+- play with vertical panel
+ check sample file tintrc05 and tintrc06
+ more change to come...
- play with some code for vertical panel
void resize_panel(void *obj)
Panel *panel = (Panel*)obj;
- int taskbar_width, modulo_width, taskbar_on_screen;
- taskbar_width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->area.paddingxlr) - (2 * panel->area.pix.border.width);
- if (panel->clock.area.on_screen && panel->clock.area.width)
- taskbar_width -= (panel->clock.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
- if (panel->battery.area.on_screen && panel->battery.area.width)
- taskbar_width -= (panel->battery.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
- // TODO : systray only on first panel. search better implementation !
- if (systray.area.on_screen && systray.area.width && panel == &panel1[0])
- taskbar_width -= (systray.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
- if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP) {
- taskbar_on_screen = panel->nb_desktop;
- int width = taskbar_width - ((taskbar_on_screen-1) * panel->area.paddingx);
- taskbar_width = width / taskbar_on_screen;
- modulo_width = width % taskbar_on_screen;
- }
- else {
- taskbar_on_screen = 1;
- modulo_width = 0;
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ int taskbar_width, modulo_width = 0;
+ taskbar_width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->area.paddingxlr) - (2 * panel->area.pix.border.width);
+ if (panel->clock.area.on_screen && panel->clock.area.width)
+ taskbar_width -= (panel->clock.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
+ if (panel->battery.area.on_screen && panel->battery.area.width)
+ taskbar_width -= (panel->battery.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
+ #endif
+ // TODO : systray only on first panel. search better implementation !
+ if (systray.area.on_screen && systray.area.width && panel == &panel1[0])
+ taskbar_width -= (systray.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
+ if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP) {
+ int width = taskbar_width - ((panel->nb_desktop-1) * panel->area.paddingx);
+ taskbar_width = width / panel->nb_desktop;
+ modulo_width = width % panel->nb_desktop;
+ }
+ // change posx and width for all taskbar
+ int i, posx;
+ posx = panel->area.pix.border.width + panel->area.paddingxlr;
+ for (i=0 ; i < panel->nb_desktop ; i++) {
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.posx = posx;
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.width = taskbar_width;
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.resize = 1;
+ if (modulo_width) {
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.width++;
+ modulo_width--;
+ }
+ //printf("taskbar %d : posx %d, width, %d, posy %d\n", i, posx, panel->taskbar[i].area.width, posx + panel->taskbar[i].area.width);
+ if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP)
+ posx += panel->taskbar[i].area.width + panel->area.paddingx;
+ }
+ else {
+ int taskbar_height, modulo_height = 0;
+ int i, posy;
+ taskbar_height = panel->area.height - (2 * panel->area.paddingxlr) - (2 * panel->area.pix.border.width);
+ if (panel->clock.area.on_screen && panel->clock.area.height)
+ taskbar_height -= (panel->clock.area.height + panel->area.paddingx);
+ if (panel->battery.area.on_screen && panel->battery.area.height)
+ taskbar_height -= (panel->battery.area.height + panel->area.paddingx);
+ #endif
+ // TODO : systray only on first panel. search better implementation !
