my $error = delete $args{_error};
my $e = $error;
- # $e =~ s/ at \H+ line \d+.*//g;
+ $e =~ s/ at \H+ line \d+.*//g;
my $self = bless {
details => \%args,
return $details;
+=attr errno
+Get the value of C<errno> when the exception was created.
sub errno { $_[0]->{errno} }
+=attr previous
+Get the value of C<$@> (i.e. latest exception) at the time the exception was created.
sub previous { $_[0]->{previous} }
+=attr trace
+Get a stack trace indicating where in the code the exception was created.
sub trace { $_[0]->{trace} // [] }
+=attr type
+Get the exception type, if any.
sub type { $_[0]->details->{type} // '' }
=method to_string
sub _cmp { "$_[0]" cmp "$_[1]" }
- 'wat';
sub to_string {
my $self = shift;
- # return "uh oh\n";
my $msg = "$self->{trace}[0]";
- $msg .= '.' if $msg !~ /[\.\!\?]$/; # Why does this cause infinite recursion on some perls?
- # $msg .= '.' if $msg !~ /(?:\.|!|\?)$/;
+ $msg .= '.' if $msg !~ /[\.\!\?]$/;
if ($ENV{DEBUG}) {
require Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;