* Fixed bug where dumping a fresh database could write wrong-sized encryption IV, making the resulting
serialization unreadable by some KeePass implementations. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
* Fixed bugs preventing the use of memory protection with fresh databases. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
* Fixed the transform_rounds method to work with Argon KDF; this now maps to the Argon iterations value if
the current KDF is Argon. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
Revision history for File-KDBX.
+0.906 2022-08-16 19:44:09-0600
* Fixed bug where dumping a fresh database could write wrong-sized encryption IV, making the resulting
serialization unreadable by some KeePass implementations. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
* Fixed bugs preventing the use of memory protection with fresh databases. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
-version 0.905
+version 0.906
## comment
-A text string associated with the database. Often unset.
+A text string associated with the database stored unencrypted in the file header. Often unset.
## cipher\_id
## transform\_rounds
The number of rounds or iterations used in the key derivation function. Increasing this number makes loading
-and saving the database slower by design in order to make dictionary and brute force attacks more costly.
+and saving the database slower in order to make dictionary and brute force attacks more costly.
## encryption\_iv