+ if (systray.area.on_screen && systray.area.height && panel == &panel1[0])
+ taskbar_height -= (systray.area.height + panel->area.paddingx);
+ posy = panel->area.height - panel->area.pix.border.width - panel->area.paddingxlr - taskbar_height;
+ if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP) {
+ int height = taskbar_height - ((panel->nb_desktop-1) * panel->area.paddingx);
+ taskbar_height = height / panel->nb_desktop;
+ modulo_height = height % panel->nb_desktop;
+ }
- // change posx and width for all taskbar
- int i, posx;
- posx = panel->area.pix.border.width + panel->area.paddingxlr;
- for (i=0 ; i < panel->nb_desktop ; i++) {
- panel->taskbar[i].area.posx = posx;
- panel->taskbar[i].area.width = taskbar_width;
- panel->taskbar[i].area.resize = 1;
- if (modulo_width) {
- panel->taskbar[i].area.width++;
- modulo_width--;
- }
- //printf("taskbar %d : posx %d, width, %d, posy %d\n", i, posx, panel->taskbar[i].area.width, posx + panel->taskbar[i].area.width);
- if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP)
- posx += panel->taskbar[i].area.width + panel->area.paddingx;
- }
+ // change posy and height for all taskbar
+ for (i=0 ; i < panel->nb_desktop ; i++) {
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.posy = posy;
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.height = taskbar_height;
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.resize = 1;
+ if (modulo_height) {
+ panel->taskbar[i].area.height++;
+ modulo_height--;
+ }
+ if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP)
+ posy += panel->taskbar[i].area.height + panel->area.paddingx;
+ }
+ }
// taskbar
panel->g_taskbar._resize = resize_taskbar;
- panel->g_taskbar.posy = panel->area.pix.border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
- panel->g_taskbar.height = panel->area.height - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.posy);
panel->g_taskbar.redraw = 1;
panel->g_taskbar.on_screen = 1;
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ panel->g_taskbar.posy = panel->area.pix.border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
+ panel->g_taskbar.height = panel->area.height - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.posy);
+ }
+ else {
+ panel->g_taskbar.posx = panel->area.pix.border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
+ panel->g_taskbar.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.posx);
+ }
// task
panel->g_task.area._draw_foreground = draw_task;
- panel->g_task.area.posy = panel->g_taskbar.posy + panel->g_taskbar.pix.border.width + panel->g_taskbar.paddingy;
- panel->g_task.area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * panel->g_task.area.posy);
panel->g_task.area.use_active = 1;
panel->g_task.area.redraw = 1;
panel->g_task.area.on_screen = 1;
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ panel->g_task.area.posy = panel->g_taskbar.posy + panel->g_taskbar.pix.border.width + panel->g_taskbar.paddingy;
+ panel->g_task.area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * panel->g_task.area.posy);
+ }
+ else {
+ panel->g_task.area.posx = panel->g_taskbar.posx + panel->g_taskbar.pix.border.width + panel->g_taskbar.paddingy;
+ panel->g_task.area.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->g_task.area.posx);
+ panel->g_task.area.height = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
+ }
if (panel->g_task.area.pix.border.rounded > panel->g_task.area.height/2) {
panel->g_task.area.pix.border.rounded = panel->g_task.area.height/2;
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar*)obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel*)taskbar->area.panel;
- int task_count, pixel_width, modulo_width=0;
- int x, taskbar_width;
Task *tsk;
GSList *l;
+ int task_count;
//printf("resize_taskbar : posx et width des taches\n");
taskbar->area.redraw = 1;
- // new task width for 'desktop'
- task_count = g_slist_length(taskbar->area.list);
- if (!task_count) pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
