if ($repopath) {
# if there is a repo we can try to update the list of unowned files
- my $git_files = git_ls_files($repopath);
- if (@$git_files) {
- $codeowners->clear_unowned;
- $codeowners->add_unowned(grep { !$codeowners->match($_) } @$git_files);
- }
+ my ($proc, @filepaths) = git_ls_files($repopath);
+ $proc->wait and exit 1;
+ $codeowners->clear_unowned;
+ $codeowners->add_unowned(grep { !$codeowners->match($_) } @filepaths);
+subtest 'create' => sub {
+ plan skip_all => 'Cannot run git' if !$can_git;
+ my $repodir = _setup_git_repo();
+ my $chdir = pushd($repodir);
+ my $codeowners_filepath = path('CODEOWNERS');
+ $codeowners_filepath->remove;
+ my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = run { App::Codeowners->main(qw{create}) };
+ is($exit, 0, 'exited without error');
+ is($stderr, "Wrote CODEOWNERS\n", 'reportedly wrote a CODEOWNERS file');
+ ok($codeowners_filepath->is_file, 'did write CODEOWNERS file');
+ my $contents = $codeowners_filepath->slurp_utf8;
+ like($contents, qr/^# This file shows mappings/, 'correct contents of file') or diag $contents;