONFIG
- echo "# uncomment the set below that corresponds to your favorite root-image" >> $CONFIG
- echo "# application, or mix and match to suit your pleasure." >> $CONFIG
- echo "#" >> $CONFIG
- echo "# xli misbehaves under larger screen resolutions when using the -fillscreen" >> $CONFIG
- echo "# option. use -fullscreen if your resolution is higher than 1024x768." >> $CONFIG
- echo "#" >> $CONFIG
- echo; echo >> $CONFIG
- echo "### $APP" >> $CONFIG
- echo "FULL=\"$FULL\"" >> $CONFIG
- echo "TILE=\"$TILE\"" >> $CONFIG
- echo "CENTER=\"$CENTER\"" >> $CONFIG
- echo "DEFAULT=\"$DEFAULT\"" >> $CONFIG
- echo >> $CONFIG
- cat $TMPFILE | grep -v $APP >> $CONFIG
- rm -f $TMPFILE
- if [ -f $CONFIG ]; then
- echo "$NAME: default configuration was created in $CONFIG."
+ # with $f_args defined, check for image and do things normally
+ if [ "$f_args" ]; then
+ [ ! -f "$file" ] && quit 1 "$file does not exist"
+ if check_img_command $e_args; then
+ do_this="$e_args"
+ else
+ read_config
+ get_img_command $f_args
+ check_img_command $do_this
+ echo "$p couldn't find '$app' in path, using $type command instead"
+ fi
+ # without $f_args, run the command blindly if it's in $PATH
+ elif check_exe_in_path $e_args; then
+ do_this="$e_args"
- echo "ERROR: $CONFIG not found!" && exit 1
+ quit 1 "$p unable to run the following command: $e_args"
- BGAPP=$1
- case `which $1 2>&1` in
- */*$1)
- BGAPP_MSG="`which $1`"
- ;;
- *)
- BGAPP_MSG="$BGAPP: not found"
- APP_ERROR=`expr $APP_ERROR + 1`
+ exec_img_command $do_this $file
+get_img_command() {
+ case $1 in
+ *-full|-f|f) type=full; do_this="$full_cmd" ;;
+ *-tile|-t|t) type=tile; do_this="$tile_cmd" ;;
+ *-center|-c|c) type=center; do_this="$center_cmd" ;;
+ *) type=default; do_this="$default_cmd"
- if [ -z "$FULL" ]; then
- FULL_MSG="(no value)" && ERROR=`expr $ERROR + 1`
+check_img_command() {
+ if check_exe_in_path $1; then
+ do_this="$*"
+ rc=0
+ elif get_apps; then
+ get_img_command $*
+ rc=1
- check_config_apps $FULL
+ quit 1 "$p couldn't find a suitable image program. tried the following:\\n
+ $(for a in $not_found; do echo " $a\\n"; done)"
- if [ -z "$TILE" ]; then
- TILE_MSG="(no value)" && ERROR=`expr $ERROR + 1`
- else
- check_config_apps $TILE
+ if [ "$rc" -gt 0 -a -z "$e_args" ] && bool $read_config; then
+ echo "$p couldn't find a suitable $type command in $config"
- if [ -z "$CENTER" ]; then
- CENTER_MSG="(no value)" && ERROR=`expr $ERROR + 1`
+ return $rc
+exec_img_command() {
+ unset rc
+ command=$*
+ if [ "$debug" ]; then
+ $debug $command
- check_config_apps $CENTER
+ $command >/dev/null 2>&1; rc=$?
- if [ -z "$DEFAULT" ]; then
- DEFAULT_MSG="(no value)" && ERROR=`expr $ERROR + 1`
+ if [ "$rc" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "$p '$command' exited with status $rc"
+ get_apps
+ noconfig=1
+ parse_args ${f_args:-$my_args}
+ echo "$p using '$command' as $type"
+ $debug $command >/dev/null 2>&1; rc=$?
