-- detail - level of detail of the scene (HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW)
-SetBounds({-5, 0, -6}, {45, 15, 4})
+--SetBounds({-5, 0, -6}, {45, 15, 4})
--geometry = yoink.mesh("classic.ac")
-- value, but the processor will be taxed more. Errors could be introduced
-- in the game with extremely low values.
-timestep = 80
+timestep = 100
-- Set the target number of frames that should be drawn per second. The
-- smoothness of the animation increases as you increase this value. You
--- probably want to set this somewhere in the 25-85 range, depending on how
--- much work you want your computer to do. For example, if you're on
+-- probably want to set this somewhere in the 25-200 range, depending on
+-- how much work you want your computer to do. For example, if you're on
-- battery power, you might prefer 25 which is still reasonably smooth and
--- will decrease battery drain significantly. You can also set this to a
--- very high number to effectively draw as many frames as possible, but
--- your actual framerate might be limited by the refresh rate of your
--- display--use the swapcontrol setting to enable or disable this behavior.
+-- will decrease battery drain significantly. You can also set this to an
+-- arbitrarily high number to effectively draw as many frames as possible,
+-- but your actual framerate might be limited by the refresh rate of your
+-- display; use the swapcontrol setting to enable or disable this behavior.
-- You can determine your actual framerate with the showfps option.
-framerate = 50
+framerate = timestep
--- Set this to print the current actual framerate to the console each
--- second.
+-- Set this to show the current frames per second in the window caption.
showfps = false
fullscreen = false
-- If the game is running in a window, set this to also make the window
--- resizable. This has no effective if the fullscreen option is true.
+-- resizable. This has no effective if the fullscreen option is set.
resizable = true
--- Set the screen resolution or size of the window. The value is an array
--- with three number elements representing the width, height, and
--- (optionally) bits per pixel that make up the video mode.
+-- Set the display resolution or size of the viewing window. If left at
+-- the default value (a function), the video mode will only be set if we're
+-- not in fullscreen. That way, a native resolution will be used.
-if fullscreen then
- -- In fullscreen mode, a native resolution will be picked. You could
- -- still set videomode if you want to use a different resolution.
- videomode = {800, 600}
+videomode = function()
+ if not fullscreen then return {800, 600} end
-- Set this to use double-buffering to improve animation quality. You
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_h)
// don't want the hud anymore
- parent().remove_child(this);
+ //parent().remove_child(this);
moof::log_warning("okay bye bye hud");
return true;
#include <moof/math.hh>
//#include <moof/rectangle.hh>
#include <moof/sprite.hh>
-#include <moof/view.hh>
#include "GameState.hh"
class Hud;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Hud> HudP;
-class Hud : public moof::view
+class Hud
#include <stlplus/portability/file_system.hpp>
#include <stlplus/portability/subprocesses.hpp>
+#include <moof/image.hh>
#include <moof/log.hh>
#include <moof/modal_dialog.hh>
#include <moof/opengl.hh>
#include <moof/string.hh>
#include <moof/video.hh>
-#include "GameLayer.hh"
#include "Main.hh"
-#include "TitleLayer.hh"
#include "version.h"
void Main::update(moof::scalar t, moof::scalar dt)
+ yoink.update(t, dt);
void Main::draw(moof::scalar alpha) const
+ yoink.draw(alpha);
void Main::handle_event(const moof::event& event)
+ if (yoink.handle_event(event)) return;
switch (event.type)
void Main::setup_opengl()
- //glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
print_option("debug", false);
+ print_option("double", true);
+ print_option("double", false);
print_option("gtk", true);
class moof::video::attributes attributes(settings);
moof::video video(PACKAGE_STRING, attributes);
+ video.show_fps(true);
Main app(settings);
return app.run();
#include <moof/math.hh>
#include <moof/timer.hh>
+#include "yoink.hh"
class Main : public moof::application
moof::dispatcher::handle video_reloaded_;
moof::timer hotload_timer_;
+ ::yoink yoink;
+++ /dev/null
-/*] Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Charles McGarvey [**************************
-**] All rights reserved.
-* vi:ts=4 sw=4 tw=75
-* Distributable under the terms and conditions of the 2-clause BSD license;
-* see the file COPYING for a complete text of the license.
-#include <moof/opengl.hh>
-#include "GameLayer.hh"
-#include "TitleLayer.hh"
-void TitleLayer::did_add_to_view()
- mFadeIn.init(0.0, 1.0, 0.15);
- //mGameLayer = GameLayer::alloc();
-void TitleLayer::update(moof::scalar t, moof::scalar dt)
- mFadeIn.update(t, dt);
- moof::view::update(t, dt);
-void TitleLayer::draw(moof::scalar alpha) const
- glClearColor(mFadeIn.state(alpha), 0.0, mFadeIn.state(alpha), 1.0);
- moof::view::draw(alpha);
-bool TitleLayer::handle_event(const moof::event& event)
- if (moof::view::handle_event(event)) return true;
- switch (event.type)
- {
- case SDL_KEYUP:
- if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
- {
- parent().stop();
- return true;
- }
- mGameLayer = GameLayer::alloc();
- parent().add_child(mGameLayer);
- parent().remove_child(this);
- //moof::lerp_scalar interp(0.1);
- //interp.init(0.0, 1.0);
- //moof::Transition<moof::lerp_scalar>::Ptr transition =
- //moof::Transition<moof::lerp_scalar>::alloc(mGameLayer, titleLayer,
- //interp);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+++ /dev/null
-/*] Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Charles McGarvey [**************************
-**] All rights reserved.
-* vi:ts=4 sw=4 tw=75
-* Distributable under the terms and conditions of the 2-clause BSD license;
-* see the file COPYING for a complete text of the license.
