use warnings;
package DBIx::Class::ResultSet::RecursiveUpdate;
# ABSTRACT: like update_or_create - but recursive
use base qw(DBIx::Class::ResultSet);
sub recursive_update {
- my ( $self, $updates, $fixed_fields ) = @_;
+ my ( $self, $updates, $attrs ) = @_;
+ my $fixed_fields;
+ my $unknown_params_ok;
+ # 0.21+ api
+ if ( defined $attrs && ref $attrs eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $fixed_fields = $attrs->{fixed_fields};
+ $unknown_params_ok = $attrs->{unknown_params_ok};
+ }
+ # pre 0.21 api
+ elsif ( defined $attrs && ref $attrs eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $fixed_fields = $attrs;
+ }
- resultset => $self,
- updates => $updates,
- fixed_fields => $fixed_fields
+ resultset => $self,
+ updates => $updates,
+ fixed_fields => $fixed_fields,
+ unknown_params_ok => $unknown_params_ok,
sub recursive_update {
my %params = @_;
my ( $self, $updates, $fixed_fields, $object, $resolved,
- $if_not_submitted )
+ $if_not_submitted, $unknown_params_ok )
= @params{
- qw/resultset updates fixed_fields object resolved if_not_submitted/};
+ qw/resultset updates fixed_fields object resolved if_not_submitted unknown_params_ok/
+ };
$resolved ||= {};
# warn 'entering: ' . $self->result_source->from();
carp 'fixed fields needs to be an array ref'
- if $fixed_fields && ref($fixed_fields) ne 'ARRAY';
- my %fixed_fields;
- %fixed_fields = map { $_ => 1 } @$fixed_fields if $fixed_fields;
+ if defined $fixed_fields && ref $fixed_fields ne 'ARRAY';
if ( blessed($updates) && $updates->isa('DBIx::Class::Row') ) {
return $updates;
if ( $updates->{id} ) {
$object = $self->find( $updates->{id}, { key => 'primary' } );
+ my %fixed_fields = map { $_ => 1 } @$fixed_fields
+ if $fixed_fields;
my @missing =
grep { !exists $updates->{$_} && !exists $fixed_fields{$_} }
# unknown
- # TODO: don't throw a warning instead of an exception to give users
- # time to adapt to the new API
- $self->throw_exception(
+ # don't throw a warning instead of an exception to give users
+ # time to adapt to the new API
+ warn(
"No such column, relationship, many-to-many helper accessor or generic accessor '$name'"
- );
+ ) unless $unknown_params_ok;
+# "No such column, relationship, many-to-many helper accessor or generic accessor '$name'"
# warn 'other: ' . Dumper( \%other_methods ); use Data::Dumper;
title => "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
- }
- });
+ },
+ unknown_params_ok => 1,
+ );
# As ResultSet subclass:
my $restricted_rs = $user_rs->search( { id => 1 } );
-then you need to inform recursive_update about additional predicate with a second argument:
+then you need to inform recursive_update about the additional predicate with the fixed_fields attribute:
- my $user = $restricted_rs->recursive_update( {
- owned_dvds => [
- {
- title => 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'
- }
- ]
- },
- [ 'id' ]
+ my $user = $restricted_rs->recursive_update( {
+ owned_dvds => [
+ {
+ title => 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ fixed_fields => [ 'id' ],
+ }
For a many_to_many (pseudo) relation you can supply a list of primary keys
@EXPORT = qw(run_tests);
use strict;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Warn;
use DBIx::Class::ResultSet::RecursiveUpdate;
sub run_tests {
my $schema = shift;
- plan tests => 47;
+ plan tests => 51;
my $dvd_rs = $schema->resultset('Dvd');
my $user_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
- my $owner = $user_rs->next;
- my $another_owner = $user_rs->next;
- my $initial_user_count = $user_rs->count;
- my $initial_dvd_count = $dvd_rs->count;
+ my $owner = $user_rs->next;
+ my $another_owner = $user_rs->next;
+ my $initial_user_count = $user_rs->count;
+ my $expected_user_count = $initial_user_count;
+ my $initial_dvd_count = $dvd_rs->count;
my $updates;
- $dvd_rs->search( { dvd_id => 1 } )->recursive_update( {
- owner => { username => 'aaa' }
+ # pre 0.21 api
+ $dvd_rs->search( { dvd_id => 1 } )->recursive_update( {
+ owner => { username => 'aaa' }
[ 'dvd_id' ]
my $u = $user_rs->find( $dvd_rs->find( 1 )->owner->id );
- is( $u->username, 'aaa', 'fixed_fields' );
+ is( $u->username, 'aaa', 'fixed_fields pre 0.21 api ok' );
+ # 0.21+ api
+ $dvd_rs->search( { dvd_id => 1 } )->recursive_update( {
+ owner => { username => 'bbb' }
+ },
+ {
+ fixed_fields => [ 'dvd_id' ],
+ }
+ );