- else {
- taskbar_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.pix.border.width) - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.paddingxlr);
- if (task_count>1) taskbar_width -= ((task_count-1) * panel->g_taskbar.paddingx);
- pixel_width = taskbar_width / task_count;
- if (pixel_width > panel->g_task.maximum_width)
- pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
- else
- modulo_width = taskbar_width % task_count;
- }
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ int pixel_width, modulo_width=0;
+ int x, taskbar_width;
+ // new task width for 'desktop'
+ task_count = g_slist_length(taskbar->area.list);
+ if (!task_count) pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
+ else {
+ taskbar_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.pix.border.width) - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.paddingxlr);
+ if (task_count>1) taskbar_width -= ((task_count-1) * panel->g_taskbar.paddingx);
+ pixel_width = taskbar_width / task_count;
+ if (pixel_width > panel->g_task.maximum_width)
+ pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
+ else
+ modulo_width = taskbar_width % task_count;
+ }
- if ((taskbar->task_width == pixel_width) && (taskbar->task_modulo == modulo_width)) {
- }
- else {
- taskbar->task_width = pixel_width;
- taskbar->task_modulo = modulo_width;
- taskbar->text_width = pixel_width - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->g_task.area.pix.border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingx;
- }
+ if ((taskbar->task_width == pixel_width) && (taskbar->task_modulo == modulo_width)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ taskbar->task_width = pixel_width;
+ taskbar->task_modulo = modulo_width;
+ taskbar->text_width = pixel_width - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->g_task.area.pix.border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingx;
+ }
- // change pos_x and width for all tasks
- x = taskbar->area.posx + taskbar->area.pix.border.width + taskbar->area.paddingxlr;
- for (l = taskbar->area.list; l ; l = l->next) {
- tsk = l->data;
- tsk->area.posx = x;
- tsk->area.width = pixel_width;
- tsk->area.redraw = 1;
- if (modulo_width) {
- tsk->area.width++;
- modulo_width--;
- }
- x += tsk->area.width + panel->g_taskbar.paddingx;
- }
+ // change pos_x and width for all tasks
+ x = taskbar->area.posx + taskbar->area.pix.border.width + taskbar->area.paddingxlr;
+ for (l = taskbar->area.list; l ; l = l->next) {
+ tsk = l->data;
+ tsk->area.posx = x;
+ tsk->area.width = pixel_width;
+ tsk->area.redraw = 1;
+ if (modulo_width) {
+ tsk->area.width++;
+ modulo_width--;
+ }
+ x += tsk->area.width + panel->g_taskbar.paddingx;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int pixel_height, modulo_height=0;
+ int y, taskbar_height;
+ // new task width for 'desktop'
+ task_count = g_slist_length(taskbar->area.list);
+ if (!task_count) pixel_height = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
+ else {
+ taskbar_height = taskbar->area.height - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.pix.border.width) - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.paddingxlr);
+ if (task_count>1) taskbar_height -= ((task_count-1) * panel->g_taskbar.paddingx);
+ pixel_height = taskbar_height / task_count;
+ if (pixel_height > panel->g_task.maximum_width)
+ pixel_height = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
+ else
+ modulo_height = taskbar_height % task_count;
+ }
+ if ((taskbar->task_width == pixel_height) && (taskbar->task_modulo == modulo_height)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ taskbar->task_width = pixel_height;
+ taskbar->task_modulo = modulo_height;
+ taskbar->text_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * taskbar->area.paddingy) - (2 * taskbar->area.pix.border.width);
+ }
+ // change pos_y and height for all tasks
+ y = taskbar->area.posy + taskbar->area.pix.border.width + taskbar->area.paddingxlr;