-#ifndef _TITLELAYER_HH_
-#define _TITLELAYER_HH_
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <moof/interpolator.hh>
-#include <moof/math.hh>
-#include <moof/view.hh>
-class TitleLayer;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<TitleLayer> TitleLayerP;
-class TitleLayer : public moof::view
- static TitleLayerP alloc()
- {
- return TitleLayerP(new TitleLayer);
- }
- void did_add_to_view();
- void update(moof::scalar t, moof::scalar dt);
- void draw(moof::scalar alpha) const;
- bool handle_event(const moof::event& event);
- moof::lerp_scalar mFadeIn;
- moof::view_ptr mGameLayer;
-#endif // _TITLELAYER_HH_
application::application(settings& settings) :
- next_update_(timer::ticks()),
- total_time_(SCALAR(0.0))
+ last_update_(timer::ticks()),
+ total_time_(SCALAR(0.0)),
+ accum_(SCALAR(0.0))
unsigned random_seed;
if (settings.get("rngseed", random_seed)) srand(random_seed);
settings.get("framerate", framerate);
framerate = SCALAR(1.0) / framerate;
- update_timer_.init(boost::bind(&application::dispatch_update, this, _1, _2),
- timestep_, timer::repeat, this);
+ //timer::default_source().scale(SCALAR(1.2));
+ //update_timer_.init(boost::bind(&application::dispatch_update, this, _1, _2),
+ //timestep_, timer::repeat, this);
+ next_update_ = update_timer_.expiration();
draw_timer_.init(boost::bind(&application::dispatch_draw, this, _1, _2),
- framerate, timer::repeat, this);
+ framerate, timer::repeat);
+ add_timer(draw_timer_);
- const int MAX_FRAMESKIP = 15;
+ //const int MAX_FRAMESKIP = 15;
+ log_debug("updating", timer.expiration(), "/", t);
- int i = 0;
- while (next_update_ < t && ++i < MAX_FRAMESKIP)
+ //int i = 0;
+ //while (next_update_ < t && ++i < MAX_FRAMESKIP)
+ //{
+ //total_time_ += timestep_;
+ //update(total_time_, timestep_);
+ //next_update_ += timestep_;
+ //log_debug("updated", next_update_, "time:", timer::ticks());
+ //}
+ scalar deltaTime = t - last_update_;
+ accum_ += deltaTime;
+ while (timestep_ <= accum_)
- total_time_ += timestep_;
+ log_debug("UPDATING");
update(total_time_, timestep_);
- next_update_ += timestep_;
+ total_time_ += timestep_;
+ accum_ -= timestep_;
+ last_update_ = t;
void application::dispatch_draw(timer& timer, scalar t)
- scalar alpha = (t + timestep_ - next_update_) * inverse_timestep_;
- if (alpha < SCALAR(0.0)) log_error("UH OH!!!!! It's NEGATIVE", alpha);
- if (alpha > SCALAR(1.0)) log_error("UH OH!!!!! It's POSITIVE", alpha);
+ log_debug("next update", update_timer_.expiration());
+ log_debug("draw", timer.expiration(), "/", t);
+ dispatch_update(timer, t);
+ //if (t < next_update_ - timestep_) return;
+ //scalar alpha = (t + timestep_ - next_update_) * inverse_timestep_;
+ //scalar alpha = (t + timestep_ - update_timer_.expiration()) * inverse_timestep_;
+ //scalar alpha = (next_update_ - t) * inverse_timestep_;
+ scalar alpha = accum_ * inverse_timestep_;
+ //if (alpha < SCALAR(0.0) || SCALAR(1.0) < alpha) return;
+ alpha = cml::clamp(alpha, SCALAR(-1.0), SCALAR(2.0));
+ if (alpha < SCALAR(0.0)) log_warning("alpha:", alpha);
+ else if (alpha > SCALAR(1.0)) log_warning("alpha:", alpha);
+ else log_debug("alpha:", alpha);
- video::current()->swap();
+ scalar begin = timer::ticks();
+ video::current()->swap(t);
+ scalar duration = timer::ticks() - begin;
+ log_debug("flip duration:", duration);
void dispatch_draw(timer& timer, scalar t);
scalar next_update_;
+ scalar last_update_;
scalar total_time_;
+ scalar accum_;
timer update_timer_;
timer draw_timer_;
globals.get(mag_filter_, "mag_filter");
globals.get(wrap_s_, "wrap_s");
globals.get(wrap_t_, "wrap_t");
+ //min_filter_ = GL_LINEAR;
+ //mag_filter_ = GL_LINEAR;
+ //wrap_s_ = GL_CLAMP;
+ //wrap_t_ = GL_CLAMP;
+#include "config.h"
+#include <algorithm>
#include "hash.hh"
+#include "log.hh"
#include "runloop.hh"
#include "timer.hh"
static uint32_t call_registry(runloop*& runloop, registry_action action)
typedef stlplus::hash<uint32_t,moof::runloop*,hash_function> table_t;
static table_t table;
uint32_t thread_id = thread::current_identifier();
- static MOOF_DECLARE_MUTEX(table_mutex);
switch (action)
case set:
+ log_info("registering runloop", runloop, "for thread", thread_id);
if (runloop) table[thread_id] = runloop;
else table.erase(thread_id);
table_t::iterator it = table.find(thread_id);
if (it != table.end()) runloop = (*it).second;
+ else log_warning("runloop is not in registry for thread", thread_id);
return thread_id;
+ return thread::current_identifier();
+bool comp(timer* a, timer* b)
+ return a->expiration() < b->expiration();
int runloop::run()
stop_ = false;
while (!stop_)
+ log_debug("------------------------------------");
scalar next_event = SCALAR(0.0);
timers_it_ != timers_.end();
- scalar absolute = (*timers_it_)->fire_if_expired();
- if (next_event == SCALAR(0.0) ||
- (absolute != SCALAR(0.0) && absolute < next_event))
- {
- next_event = absolute;
- }
+ (*timers_it_)->fire_if_expired();
+ std::sort(timers_.begin(), timers_.end(), comp);
+ next_event = timers_[0]->expiration();
+ //for (timers_it_ = timers_.begin();
+ //timers_it_ != timers_.end();
+ //++timers_it_)
+ //{
+ //scalar absolute = (*timers_it_)->fire_if_expired();
+ //if (next_event == SCALAR(0.0) ||
+ //(absolute != SCALAR(0.0) && absolute < next_event))
+ //{
+ //next_event = absolute;
+ //}
+ //}
timer::sleep(next_event, timer::absolute);
-void runloop::add_timer(timer* timer)
+void runloop::add_timer(timer& timer)
if (thread_id_ != thread::current_identifier())
- timers_.insert(timer);
+ timers_.push_back(&timer);
timers_it_ = timers_.end();
- timers_.insert(timer);
+ timers_.push_back(&timer);
timers_it_ = timers_.end();
-void runloop::remove_timer(timer* timer)
+void runloop::remove_timer(timer& timer)
if (thread_id_ != thread::current_identifier())
- timers_.erase(timer);
+ timers_.erase(std::find(timers_.begin(), timers_.end(), &timer));
timers_it_ = timers_.end();
- timers_.erase(timer);
+ timers_.erase(std::find(timers_.begin(), timers_.end(), &timer));
timers_it_ = timers_.end();
* Thread timer management class.