+ my $u = $user_rs->find( $dvd_rs->find( 1 )->owner->id );
+ is( $u->username, 'bbb', 'fixed_fields 0.21+ api ok' );
# try to create with a not existing rel
$updates = {
- name => 'Test name for nonexisting rel',
+ name => 'Test for nonexisting rel',
username => 'nonexisting_rel',
password => 'whatever',
nonexisting => { foo => 'bar' },
- eval { my $nonexisting_user = $user_rs->recursive_update($updates); };
- like(
- $@,
- qr/No such column, relationship, many-to-many helper accessor or generic accessor 'nonexisting'/,
- 'nonexisting column, accessor, relationship fails'
- );
+# for future use when we switch from warn to throw_exception
+# eval { $user_rs->recursive_update($updates); };
+# like(
+# $@,
+# qr/No such column, relationship, many-to-many helper accessor or generic accessor 'nonexisting'/,
+# 'nonexisting column, accessor, relationship fails'
+# );
+ warning_is {
+ my $user = $user_rs->recursive_update($updates);
+ }
+ "No such column, relationship, many-to-many helper accessor or generic accessor 'nonexisting'",
+ 'nonexisting column, accessor, relationship warns';
+ $expected_user_count++;
+ is( $user_rs->count, $expected_user_count, 'User created' );
+ # try to create with a not existing rel but suppressed warning
+ $updates = {
+ name => 'Test for nonexisting rel with suppressed warning',
+ username => 'suppressed_nonexisting_rel',
+ password => 'whatever',
+ nonexisting => { foo => 'bar' },
+ };
+ warning_is {
+ my $user =
+ $user_rs->recursive_update( $updates,
+ { unknown_params_ok => 1 } );
+ }
+ "",
+ "nonexisting column, accessor, relationship doesn't warn with unknown_params_ok";
+ $expected_user_count++;
+ is( $user_rs->count, $expected_user_count, 'User created' );
# creating new record linked to some old record
$updates = {
my $new_dvd = $dvd_rs->recursive_update($updates);
is( $dvd_rs->count, $initial_dvd_count + 1, 'Dvd created' );
is( $schema->resultset('User')->count,
- $initial_user_count, "No new user created" );
+ $expected_user_count, "No new user created" );
is( $new_dvd->name, 'Test name 2', 'Dvd name set' );
is( $new_dvd->owner->id, $another_owner->id, 'Owner set' );
is( $new_dvd->viewings->count, 1, 'Viewing created' );
my $dvd = $dvd_rs->recursive_update($updates);
+ $expected_user_count++;
is( $dvd_rs->count, $initial_dvd_count + 2, 'Dvd created' );
is( $schema->resultset('User')->count,
- $initial_user_count + 1,
- "One new user created"
- );
+ $expected_user_count, "One new user created" );
is( $dvd->name, 'Test name', 'Dvd name set' );
is_deeply( [ map { $_->id } $dvd->tags ], [ '2', '3' ], 'Tags set' );
is( $dvd->owner->id, $owner->id, 'Owner set' );
->find( { key1 => $onekey->id, key2 => 1 } ),
'Twokeys_belongsto created'
- TODO: {
+TODO: {
local $TODO = 'value of fk from a multi relationship';
is( $dvd->twokeysfk, $onekey->id, 'twokeysfk in Dvd' );
- };
+ }
is( $dvd->name, 'Test name', 'Dvd name set' );
# changing existing records
is( $dvd_updated->dvd_id, $dvd->dvd_id, 'Pk from "id"' );
is( $schema->resultset('User')->count,
- $initial_user_count + 1,
- "No new user created"
- );
+ $expected_user_count, "No new user created" );
is( $dvd_updated->name, undef, 'Dvd name deleted' );
is( $dvd_updated->owner->id, $another_owner->id, 'Owner updated' );
is( $dvd_updated->current_borrower->name,
my $user = $user_rs->recursive_update($updates);
+ $expected_user_count++;
is( $schema->resultset('User')->count,
- $initial_user_count + 2,
- "New user created"
- );
+ $expected_user_count, "New user created" );
is( $dvd_rs->count, $initial_dvd_count + 4, 'Dvds created' );
my %owned_dvds = map { $_->name => $_ } $user->owned_dvds;
is( scalar keys %owned_dvds, 2, 'Has many relations created' );
# delete has_many where foreign cols aren't nullable
my $rs_user_dvd = $user->owned_dvds;
my @user_dvd_ids = map { $_->id } $rs_user_dvd->all;
- is( $rs_user_dvd->count, 1, 'user owns 1 dvd');
+ is( $rs_user_dvd->count, 1, 'user owns 1 dvd' );
$updates = {
id => $user->id,
owned_dvds => undef,
$user = $user_rs->recursive_update($updates);
- is( $user->owned_dvds->count, 0, 'user owns no dvds');
- is( $dvd_rs->search({ dvd_id => {-in => \@user_dvd_ids }})->count, 0, 'owned dvds deleted' );
+ is( $user->owned_dvds->count, 0, 'user owns no dvds' );
+ is( $dvd_rs->search( { dvd_id => { -in => \@user_dvd_ids } } )->count,
+ 0, 'owned dvds deleted' );
# $updates = {
# name => 'Test name 1',