* Fixed parsing KDBX4 datetimes on 32-bit perls.
- * Fixed broken bigint tests on perls < 5.14.
+ * Fixed broken tests on perls < 5.14.
0.902 2022-05-03 19:18:06-0600
subtest 'Round-trip block stream' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $block_cipher = File::KDBX::Cipher->new(uuid => CIPHER_UUID_AES256, key => 0x01 x 32, iv => 0x01 x 16);
'Smell the pretty flowers.',
subtest 'Round-trip cipher stream' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $cipher_stream = File::KDBX::Cipher->new(stream_id => 2, key => 0x01 x 16);
'Smell the pretty flowers.',
use File::KDBX;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Test::Deep;
-use Test::More;
+use Test::More 1.001004_001;
use Time::Piece;
subtest 'Create a new database' => sub {
my @objects = $copy->objects->each;
subtest 'Cloned objects refer to the cloned database' => sub {
plan tests => scalar @_;
- for my $object (@objects) {
+ for my $object (@_) {
my $object_kdbx = eval { $object->kdbx };
is $object_kdbx, $copy, 'Object: ' . $object->label;
use Encode qw(decode);
use File::KDBX;
use Test::Deep;
-use Test::More;
+use Test::More 1.001004_001;
eval { require File::KeePass; require File::KeePass::KDBX }
or plan skip_all => 'File::KeePass and File::KeePass::KDBX required to test KDB files';
use File::KDBX;
use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:version :kdf);
use Test::Deep;
-use Test::More;
+use Test::More 1.001004_001;
use boolean qw(:all);
subtest 'Verify Format400' => sub {
use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:key_file);
use File::KDBX::Key;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
-use Test::More;
+use Test::More 1.001004_001;
subtest 'Primitives' => sub {
my $pkey = File::KDBX::Key->new('password');
use POSIX ();
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Scope::Guard;
-use Test::More;
+use Test::More 1.001004_001;