dock->h -= theme_bwidth * 2;
if (dock->w > 0 && dock->h > 0) {
- RECT_SET(dock->a_frame->area, 0, 0, dock->w, dock->h);
XMoveResizeWindow(ob_display, dock->frame,
dock->x, dock->y, dock->w, dock->h);
- paint(dock->frame, dock->a_frame);
+ paint(dock->frame, dock->a_frame, dock->w, dock->h);
XMapWindow(ob_display, dock->frame);
} else
XUnmapWindow(ob_display, dock->frame);
void frame_startup()
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_desk->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_set_desk->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_unpressed_desk->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_desk->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_set_desk->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_unpressed_desk->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_shade->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_set_shade->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_unpressed_shade->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_shade->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_set_shade->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_unpressed_shade->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_iconify->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_unpressed_iconify->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_iconify->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_unpressed_iconify->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_unpressed_iconify->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_max->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_set_max->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_unpressed_max->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_max->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_set_max->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_unpressed_max->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_pressed_close->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_unpressed_close->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_pressed_close->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_unpressed_close->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_focused_grip->area, 0, 0,
- theme_grip_width, theme_handle_height);
- RECT_SET(theme_a_unfocused_grip->area, 0, 0,
- theme_grip_width, theme_handle_height);
void frame_shutdown()
self-> += theme_title_height + self->bwidth;
XMapWindow(ob_display, self->title);
- RECT_SET(self->a_focused_title->area, 0, 0,
- self->width, theme_title_height);
- RECT_SET(self->a_unfocused_title->area, 0, 0,
- self->width, theme_title_height);
/* layout the title bar elements */
} else
XMapWindow(ob_display, self->handle);
- if (theme_a_focused_grip->surface.grad ==
- Background_ParentRelative)
- RECT_SET(self->a_focused_handle->area, 0, 0,
- self->width, theme_handle_height);
- else
- RECT_SET(self->a_focused_handle->area,
- theme_grip_width + self->bwidth, 0,
- self->width - (theme_grip_width + self->bwidth) * 2,
- theme_handle_height);
- if (theme_a_unfocused_grip->surface.grad ==
- Background_ParentRelative)
- RECT_SET(self->a_unfocused_handle->area, 0, 0,
- self->width, theme_handle_height);
- else
- RECT_SET(self->a_unfocused_handle->area,
- theme_grip_width + self->bwidth, 0,
- self->width - (theme_grip_width + self->bwidth) * 2,
- theme_handle_height);
+ /* XXX make a subwindow with these dimentions?
+ theme_grip_width + self->bwidth, 0,
+ self->width - (theme_grip_width + self->bwidth) * 2,
+ theme_handle_height);
+ */
} else
XUnmapWindow(ob_display, self->handle);
case 'N':
if (!n) break;
self->icon_x = x;
- RECT_SET(self->a_icon->area, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size + 2, theme_button_size + 2);
XMapWindow(ob_display, self->icon);
XMoveWindow(ob_display, self->icon, x, theme_bevel);
x += theme_button_size + 2 + theme_bevel + 1;
- RECT_SET(self->a_focused_label->area, 0, 0,
- self->label_width, theme_label_height);
- RECT_SET(self->a_unfocused_label->area, 0, 0,
- self->label_width, theme_label_height);
Context frame_context_from_string(char *name)
theme_a_unfocused_pressed_close :
- paint(self->title, t);
+ paint(self->title, t, self->width, theme_title_height);
/* set parents for any parent relative guys */
l->surface.parent = t;
h = (self->focused ?
self->a_focused_handle : self->a_unfocused_handle);
+ paint(self->handle, h, self->width, theme_handle_height);
g = (self->focused ?
