static void signalHandler(int signal);
-#ifndef SWIG
//! Openbox constructor.
\param argc Number of command line arguments, as received in main()
Openbox(int argc, char **argv);
//! Openbox destructor.
virtual ~Openbox();
//! Returns the state of the window manager (starting, exiting, etc)
inline RunState state() const { return _state; }
//! Returns the mouse cursors used throughout Openbox
inline const Cursors &cursors() const { return _cursors; }
-#ifndef SWIG
//! The main function of the Openbox class
This function should be called after instantiating the Openbox class.
The Openbox::shutdown method will cause this function to exit.
void eventLoop();
//! Adds an Client to the client list for lookups
void addClient(Window window, Client *client);
void changeNumDesktops(unsigned int num);
-#ifndef SWIG
//! Constructs a new Screen object
Screen(int screen);
//! Destroys the Screen object
virtual ~Screen();
inline int number() const { return _number; }