-#include <set>
+#include <vector>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
* A runloop is a loop with scheduled timers.
-class runloop
+class runloop : public boost::noncopyable
* Construct a runloop.
runloop() :
- stop_(false),
- thread_id_(0) {}
+ stop_(false)
+ {
+ thread_id_ = 0;
+ }
* Deconstruct the runloop.
static runloop* current();
+ void add_timer(timer& timer);
+ void remove_timer(timer& timer);
- friend class timer;
- void add_timer(timer* timer);
- void remove_timer(timer* timer);
bool stop_;
int code_;
- typedef std::set<timer*> timer_table;
+ typedef std::vector<timer*> timer_table;
timer_table timers_;
timer_table::iterator timers_it_;
else alDeleteBuffers(1, &buf);
- if (stream_timer_.is_valid() && 0 < target_diff)
+ if (stream_timer_.mode() != timer::invalid && 0 < target_diff)
for (int i = 0; i < target_diff; ++i)
-#define MOOF_DECLARE_MUTEX(M) moof::mutex M
-#define MOOF_MUTEX_LOCK(M) moof::mutex::lock lock_##M(M)
+#define MOOF_DECLARE_MUTEX(M) moof::mutex M
+#define MOOF_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX(M) static moof::mutex M
+#define MOOF_MUTEX_LOCK(M) moof::mutex::lock lock_##M(M)
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include "debug.hh"
+#include "runloop.hh"
#include "timer.hh"
void timer::init(const function& function,
scalar seconds,
- mode mode,
- runloop* runloop)
+ enum mode mode,
+ timer_source& source)
- invalidate();
- ASSERT(runloop && "can't schedule timer without a runloop");
+ source_ = &source;
+ invalidate();
if ((mode_ = mode) != invalid)
function_ = function;
- absolute_ = seconds - ticks();
+ absolute_ = seconds + source_->ticks();
interval_ = seconds;
- runloop->add_timer(this);
- runloop_ = runloop;
+ detach_from_runloop();
void timer::invalidate()
- if (mode_ != invalid)
- {
- mode_ = invalid;
- absolute_ = SCALAR(0.0);
+ mode_ = invalid;
+ absolute_ = SCALAR(0.0);
- runloop_->remove_timer(this);
+void timer::added_to_runloop(runloop& runloop)
+ detach_from_runloop();
+ runloop_ = &runloop;
+void timer::detach_from_runloop()
+ if (runloop_)
+ {
+ runloop_->remove_timer(*this);
runloop_ = 0;
if (function_) function_(*this, t);
- if (is_repeating())
+ if (mode_ == repeat)
if (is_equal(absolute_, t, 1.0)) absolute_ += interval_;
else absolute_ = interval_ + t;
+scalar timer::ticks()
+ return default_source().ticks();
-// Since the monotonic clock will provide us with the time since the
-// computer started, the number of seconds since that time could easily
-// become so large that it cannot be accurately stored in a float (even
-// with as little two days uptime), therefore we need to start from a more
-// recent reference (when the program starts). Of course this isn't much
-// of an issue if scalar is a double-precision number.
-static time_t set_reference()
+class real_time : public timer_source
- struct timespec ts;
- if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) != 0)
+ real_time() :
+ scale_(SCALAR(1.0))
- return 0;
+ reset();
- return ts.tv_sec;
-static const time_t reference_ = set_reference();
+ scalar ticks() const
+ {
+ struct timespec ts;
+ int result = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
+ ASSERT(result == 0 && "monotonic clock not available");
+ return reference_ +
+ (scalar(ts.tv_sec - start_.tv_sec) +
+ scalar(ts.tv_nsec - start_.tv_nsec) *
+ SCALAR(0.000000001)) * scale_;
+ }
+ void reset()
+ {
+ reference_ = SCALAR(0.0);
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start_);
+ }
-scalar timer::ticks()
- struct timespec ts;
+ void scale(scalar factor)
+ {
+ reference_ = ticks();
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start_);
+ scale_ = factor;
+ }
- int result = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
- ASSERT(result == 0 && "cannot access clock");
- return scalar(ts.tv_sec - reference_) +
- scalar(ts.tv_nsec) * SCALAR(0.000000001);
-void timer::sleep(scalar seconds, mode mode)
+ scalar reference_;
+ struct timespec start_;
+ scalar scale_;
+void timer::sleep(scalar seconds, enum mode mode)
if (mode == absolute) seconds -= ticks();
if (seconds < SCALAR(0.0)) return;
-// If we don't have posix timers, we'll have to use a different timing
-// method. SDL only promises centisecond accuracy, but that's better than
-// a kick in the pants. It could end up being just as good anyway.