theme_a_focused_grip : theme_a_unfocused_grip);
- if (g->surface.grad == Background_ParentRelative) {
+ if (g->surface.grad == Background_ParentRelative)
g->surface.parent = h;
- paint(self->handle, h);
- } else
- paint(self->handle, h);
g->surface.parentx = 0;
g->surface.parenty = 0;
- paint(self->lgrip, g);
+ paint(self->lgrip, g, theme_grip_width, theme_handle_height);
g->surface.parentx = self->width - theme_grip_width;
g->surface.parenty = 0;
- paint(self->rgrip, g);
+ paint(self->rgrip, g, theme_grip_width, theme_handle_height);
static void framerender_label(Frame *self, Appearance *a)
if (self->label_x < 0) return;
/* set the texture's text! */
a->texture[0].data.text.string = self->client->title;
- RECT_SET(a->texture[0].position, 0, 0,
- self->label_width, theme_label_height);
- paint(self->label, a);
+ paint(self->label, a, self->label_width, theme_label_height);
static void framerender_icon(Frame *self, Appearance *a)
a->texture[0].data.rgba.width = icon->width;
a->texture[0].data.rgba.height = icon->height;
a->texture[0] = icon->data;
- RECT_SET(self->a_icon->texture[0].position, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size + 2, theme_button_size + 2);
} else
a->texture[0].type = NoTexture;
- paint(self->icon, a);
+ paint(self->icon, a, theme_button_size + 2, theme_button_size + 2);
static void framerender_max(Frame *self, Appearance *a)
if (self->max_x < 0) return;
- RECT_SET(a->texture[0].position, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- paint(self->max, a);
+ paint(self->max, a, theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
static void framerender_iconify(Frame *self, Appearance *a)
if (self->iconify_x < 0) return;
- RECT_SET(a->texture[0].position, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- paint(self->iconify, a);
+ paint(self->iconify, a, theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
static void framerender_desk(Frame *self, Appearance *a)
if (self->desk_x < 0) return;
- RECT_SET(a->texture[0].position, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- paint(self->desk, a);
+ paint(self->desk, a, theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
static void framerender_shade(Frame *self, Appearance *a)
if (self->shade_x < 0) return;
- RECT_SET(a->texture[0].position, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- paint(self->shade, a);
+ paint(self->shade, a, theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
static void framerender_close(Frame *self, Appearance *a)
if (self->close_x < 0) return;
- RECT_SET(a->texture[0].position, 0, 0,
- theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
- paint(self->close, a);
+ paint(self->close, a, theme_button_size, theme_button_size);
self->item_h += theme_bevel * 2;
items_h = self->item_h * MAX(nitems, 1);
- if (self->label) {
- RECT_SET(self->a_title->area, 0, 0, self->size.width,
- self->title_h);
- RECT_SET(self->a_title->texture[0].position, 0, 0, self->size.width,
- self->title_h);
- }
- RECT_SET(self->a_items->area, 0, 0, self->size.width, items_h);
XResizeWindow(ob_display, self->frame, self->size.width,
MAX(self->title_h + items_h, 1));
if (self->label)
if (self->label)
- paint(self->title, self->a_title);
- paint(self->items, self->a_items);
+ paint(self->title, self->a_title, self->size.width, self->title_h);
+ paint(self->items, self->a_items, self->size.width, items_h);
item_y = 0;
for (it = self->entries; it; it = it->next) {
- RECT_SET(a->area, 0, 0, menu->size.width,
- menu->item_h);