+ for (l = taskbar->area.list; l ; l = l->next) {
+ tsk = l->data;
+ tsk->area.posy = y;
+ tsk->area.height = pixel_height;
+ tsk->area.redraw = 1;
+ if (modulo_height) {
+ tsk->area.height++;
+ modulo_height--;
+ }
+ y += tsk->area.height + panel->g_taskbar.paddingx;
+ }
+ }
if (!panel) return;
if (wm_menu) {
- if ((e->xbutton.x < panel->area.paddingxlr) || (e->xbutton.x > panel->area.width-panel->area.paddingxlr) || (e->xbutton.y < panel->area.paddingy) || (e->xbutton.y > panel->area.paddingy+panel->g_taskbar.height)) {
+ if ((panel_horizontal && (e->xbutton.x < panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.x > panel->area.width-panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.y < panel->area.paddingy || e->xbutton.y > panel->area.paddingy+panel->g_taskbar.height)) || (!panel_horizontal && (e->xbutton.y < panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.y > panel->area.height-panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.x < panel->area.paddingy || e->xbutton.x > panel->area.paddingy+panel->g_taskbar.width))) {
// forward the click to the desktop window (thanks conky)
XUngrabPointer(server.dsp, e->xbutton.time);
e->xbutton.window = server.root_win;
GSList *l0;
Taskbar *tskbar;
- int x = e->xbutton.x;
- for (l0 = panel->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
- tskbar = l0->data;
- if (!tskbar->area.on_screen) continue;
- if (x >= tskbar->area.posx && x <= (tskbar->area.posx + tskbar->area.width))
- break;
- }
- if (l0) {
- Task *tsk;
- for (l0 = tskbar->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
- tsk = l0->data;
- if (x >= tsk->area.posx && x <= (tsk->area.posx + tsk->area.width)) {
- task_drag = tsk;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ int x = e->xbutton.x;
+ for (l0 = panel->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
+ tskbar = l0->data;
+ if (!tskbar->area.on_screen) continue;
+ if (x >= tskbar->area.posx && x <= (tskbar->area.posx + tskbar->area.width))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (l0) {
+ Task *tsk;
+ for (l0 = tskbar->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
+ tsk = l0->data;
+ if (x >= tsk->area.posx && x <= (tsk->area.posx + tsk->area.width)) {
+ task_drag = tsk;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int y = e->xbutton.y;
+ for (l0 = panel->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
+ tskbar = l0->data;
+ if (!tskbar->area.on_screen) continue;
+ if (y >= tskbar->area.posy && y <= (tskbar->area.posy + tskbar->area.height))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (l0) {
+ Task *tsk;
+ for (l0 = tskbar->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
+ tsk = l0->data;
+ if (y >= tsk->area.posy && y <= (tsk->area.posy + tsk->area.height)) {
+ task_drag = tsk;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
XLowerWindow (server.dsp, panel->main_win);
if (!panel) return;
if (wm_menu) {
- if ((e->xbutton.x < panel->area.paddingxlr) || (e->xbutton.x > panel->area.width-panel->area.paddingxlr) || (e->xbutton.y < panel->area.paddingy) || (e->xbutton.y > panel->area.paddingy+panel->g_taskbar.height)) {
+ if ((panel_horizontal && (e->xbutton.x < panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.x > panel->area.width-panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.y < panel->area.paddingy || e->xbutton.y > panel->area.paddingy+panel->g_taskbar.height)) || (!panel_horizontal && (e->xbutton.y < panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.y > panel->area.height-panel->area.paddingxlr || e->xbutton.x < panel->area.paddingy || e->xbutton.x > panel->area.paddingy+panel->g_taskbar.width))) {
// forward the click to the desktop window (thanks conky)
e->xbutton.window = server.root_win;
XSendEvent(server.dsp, e->xbutton.window, False, ButtonReleaseMask, e);
int action = TOGGLE_ICONIFY;
int x = e->xbutton.x;
- //int y = e->xbutton.y; // unused
+ int y = e->xbutton.y;
switch (e->xbutton.button) {
case 2:
action = mouse_middle;
Taskbar *tskbar;
GSList *l0;
Clock clk = panel->clock;
- if (clk.area.on_screen && x >= clk.area.posx && x <= (clk.area.posx + clk.area.width))
- clock_action(e->xbutton.button);
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ if (clk.area.on_screen && x >= clk.area.posx && x <= (clk.area.posx + clk.area.width))
+ clock_action(e->xbutton.button);
+ else {
+ for (l0 = panel->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
+ tskbar = l0->data;
+ if (!tskbar->area.on_screen) continue;
+ if (x >= tskbar->area.posx && x <= (tskbar->area.posx + tskbar->area.width))
+ goto suite;
+ }
+ }
+ }
else {
- for (l0 = panel->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
- tskbar = l0->data;
- if (!tskbar->area.on_screen) continue;
- if (x >= tskbar->area.posx && x <= (tskbar->area.posx + tskbar->area.width))
- goto suite;
+ if (clk.area.on_screen && y >= clk.area.posy && y <= (clk.area.posy + clk.area.height))
+ clock_action(e->xbutton.button);
+ else {
+ for (l0 = panel->area.list; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
+ tskbar = l0->data;
+ if (!tskbar->area.on_screen) continue;
+ if (y >= tskbar->area.posy && y <= (tskbar->area.posy + tskbar->area.height))
+ goto suite;
+ }
GSList *l;
for (l = tskbar->area.list ; l ; l = l->next) {
tsk = l->data;
- if (x >= tsk->area.posx && x <= (tsk->area.posx + tsk->area.width)) {
- window_action (tsk, action);
- break;
- }
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ if (x >= tsk->area.posx && x <= (tsk->area.posx + tsk->area.width)) {
+ window_action (tsk, action);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (y >= tsk->area.posy && y <= (tsk->area.posy + tsk->area.height)) {
+ window_action (tsk, action);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// to keep window below
Panel *panel;
GSList *it;
- c = getopt (argc, argv, "c:");
init ();
i = 0;
+ c = getopt (argc, argv, "c:");
if (c != -1) {
i = config_read_file (optarg);
switch (signal_pending) {
case SIGUSR1:
+ signal_pending = 0;
goto load_config;
case SIGINT:
panel_monitor = all
panel_position = bottom center
-panel_size = 92% 30
+panel_size = 94% 30
panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 7 0
font_shadow = 0
panel_background_id = 1
+wm_menu = 0
-taskbar_mode = single_monitor
+#taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
+taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 2 3 2
taskbar_background_id = 0
clock_font_color = #ffffff 76
clock_padding = 1 0
clock_background_id = 0
+#clock_lclick_command = xclock
+clock_rclick_command = orage
battery = 0
-battery_low_status = 7
+battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = sans 8
bat2_font = sans 6
-rounded = 1
-border_width = 0
-background_color = #282828 60
-border_color = #000000 0
+rounded = 7
+border_width = 2
+background_color = #000000 60
+border_color = #ffffff 18
-rounded = 1
-border_width = 1
-background_color = #cccccc 0
-border_color = #cccccc 55
+rounded = 5
+border_width = 0
+background_color = #ffffff 40
+border_color = #ffffff 50
-rounded = 1
+rounded = 5
border_width = 0
-background_color = #cccccc 20
-border_color = #cccccc 40
+background_color = #ffffff 18
+border_color = #ffffff 70
panel_monitor = all
panel_position = bottom center
-panel_size = 95% 30
+panel_size = 94% 30
panel_margin = 0 0
-panel_padding = 7 3 7
+panel_padding = 7 0
font_shadow = 0
panel_background_id = 1
+wm_menu = 0
-#taskbar_mode = single_desktop
-#taskbar_mode = single_monitor
-taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
-taskbar_padding = 0 0 0
-taskbar_background_id = 2
+#taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
+taskbar_mode = single_desktop
+taskbar_padding = 2 3 2
+taskbar_background_id = 0
task_icon = 1
-task_text = 0
-task_width = 34
+task_text = 1
+task_width = 140
task_centered = 1
-task_padding = 2 3
-task_font = sans 8
-task_font_color = #ffffff 60
-task_active_font_color = #ffffff 100
-task_background_id = 0