-scalar timer::ticks()
+class real_time : public timer_source
- return scalar(SDL_GetTicks()) * SCALAR(0.001);
+ real_time() :
+ scale_(SCALAR(1.0))
+ {
+ reset();
+ }
+ scalar ticks() const
+ {
+ return reference_ + scalar(SDL_GetTicks() - start_) * scale_;
+ }
+ void reset()
+ {
+ reference_ = SCALAR(0.0);
+ start_ = SDL_GetTicks();
+ }
+ void scale(scalar factor)
+ {
+ reference_ = ticks();
+ start_ = SDL_GetTicks();
+ scale_ = factor * SCALAR(0.001);
+ }
+ scalar reference_;
+ Uint32 start_;
+ scalar scale_;
void timer::sleep(scalar seconds, mode mode)
+timer_source& timer::default_source()
+ static real_time t;
+ return t;
} // namespace moof
#include <moof/hash.hh>
#include <moof/math.hh>
-#include <moof/runloop.hh>
namespace moof {
+ * A timer source is an object that keeps track of increasing time in units
+ * of seconds. A timer source does not necessarily have to increment at
+ * the same rate or in the same way as the real time. The time source must
+ * begin at zero and always remain the same or increase each time the time
+ * is queried.
+ */
+class timer_source
+ /**
+ * Deconstruct a timer source.
+ */
+ virtual ~timer_source() {}
+ /**
+ * Get the number seconds since the timer source was created or reset.
+ */
+ virtual scalar ticks() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Reset the timer such that the current time will become zero.
+ */
+ virtual void reset() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Scale the time. After calling this, the timer source should either
+ * increment faster or slower, depending on the scale factor.
+ */
+ virtual void scale(scalar factor) = 0;
+class runloop;
* A class to represent a timer for scheduled events. The timer events
* will be executed on or sometime after their schedculed time. The
enum mode
- invalid = -1, /// Timer is not scheduled.
- relative = 0, /// Timer is scheduled by a relative time.
- absolute = 1, /// Timer is scheduled by an absolute time.
- repeat = 2 /// Timer is scheduled by a periodic time.
+ invalid = 0, /// Timer is not scheduled.
+ relative = 1, /// Timer is scheduled by a relative time.
+ absolute = 2, /// Timer is scheduled by an absolute time.
+ repeat = 3 /// Timer is scheduled by a periodic time.
timer() :
- absolute_(SCALAR(0.0)) {}
+ absolute_(SCALAR(0.0)),
+ runloop_(0) {}
* Construct a scheduled timer.
timer(const function& function,
scalar seconds,
mode mode = relative,
- runloop* runloop = runloop::current())
+ timer_source& source = default_source()) :
+ runloop_(0)
- init(function, seconds, mode, runloop);
+ init(function, seconds, mode, source);
* Deconstruct a timer. This will automagically invalidate the timer,
* so it will not expire or fire an event.
- ~timer()
- {
- invalidate();
- }
+ ~timer();
void init(const function& function,
scalar seconds,
- mode mode = relative,
- runloop* runloop = runloop::current());
+ enum mode mode = relative,
+ timer_source& source = default_source());
- /**
- * Get whether or not the timer is valid. If a timer is valid, it is
- * still scheduled to expired. You can get the time remaining from
- * seconds_remaining().
- */
- bool is_valid() const
- {
- return mode_ != invalid;
- }
* Manually invalidated the timer, removing any schedule such that the
* timer will not expired and no event will be fired.
void invalidate();
+ enum mode mode() const
+ {
+ return mode_;
+ }
* Manually fire the timer event. Usually, the timer event will be
* fired when the timer expires, but this can be used to fire it
* handler), the event will be fired and the timer will remain invalid.
* \param t The absolute time passed to the timer event function.
- void fire(scalar t = ticks());
+ void fire(scalar t);
+ void fire()
+ {
+ fire(source_->ticks());
+ }
* \return The absolute time of the next expiration (if repeating), or
* 0.0 otherwise.
- scalar fire_if_expired(scalar t = ticks())
+ scalar fire_if_expired(scalar t)
- if (is_expired()) fire();
+ if (is_expired(t)) fire(t);
return absolute_;
+ scalar fire_if_expired()
+ {
+ return fire_if_expired(source_->ticks());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the absolute time of the next expiration of this timer.
+ * \return Seconds.
+ */
+ scalar expiration() const
+ {
+ return absolute_;
+ }
* Get the number of seconds remaining before the timer is scheduled to
* expired. If the timer is invalid, the retured value will be
* amount of time left; defaults to the current time.
* \return Seconds.
- scalar seconds_remaining(scalar t = ticks()) const
+ scalar remaining(scalar t) const
- return next_expiration() - t;
+ return expiration() - t;
- /**
- * Get the absolute time of the next expiration of this timer.
- * \return Seconds.
- */
- scalar next_expiration() const
+ scalar remaining() const
- return absolute_;
+ return remaining(source_->ticks());
* timer is expired; defaults to the current time.
* \return True if the timer is expired, false otherwise.
- bool is_expired(scalar t = ticks()) const
+ bool is_expired(scalar t) const
- return seconds_remaining(t) < SCALAR(0.0);
+ return remaining(t) < SCALAR(0.0);
- /**
- * Get whether or not the timer is on a repeating schedule.
- * \return True if the timer is repeating, false otherwise.
- */
- bool is_repeating() const
+ bool is_expired() const
- return mode_ == repeat;
+ return is_expired(source_->ticks());
+ static timer_source& default_source();
- * Get the number of seconds since a fixed, arbitrary point in the
- * past.
+ * Get the number of real seconds since the default timer was first
+ * created or last reset.
* \return Seconds.
static scalar ticks();
* Put the thread to sleep for a certain period of time. If absolute
- * is true, then it will sleep until seconds after the fixed time in
- * the past. If absolute is false, it will sleep for seconds starting
- * now. Unlike system sleep functions, this one automatically resumes
- * sleep if sleep was interrupted by a signal. Therefore, calling this
- * function is guaranteed to sleep for the requested amount of time
- * (and maybe longer).
+ * is true, then it will sleep until the default timer reaches the
+ * specified number of seconds. If the mode is relative, the thread
+ * will sleep for that many seconds. Unlike system sleep functions,
+ * this one automatically resumes sleep if sleep was interrupted by a
+ * signal. Therefore, calling this function is guaranteed to sleep for
+ * at least the requested amount of time.
* \param seconds Number of seconds.
* \param mode The timer mode.