- RECT_SET(a->texture[0].position, menu->bullet_w,
- 0, menu->size.width - 2 * menu->bullet_w,
- menu->item_h);
XMoveResizeWindow(ob_display, self->item, 0, self->y,
menu->size.width, menu->item_h);
a->surface.parent = menu->a_items;
a->surface.parentx = 0;
a->surface.parenty = self->y;
- paint(self->item, a);
+ paint(self->item, a, menu->size.width, menu->item_h);
/* set the windows/appearances up */
- RECT_SET(self->a_bg->area, 0, 0, w, h);
XMoveResizeWindow(ob_display, self->bg, x, y, w, h);
- RECT_SET(self->a_text->area, 0, 0, textw, texth);
- RECT_SET(self->a_text->texture[0].position, theme_bevel, theme_bevel,
- textw - theme_bevel * 2, texth - theme_bevel * 2);
self->a_text->surface.parent = self->a_bg;
self->a_text->surface.parentx = iconw +
theme_bevel * (self->hasicon ? 2 : 1);
if (self->hasicon) {
if (iconw < 1) iconw = 1; /* sanity check for crashes */
- RECT_SET(self->a_icon->area, 0, 0, iconw, texth);
- RECT_SET(self->a_icon->texture[0].position, 0, 0, iconw, texth);
self->a_icon->surface.parent = self->a_bg;
self->a_icon->surface.parentx = theme_bevel;
self->a_icon->surface.parenty = theme_bevel;
theme_bevel, theme_bevel, iconw, texth);
- paint(self->bg, self->a_bg);
- paint(self->text, self->a_text);
+ paint(self->bg, self->a_bg, w, h);
+ paint(self->text, self->a_text, textw, texth);
if (self->hasicon)
- paint(self->icon, self->a_icon);
+ paint(self->icon, self->a_icon, iconw, texth);
if (!self->mapped) {
XMapWindow(ob_display, self->bg);
- newy = MAX(client->frame->area.y +
- client->frame->a_focused_title->area.height + theme_bwidth,
+ newy = MAX(client->frame->area.y + client->frame->,
y - theme_bwidth);
#include "font.h"
+#include "theme.h"
#include "kernel/openbox.h"
#include "kernel/geom.h"
#include "kernel/gettext.h"
return (signed) f->xftfont->max_advance_width;
-void font_draw(XftDraw *d, TextureText *t, Rect *position)
+void font_draw(XftDraw *d, TextureText *t, Rect *area)
int x,y,w,h;
XftColor c;
size_t l;
gboolean shortened = FALSE;
- y = position->y;
- w = position->width;
- h = position->height;
+ /* center vertically */
+ y = area->y +
+ (area->height - font_height(t->font, t->shadow, t->offset)) / 2;
+ w = area->width;
+ h = area->height;
text = g_string_new(t->string);
l = g_utf8_strlen(text->str, -1);
font_measure_full(t->font, text->str, t->shadow, t->offset, &mw, &mh);
- while (l && mw > position->width) {
+ while (l && mw > area->width) {
shortened = TRUE;
/* remove a character from the middle */
text = g_string_erase(text, l-- / 2, 1);
em = ELIPSES_LENGTH(t->font, t->shadow, t->offset);
/* if the elipses are too large, don't show them at all */
- if (em > position->width)
+ if (em > area->width)
shortened = FALSE;
font_measure_full(t->font, text->str, t->shadow, t->offset, &mw, &mh);
mw += em;
if (!l) return;
- /* center vertically */
- y -= ((t->font->xftfont->ascent + t->font->xftfont->descent) - mh) / 2;
switch (t->justify) {
case Justify_Left:
- x = position->x;
+ x = area->x + theme_bevel;
case Justify_Right:
- x = position->x + (w - mw);
+ x = area->x + (w - mw) - theme_bevel;
case Justify_Center:
- x = position->x + (w - mw) / 2;
+ x = area->x + (w - mw) / 2;
+ (sp->primary->g << default_green_offset)
+ (sp->primary->b << default_blue_offset);
- for (a = 0; a < l->area.width; a++)
- for (b = 0; b < l->area.height; b++)
- sp->pixel_data[a + b*l->area.width] = pix;
+ for (a = 0; a < w; a++)
+ for (b = 0; b < h; b++)
+ sp->pixel_data[a + b * w] = pix;
XFillRectangle(ob_display, l->pixmap, sp->primary->gc,
x, y, w, h);
