use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:yubikey);
use File::KDBX::Error;
-use File::KDBX::Util qw(pad_pkcs7);
-use IPC::Open3;
+use File::KDBX::Util qw(:io pad_pkcs7);
+use IPC::Cmd 0.52 qw(run_forked);
use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref);
-use Scope::Guard;
use Symbol qw(gensym);
use namespace::clean;
my $challenge = shift;
my %args = @_;
- my @cleanup;
my $device = $args{device} // $self->device;
my $slot = $args{slot} // $self->slot;
my $timeout = $args{timeout} // $self->timeout;
my @cmd = ($self->_program('ykchalresp'), "-n$device", "-$slot", qw{-H -i-}, $timeout == 0 ? '-N' : ());
- my ($pid, $child_in, $child_out, $child_err) = _run_ykpers(@cmd);
- push @cleanup, Scope::Guard->new(sub { kill $pid if defined $pid });
+ my $r = $self->_run_ykpers(\@cmd, {
+ (0 < $timeout ? (timeout => $timeout) : ()),
+ child_stdin => pad_pkcs7($challenge, 64),
+ terminate_on_parent_sudden_death => 1,
+ });
- # Set up an alarm [mostly] safely
- my $prev_alarm = 0;
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
- $prev_alarm -= $timeout;
+ if (my $t = $r->{timeout}) {
throw 'Timed out while waiting for challenge response',
command => \@cmd,
challenge => $challenge,
- timeout => $timeout,
- };
- $prev_alarm = alarm $timeout if 0 < $timeout;
- push @cleanup, Scope::Guard->new(sub { alarm($prev_alarm < 1 ? 1 : $prev_alarm) }) if $prev_alarm;
- local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- binmode($child_in);
- print $child_in pad_pkcs7($challenge, 64);
- close($child_in);
- binmode($child_out);
- binmode($child_err);
- my $resp = do { local $/; <$child_out> };
- my $err = do { local $/; <$child_err> };
- chomp($resp, $err);
- waitpid($pid, 0);
- undef $pid;
- my $exit_status = $? >> 8;
- alarm 0;
- my $yk_errno = _yk_errno($err);
- $exit_status == 0 or throw 'Failed to receive challenge response: ' . ($err ? $err : ''),
- error => $err,
- yk_errno => $yk_errno || 0;
- $resp =~ /^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$/ or throw 'Unexpected response from challenge', response => $resp;
+ timeout => $t,
+ result => $r;
+ }
+ my $exit_code = $r->{exit_code};
+ if ($exit_code != 0) {
+ my $err = $r->{stderr};
+ chomp $err;
+ my $yk_errno = _yk_errno($err);
+ throw 'Failed to receive challenge response: ' . ($err ? $err : ''),
+ error => $err,
+ yk_errno => $yk_errno || 0;
+ }
+ my $resp = $r->{stdout};
+ chomp $resp;
+ $resp =~ /^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$/ or throw 'Unexpected response from challenge', response => $resp, result => $r;
$resp = pack('H*', $resp);
# HMAC-SHA1 response is only 20 bytes
my $self = shift;
my $device = shift;
+ my $timeout = $self->timeout;
my @cmd = ($self->_program('ykinfo'), "-n$device", qw{-a});
my $try = 0;
- my ($pid, $child_in, $child_out, $child_err) = _run_ykpers(@cmd);
- close($child_in);
- local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- binmode($child_out);
- binmode($child_err);
- my $out = do { local $/; <$child_out> };
- my $err = do { local $/; <$child_err> };
- chomp $err;
- waitpid($pid, 0);
- my $exit_status = $? >> 8;
+ my $r = $self->_run_ykpers(\@cmd, {
+ (0 < $timeout ? (timeout => $timeout) : ()),
+ terminate_on_parent_sudden_death => 1,
+ });
- if ($exit_status != 0) {
+ my $exit_code = $r->{exit_code};
+ if ($exit_code != 0) {
+ my $err = $r->{stderr};
+ chomp $err;
my $yk_errno = _yk_errno($err);
return if $yk_errno == YK_ENOKEY;
if ($yk_errno == YK_EWOULDBLOCK && ++$try <= 3) {
+ my $out = $r->{stdout};
+ chomp $out;
if (!$out) {
alert 'Failed to get YubiKey device info: no output';
sub _run_ykpers {
- my ($child_err, $child_in, $child_out) = (gensym);
- my $pid = eval { open3($child_in, $child_out, $child_err, @_) };
- if (my $err = $@) {
- throw "Failed to run $_[0] - Make sure you have the YubiKey Personalization Tool (CLI) package installed.\n",
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ppid = $$;
+ my $r = eval { run_forked(@_) };
+ my $err = $@;
+ if ($$ != $ppid) {
+ # Work around IPC::Cmd bug where child can return from run_forked.
+ #
+ require POSIX;
+ POSIX::_exit(0);
+ }
+ if ($err || ($r->{exit_code} == 0 && $r->{err_msg} eq '' && $r->{stdout} eq '' && $r->{stderr} eq '')) {
+ $err //= 'No output';
+ my $prog = $_[0][0];
+ throw "Failed to run $prog - Make sure you have the YubiKey Personalization Tool (CLI) package installed.\n",
error => $err;
- return ($pid, $child_in, $child_out, $child_err);
+ return $r;
sub _yk_errno {
C<PATH> environment variable on many platforms). If the programs aren't installed normally, or if you want to
override the default programs, these environment variables can be used.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+This doesn't work yet on Windows, probably. The hangup is pretty silly: IPC. Theoretically it would work if
+C<run_forked> from L<IPC::Cmd> worked in Windows, but it probably doesn't. I spent a couple hours applying
+various quirks to L<IPC::Open3> and L<IPC::Cmd> implementations but never quite got it to worked reliably
+without deadlocks. Maybe I'll revisit this later. Hit me up so I know if there's demand.
use File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey;
use Test::More;
+$^O eq 'MSWin32' and plan skip_all => 'Non-Windows required to test YubiKeys';
@ENV{qw(YKCHALRESP YKCHALRESP_FLAGS)} = ($Config{perlpath}, testfile(qw{bin ykchalresp}));
@ENV{qw(YKINFO YKINFO_FLAGS)} = ($Config{perlpath}, testfile(qw{bin ykinfo}));
like exception { $key->challenge('foo') }, qr/timed out/i,
- 'Timed out while waiting for response';
+ 'Timeout while waiting for response';
my $resp;
my $key = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->new(device => 0, slot => 1);
is $key->name, 'YubiKey NEO FIDO v2.0.0 [123] (slot #1)',
'Get name for a new, unscanned key';
- is $key->serial, 123, 'We have the serial number of the new key';
+ is $key->serial, 123, 'Get the serial number of the new key';
my ($key, @other) = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->scan;
is $key->name, 'YubiKey 4/5 OTP v3.0.1 [456] (slot #2)',
'Find expected YubiKey';
- is $key->serial, 456, 'We have the serial number of the scanned key';
+ is $key->serial, 456, 'Get the serial number of the scanned key';
is scalar @other, 0, 'Do not find any other YubiKeys';