- static void sleep(scalar seconds, mode mode = relative);
+ static void sleep(scalar seconds, enum mode mode = relative);
+ void added_to_runloop(runloop& runloop);
+ void detach_from_runloop();
+ function function_;
+ enum mode mode_;
+ scalar absolute_;
+ scalar interval_;
+ timer_source* source_;
+ runloop* runloop_;
+class game_time : public timer_source
+ game_time(scalar timestep) :
+ timestep_(timestep),
+ scale_(timestep)
+ {
+ reset();
+ }
+ scalar ticks() const
+ {
+ return reference_ + scalar(ticks_) * scale_;
+ }
+ void reset()
+ {
+ reference_ = SCALAR(0.0);
+ ticks_ = 0;
+ }
+ void scale(scalar factor)
+ {
+ reference_ = ticks();
+ ticks_ = 1;
+ scale_ = timestep_ * factor;
+ }
+ unsigned step(unsigned step = 1)
+ {
+ ticks_ += step;
+ return ticks_;
+ }
- function function_;
- mode mode_;
- scalar absolute_;
- scalar interval_;
- runloop* runloop_;
+ scalar reference_;
+ unsigned ticks_;
+ scalar timestep_;
+ scalar scale_;
+#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "dispatcher.hh"
if (!current_) make_current();
+ show_fps(false);
void video::recreate_context()
void video::caption(const std::string& caption)
+ caption_ = caption;
SDL_WM_SetCaption(caption.c_str(), 0);
-std::string video::caption() const
+const std::string& video::caption() const
- char* caption;
- SDL_WM_GetCaption(&caption, 0);
- return std::string(caption);
+ return caption_;
+ //char* caption;
+ //SDL_WM_GetCaption(&caption, 0);
+ //return std::string(caption);
-void video::swap()
+void video::swap(scalar t)
+ if (show_fps_)
+ {
+ scalar dt = t - last_swap_;
+ last_swap_ = t;
+ fps_accumulator_ += dt;
+ if (SCALAR(1.0) <= fps_accumulator_)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream << caption_ << " - " << fps_counter_ << " fps";
+ SDL_WM_SetCaption(stream.str().c_str(), 0);
+ fps_accumulator_ -= SCALAR(1.0);
+ fps_counter_ = 0;
+ }
+ ++fps_counter_;
+ }
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <moof/backend.hh>
+#include <moof/math.hh>
+#include <moof/timer.hh>
namespace moof {
bool iconify();
void caption(const std::string& caption);
- std::string caption() const;
+ const std::string& caption() const;
void fullscreen(bool full);
bool fullscreen() const;
* Swap the video buffers if double-buffered.
- void swap();
+ void swap(scalar t = timer::ticks());
int height() const;
+ void show_fps(bool show)
+ {
+ show_fps_ = show;
+ fps_accumulator_ = SCALAR(0.0);
+ fps_counter_ = 0;
+ last_swap_ = SCALAR(0.0);
+ }
+ bool show_fps() const
+ {
+ return show_fps_;
+ }
void init();
SDL_Surface* context_;
int flags_;
class attributes attributes_;
+ bool show_fps_;
+ std::string caption_;
+ scalar fps_accumulator_;
+ int fps_counter_;
+ scalar last_swap_;
static video* current_;
+++ /dev/null
-/*] Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Charles McGarvey [**************************
-**] All rights reserved.
-* vi:ts=4 sw=4 tw=75
-* Distributable under the terms and conditions of the 2-clause BSD license;
-* see the file COPYING for a complete text of the license.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdlib> // exit, srand
-#include <ctime> // time
-#include <string>
-#include <SDL/SDL.h>
-#include "fastevents.h"
-#include "event.hh"
-#include "log.hh"
-#include "math.hh"
-#include "modal_dialog.hh"
-#include "settings.hh"
-#include "timer.hh"
-#include "video.hh"
-#include "view.hh"
-namespace moof {
-// Timestep Example Source Code
-// Copyright (c) Glenn Fiedler 2004
-// http://www.gaffer.org/articles
-struct State
- float x;
- float v;
-struct Derivative
- float dx;
- float dv;
-State interpolate(const State &previous, const State ¤t, float alpha)
- State state;
- state.x = current.x*alpha + previous.x*(1-alpha);
- state.v = current.v*alpha + previous.v*(1-alpha);
- return state;
-float acceleration(const State &state, float t)
- const float k = 10;
- const float b = 1;
- return - k*state.x - b*state.v;
-Derivative evaluate(const State &initial, float t)
- Derivative output;
- output.dx = initial.v;
- output.dv = acceleration(initial, t);
- return output;
-Derivative evaluate(const State &initial, float t, float dt, const Derivative &d)
- State state;
- state.x = initial.x + d.dx*dt;
- state.v = initial.v + d.dv*dt;
- Derivative output;
- output.dx = state.v;
- output.dv = acceleration(state, t+dt);
- return output;
-void integrate(State &state, float t, float dt)
- Derivative a = evaluate(state, t);
- Derivative b = evaluate(state, t, dt*0.5f, a);
- Derivative c = evaluate(state, t, dt*0.5f, b);
- Derivative d = evaluate(state, t, dt, c);
- const float dxdt = 1.0f/6.0f * (a.dx + 2.0f*(b.dx + c.dx) + d.dx);
- const float dvdt = 1.0f/6.0f * (a.dv + 2.0f*(b.dv + c.dv) + d.dv);
- state.x = state.x + dxdt*dt;
- state.v = state.v + dvdt*dt;
-class root_view : public view
- void update(scalar t, scalar dt)
- {
- if (children().size() == 0) stop();
- }
-static root_view gRootView;
-class view::impl
- impl(view* view, moof::settings& settings, moof::video& video) :
- view_(*view),
- settings_(&settings),
- video_(&video),
- parent_(&gRootView)
- {
- init();
- unsigned randomSeed;
- if (settings.get("rngseed", randomSeed)) srand(randomSeed);
- else srand(time(0));
- scalar timestep = 80.0;
- settings.get("timestep", timestep);
- timestep_ = 1.0 / timestep;
- scalar framerate = 40.0;
- settings.get("framerate", framerate);
- framerate_ = 1.0 / framerate;
- show_fps_ = false;
- settings.get("showfps", show_fps_);
- }
- impl(view* view) :
- view_(*view),
- settings_(0),
- video_(0),
- parent_(&gRootView)
- {
- init();
- }
- void init()
- {
- timestep_ = SCALAR(0.01);
- framerate_ = SCALAR(0.02);
- show_fps_ = false;
- }
- /**
- * The main loop. This just calls dispatch_events(), update(), and
- * draw() over and over again. The timing of the update and draw are
- * decoupled. The actual frame rate is also calculated here. This
- * function will return the exit code used to stop the loop.