+ [ "$rc" = 0 ] && log_cmd $do_this $file && $refresh_cmd 2>/dev/null
- check_config_apps $DEFAULT
+ log_cmd $do_this $file; xrefresh 2>/dev/null
+ return $rc
- case $ARGUMENT in
- *full|-f|c)
- case $FULL_BGAPP_MSG in *"not found")
- error_msg nobgapp
- esac
- ;;
- *tile|-t|t)
- case $TILE_BGAPP_MSG in *"not found")
- error_msg nobgapp
- esac
- ;;
- *center|-c|c)
- case $CENTER_BGAPP_MSG in *"not found")
- error_msg nobgapp
- esac
- ;;
- *)
- ARGUMENT=default
- case $DEFAULT_BGAPP_MSG in *"not found")
- error_msg nobgapp
- esac
- if [ "$IMAGE_EXISTS" != yes ]; then
- error_msg 4; fi
- esac
- case $VALUE in "(no value)")
- if [ -n "$APP" ]; then
- error_msg 2
- else
- error_msg 1
- fi
- esac
+log_cmd() {
+ bool $LOG_LAST_CMD || return 1
+ [ "$debug" ] && return 1
+ echo -e "$prev_cmd\n$*" >$last_cmd_file
+ return $?
+read_config() {
+ [ -f $config ] || return 1
- if [ ! -f $CONFIG ]; then
- create_config
+ if bool $read_config; then
+ unset read_config
+ else
+ read_config=1
- check_old_config
- check_config_vars
- final_error_check
+ . $HOME/.bsetbgrc 2>/dev/null
+ check_no_exec
+ full_cmd=$FULL
+ center_cmd=$CENTER
+ tile_cmd=$TILE
+ default_cmd=$CENTER
+ last_cmd_file=${LOGFILE:-$last_cmd_file}
+ bool $LOG_LAST_CMD && prev_cmd=$(tail -n 1 $last_cmd_file 2>/dev/null)
+check_no_exec() {
+ bool $NO_EXEC &&
+ quit 0 "$p no_exec mode. the root window will not be modified."
- case "$IMAGE" in
- *~/*)
- IMAGE="$HOME/`basename $IMAGE`"
- esac
+post_command() {
+ if [ -n "$POST_COMMAND" -a "$rc" -le 0 ]; then
+ if [ -n "$debug" ]; then
+ $debug "running post_command: $POST_COMMAND $post_args"
+ else
+ $POST_COMMAND $post_args 2>/dev/null; erc=$?
+ [ "$erc" -gt 0 ] &&
+ echo "$p post-command '$POST_COMMAND $post_args' exited with status $erc"
+ fi
+ fi
- case $NOARG in
- yes|y|1)
- NUM=4
- ;;
- *)
- if [ -n "$IMAGE" ]; then
- NUM=5
- else
- NUM=6
- fi
- case $IMAGE in $ARGUMENT|"."|"./")
- error_msg 6
- esac
- esac
+add_arg() {
+ [ "$1" ] || return 1
+ if [ "$args" ]; then
+ args="$args $1"
+ else
+ args=$1
+ fi
- if [ ! -f "$IMAGE" ]; then
- error_msg $NUM
+add_post_arg() {
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
+ if [ "$post_args" ]; then
+ post_args="$post_args $1"
+ post_args=$1
- case `which $APP 2>&1` in
- */*$APP)
- check_image
- final_error_check
- exec $APP $ARGS "$IMAGE"
- ;;
- *)
- check_image
- check_config
- exec $FB_ARG "$IMAGE"
- esac
+check_cmd() {
+ if [ -z "$command" ]; then
+ command=${2:-$1}; eval ${3:-${2:-$1}}=1
+ elif bool $do_post; then
+ add_post_arg ${1}
+ else
+ finished=1
+ fi
+parse_args() {
case $1 in
- -mod)
- ARGS="$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7"
- ;;
- -gradient)
- ARGS="$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6"
- ;;
- -solid)
- ARGS="$1 $2"
- esac
- case `which bsetroot 2>&1` in
- */*bsetroot)
- exec bsetroot $ARGS
- ;;
- *)
- error_msg 7
+ -d|*-debug|d)
+ unset refresh_cmd; debug=echo\ $me\_debug: ;;
+ -p|-*-post|p)
+ unset finished do_std do_exec; do_post=1 ;;
+ -c|*-center|c|-t|*-tile*|t|-f|*-full|f)
+ case $command in
+ do_std|do_generate|do_bsetroot)
+ finished=1 ;;
+ do_exec)
+ if ! bool $got_fcmd; then
+ add_arg $1 args; got_fcmd=1
+ else
+ finished=1
+ fi ;;
+ *)
+ add_arg $1; do_std=1; command=do_std
+ esac ;;
+ -a|*-app|a|-e|*-exec|e)
+ check_cmd "do_exec" ;;
+ -mod|-gradient|-solid|-display)
+ check_cmd "do_bsetroot" && add_arg $1 ;;
+ -g|*-generate*|g)
+ check_cmd $1 "do_generate" ;;
+ -v|*-version|v)
+ [ -z "$command" ] && quit 0 $me $version $copyright ;;
+ -h|*-help|h)
+ [ -z "$command" ] && help_msg ;;
+ *)
+ bool $finished && return 1
+ case $1 in -*)
+ bool $do_exec || bool $do_bsetroot || bool $do_post || help_msg 1
+ esac
+ if bool $do_std || bool $do_exec || bool $do_bsetroot || bool $do_generate; then
+ add_arg $1
+ elif bool $do_post; then
+ add_post_arg $1
+ else
+ add_arg $1; command=do_std; finished=1
+ fi
+[ -z "$*" ] && help_msg 1
- if [ -f $CONFIG ]; then
- if [ -n "$BGAPP" ] || [ -n "$CENTER_ARGS" ] || \
- [ -n "$TILED_ARGS" ] || [ -n "$OTHER_ARGS" ] || \
- [ -n "$DEFAULT_ARGS" ]; then
- echo " this version of $NAME ($VERSION) no longer uses the old configuration format."
