This is an indirect dependency (through Time::Piece) that is required to
handle 2999-12-31 23:59:59. Fixes #2.
Revision history for File-KDBX.
+ * Declare Time::Local 1.19 as a required dependency.
* Declare CryptX 0.055 as a required dependency. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
0.904 2022-07-07 21:51:17-0600
RepoReadme.type = gfm
[Prereqs / RuntimeRequires]
+; File-KDBX depends on Time::Local indirectly (through Time::Piece), and
+; version 1.19 is required to handle 2999-12-31 23:59:59.
+Time::Local = 1.19
Crypt::Cipher::AES = 0
Crypt::Stream::ChaCha = 0.048
Crypt::Stream::Salsa20 = 0.055
Crypt::Stream::Serpent = 0.055
[Prereqs / TestSuggests]
+; For t/memory-protection.t:
POSIX::1003 = 0
[OptionalFeature / xs]