- */
- scalar nextUpdate;
- scalar totalTime;
- void U(timer& T, scalar t)
- {
- const int MAX_FRAMESKIP = 15;
- log_info("update");
- int i = 0;
- while (nextUpdate < t && ++i < MAX_FRAMESKIP)
- {
- totalTime += timestep_; // 3. update state
- view_.update(totalTime, timestep_);
- //previous = current;
- //integrate(current, totalTime, timestep);
- nextUpdate += timestep_;
- }
- }
- void D(timer& T, scalar t)
- {
- const scalar inverseTimestep = SCALAR(1.0) / timestep_;
- log_info("draw");
- scalar alpha = (t + timestep_ - nextUpdate) * inverseTimestep;
- //scalar alpha = (nextUpdate - t) * inverseTimestep;
- if (alpha < SCALAR(0.0)) log_error("UH OH!!!!! It's NEGATIVE", alpha);
- if (alpha > SCALAR(1.0)) log_error("UH OH!!!!! It's POSITIVE", alpha);
- log_info("alpha:", alpha);
- view_.draw(alpha);
- video_->swap(); // 4. draw state
- }
- timer utimer, dtimer;
- void run()
- {
- ASSERT(video_ && "running without video set");
- utimer.init(boost::bind(&impl::U, this, _1, _2), timestep_, timer::repeat);
- dtimer.init(boost::bind(&impl::D, this, _1, _2), framerate_, timer::repeat);
- totalTime = 0.0f;
- nextUpdate = timer::ticks();
- //scalar totalTime = 0.0;
- //scalar ticks = timer::ticks();
- //scalar nextUpdate = ticks;
- //scalar nextDraw = ticks;
- //scalar nextSecond = ticks + SCALAR(1.0);
- fps_ = 0;
- //int frameCount = 0;
- //const scalar timestep = SCALAR(0.01);//timestep_;
- //const scalar framerate = framerate_;
- //const int MAX_FRAMESKIP = 15;
- //const scalar inverseTimestep = SCALAR(1.0) / timestep;
- is_running_ = true;
- for (;;)
- {
- //timer::fire_expired_timers(); // 1. fire timers
- dispatch_events(); // 2. dispatch events
- //if (!is_running_) break;
- //int i = 0;
- //while (nextUpdate < timer::ticks() && i < MAX_FRAMESKIP)
- //{
- //totalTime += timestep; // 3. update state
- //view_.update(totalTime, timestep);
- ////previous = current;
- ////integrate(current, totalTime, timestep);
- //nextUpdate += timestep;
- //++i;
- //if (!is_running_) break;
- //}
- ////const float newTime = timer::ticks();
- ////float deltaTime = newTime - currentTime;
- ////currentTime = newTime;
- ////if (deltaTime>0.25f)
- ////deltaTime = 0.25f;
- ////accumulator += deltaTime;
- ////while (accumulator>=dt)
- ////{
- ////accumulator -= dt;
- ////previous = current;
- ////integrate(current, t, dt);
- ////t += dt;
- ////}
- ////if (nextDraw < (ticks = timer::ticks()))
- ////{
- //ticks = timer::ticks();
- //scalar diff = ticks - nextDraw;
- ////log_info("difference:", diff);
- //scalar alpha = (ticks + timestep - nextUpdate) * inverseTimestep;
- ////scalar alpha = (nextUpdate - ticks) * inverseTimestep;
- ////float alpha = accumulator/dt;
- //if (alpha < SCALAR(0.0)) log_error("UH OH!!!!! It's NEGATIVE", alpha);
- //if (alpha > SCALAR(1.0)) log_error("UH OH!!!!! It's POSITIVE", alpha);
- //log_info("alpha:", alpha);
- //view_.draw(alpha);
- //// TEMP
- ////State state = interpolate(previous, current, alpha);
- ////glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- ////glColor3f(1,1,1);
- ////glVertex3f(state.x, 0, 0);
- ////glEnd();
- //video_->swap(); // 4. draw state
- //nextDraw += framerate;
- //++frameCount;
- //if (nextSecond < ticks)//timer::ticks())
- //{
- //fps_ = frameCount;
- //frameCount = 0;
- //if (show_fps_) log_info << fps_ << " fps" << std::endl;
- //nextSecond += SCALAR(1.0);
- //}
- ////}
- if (!is_running_) break;
- //ticks = timer::ticks(); // 5. yield timeslice
- //scalar next = std::min(nextUpdate, nextDraw);
- //next = std::min(next, timer::next_event());
- //if (ticks < next) timer::sleep(next, timer::absolute);
- //timer::sleep(timer::next_event(), timer::absolute);
- // Animation is choppy... the sound timer makes the draw occur
- // late. It's not usually enough to make the FPS drop, but it
- // certainly is noticeably choppy. Maybe update and draw
- // should both be scheduled like timers. That should reduce
- // the number of times either update or draw occur late. It
- // doesn't really matter if update is late, but it's ugly if
- // draw is late.
