case TResult.Success => writeTapFields("ok", testId.incrementAndGet(), "-", e.testName())
case TResult.Error | TResult.Failure =>
writeTapFields("not ok", testId.incrementAndGet(), "-", e.testName())
- writeTapFields(stackTraceForError(e.error()))
+ // According to the TAP spec, as long as there is any kind of whitespace, this output should belong to the
+ // the test that failed and it should get displayed in the UI.
+ // TODO:It would be nice if we could report the exact line in the test where this happened.
+ writeTapFields(" ", stackTraceForError(e.error()))
case TResult.Skipped =>
// it doesn't look like this framework distinguishes between pending and ignored.
writeTapFields("ok", testId.incrementAndGet(), e.testName(), "#", "skip", e.testName())