#include "../kernel/geom.h"
#include "image.h"
-void image_draw(pixel32 *target, TextureRGBA *rgba, Rect *position,
- Rect *surarea)
+void image_draw(pixel32 *target, TextureRGBA *rgba, Rect *area)
pixel32 *draw = rgba->data;
guint c, i, e, t, sfw, sfh;
- sfw = position->width;
- sfh = position->height;
- /* it would be nice if this worked, but this function is well broken in
- these circumstances. */
- g_assert(position->width == surarea->width &&
- position->height == surarea->height);
+ sfw = area->width;
+ sfh = area->height;
g_assert(rgba->data != NULL);
/* scale it and cache it */
if (rgba->cache != NULL)
- rgba->cache = g_new(unsigned long, sfw * sfh);
+ rgba->cache = g_new(pixel32, sfw * sfh);
rgba->cwidth = sfw;
rgba->cheight = sfh;
for (i = 0, c = 0, e = sfw*sfh; i < e; ++i) {
draw = rgba->cache;
/* apply the alpha channel */
- for (i = 0, c = 0, t = position->x, e = sfw*sfh; i < e; ++i, ++t) {
+ for (i = 0, c = 0, t = area->x, e = sfw*sfh; i < e; ++i, ++t) {
guchar alpha, r, g, b, bgr, bgg, bgb;
alpha = draw[i] >> default_alpha_offset;
if (c >= sfw) {
c = 0;
- t += surarea->width - sfw;
+ t += area->width - sfw;
/* background color */
#include "render.h"
#include "../kernel/geom.h"
-void image_draw(pixel32 *target, TextureRGBA *rgba, Rect *position,
- Rect *surarea);
+void image_draw(pixel32 *target, TextureRGBA *rgba, Rect *area);
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#ifdef USE_GL
-# include <GL/glx.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "render.h"
#include "gradient.h"
int render_red_mask, render_green_mask, render_blue_mask;
-#ifdef USE_GL
-GLXContext render_glx_context;
-int render_glx_rating(XVisualInfo *v)
- int er;
- int rating = 0;
- int val;
- printf("evaluating visual %d\n", v->visualid);
- glXGetConfig(ob_display, v, GLX_BUFFER_SIZE, &val);
- printf("buffer size %d\n", val);
- switch (val) {
- case 32:
- rating += 300;
- break;
- case 24:
- rating += 200;
- break;
- case 16:
- rating += 100;
- break;
- }
- glXGetConfig(ob_display, v, GLX_LEVEL, &val);
- printf("level %d\n", val);
- if (val != 0)
- rating = -10000;
- glXGetConfig(ob_display, v, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, &val);
- printf("depth size %d\n", val);
- switch (val) {
- case 32:
- rating += 30;
- break;
- case 24:
- rating += 20;
- break;
- case 16:
- rating += 10;
- break;
- case 0:
- rating -= 10000;
- }
- glXGetConfig(ob_display, v, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, &val);
- printf("double buffer %d\n", val);
- if (val)
- rating++;
- return rating;
-#endif /* USE_GL */
void render_startup(void)
- int count, i = 0, val, best = 0, rate = 0, temp;
- XVisualInfo vimatch, *vilist;
- paint = x_paint;
render_depth = DefaultDepth(ob_display, ob_screen);
render_visual = DefaultVisual(ob_display, ob_screen);
render_colormap = DefaultColormap(ob_display, ob_screen);
-#ifdef USE_GL
- vimatch.screen = ob_screen;
- vimatch.class = TrueColor;
- vilist = XGetVisualInfo(ob_display, VisualScreenMask | VisualClassMask,
- &vimatch, &count);
- if (vilist) {
- printf("looking for a GL visualin %d visuals\n", count);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- glXGetConfig(ob_display, &vilist[i], GLX_USE_GL, &val);
- if (val) {
- temp = render_glx_rating(&vilist[i]);
- if (temp > rate) {
- best = i;
- rate = temp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (rate > 0) {
- printf("picked visual %d with rating %d\n", best, rate);
- render_depth = vilist[best].depth;
- render_visual = vilist[best].visual;