- }
- }
- void stop()
- {
- is_running_ = false;
- }
- void dispatch_events()
- {
- event event;
- while (FE_PollEvent(&event) == 1)
- {
- switch (event.type)
- {
- if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE &&
- (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) )
- {
- // emergency escape
- log_warning("escape forced");
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- video_->resize(event.resize.w, event.resize.h);
- break;
- }
- view_.handle_event(event);
- }
- }
- bool handle_event(const event& event)
- {
- std::list<view_ptr>::iterator it;
- for (it = children_.begin(); it != children_.end(); ++it)
- {
- if ((*it)->handle_event(event)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void update(scalar t, scalar dt)
- {
- std::list<view_ptr>::iterator it;
- for (it = children_.begin(); it != children_.end(); ++it)
- {
- (*it)->update(t, dt);
- }
- }
- void draw(scalar alpha)
- {
- std::list<view_ptr>::iterator it;
- for (it = children_.begin(); it != children_.end(); ++it)
- {
- (*it)->draw(alpha);
- }
- }
- void add_child(view_ptr child)
- {
- ASSERT(child && "adding null view");
- ASSERT(child.get() != &view_ && "adding view to itself");
- child->impl_->parent_->remove_child(child);
- children_.push_back(child);
- child->impl_->parent_ = &view_;
- child->impl_->percolate_objects();
- child->did_add_to_view();
- }
- void percolate_objects()
- {
- bool recurseAgain = false;
- if (parent_->impl_->video_ && parent_->impl_->video_ != video_)
- {
- video_ = parent_->impl_->video_;
- recurseAgain = true;
- }
- if (parent_->impl_->settings_ &&
- parent_->impl_->settings_ != settings_)
- {
- settings_ = parent_->impl_->settings_;
- recurseAgain = true;
- }
- if (recurseAgain)
- {
- std::list<view_ptr>::iterator it;
- for (it = children_.begin(); it != children_.end(); ++it)
- {
- (*it)->impl_->percolate_objects();
- }
- }
- }
- view_ptr remove_child(view* child)
- {
- ASSERT(child && "cannot remove null child");
- std::list<view_ptr>::iterator it;
- for (it = children_.begin(); it != children_.end(); ++it)
- {
- if ((*it).get() == child)
- {
- view_ptr found = *it;
- found->will_remove_from_view();
- children_.erase(it);
- found->impl_->parent_ = &gRootView;
- return found;
- }
- }
- return view_ptr();
- }
- void clear()
- {
- children_.clear();
- }
- bool is_running_;
- view& view_;
- moof::settings* settings_;
- moof::video* video_;
- view* parent_;
- std::list<view_ptr> children_;
- scalar timestep_;
- scalar framerate_;
- int fps_;
- bool show_fps_;
-view::view(moof::settings& settings, moof::video& video) :
- // pass through
- impl_(new view::impl(this, settings, video)) {}
-view::view() :
- impl_(new view::impl(this)) {}
-void view::update(scalar t, scalar dt)
- // pass through
- impl_->update(t, dt);
-void view::draw(scalar alpha) const
- // pass through
- impl_->draw(alpha);
-bool view::handle_event(const event& event)
- // pass through
- return impl_->handle_event(event);
-void view::add_child(view_ptr view)
- // pass through
- impl_->add_child(view);
-view_ptr view::remove_child(view* view)
- // pass through
- return impl_->remove_child(view);
-view_ptr view::remove_child(view_ptr view)
- // pass through
- return impl_->remove_child(view.get());
-void view::clear()
- // pass through
- impl_->clear();
-view& view::parent() const
- return *(impl_->parent_);
-const std::list<view_ptr>& view::children() const
- return impl_->children_;
-moof::settings& view::settings() const
- ASSERT(impl_->settings_ && "accessing null reference");
- // pass through
- return *(impl_->settings_);
-video& view::video() const
- ASSERT(impl_->video_ && "accessing null reference");
- // pass through
- return *(impl_->video_);
-void view::run()
- // pass through
- return impl_->run();
-void view::stop()
- // pass through
- return impl_->stop();
-bool view::is_running() const
- // pass through
- return impl_->is_running_;
-} // namespace moof
+++ /dev/null
-/*] Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Charles McGarvey [**************************
-**] All rights reserved.
-* vi:ts=4 sw=4 tw=75
-* Distributable under the terms and conditions of the 2-clause BSD license;
-* see the file COPYING for a complete text of the license.
-#ifndef _MOOF_VIEW_HH_
-#define _MOOF_VIEW_HH_
- * \file view.hh
- * Fundamental architectural classes.
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <moof/event.hh>
-#include <moof/math.hh>
-namespace moof {
-class settings;
-class video;
-class view;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<view> view_ptr;
- * The core is essentially a stack of layers. While running, it updates
- * each layer from the bottom up every timestep. It also draws each layer
- * from the bottom up, adhering to the maximum frame-rate. Events are sent
- * to each layer from the top down until a layer signals the event was
- * handled. The core is also responsible for firing timers on time. The
- * core will continue running as long as there are layers on the stack.