- echo " please update $CONFIG with the new syntax:"
- echo
- echo " CENTER=\"value\""
- echo " FULL=\"value\""
- echo " TILE=\"value\""
- echo " DEFAULT=\"value\""
- echo
- echo " see the sample.config file for details."
- exit 0
- fi
- fi
+for arg in "$@"; do
+ parse_args "$arg"
+ shift 1
- echo "DEBUG:--------------------------"
- echo "config: $CONFIG"
- echo "full: $FULL"
- echo "tile: $TILE"
- echo "center: $CENTER"
- echo "default: $DEFAULT"
- echo "error: $ERROR"
- echo "app error: $APP_ERROR"
- echo "argument: $ARGUMENT"
- echo "________________________________"
- echo
+[ "$debug" ] && echo
-create_tempfile() {
- if `type tempfile 2>&1 >/dev/null`; then
- THETMP=`tempfile --prefix=bsetbg`
- elif `type mktemp 2>&1 >/dev/null`; then
- THETMP=`mktemp -t bsetbg`
- else
- THETMP=/tmp/.bsetbg.$$
- if [ -f $THETMP ]; then
- rm -f $THETMP
- fi
- touch $THETMP
- chmod 600 $THETMP
- fi
+$command $args
+post_command $rc
-IMAGE_APPS="display Esetroot wmsetbg xv xli qiv"
-MORE="(C) 2000 by lordzork industries (http://lordzork.com/)"
-case `which grep 2>&1` in */*grep) : ;;
- *)
- error_msg nogrep
-case $1 in
- *-full|-f|f)
- check_config
- IMAGE=$2 && check_image
- exec $FULL "$IMAGE"
- ;;
- *-tile|*tiled|-t|t)
- check_config
- IMAGE=$2 && check_image
- exec $TILE "$IMAGE"
- ;;
- *-center|-c|c)
- check_config
- IMAGE=$2 && check_image
- exec $CENTER "$IMAGE"
- ;;
- *-app|-a|a)
- APP=$2
- ARGS="$3"
- case $# in
- 4)
- IMAGE=$4
- exec_app
- ;;
- 5)
- COMMAND=`shift 1 && echo $*`
- IMAGE=$5
- exec_app
- ;;
- *)
- error_msg 8
- esac
- ;;
- -mod|-gradient|-solid)
- check_bsetroot_args $*
- exec_bsetroot
- ;;
- -display)
- shift 1 && check_bsetroot_args $*
- ARGS="-display $ARGS"
- exec_bsetroot
- ;;
- *-info|-i|i)
- INFO=yes
- check_config
- info_msg
- ;;
- *-version|-v|v)
- echo; echo " $NAME version $VERSION"; echo " $MORE"; exit 0
- ;;
- -r)
- case $UID in
- 0)
- if [ -f $CONFIG ]; then
- exit 1
- else
- create_config
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- exit 1
- esac
- ;;
- *-help|-h|h|-?)
- help_msg
- ;;
- *)
- if [ -n "$1" ]; then
- NOARG=yes
- IMAGE=$1 && check_image
- check_config && final_error_check
- exec $DEFAULT "$1"
- else
- if [ ! -f $CONFIG ]; then
- create_config && exit 0
- fi
- help_msg
- fi
+quit $rc