-task_active_background_id = 3
+task_padding = 6 3
+task_font = sans 7
+task_font_color = #ffffff 70
+task_active_font_color = #ffffff 85
+task_background_id = 3
+task_active_background_id = 2
-systray_padding = 0 4 3
+systray_padding = 0 4 5
systray_background_id = 0
time1_format = %H:%M
-time1_font = sans 7
+time1_font = sans 8
time2_format = %A %d %B
-time2_font = sans 7
-clock_font_color = #ffffff 100
+time2_font = sans 6
+clock_font_color = #ffffff 76
clock_padding = 1 0
clock_background_id = 0
+#clock_lclick_command = xclock
+clock_rclick_command = orage
-battery = 1
-battery_low_status = 7
+battery = 0
+battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
-bat1_font = sans 7
-bat2_font = sans 7
-battery_font_color = #ffffff 100
+bat1_font = sans 8
+bat2_font = sans 6
+battery_font_color = #ffffff 76
battery_padding = 1 0
battery_background_id = 0
-rounded = 10
+rounded = 1
border_width = 0
-background_color = #ffffff 40
-border_color = #ffffff 60
+background_color = #282828 60
+border_color = #000000 0
-rounded = 10
-border_width = 0
-background_color = #ffffff 30
-border_color = #ffffff 15
+rounded = 1
+border_width = 1
+background_color = #cccccc 0
+border_color = #cccccc 55
+rounded = 1
+border_width = 0
+background_color = #cccccc 20
+border_color = #cccccc 40
panel_monitor = all
panel_position = bottom center
-panel_size = 97% 26
+panel_size = 95% 30
panel_margin = 0 0
-panel_padding = 0 0 10
+panel_padding = 7 3 7
font_shadow = 0
-panel_background_id = 0
+panel_background_id = 1
+wm_menu = 0
-taskbar_mode = single_desktop
+taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
+#taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 0 0 0
-taskbar_background_id = 1
+taskbar_background_id = 2
task_icon = 1
-task_text = 1
-task_width = 160
+task_text = 0
+task_width = 34
task_centered = 1
-task_padding = 5 4
-task_font = Dejavu sans 8
-task_font_color = #000000 65
-task_active_font_color = #000000 100
+task_padding = 2 3
+task_font = sans 8
+task_font_color = #ffffff 60
+task_active_font_color = #ffffff 100
task_background_id = 0
-task_active_background_id = 2
+task_active_background_id = 3
-systray_padding = 8 3 4
-systray_background_id = 1
+systray_padding = 0 4 3
+systray_background_id = 0
-#time1_format = %A %d %H:%M
-time1_font = Dejavu sans 10
-#time2_format = %A %d %B
+time1_format = %H:%M
+time1_font = sans 7
+time2_format = %A %d %B
time2_font = sans 7
-clock_font_color = #000000 80
-clock_padding = 8 0
-clock_background_id = 1
+clock_font_color = #ffffff 100
+clock_padding = 1 0
+clock_background_id = 0
+#clock_lclick_command = xclock
+clock_rclick_command = orage
-battery = 0
-battery_low_status = 7
+battery = 1
+battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = sans 7
bat2_font = sans 7
panel_padding = 0 2 5
font_shadow = 0
panel_background_id = 0
+wm_menu = 0
-taskbar_mode = single_monitor
+#taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
+taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 0 0 5
taskbar_background_id = 0
clock_font_color = #ffffff 60
clock_padding = 5 0
clock_background_id = 1
+#clock_lclick_command = xclock
+clock_rclick_command = orage
battery = 0
-battery_low_status = 7
+battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = sans 7
bat2_font = sans 7
panel_padding = 0 0 0
font_shadow = 0
panel_background_id = 1
+wm_menu = 0
+#taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 0 0 0
taskbar_background_id = 0
clock_font_color = #ffffff 90
clock_padding = 4 0
clock_background_id = 0
+#clock_lclick_command = xclock
+clock_rclick_command = orage
-battery = 1
-battery_low_status = 7
+battery = 0
+battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = sans 8
bat2_font = sans 6
-rounded = 10
-border_width = 1
-background_color = #000000 45
-border_color = #ffffff 0
-rounded = 7
-border_width = 0
-background_color = #ffffff 20
-border_color = #ffffff 15
rounded = 0
border_width = 0
-background_color = #000000 35
-border_color = #ffffff 0