- render_colormap = XCreateColormap(ob_display, ob_root,
- render_visual, AllocNone);
- render_visual_info = vilist[best];
- render_glx_context = glXCreateContext(ob_display, &render_visual_info,
- NULL, True);
- if (render_glx_context == NULL)
- printf("sadness\n");
- else {
- paint = gl_paint;
- }
+ switch (render_visual->class) {
+ case TrueColor:
+ truecolor_startup();
+ break;
+ case PseudoColor:
+ case StaticColor:
+ case GrayScale:
+ case StaticGray:
+ pseudocolor_startup();
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_critical("unsupported visual class.\n");
-#endif /*USE_GL*/
- switch (render_visual->class) {
- case TrueColor:
- truecolor_startup();
- break;
- case PseudoColor:
- case StaticColor:
- case GrayScale:
- case StaticGray:
- pseudocolor_startup();
- break;
- default:
- g_critical("unsupported visual class.\n");
- }
void truecolor_startup(void)
-void x_paint(Window win, Appearance *l)
+void paint(Window win, Appearance *l, int w, int h)
int i, transferred = 0, sw;
pixel32 *source, *dest;
Pixmap oldp;
- int x = l->area.x;
- int y = l->area.y;
- int w = l->area.width;
- int h = l->area.height;
Rect tarea; /* area in which to draw textures */
+ gboolean resized;
- if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || x+w <= 0 || y+h <= 0) return;
+ if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return;
+ resized = (l->w != w || l->h != h);
+ if (resized) {
+ oldp = l->pixmap; /* save to free after changing the visible pixmap */
+ l->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(ob_display, ob_root, w, h, render_depth);
+ } else
+ oldp = None;
- oldp = l->pixmap; /* save to free after changing the visible pixmap */
- l->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(ob_display, ob_root, x+w, y+h, render_depth);
g_assert(l->pixmap != None);
+ l->w = w;
+ l->h = h;
if (l->xftdraw != NULL)
l->surface.pixel_data = g_new(pixel32, w * h);
if (l->surface.grad == Background_ParentRelative) {
- sw = l->surface.parent->area.width;
- source = l->surface.parent->surface.pixel_data
- + l->surface.parentx
- + sw * l->surface.parenty;
+ g_assert (l->surface.parent);
+ g_assert (l->surface.parent->w);
+ sw = l->surface.parent->w;
+ source = (l->surface.parent->surface.pixel_data + l->surface.parentx +
+ sw * l->surface.parenty);
dest = l->surface.pixel_data;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++, source += sw, dest += w) {
memcpy(dest, source, w * sizeof(pixel32));
else if (l->surface.grad == Background_Solid)
- gradient_solid(l, x, y, w, h);
+ gradient_solid(l, 0, 0, w, h);
else gradient_render(&l->surface, w, h);
- for (i = 0; i < l->textures; i++) {
- tarea = l->texture[i].position;
- if (l->surface.grad != Background_ParentRelative) {
- if (l->surface.relief != Flat) {
- switch (l->surface.bevel) {
- case Bevel1:
- tarea.x += 1; tarea.y += 1;
- tarea.width -= 2; tarea.height -= 2;
- break;
- case Bevel2:
- tarea.x += 2; tarea.y += 2;
- tarea.width -= 4; tarea.height -= 4;
- break;
- }
- } else if (l->surface.border) {
+ RECT_SET(tarea, 0, 0, w, h);
+ if (l->surface.grad != Background_ParentRelative) {
+ if (l->surface.relief != Flat) {
+ switch (l->surface.bevel) {
+ case Bevel1:
tarea.x += 1; tarea.y += 1;
tarea.width -= 2; tarea.height -= 2;
+ break;
+ case Bevel2:
+ tarea.x += 2; tarea.y += 2;
+ tarea.width -= 4; tarea.height -= 4;
+ break;
+ } else if (l->surface.border) {
+ tarea.x += 1; tarea.y += 1;
+ tarea.width -= 2; tarea.height -= 2;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < l->textures; i++) {
