/* This is used when the popup is in icon mode */
Window icon_mode_text;
+ Window list_mode_up;
+ Window list_mode_down;
GList *targets;
gint n_targets;
RrAppearance *a_text;
RrAppearance *a_hilite_text;
RrAppearance *a_icon;
+ RrAppearance *a_arrow;
gboolean mapped;
ObFocusCyclePopupMode mode;
popup.a_hilite_text = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label);
popup.a_text = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_unfocused_label);
popup.a_icon = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_clear);
+ popup.a_arrow = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_clear_tex);
popup.a_hilite_text->surface.parent = popup.a_bg;
popup.a_text->surface.parent = popup.a_bg;
popup.a_icon->texture[0].type = RR_TEXTURE_RGBA;
+ popup.a_arrow->texture[0].type = RR_TEXTURE_MASK;
+ popup.a_arrow->texture[0].data.mask.color =
+ ob_rr_theme->osd_color;
attrib.override_redirect = True;
popup.bg = create_window(obt_root(ob_screen), ob_rr_theme->obwidth,
/* create the text window used for the icon-mode popup */
popup.icon_mode_text = create_window(popup.bg, 0, 0, NULL);
+ /* create the windows for the up and down arrows */
+ popup.list_mode_up = create_window(popup.bg, 0, 0, NULL);
+ popup.list_mode_down = create_window(popup.bg, 0, 0, NULL);
popup.targets = NULL;
popup.n_targets = 0;
popup.last_target = NULL;
popup.a_icon->texture[1].data.rgba.data = NULL;
+ XDestroyWindow(obt_display, popup.list_mode_up);
+ XDestroyWindow(obt_display, popup.list_mode_down);
XDestroyWindow(obt_display, popup.icon_mode_text);
XDestroyWindow(obt_display, popup.bg);
+ RrAppearanceFree(popup.a_arrow);
/* vars for list mode */
gint list_mode_icon_column_w = HILITE_SIZE + OUTSIDE_BORDER;
+ gint up_arrow_x, down_arrow_x;
+ gint up_arrow_y, down_arrow_y;
g_assert(p->mode == OB_FOCUS_CYCLE_POPUP_MODE_ICONS ||
/* in icon mode the text sits below the icons, so make some space */
h += OUTSIDE_BORDER + texth;
+ else
+ h += ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask->height + OUTSIDE_BORDER
+ + ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask->height + OUTSIDE_BORDER;
/* center the icons if there is less than one row */
if (icon_rows == 1)
icon_mode_textx, icon_mode_texty, textw, texth);
XMapWindow(obt_display, popup.icon_mode_text);
- else
+ else {
XUnmapWindow(obt_display, popup.icon_mode_text);
+ up_arrow_x = (w - ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask->width) / 2;
+ up_arrow_y = t;
+ down_arrow_x = (w - ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask->width) / 2;
+ down_arrow_y = h - b - ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask->height;
+ /* position the arrows */
+ XMoveResizeWindow(obt_display, p->list_mode_up,
+ up_arrow_x, up_arrow_y,
+ ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask->width,
+ ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask->height);
+ XMoveResizeWindow(obt_display, p->list_mode_down,
+ down_arrow_x, down_arrow_y,
+ ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask->width,
+ ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask->height);
+ }
/* reset the scrolling when the dialog is first shown */
p->scroll = 0;
if (!p->mapped)
RrPaint(p->a_bg, p->bg, w, h);
+ /* draw the scroll arrows */
+ if (!p->mapped && p->mode == OB_FOCUS_CYCLE_POPUP_MODE_LIST) {
+ p->a_arrow->texture[0].data.mask.mask =
+ ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask;
+ p->a_arrow->surface.parent = p->a_bg;
+ p->a_arrow->surface.parentx = up_arrow_x;
+ p->a_arrow->surface.parenty = up_arrow_y;
+ RrPaint(p->a_arrow, p->list_mode_up,
+ ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask->width,
+ ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask->height);
+ p->a_arrow->texture[0].data.mask.mask =
+ ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask;
+ p->a_arrow->surface.parent = p->a_bg;
+ p->a_arrow->surface.parentx = down_arrow_x;
+ p->a_arrow->surface.parenty = down_arrow_y;
+ RrPaint(p->a_arrow, p->list_mode_down,
+ ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask->width,
+ ob_rr_theme->down_arrow_mask->height);
+ }
+ /* show the scroll arrows when appropriate */
+ if (p->scroll && p->mode == OB_FOCUS_CYCLE_POPUP_MODE_LIST)
+ XMapWindow(obt_display, p->list_mode_up);
+ else
+ XUnmapWindow(obt_display, p->list_mode_up);
+ if (p->scroll < p->n_targets - icon_rows &&
+ XMapWindow(obt_display, p->list_mode_down);
+ else
+ XUnmapWindow(obt_display, p->list_mode_down);
/* draw the icons and text */
for (i = 0, it = p->targets; it; ++i, it = g_list_next(it)) {
const ObFocusCyclePopupTarget *target = it->data;
/* find the coordinates for the icon */
iconx = icons_center_x + l + (col * HILITE_SIZE);
- icony = t + (row * MAX(texth, HILITE_SIZE))
+ icony = t + ob_rr_theme->up_arrow_mask->height + OUTSIDE_BORDER
+ + (row * MAX(texth, HILITE_SIZE))
+ MAX(texth - HILITE_SIZE, 0) / 2;
/* find the dimensions of the text box */
theme->menu_bullet_mask = RrPixmapMaskNew(inst, 4, 7, (gchar*)data);
+ /* up and down arrows */
+ {
+ guchar data[] = { 0xfe, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00 };
+ theme->down_arrow_mask = RrPixmapMaskNew(inst, 9, 4, (gchar*)data);
+ }
+ {
+ guchar data[] = { 0x10, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00 };
+ theme->up_arrow_mask = RrPixmapMaskNew(inst, 9, 4, (gchar*)data);
+ }
/* setup the default window icon */
theme->def_win_icon = read_c_image(OB_DEFAULT_ICON_WIDTH,
+ RrPixmapMaskFree(theme->down_arrow_mask);
+ RrPixmapMaskFree(theme->up_arrow_mask);