+background_color = #000000 60
+border_color = #d1d1d1 34
+rounded = 3
+border_width = 1
+background_color = #000000 40
+border_color = #d1d1d1 34
+rounded = 2
+border_width = 0
+background_color = #d1d1d1 24
+border_color = #d1d1d1 40
panel_monitor = all
-panel_position = bottom center
-panel_size = 95% 30
+panel_position = center left vertical
+panel_size = 90% 85
panel_margin = 0 0
-panel_padding = 9 2 7
+panel_padding = 10 3 10
font_shadow = 0
panel_background_id = 0
+wm_menu = 1
taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
-taskbar_padding = 3 3 0
-taskbar_background_id = 1
+#taskbar_mode = single_desktop
+taskbar_padding = 0 0 0
+taskbar_background_id = 2
task_icon = 1
task_text = 1
-task_width = 160
+task_width = 26
task_centered = 1
-task_padding = 4 2
-task_font = sans bold 8
+task_padding = 4 3
+task_font = sans bold 7.5
task_font_color = #ffffff 60
-task_active_font_color = #ffffff 85
+task_active_font_color = #ffffff 90
task_background_id = 0
-task_active_background_id = 2
+task_active_background_id = 3
-systray_padding = 9 3 5
-systray_background_id = 1
+#systray_padding = 6 3 5
+systray_background_id = 2
-#time1_format = %H:%M
+time1_format = %H:%M
time1_font = sans bold 8
#time2_format = %A %d %B
+time2_format = %A %d
time2_font = sans 7
-clock_font_color = #ffffff 65
-clock_padding = 6 0
-clock_background_id = 1
+clock_font_color = #ffffff 60
+clock_padding = 4 2
+clock_background_id = 2
+clock_lclick_command = xclock
+clock_rclick_command = orage
battery = 0
-battery_low_status = 7
+battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
-bat1_font = sans 8
-bat2_font = sans 6
-battery_font_color = #ffffff 100
-battery_padding = 1 0
+bat1_font = sans bold 7
+bat2_font = sans 7
+battery_font_color = #ffffff 60
+battery_padding = 0 0
battery_background_id = 0
mouse_scroll_up = toggle
mouse_scroll_down = iconify
-rounded = 4
-border_width = 1
-background_color = #000000 40
+rounded = 1
+border_width = 0
+background_color = #cae2dd 40
border_color = #d1d1d1 34
-rounded = 3
+rounded = 1
+border_width = 1
+background_color = #000000 0
+border_color = #ffffff 60
+rounded = 1
border_width = 0
-background_color = #000000 40
-border_color = #d1d1d1 40
+background_color = #000000 15
+border_color = #ffffff 0
+rounded = 1
+border_width = 0
+background_color = #cae2dd 50
+border_color = #d1d1d1 34
panel_monitor = all
-panel_position = bottom center
-panel_size = 97% 30
+panel_position = center left vertical
+#panel_position = bottom center
+panel_size = 90% 50
panel_margin = 0 0
-panel_padding = 0 2 7
+panel_padding = 7 3 5
font_shadow = 0
-panel_background_id = 0
+panel_background_id = 1
+wm_menu = 1
taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
+#taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 0 0 0
-taskbar_background_id = 1
+taskbar_background_id = 2
-task_icon = 0
-task_text = 1
-task_width = 160
+task_icon = 1
+task_text = 0
+task_width = 30
task_centered = 1
-task_padding = 4 3
+task_padding = 4 6
task_font = sans bold 7.5
-task_font_color = #ffffff 60
-task_active_font_color = #ffffff 90
+task_font_color = #ffffff 70
+task_active_font_color = #ffffff 100
task_background_id = 0
-task_active_background_id = 2
+task_active_background_id = 3
-systray_padding = 6 3 5
-systray_background_id = 1
+#systray_padding = 6 3 5
+systray_background_id = 2
time1_format = %H:%M
-time1_font = sans bold 7
-time2_format = %A %d %B
+time1_font = sans 8
+time2_format = %d %b
time2_font = sans 7
-clock_font_color = #ffffff 60
-clock_padding = 2 0
-clock_background_id = 1
+clock_font_color = #000000 90
+clock_padding = 4 2
+clock_background_id = 4
+clock_lclick_command = xclock
+clock_rclick_command = orage
-battery = 1
-battery_low_status = 7
+battery = 0
+battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = sans bold 7
bat2_font = sans 7
battery_font_color = #ffffff 60
-battery_padding = 1 0
-battery_background_id = 1
+battery_padding = 0 0
+battery_background_id = 0