+=method binary
+ \%binary = $entry->binary($binary_key);
+ $entry->binary($binary_key, \%binary);
+ $entry->binary($binary_key, %attributes);
+ $entry->binary($binary_key, $value); # same as: value => $value
+Get or set a binary. Every binary has a unique (to the entry) key and flags and so are returned as a hash
+structure. For example:
+ $binary = {
+ value => 'Password',
+ protect => true, # optional
+ };
+Every binary should have a value (but might be C<undef> due to memory protection) and these optional flags
+which might exist:
+=for :list
+* C<protect> - Whether or not the binary value should be memory-protected.
sub binary {
my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift or throw 'Must provide a binary key to access';
- if (@_) {
- my $arg = @_ == 1 ? shift : undef;
- my %args;
- @args{keys %$arg} = values %$arg if ref $arg eq 'HASH';
- $args{value} = $arg if !ref $arg;
- while (my ($field, $value) = each %args) {
- $self->{binaries}{$key}{$field} = $value;
+ my %args = @_ == 2 ? (key => shift, value => shift)
+ : @_ % 2 == 1 ? (key => shift, @_) : @_;
+ if (!defined $args{key} && !defined $args{value}) {
+ my %standard = (value => 1, protect => 1);
+ my @other_keys = grep { !$standard{$_} } keys %args;
+ if (@other_keys == 1) {
+ my $key = $args{key} = $other_keys[0];
+ $args{value} = delete $args{$key};
- my $binary = $self->{binaries}{$key} //= {value => ''};
- if (defined (my $ref = $binary->{ref})) {
- $binary = $self->{binaries}{$key} = dclone($self->kdbx->binaries->{$ref});
+ my $key = delete $args{key} or throw 'Must provide a binary key to access';
+ return $self->{binaries}{$key} = $args{value} if is_plain_hashref($args{value});
+ while (my ($field, $value) = each %args) {
+ $self->{binaries}{$key}{$field} = $value;
- return $binary;
+ return $self->{binaries}{$key};
-sub binary_novivify {
- my $self = shift;
- my $binary_key = shift;
- return if !$self->{binaries}{$binary_key} && !@_;
- return $self->binary($binary_key, @_);
+=method binary_value
+ $binary = $entry->binary_value($binary_key);
+Access a binary value directly. The arguments are the same as for L</binary>. Returns C<undef> if the binary
+is not set or is currently memory-protected. This is just a shortcut for:
+ my $binary = do {
+ my $b = $entry->binary(...);
+ defined $b ? $b->{value} : undef;
+ };
sub binary_value {
my $self = shift;
- my $binary = $self->binary_novivify(@_) // return undef;
+ my $binary = $self->binary(@_) // return undef;
return $binary->{value};
sub searching_enabled {
my $self = shift;
my $parent = $self->group;