- */
-class view
- // loads settings: rngseed, timestep, framerate, showfps
- view(moof::settings& settings, moof::video& video);
- view();
- virtual ~view() {}
- virtual void did_add_to_view() {}
- virtual void will_remove_from_view() {}
- virtual void update(scalar t, scalar dt);
- virtual void draw(scalar alpha) const;
- virtual bool handle_event(const event& event);
- void add_child(view_ptr view);
- view_ptr remove_child(view* view);
- view_ptr remove_child(view_ptr view);
- void clear();
- view& parent() const;
- const std::list<view_ptr>& children() const;
- // do not call these without adding the view to a hierarchy with a base
- // view constructed with settings and a video context
- moof::settings& settings() const;
- moof::video& video() const;
- // set this machine in motion
- void run();
- void stop();
- bool is_running() const;
- class impl;
- boost::shared_ptr<impl> impl_;
-} // namespace moof
-#endif // _MOOF_VIEW_HH_
#include <moof/math.hh>
#include <moof/mesh.hh>
#include <moof/opengl.hh>
-#include <moof/settings.hh>
+//#include <moof/settings.hh>
#include <moof/video.hh>
-#include "GameLayer.hh"
+#include "yoink.hh"
-void GameLayer::loadSceneLoader()
+void yoink::load_scene_loader()
-void GameLayer::advanceScene(moof::settings& settings)
+void yoink::advance_scene()
if (state_.sceneList.size() != 0)
- state_.scene = Scene::alloc(state_.sceneList[0]);
- state_.sceneList.erase(state_.sceneList.begin());
+ //state_.scene = Scene::alloc(state_.sceneList[0]);
+ //state_.sceneList.erase(state_.sceneList.begin());
- moof::script::status status = state_.scene->load(settings,
- state_.script);
+ //moof::script::status status = state_.scene->load(settings,
+ //state_.script);
+ std::string path = moof::resource::find_file("scenes/"+state_.sceneList[0], "lua");
+ if (path.empty())
+ {
+ throw "the scene file could not be found";
+ }
+ //importSceneBindings(settings, script);
+ moof::script::status status = state_.script.do_file(path);
if (status != moof::script::success)
std::string str;
state_.interp.init(0.0, 1.0, 4.0, moof::lerp_scalar::oscillate);
-void GameLayer::did_add_to_view()
- bool isMute = false;
- settings().get("nomusic", isMute);
- music_.play();
+ //bool isMute = false;
+ //settings().get("nomusic", isMute);
+ //music_.play();
- loadSceneLoader();
- advanceScene(settings()); // load the first scene
+ load_scene_loader();
+ advance_scene(); // load the first scene
mHud = Hud::alloc(state_);
- add_child(mHud);
+ //add_child(mHud);
mRay.direction.set(1.0, 0.0);
mCircle.point.set(22, 5);
mCircle.radius = 2;
- mRayTimer.init(boost::bind(&GameLayer::rayTimer, this),
- 1.0, moof::timer::repeat);
+ //mRayTimer.init(boost::bind(&yoink::rayTimer, this),
+ //1.0, moof::timer::repeat);
-void GameLayer::update(moof::scalar t, moof::scalar dt)
+void yoink::update(moof::scalar t, moof::scalar dt)
- if (!state_.scene) return;
+ //if (!state_.scene) return;
state_.camera.update(t, dt);
state_.heroine->update(t, dt);
- state_.scene->checkForCollision(*state_.heroine);
+ //state_.scene->checkForCollision(*state_.heroine);
moof::vector3 cam= -moof::promote(state_.heroine->state().position, 8);
if (state_.script[-1].is_function()) state_.script.call();
else state_.script.pop();
- moof::view::update(t, dt);
+ //moof::view::update(t, dt);
-void GameLayer::rayTimer()
+void yoink::rayTimer()
moof::ray2::contact meh;
std::list<moof::ray2::contact> hits;
- if (state_.scene->castRay(mRay, hits))
- {
- hits.front().normal.normalize();
- mRay.solve(point, hits.front().distance);
- moof::log_info << "scene: d = " << hits.front().distance << std::endl;
- moof::log_info << " P = " << point << std::endl;
- moof::log_info << " n = " << hits.front().normal << std::endl;
- }
+ //if (state_.scene->castRay(mRay, hits))
+ //{
+ //hits.front().normal.normalize();
+ //mRay.solve(point, hits.front().distance);
+ //moof::log_info << "scene: d = " << hits.front().distance << std::endl;
+ //moof::log_info << " P = " << point << std::endl;
+ //moof::log_info << " n = " << hits.front().normal << std::endl;
+ //}
-void GameLayer::draw(moof::scalar alpha) const
+void yoink::draw(moof::scalar alpha) const
- if (!state_.scene) return;
+ //if (!state_.scene) return;
float pos[] = {state_.heroine->state().position[0],
- mRay.draw();
+ //mRay.draw();
- moof::view::draw(alpha);
+ //moof::view::draw(alpha);
-bool GameLayer::handle_event(const moof::event& event)
+bool yoink::handle_event(const moof::event& event)
- if (moof::view::handle_event(event)) return true;
+ //if (moof::view::handle_event(event)) return true;
+ static moof::scalar scale = SCALAR(1.0);
switch (event.type)
else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_PAGEUP)
- mRay.direction = moof::rotate_vector_2D(mRay.direction,
- moof::rad(10.0));
+ //mRay.direction = moof::rotate_vector_2D(mRay.direction,
+ //moof::rad(10.0));
+ scale += SCALAR(0.1);
+ moof::timer::default_source().scale(scale);
return true;
else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_PAGEDOWN)
- mRay.direction = moof::rotate_vector_2D(mRay.direction,
- moof::rad(-10.0));
+ //mRay.direction = moof::rotate_vector_2D(mRay.direction,
+ //moof::rad(-10.0));
+ scale -= SCALAR(0.1);
+ moof::timer::default_source().scale(scale);
return true;
else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_r)
- loadSceneLoader();
- advanceScene(settings());
+ load_scene_loader();
+ advance_scene();
return true;
return state_.heroine->handle_event(event);
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
- parent().remove_child(this);
- return true;
+ //parent().remove_child(this);
+ return false;
else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_h)
- add_child(mHud);
+ //add_child(mHud);
return true;
return state_.heroine->handle_event(event);
-void GameLayer::projection()
+void yoink::projection()
- projection(video().width(), video().height());
+ moof::video* video = moof::video::current();
+ projection(video->width(), video->height());
-void GameLayer::projection(moof::scalar width, moof::scalar height)
+void yoink::projection(moof::scalar width, moof::scalar height)
width / height,
-#ifndef _GAMELAYER_HH_
-#define _GAMELAYER_HH_
+#ifndef _YOINK_HH_
+#define _YOINK_HH_
- * @file GameLayer.hh
+ * \file yoink.hh
* This is the big enchilada.
#include <moof/ray.hh>
#include <moof/sphere.hh>
#include <moof/timer.hh>
-#include <moof/view.hh>
#include "GameState.hh"
#include "Hud.hh"
-class GameLayer;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<GameLayer> GameLayerP;
-class GameLayer : public moof::view
+class yoink
- static GameLayerP alloc()
- {
- return GameLayerP(new GameLayer);
- }
- GameLayer();
- void did_add_to_view();
+ yoink();
void update(moof::scalar t, moof::scalar dt);
void draw(moof::scalar alpha) const;
- void loadSceneLoader();
- void advanceScene(moof::settings& settings);
+ void load_scene_loader();
+ void advance_scene();
void projection();
void projection(moof::scalar width, moof::scalar height);
-#endif // _GAMELAYER_HH_
+#endif // _YOINK_HH_