switch (l->texture[i].type) {
+ case NoTexture:
+ break;
case Text:
if (!transferred) {
transferred = 1;
if (l->surface.grad != Background_Solid)
- l->pixmap,x,y,w,h);
+ l->pixmap, 0, 0, w, h);
if (l->xftdraw == NULL) {
l->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(ob_display, l->pixmap,
render_visual, render_colormap);
- font_draw(l->xftdraw, &l->texture[i].data.text,
- &tarea);
+ font_draw(l->xftdraw, &l->texture[i].data.text, &tarea);
case Bitmask:
if (!transferred) {
transferred = 1;
if (l->surface.grad != Background_Solid)
- l->pixmap,x,y,w,h);
+ l->pixmap, 0, 0, w, h);
if (l->texture[i].data.mask.color->gc == None)
- mask_draw(l->pixmap, &l->texture[i].data.mask,
- &tarea);
+ mask_draw(l->pixmap, &l->texture[i].data.mask, &tarea);
case RGBA:
- image_draw(l->surface.pixel_data,
- &l->texture[i].data.rgba,
- &tarea, &l->area);
+ image_draw(l->surface.pixel_data,
+ &l->texture[i].data.rgba, &tarea);
if (!transferred) {
transferred = 1;
if (l->surface.grad != Background_Solid)
- pixel32_to_pixmap(l->surface.pixel_data, l->pixmap
- ,x,y,w,h);
+ pixel32_to_pixmap(l->surface.pixel_data, l->pixmap, 0, 0, w, h);
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(ob_display, win, l->pixmap);
XClearWindow(ob_display, win);
- if (oldp != None) XFreePixmap(ob_display, oldp);
+ if (oldp) XFreePixmap(ob_display, oldp);
void render_shutdown(void)
if (numtex) out->texture = g_new0(Texture, numtex);
else out->texture = NULL;
out->pixmap = None;
+ out->w = out->h = 0;
p = &out->surface;
p->primary = NULL;
copy->texture = g_memdup(orig->texture, orig->textures * sizeof(Texture));
copy->pixmap = None;
copy->xftdraw = NULL;
+ copy->w = copy->h = 0;
return copy;
int i;
int m;
- *w = *h = 1;
- if (l->surface.relief != Flat) {
- switch (l->surface.bevel) {
- case Bevel1:
- *w = *h = 2;
- break;
- case Bevel2:
- *w = *h = 4;
- break;
- }
- } else if (l->surface.border)
- *w = *h = 2;
+ *w = *h = 0;
for (i = 0; i < l->textures; ++i) {
switch (l->texture[i].type) {
case Bitmask:
- *w += l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->w;
- *h += l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->h;
+ *w = MAX(*w, l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->w);
+ *h = MAX(*h, l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->h);
case Text:
m = font_measure_string(l->texture[i].data.text.font,
- *w += m;
+ *w = MAX(*w, m);
m = font_height(l->texture[i].data.text.font,
- *h += m;
+ *h += MAX(*h, m);
case RGBA:
- *w += l->texture[i].data.rgba.width;
- *h += l->texture[i].data.rgba.height;
+ *w += MAX(*w, l->texture[i].data.rgba.width);
+ *h += MAX(*h, l->texture[i].data.rgba.height);
case NoTexture:
+ if (l->surface.relief != Flat) {
+ switch (l->surface.bevel) {
+ case Bevel1:
+ *w += 2;
+ *h += 2;
+ break;
+ case Bevel2:
+ *w += 4;
+ *h += 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (l->surface.border) {
+ *w += 2;
+ *h += 2;
+ }
+ if (*w < 1) *w = 1;
+ if (*h < 1) *h = 1;
gboolean render_pixmap_to_rgba(Pixmap pmap, Pixmap mask,
return TRUE;
-#ifdef USE_GL
-void gl_paint(Window win, Appearance *l)
- int err;
- Window root, child;
- int i, transferred = 0, sw, b, d;
- pixel32 *source, *dest;
- Pixmap oldp;
- int tempx, tempy, absx, absy, absw, absh;
- int x = l->area.x;
- int y = l->area.y;
- int w = l->area.width;
- int h = l->area.height;
- Rect tarea; /* area in which to draw textures */
- if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || x+w <= 0 || y+h <= 0) return;
- g_assert(l->surface.type == Surface_Planar);
