The UUID of a cipher used to encrypt the database when stored as a file.
-See L</File::KDBX::Cipher>.
+See L<File::KDBX::Cipher>.
=attr compression_flags
Number of days until the agent should prompt to force changing the master key.
Note: This is purely advisory. It is up to the individual agent software to actually enforce it.
-C<File::KDBX> does NOT enforce it.
+B<File::KDBX> does NOT enforce it.
=attr custom_icons
Iterators are the built-in way to navigate or walk the database tree. You get an iterator from L</entries>,
L</groups> and L</objects>. You can specify the search algorithm to iterate over objects in different orders
-using the C<algorith> option, which can be one of these L<constants|File::KDBX::Constants/":iteration">:
+using the C<algorithm> option, which can be one of these L<constants|File::KDBX::Constants/":iteration">:
=for :list
* C<ITERATION_IDS> - Iterative deepening search (default)
my $k = File::KeePass::KDBX->new($self->kdbx)->to_fkp;
$self->_write_custom_icons($self->kdbx, $k);
- # TODO create a KPX_CUSTOM_ICONS_4 meta stream. FKP itself handles KPX_GROUP_TREE_STATE
substr($k->header->{seed_rand}, 16) = '';
$key = $self->kdbx->composite_key($key, keep_primitive => 1);
or throw 'Failed to write start bytes';
- $fh->flush;
use warnings;
use strict;
-use Crypt::Misc 0.029 qw(decode_b64 encode_b32r);
+use Crypt::Misc 0.049 qw(decode_b64 encode_b32r);
use Devel::GlobalDestruction;
use Encode qw(encode);
use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:history :icon);
various quirks to L<IPC::Open3> and L<IPC::Cmd> implementations but never quite got it to worked reliably
without deadlocks. Maybe I'll revisit this later. Hit me up so I know if there's demand.
-It would also be possible to implement this is an XS module that incorporated ykcore, using libusb-1 which
+It would also be possible to implement this as an XS module that incorporated ykcore, using libusb-1 which
would probably make it more portable with Windows. Perhaps if I get around to it.