-printf("making %p, %p, %p current\n", ob_display, win, render_glx_context);
- err = glXMakeCurrent(ob_display, win, render_glx_context);
-g_assert(err != 0);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity();
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity();
- glOrtho(0, 1376, 1032, 0, 0, 10);
- if (XGetGeometry(ob_display, win, &root, &tempx, &tempy,
- &absw, &absh, &b, &d) &&
- XTranslateCoordinates(ob_display, win, root, tempx, tempy,
- &absx, &absy, &child))
- printf("window at %d, %d (%d,%d)\n", absx, absy, absw, absh);
- else
- return;
- glViewport(0, 0, 1376, 1032);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glTranslatef(-absx, 1032-absh-absy, 0);
- if (l->surface.grad == Background_ParentRelative) {
- printf("crap\n");
- } else
- render_gl_gradient(&l->surface, absx+x, absy+y, absw, absh);
- glXSwapBuffers(ob_display, win);
-#endif /* USE_GL */
typedef struct {
XftFont *xftfont;
- int height;
int elipses_length;
} ObFont;
} TextureData;
typedef struct Texture {
- Rect position;
TextureType type;
TextureData data;
} Texture;
typedef struct Appearance {
Surface surface;
- Rect area;
int textures;
Texture *texture;
Pixmap pixmap;
XftDraw *xftdraw;
+ /* cached for internal use */
+ int w, h;
} Appearance;
extern Visual *render_visual;
extern int render_depth;
extern Colormap render_colormap;
-void (*paint)(Window win, Appearance *l);
void render_startup(void);
void init_appearance(Appearance *l);
-void x_paint(Window win, Appearance *l);
-void gl_paint(Window win, Appearance *l);
+void paint(Window win, Appearance *l, int w, int h);
void render_shutdown(void);
Appearance *appearance_new(int numtex);
Appearance *appearance_copy(Appearance *a);
int main()
Window win;
- GC gc;
- Pixmap pm;
Appearance *look;
- int grabbed = 0;
Window root;
- XGCValues values;
XEvent report;
- int h = 500, w = 500, tmp;
- XVisualInfo *vi;
- int i;
+ int h = 500, w = 500;
ob_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
ob_screen = DefaultScreen(ob_display);
ob_root = RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen);
win =
- XCreateWindow(ob_display, RootWindow(ob_display, 0)
- , 10, 10, w, h, 10,
+ XCreateWindow(ob_display, RootWindow(ob_display, 0),
+ 10, 10, w, h, 10,
CopyFromParent, /* depth */
CopyFromParent, /* class */
CopyFromParent, /* visual */
look->surface.secondary = color_parse("Yellow");
look->surface.primary = color_parse("Blue");
look->surface.interlaced = FALSE;
- look->area.x = 0;
- look->area.y = 0;
- look->area.width = 500;
- look->area.height = 500;
if (ob_display == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't connect to X server :0\n");
return 0;
- paint(win, look);
+ paint(win, look, w, h);
while (1) {
XNextEvent(ob_display, &report);
switch (report.type) {
case Expose:
case ConfigureNotify:
- look->area.width = report.xconfigure.width;
- look->area.height = report.xconfigure.height;
- paint(win, look);
+ paint(win, look,
+ report.xconfigure.width,
+ report.xconfigure.height);
/* load the font stuff */
- font_str = "arial:bold:pixelsize=10:minsize";
+ font_str = "arial:bold:pixelsize=10";
theme_winfont_shadow = FALSE;
if (read_string(db, "window.xft.flags", &str)) {
extern int theme_bwidth;
extern int theme_cbwidth;
-#define theme_label_height (theme_winfont_height + 2)
+#define theme_label_height (theme_winfont_height)
#define theme_title_height (theme_label_height + theme_bevel * 2)
#define theme_button_size (theme_label_height - 2)
#define theme_grip_width (theme_button_size * 2)